Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 922 -Same Answer

Li Yuanting has been following up on the data from all parties and understands Qing Zhixun's concerns.

"The alliance should be able to cope to some extent, but if it is a long-term war, the losses will be huge." Li Yuanting got some inside information from his grandfather.

Qing Zhixun rubbed his eyebrows, closed his eyes and said, "The loss of manpower will also be huge."

No one knows better than him what the average strength of alliance fighters has been over the years.

"By the way, did Ye Zhenwei really disappear?" Li Yuanting asked through gritted teeth.

The Alliance suddenly lost all traces of her, and it was as if this person had never appeared at Tianwei Station.

Disappeared completely.

The news Qing Zhixun received from Anweil ​​was likely to be very unfavorable to the alliance's situation: "As far as I know, the last location she showed up with those soldiers from Tianwei's station was close to Qin Hongjun's base."

At present, they have taken control of several of Qin Hongjun's lairs, and the alliance has organized teams to enter these places to find out.

If possible, destroy all these places and leave no residue to Qin Hongjun.

Li Yuanting was stunned.

Unexpectedly, Ye Zhenwei openly betrayed the alliance, how brave he was!

Qing Zhixun seemed to have guessed what he was thinking, and continued without opening his eyes: "For someone like her, she feels that the alliance owes her something, and it is normal for her to find an opportunity to come back."

Ye Zhenwei had already reached some kind of agreement with Qin Hongjun, and taking away the soldiers from Tianwei's station was part of her plan.

There is only one ending for these warriors. They were transformed by Qin Hongjun into an immortal robot corps to deal with the alliance.

Qing Zhixun reviewed the current situation of the alliance. The battles in various galaxies were not fierce, and several galaxies could maintain fighting status.

For the time being, no galaxy has been occupied by the enemy. Except for the main star of Tianwei, which has become Qin Hongjun's bag, the other planets are relatively safe.

The most critical situation now is the Ningkui galaxy where Xixiu is located.

Si Yunxing's combat power is too weak, and the burden on their shoulders will be much heavier.

Yaroslav had hidden himself so well that he only now showed his true face.

The situation in Siyun has become what it is now, and none of them could have expected that so many citizens would die.

They had not expected the sudden appearance of the star field. Qing Zhixun knew that Xi Xiu had originally planned to risk her own death to rescue, but luckily she was stopped by Li Xianfeng beside her.

This made Qing Zhixun very grateful.

He knew that as a general, that was Xixiu's duty, but selfishly he still didn't want her to take such a risk.

There is a high probability that you will not be able to come back from this trip.

This was not the result he wanted to see.

Li Zhengfeng has more experience and stronger response capabilities. With him handling it, he should be able to save some citizens.

If Xixiu left, he wouldn't be able to save more people.

Moreover, there is reliable data showing that a wave of star beasts is likely to appear next.

Ningkui galaxy will face greater challenges.

Liuning Fortress has once again sent additional manpower to the Ningkui system.

Some people went inside the Ningkui star, and some people stayed in the star field outside the Ningkui star system, waiting for the arrival of the starry sky beast.

Qing Zhixun told Xixiu the news immediately. At this moment, they were resting in the starry sky and looking at the latest information sent from Liuning Fortress, they all frowned.

This will probably be the first time they see the Star Beast Tide.

Even A-Xian, the number of starry sky beasts given in the latest data has not appeared in her memory.

Axian frowned and Xixiu said, "What is the basis for Axun and the others to come to this conclusion?"

Logically speaking, such a large number of star beasts can only be found on the other side of the Star Gate.

However, Anweil ​​did not get the signal that a large number of starry sky beasts passed through the Starry Gate.

How could there be a wave of star beasts appearing?

This was something unheard of, so it was normal for Ah Xian to be skeptical.

She also immediately contacted her sister Jingxi and got the same answer.

Xixiu looked at the data and knew that the data was so accurate that no one could doubt it.

From the appearance of these starry sky beasts to the arrival of a large-scale starry sky beast tide, there is a thread connecting them.

"Axian, I think it is very likely that these starry sky beasts have found a way to bypass the Starry Domain Gate and come to the Alliance from other places." The data Qing Zhixun gave did not mention the Starry Domain Gate anywhere. , Xixiu can only draw this conclusion.

However, Qing Zhixun's data failed to give an accurate answer to where these star beasts came from.

Ah Xian confirmed the safety of the Star Gate with Jing Xi again, and received a reply from Jing Xi:

Someone has created a place similar to the Star Gate. From there, the Starry Sky Beast can directly come to the Jingsu Alliance and is no longer restricted by the Anvil people.

It’s self-evident who created this place.

Qin Hongjun has the consciousness of those Anweil ​​people. After so many years of hard work, it is not surprising that he has created a star gate.

"Xi Xiu, where do you think he will place the Star Realm Gate?" A Xian couldn't guess what humans were thinking.

Xixiu thought for a while before speaking: "In a place that we didn't expect, or a place that we thought was extra safe."

The appearance of these starry sky beasts on Ningkui Star is no accident.

There is probably a place similar to the Star Gate here.

The timing of the appearance of the star field that Li Zhengfeng went to rescue was really strange.

Xixiu suspected that that was where the starry sky beasts gathered.

It is impossible for humans to enter there.

Yaroslav also kept secret about it.

It has been hidden from the alliance.

A few months is enough time for them to operate.

When Li Zhengfeng comes back, they will have more detailed data.

Now, let them deal with these star beasts with all their strength.

Xixiu and others started various research and deployment again. This time they must kill these starry sky beasts that invaded Siyun Star.

Only then can they have enough energy to deal with the next wave of star beasts.

These guys chose Siyun as their target, probably because they were in too much pain and wanted to go home!

In their subconscious mind, this is the way to home.

Almost all the people Xixiu brought to Siyun were put to use. Everyone performed their duties and blocked the road from Siyun Star to the New Star Territory.

When the starry sky beast hit their first line of defense, Li Zhengfeng took the surviving citizens back to the starry sky of Siyun Star.

After returning, Li Zhengfeng handed over these citizens to Alivik's people.

He entered Xixiu's starship directly.

He uploaded the data he obtained in the New Star Territory to Xixiu, and the central intelligence brain analyzed the data several times. It also contacted Min En in Anvil and obtained the basic data of the Star Territory Gate.

It was discovered that, as Xixiu had guessed, this star field was a simplified version of the star field gate.

Star Beast can indeed come to the Alliance directly from here.

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