Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 956 - It seems like an old friend has arrived

Xixiu gently stroked the young leaves of the ebony tree. The ebony tree had grown a lot in the past ten years.

Despite its appearance, it is still an inconspicuous plant. Over the years, under the cultivation of her spiritual power and the constant absorption of radiation energy in the stars, Ebony's true strength cannot even be estimated by her now.

The growth rate of exotic plants is astonishing.

Ebony felt the warm breath, rubbed her breath with a young leaf, and then fell asleep again, as if she had never had any troubles in this world.

Seeing this made Xixiu feel envious.

After ten years of fighting, everyone is already a little tired, mentally and physically exhausted.

Everyone, including the Alliance, hopes that the upcoming battle will be the last one.

Then, let it all end.

After this, if they are still lucky enough to be alive, most soldiers will probably choose to retire.

Or go to the job assigned by the central intelligence brain and live an ordinary life.

I will never set foot on the battlefield again.

After solving Qin Hongjun and Qin Jian, the alliance should return to peace.

As for the five galaxies, they no longer pose a threat to Jingsu.

Their choice to form an alliance with Qin Hongjun was the worst choice.

Because Qin Hongjun will not pity his subordinates. In his eyes, he only sees interests and people who can be used by him.

Those who are no longer useful will be discarded or even destroyed by him.

Among the five galaxies, only Hovian secretly left some citizens behind.

There are still some seeds lurking in Jingsu, but these Hovians can no longer cause harm to the alliance.

Because the central intelligence brain has found all the hidden Hovian people.

By changing their identities, even if the Hovians who fled to other star regions were lucky enough to come back in the future, they would no longer be able to find these seeds left in Jingsu.

These Hovians were sent to several newly developed planets to build and live without any interaction in life.

Furthermore, it will probably take a long time for the absconding Hovians to return to the Jingsu star field.

This information about Hovian is only disclosed internally, and those sent to planet construction do not know their identities.

The central intelligence brain chose a reason that the citizens of the alliance could not refuse. Let them build a new home for the future of the alliance.

Young people, passionate.

Without the burden of life experience, they worked enthusiastically.

Because they responded to the alliance's call, these people were exempted from military service and have been living on the planet. If they want to leave here, unless the central brain gives a pass.

Otherwise, these new planets will be their destination for life.

Although they are confused, there is no way to escape from the planet that is full of wilderness.

There are no aircraft.

There is no communication equipment.

The alliance transports supplies on a regular basis and will also send some citizens who have violated the law from time to time.

In short, the threat of Hovian was completely over, and the four systems of Hanhai, Musar, Inquilla, and Samuel were almost completely destroyed.

There may be some survivors in the darkness, but they no longer pose any threat to Jingsu.

Because that ruthless man Qin Hongjun turned all the intelligent creatures in these four galaxies into immortal robots.

Moreover, the alliance destroyed the mother planet of the four galaxies first.

Qin Hongjun did not leave any escape route for the Four Galaxies, because after the Four Galaxies formed an alliance with Qin Hongjun, they did not unite with him wholeheartedly and fell apart at the critical moment.

The four galaxies have their own Xiao Jiujiu.

After Qin Hongjun found out, this ruthless man directly blew up the mother stars of the four galaxies.

Not even dust was left behind.

The intelligent creatures on the four galaxies, along with their home stars, were reduced to ashes in an instant.

There wasn't even a chance to escape.

In this way, it became dust in the starry sky.

After receiving the news, the soldiers of the four star systems who were fighting on the battlefield immediately evacuated the battlefield.

They hid in the darkness, gathering strength at this moment, planning to dig out Qin Hongjun's lair.

This information was obtained by Alivik's secret service. The soldiers of the four galaxies hidden on the border finally made a concerted effort to overthrow Qin Hongjun's lair.

The ANBU people followed them and locked Qin Hongjun's specific location.

When this information was sent back, Xixiu led the soldiers of Mingning Fortress and embarked on the journey again.

Qin Hongjun's vanguard troops have arrived at a star field only three light years away from Mingning Fortress.

This time, what Qin Hongjun sent should be the ultimate weapon that he had secretly researched over the years.

Xixiu was very cautious in going into battle this time and did not act rashly.

She led Ming Ning's men to stop outside the third line of defense.

Because of its special location, Mingning Fortress only has three lines of defense.

The first line of defense is Aliweike and Wang Zichun, the second line of defense is A Xian and Fan Zheng'an, and the third line of defense is Xi Xiu and Bu Hete.

Qiu Shaorong and others were stationed on the ground of the fortress, waiting for rescue orders.

In addition, what surprised Xixiu and the others was that among the recruits assigned to Mingning Fortress by the alliance this time, there were actually people Xixiu knew.

The gifted experimental subjects rescued by Wei Lanshan, after more than ten years of hard work, are now able to stand on their own.

W06 named himself Wei Honglian, incorporating the surnames of Xixiu and Wei Lanshan into his name.

As for the word lotus, it comes from the story Xixiu told them.

This is also the expectation that Xixiu gave them. Although they were born in darkness, Xixiu hopes that they can grow into warriors with excellent character.

The young children remembered something, so as the captain of those children, W06 gave himself such a name.

When Xixiu saw her, she realized that the new recruit who would temporarily study with her was the former W06 and now Wei Honglian.

"Admiral Hong, I am Wei Honglian." The crisp voice has lost its tenderness.

Xixiu looked at the heroic young warrior in front of her, feeling very happy and relieved.

Because they have grown up through their own efforts, and in the end, they will become warriors guarding a star field.

This is the path they are destined to take.

Just like she was before.

Xixiu stretched out her hand and gave Wei Honglian a warm hug: "Welcome to join."

Wei Honglian smiled lightly, her eyes bright.

"I will definitely live up to your expectations and teachings." After saying this, he performed a military salute.

Wei Honglian had a heroic appearance, and his movements were smooth and fluid. Buhete and others left a good impression on the new warriors.

Xixiu introduced the others to Wei Honglian and then asked her to follow her.

Teach in person.

The strength of the gifted experimental subjects is very clear, and their learning ability is also amazing.

Shang Yuexing will send Xixiu a report about their study and life every six months.

Therefore, even though Xixiu has not had frequent contact with them over the years, he still knows their situation well.

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