Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 945 - Waiting for the opponent to take action

Ye Zhenwei stopped in the starry sky outside Hai'an with six warriors. During this time, Hai'an quickly adjusted its strategy.

When Ye Zhenwei arrived in the starry sky outside Hai'an Fortress, all defense measures were turned on.

Ye Zhenwei's starship could only stop outside the first line of defense of Hai'an Fortress.

Only by blasting here can she enter the second line of defense, layer by layer.

Before the starship stopped, Ye Zhenwei issued an attack order.

Countless shells pierced through the black muzzle, and Hai'an's starship responsible for interception made an accurate judgment.

Only one of Ye Zhenwei's shells fell on the protective shield.

The first protective barrier can withstand about fifty shell attacks of this degree.

Ye Zhenwei asked the system to calculate the energy of Hai'an's protective barrier and found that the energy consumption of Hai'an Fortress was very large.

As far as she knew, Tianwei's energy storage had been exhausted, and it was impossible to supply the entire Jingsu with such consumption.

"System, check whether Jingsu has mined a new energy star." The system gave an answer as soon as Ye Zhenwei finished speaking.

System: Our people found Jingsu people on several unknown planets in Tianwei. They sent out robots that could be sent, and they almost drained the energy of those planets in two months.

This is the information Qin Hongjun just uploaded.

Ye Zhenwei's hand holding the joystick almost crushed the lever.

Those old foxes of Jingsu, she mined energy when she was still in Tianwei.

But she only knew this news now.

They kept it a secret from her before.

It seems that these guys in Jingsu have never let go of her.

Ye Zhenwei: "What about now?"

System: Our people are trying to capture those planets and grab the remaining energy.

Ye Zhenwei: "Probability?"

System: Not likely. When the Jingsu people left, there was not much energy left.

Unless their people use the destructive mining method on the planet, otherwise, they will not get much energy.

Ye Zhenwei: "I need more energy, you are responsible for finding a way."

With an imperative tone, she regarded herself as the master of the system.

But she forgot that this system was created by Qin Hongjun.

It only obeys Qin Hongjun.

Yuan Chuhong suggested that Ye Zhenwei install the system in her head before, because Qin Hongjun wanted to completely control Ye Zhenwei's actions.

Therefore, the system does not intend to obey her orders completely. It was not created to serve a mere human being.

And Ye Zhenwei thought that this system was tailor-made for her and could not have any ulterior motives.

In addition, Qin Hongjun needed her to attack Hai'an, otherwise he would not give her so many people and starships.

Little did she know that Qin Hongjun had squeezed the last bit of benefit from her.

No one told her these things.

After Ye Zhenwei left the alliance with Tianwei's warriors, she returned to Qin Hongjun's secret base.

After arriving, she didn't know that she had been in a coma for several days.

This was done by the system.

It just obeyed the orders of its master.

As for what the master wanted to do to Ye Zhenwei by making her sleep, it was not within its scope of concern.

Ye Zhenwei thought that the system would definitely go to Qin Hongjun for energy, so when Hai'an Fortress spent a lot of effort to intercept her weapons, she increased the use of energy.

Regardless of everything.

Just to take down the first line of defense as soon as possible, she didn't want to waste time with the Jingsu people.

Qing Shihao had expected this long ago.

He even deliberately sold a few flaws to Ye Zhenwei, allowing her to fire hundreds of shells in a row, but none of them could hit Hai'an's starship active zone.

Qing Shihao's grasp of data and situations was extremely good, and Ye Zhenwei soon realized something was wrong.

The commander of the first line of defense of Hai'an Fortress was very familiar with her, and even studied all her battles in private.

Who in the Jingsu Alliance would be so familiar with her and regard her as a subconscious opponent?

She didn't guess in the direction of Qing Shihao, but just felt strange.

Ye Zhenwei launched a more fierce attack, and Hai'an Fortress not only did not retreat, but was not in a hurry, but everything was in order.

Ye Zhenwei: "System, check who is commanding the battle in Hai'an now."

The system wanted to invade the LAN inside Hai'an Fortress, but failed.

It paused for a moment when it exited Hai'an's network. Ye Zhenwei thought it was an emergency and did not think about it further for the time being.

The system got the basic data: from the perspective of combat style, it was Qing Shihao himself who was in command.

This was a candidate that Ye Zhenwei did not expect. It turned out that Qing Shihao was waiting for her at the first line of defense, which was completely different from the plan given to her by the system.

There was a moment of panic, and then Ye Zhenwei was secretly happy. This showed that Xie Changkui still deployed troops in the same way as before, so it would be easier to win Hai'an.

As long as she fought according to the strategic deployment given by the system, the Hai'an Fortress would be in her Ye Zhenwei's pocket sooner or later.

Ye Zhenwei did not adjust her position and attacked again.

Qing Shihao had been waiting for Ye Zhenwei here before.

Although he had not fought her head-on, he had all her information, including all the training videos after she returned to the First Military Academy to study.

He studied the most important wars in which Ye Zhenwei appeared publicly for a night.

He already had the answer in his mind how she would fight and where she would fight.

Although Axun said that Ye Zhenwei's brain was loaded with the system, with Ye Zhenwei's ability, even if she installed two more systems, she would only have so much means.

Totally not enough.

After several failed attacks, Ye Zhenwei's mood became very bad.

Ye Zhen said angrily, "Your prediction is not accurate, what use do you have!"

The system seemed to have become accustomed to Ye Zhenwei's madness, and it did not respond to her words.

He just silently began to calculate Qing Shihao's command method, but did not get any useful information.

Qing Shihao's information is the same as Qing Zhixun's, simple and clear.

Jingsu's database does not record many battle videos of these people, probably to prevent these people from being studied repeatedly by the enemy, just like she is doing now.

Fortunately, Ye Zhenwei was crazy about Qing Shihao and liked to collect all kinds of information about him.

Ye Zhenwei used the terminal again and retrieved all Qing Shihao's information.

I found that this person was extremely cautious, and the slightest disturbance could make him alert for a long time.

Ye Zhenwei looked at these data and felt as if his head was going to explode.

Without the system, she couldn't do this at all.

The system is still doing various calculations slowly, and Ye Zhenwei has nothing to do at this moment.

Can only wait.

Wait for the other party to take action.

Qing Shihao launched the weapon of his starship when Ye Zhenwei hesitated and did not press the attack launch button.

One blow hit Ye Zhenwei's starship.

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