Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 973 - Fight against the Hu Jing Beast

This guy moved very fast, and in the blink of an eye it had already stepped out of the ashes left after the explosion.

It was also the first time for the Anvil warriors to face this kind of creature. Judging from the previous records, this Hu Jing beast should have reached adulthood soon and its strength has reached its peak.

Ah Xian held her halberd and put the protective capsule into the space button.

I plan to have a life-and-death showdown with this master, no matter what.

Just to prevent it from going to the alliance's star field from here.

Xixiu followed closely behind.

This is the time when team fights have an advantage.

The surviving Anweil ​​warriors gathered here, and their spiritual power floated around them, protecting themselves properly.

Look at the leisurely Hu Jing Beast, floating in the air, its wings neatly folded behind its back, its feathers arranged regularly, glowing with a metallic cold light, this light piercing everyone's eyes.

It also has a curled tail.

There is also metal on the tail, which is still long and upside down, and looks the same as the metal on the wings.

The four legs are floating in the air, and a pair of retracted legs can be seen under the abdomen.

There are also metal feathers on the neck, and the neck seems to be able to stretch.

The appearance of this star beast has evolved to the extreme, and every aspect is extremely reasonable.

It even makes the enemy unable to find the weak point of the attack, and the whole body is covered in metal.

Its strength is very strong, even if the pair of wings have not spread out, Xixiu can feel its power.

No wonder they can tear open the cracks in the starry sky and break down the barriers in the starry sky without worrying about the damage from the starry sky.

Xixiu was observing the Hu Jing Beast when he heard Qing Zhixun's voice: "Xixiu, don't stay too far away from us in the battle later."

Almost all those who come here to fight are Anvilians. Even if they die, they will be reborn, and their lives will be different.

She is completely human.

If you die, you really die.

This is what Qing Zhixun and A Xian are most worried about. Qing Zhixun is of Anweil ​​blood, and he will not die that easily.

Moreover, when he returned to Anweil, the Anweil ​​people took him to the Land of Origin, and the Land of Origin recognized him as the inheritance of Anweil ​​bloodline, so if he died in battle, his consciousness would return to the Land of Origin in Anweil. .

Xixiu was wrapped in ebony, but she was more aware of the energy fluctuations in the outside world. She replied to Qing Zhixun: "Well, I won't be too far away."

At this time, we need to stick together.

Otherwise, Hu Jingshou could probably blow her somewhere else with a sneeze.

In addition, this kind of starry sky beast has a hidden function, which allows them to tear apart the starry sky and throw anything to other star fields.

Once such a situation occurs and they want to return to the alliance to reunite, they may never have the chance in this lifetime.

Because no one knows which time and space they will be thrown into, and they may not be in the same world as the Alliance.

In the previous battles, another possibility was that the entire army was wiped out because these warriors entered other star fields together with the Hu Jing Beast.

These are all speculations of Wu Jingyang and others.

Before setting off, he told Axian that he and the Moda people had concluded that there was no supporting basis for the time being.

Therefore, the Anweir warriors who entered here were trying their best to prevent the Hu Jing Beast from tearing up the starry sky.

Subdue it before it activates its ultimate skill, and then kill it.

A-Xian carries a special weapon given to her by Wu Jingyang, which was specially developed to deal with Hu Jing beasts based on their characteristics.

Xixiu also has it.

Everyone looked at the giant beast in front of them. It looked careless, as if it didn't take them seriously.

The Anweil ​​soldiers surrounded the Hu Jing Beast and threw their weapons at it for free, without causing a single splash.

For Hu Jingmon, these weapons are not even enough to scratch an itch.

The first wave of weapons was just a test, they were not careless enough to use the ultimate weapon right away.

The giant beast raised its huge eyes and waved its left wing, which was able to rotate 360° and directly swept away Anvil's second wave of weapons.

Then, it shook its metal feathers, as if dusting them, and its huge eyes looked at everything in front of it, not paying attention.

Seeing this, Ah Xian's eyebrows trembled three times and he gritted his teeth, but there was nothing he could do for the time being.

Qing Zhixun and Xixiu were behind the Anweil ​​soldiers and did not launch attacks for the time being.

They are observing.

Observe the fighting habits of this star beast.

Because there is so little relevant information about it.

They can only fight by luck.

Luck is hard to say.

Even A Xian, who never fought an uncertain battle, was almost breathless by Hu Jing Beast.

Her mental power is the highest among all the Anweil ​​people, but she still came up short in the confrontation with the Hu Jing Beast.

Fortunately, her mental power can last forever. If it were other Anweir people, they would have collapsed under the pressure of Hu Jing Beast's powerful mental power.

Even from the outside, Xixiu could feel Hu Jingshou's powerful spiritual power.

Qing Zhixun stared at the giant beast with fox-like eyes and found that its wings were not always in working condition.

As long as there is an attack, it will basically only use one wing, and the two wings will be used interchangeably.

There are four strange nests in the wing nests, which are whiter than the surrounding skin.

The skin all over Hu Jing Beast's body is brown, with only the four spots being extremely different in color.

The same goes for the other wing.

Xixiu also discovered it.

It's different, which means that the skin in this area rarely comes into contact with the outside world.

A well-protected place is often a weak point, and this principle applies to the entire Star Territory.

Starmon is no exception.

Although I don't know the Hu Jing Beast's habits, as long as it can be restrained, it will be fine.

Qing Zhixun and Xixiu took advantage of Ah Xian and the others to attract Hu Jingshou's attention, and seized the opportunity to accurately shoot four weapons that could not be caught by the naked eye at the four dens.

Hu Jingshou, who was fighting, was obviously stunned for a moment. It turned its head and stared at Xixiu and Qing Zhixun. After realizing that the pain just now was caused by these two people, it turned its head and swung its tail straight towards Embroidery.

In its eyes, this thing covered in plants is a threat.

It must deal with its opponent while its strength is still at its peak, otherwise it will definitely be hit by this thing.

Seeing that Hu Jingshou was heading straight towards Xixiu, Ah Xian became anxious. She directly activated the mecha device and rushed to Xixiu's side to support him.

"Xixiu, be careful." Axian's anxious voice reached Xixiu's ears with difficulty.

Their communication equipment was greatly affected by this, and the sound was delayed and there was a lot of noise.

But Xixiu still heard it clearly.

However, Hu Jingshou flapped his wings towards Xi Xiu before A Xian finished speaking.

Xixiu dodged deftly.

The Hu Jing Beast's wings carry mental power when they swing out, so Xixiu can judge its trajectory in advance.

After going back and forth like this, Xixiu has been fighting the Hu Jing Beast for more than ten moves, and has somewhat mastered some of its attack methods.

After she and Qing Zhixun's sneak attack was successful, Hu Jingshou realized that his weakness had been discovered, so when he flapped his wings, the four dens would not be completely exposed.

Qing Zhixun could only wait for the weapon that had just entered Hu Jingshou's body to take effect.

Although it may be small, it should make Hu Jingmon move a little slower.

After more than ten back and forths between Xixiu and Hu Jingshou, Anweil's soldiers finally found an opportunity and rushed together to rescue Xixiu, allowing her to take a breath and take a rest.

The Hu Jing Beast seems to be a tireless machine, and every attack it makes is still as powerful as the first attack.

Doesn't this guy ever feel sleepy?

Many soldiers in Anweil ​​already felt tired, and everyone could only take turns to rest.

Wheel fighting, and constantly exploding weapons, these attack methods finally had some effect after countless times.

Hu Jing Beast's attacks began to become messy.

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