Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 926 -Red Eyes

The Darcy family has been imitating the Qing family for the past two hundred years and wants to follow the Qing family's path.

However, it also depends on whether the strength of the children of your own family can reach the level of the Qing family.

The Qing family has never relied on marriage relationships, and the Darcy family has frequently married into other aristocratic families in the past fifty years.

At this point, it is impossible to convince those reclusive families.

Without the support of these families, even if they win the upper hand in this way, those old stubborns will not buy into the Darcy family's fault.

The character of the Qing family really cannot be imitated by the Darcy family.

Alivik decided to ignore this issue for now, "We will discuss it after we fight. The alliance will investigate this issue."

The other party obviously didn't take them seriously.

Just now, they fired artillery shells frequently, but the opponent only intercepted and evaded them, but did not directly fight back, and the reply was painless.

Arel was in charge of weapons, and when he saw this, he became angry: "These guys look down on us!"

Olivia stared at the surveillance screen, "Then give them the amplified move."

After saying that, she was responsible for controlling the starship transformation array and released the fighter planes and small starships.

In the starry sky, one-third of the fighters were arranged in a mountain-shaped array, one-third were arranged in an M array, and the remaining one-third were in maneuvering positions. Wherever there were gaps, they were filled.

Before that, they were responsible for the charge.

The starships lined up outside the mountain shape and M shape, placing the fighters within the monitoring range.

In this case, the starship can intercept the opponent's shells when the fighter plane is shot by the opponent.

The speed of the Liu Ning fighter was not very fast. Ah Si looked at the Liu Ning fighter deftly dodging in the starry sky, and felt a "thump" in his heart.

"Vice-in-Chief, have someone check the information on Liuning West District immediately." Ah Si hurriedly ordered.

There must be some information in the West District that they have overlooked. Judging from the way they are currently completing the array quickly, they have rehearsed it more than once.

However, no information about the training in the Western District has ever been released.

Barcia has never paid attention to the improvement of the Western District's strength.

Even if the entire alliance may have made a mistake in judging the strength of Liuning West District.

However, after a minute of the procedure, the first officer's panicked voice came: "Captain, our permissions have been locked."

Ah Si suddenly looked at the light screen in front of the auxiliary ship. It showed that their starship's permissions were frozen, and they were currently unable to view any soldier information in any station or fortress.

In other words, they were noticed by the alliance.

Although Ah Si knew that he would experience such a situation sooner or later, when he was really "ostracized" by the alliance, the loss in his heart filled his chest and lungs, and he could not let go for a long time.

"Open the information we got before and let me read it again." Ah Si carefully studied the information of everyone in the Western District and found that their strength had not been reported to the alliance for a long time.

And the alliance, the central brain actually allowed them to delay?

The first officer also saw it, and also saw the explanation given by the West District:

Because they did not receive corresponding supplies and the soldiers did not get the opportunity to go out for training, their strength has not improved.

This explanation seems reasonable.

Because the situation in the Western District is indeed as stated in the explanation, probably the soldiers in the entire Western District have not been on a mission for nearly twenty years.

The soldiers in the Western District who have performed missions have long since retired. The current soldiers in the Western District are all young warriors who have just entered the fortress no more than 20 years ago.

"Alivik, the leader of the Western Region, is from Nadak?" Ah Si became wary.

Only then did he notice Alivik's identity, which he had not paid attention to before.

The first officer nodded, "The Nadak people have been very quiet these years. I didn't expect to sneak into Liu Ning."

These red-haired people are so fierce that they don't even recognize their grandma, and they are still a very principled race.

The loyalty to the alliance can be said to be the highest among all intelligent creatures in the alliance.

After seeing Alivik's identity, Ah Si was skeptical about his current strength according to the information.

Their strength was updated ten years ago and has not been updated since then.

"Look at the other people under his command." Ah Si already had other thoughts in his mind.

Since Nadak knows his character, his men will not be too weak.

Sure enough, the data of these people showed that there were proficient people in all walks of life.

The first officer rummaged around but couldn't find Alivik's information before he entered Liuning West District. "Captain, Alivik's information is confidential."

His permissions cannot be opened, and now the captain's permissions cannot be used.

After Ah Si heard it, he went through the whole story again in his mind.

With Qing Zhixun's character, it is impossible for him to let his partner control the western area of ​​​​Liuning Fortress, which has no strength.

Although this was probably an accident.

After they arrived in Liuning, if the strength of the Western District was really as rumored, Qing Zhixun would definitely find a way to transfer Hong Xixiu to another district instead of letting her stay in the Western District.

After arriving in Liuning, let this team go on a mission.

"First officer, let's start the battle." Ah Si already understood that this battle was unavoidable, "Replace it with our own system."

The deprivation of their authority means that the Alliance has gotten wind of it, so these starship systems will definitely be locked.

The first officer understood immediately.

They began to replace various systems of the starship. During this period, they had been avoiding Alivik's artillery attacks.

Until the system replacement was completed, the Darcy family's starship began to exert force.

"Boss, they fought back." Arel was even a little excited.

"Keep an eye on them and greet them properly." Alivik opened his eyes and looked at the surveillance screen, then closed his red eyes.

The Darcy family has changed the system, and the way they fight back will be a little different from before.

However, the Western District's silence for so many years is really not just sleeping.

Jiang Li'an led the Western District's fighter planes to launch an attack. Soon, several starships of the Darcy family were hit by them.

The people on the other side left the starship in fighter planes and escape capsules, and met the fighters in the West District.

Alivik was very ruthless in training, and he specially taught them not to be merciful to those who betrayed the alliance.

When they chose to take this path, they should have understood what kind of ending they would have. Those who betrayed could only die.

Alivik looked at the fighter planes that were constantly ejecting from the starry sky. The surveillance team found an opponent's fighter plane. The fighters on it didn't look like the talents cultivated by the Darcy family themselves.

He and others said: "These warriors do not look like private soldiers of the Darcy family."

Jiang Li'an carefully identified the faces of these soldiers and the nameplates on their protective suits, and gave Alivik an accurate reply: "They are soldiers of the 96th Fleet."

Gu Peidong didn't understand: "They didn't know the mission goal before setting off?"

Or was he deceived by the Darcy family?

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