Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 931 - The pain of sacrifice

The fighting begins again.

The soldiers immediately entered into endless killing, and the sound of the collision between the heavy mecha and the star beast spread far and wide.

On the ground battlefield, the busiest people are biomedical scientists and medical robots.

They shuttled through the battlefield, taking injured soldiers away from the mecha, bandaging their wounds, and performing surgeries without stopping for a second.

They compete with death for time, but they still cannot avoid death.

The terminal will have a voice pop-up when a soldier loses his life, and every broadcast makes other soldiers sad.

Xixiu was even worse. She knew there would be sacrifices, but she always naively thought that her team would be lucky enough to escape every time.

At the end of the day, she knew in her heart that she would not be so lucky, and the battlefield this time was extremely brutal.

The strength of the Starry Sky Beast has reached an unprecedented level, and even heavy mechas will be knocked away by the Starry Sky Beast.

Moreover, they have also learned to fight together, and a team of six people is simply unable to deal with two star beasts.

Xixiu, Alivik, and Li Xianfeng immediately changed their battle plan and used protective barriers to separate the starry sky beasts.

Then, kill them one by one.

Although the plan was changed in time, the voices of the sacrifice of the soldiers could still be heard from time to time.

These voices affected her fighting. She could only turn off the voices and kill more star beasts. This was the only thing she could do.

After she had killed fifteen beasts, she was exhausted and supported her body with the long knife. She looked up at her area, and all she could see were the corpses of the star beasts.

The smelly liquid flowed all over the floor.

Stay for a long time.

Outside the protective barrier, the starry sky beast bared its fangs, panted heavily, and was extremely tired.

They seemed to know that they couldn't get in, so they left directly, planning to attack again after dark. They didn't believe that cunning humans could always guard so securely.

With their strength, they can still take a nap, but other intelligent creatures need to rest longer.

Seeing those behemoths leaving, Xixiu's heart did not relax.

She cleaned her protective clothing with detergent and went to deal with various matters related to the sacrificed soldiers.

When the soldiers lose vital signs, the terminal will report the information to the alliance. As a general, she needs to confirm again.

The remains of the soldiers have to be found somehow, and biomedical scientists and medical robots have already recovered some of them.

The bodies of some soldiers were dragged out of the mecha by the Starry Sky Beast and torn into pieces. The soldiers who were cleaning up the battlefield had to find them piece by piece.

Xixiu also joined in.

This process is very painful.

The collected fragments were given to the robot to compare genetic information and confirm the soldier's name.

Then enter it into the system and issue the pension.

The bodies of the sacrificial warriors were sewn up and buried, then sent back to the galaxy where they were born, or where they left their last words for burial.

Each galaxy has a cemetery where martyrs are buried, some on the ground and some in the starry sky. The alliance will contact the relatives of the fallen soldiers to confirm the burial site.

These matters are handled by specialized agencies, and they only need to send the soldiers back to their hometowns.

A Xian and others also followed Xi Xiu silently, doing the same sorting work as her.

After dark, the station's artificial light illuminated the ground brightly. Their work was nearing completion, and the bodies of some soldiers had not yet been found. The signals from their terminals appeared outside the protective barrier.

Xixiu sighed heavily.

After finishing the sorting work, Xixiu dragged her tired body back to the office.

As soon as he cleaned the blood stains on his protective clothing, Qing Zhixun's video call came in.

Seeing the dark blue under Xixiu's eyes, Qing Zhixun felt distressed, but there was nothing he could do to help her.

We can only send her supplies and weapons, and if there are not enough people, we will transfer them.

Xixiu also took a look at Qing Zhixun in the video and found that his situation was not much better than hers. No one had had an easy time in the past two months.

After reporting the situation here to Siyun in detail, Qing Zhixun also told Xixiu about the situation in Liu Ning: "Liu Ning will also be attacked soon."

Qing Zhixun's news channels and Jiuxing's channels both showed that a group of unknown forces were rushing towards Liuning Fortress.

Although they lost their traces along the way, they would definitely come to Liu Ning.

The other party is planning to use up the reserve force of the Jingsu Alliance.

The Liuzhao Galaxy in Liuning Fortress is a military galaxy. Except for the Second Military Academy in Anweil, the remaining five military academies are all in the Liuzhao Galaxy.

Xixiu understood Qing Zhixun's words immediately. The defense of Liuzhao Galaxy had been adjusted before and it could be said to be very safe.

However, Xixiu was worried that one of his own would not be able to resist the temptation and another Ye Zhenwei would appear.

After Qing Zhixun exchanged work matters with Xixiu, he asked her thoughtfully if she needed any other help. Xixiu shook his head: "There are enough supplies and weapons."

It's just that the battle will take a little longer, and if Liu Ning is in danger, they won't be able to come back to help.

Qing Zhixun said worriedly: "If you have any difficulties, you must tell me and I will deal with them."

Xixiu nodded: "Okay."

She would definitely speak out if there was a problem and would not disregard the lives of the soldiers.

Before the video screen disappeared, Qing Zhixun said one last word, "Be safe." His tone was full of distress and worry.

Xixiu was heartbroken.

After hanging up the video call, Xixiu counted the number of soldiers who died today. It was much lower than what she and Li Fengfeng had expected.

This is really not a happy thing.

After discussing tomorrow's battle with others, Alivik and Li Zhengfeng both thought that they should change their strategy.

They proposed that the combat robots should lead the way and the soldiers should assist in the battle, which should reduce the damage.

Xi Xiu also agreed, "But there is one thing, the number of combat robots we brought from Liuning is not large."

This requires some distribution.

Alivik asked the people in the Anbu to send all their robots yesterday. Long Xingxue is on the way to Siyun, and she will also have some robots there.

Ming Weiman even sent the robots in his factory directly to the transfer station of Siyun Star through the rapid transmission system.

With these numbers, there can be one combat robot for every five people.

During the battle, they must strictly prevent their robot systems from being invaded by Qin Hongjun.

In fact, this risk is also very high.

Xi Xiu told everyone about her concerns, and Li Zhengfeng knew that her concerns were not unreasonable.

Finally, Xi Xiu decided to separate the combat areas of the combat robots.

"The robots fight alone, and the soldiers all use heavy mechas to separate the robots but not completely isolate them." In this way, the robots can rescue the soldiers immediately when they encounter danger.

Li Zhengfeng pondered for a while: "Based on the personalities of Qin Hongjun and Qin Jian, they will not wait to be beaten obediently. There will definitely be many hidden tricks in this war that we can't think of. We still have to think about all aspects."

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