Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 977 - Forced to leave

Cold sweat broke out on Qing Zhixun's forehead. He used his mental power to detect that there was suddenly an extremely strange aura coming from this place.

He looked worriedly at Xixiu's position and asked Qing Sansui to fight alone while he quickly went to Xixiu's side.

His intuition told him that this place was very dangerous at the moment, a bit like the last time two people fell into an artificial star for no reason.

There was a voice deep in his heart telling him that if he didn't rush to Xixiu, he might lose her forever.

So, without hesitation, he rushed over, ejected the mechanical arm of the protective mecha, and hugged the outer layer of Xixiu's mecha tightly.

I was surprised when Xixiu didn't show up.

She also noticed something was wrong in the starry sky.

The surroundings feel distorted.

Wu Mu seemed to have noticed something and quickly returned to Xixiu.

Fortunately, its vines were always on Xixiu, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to catch it.

When A Xian looked back, in just a few seconds, the place where Xi Xiu was was empty.

Qing Zhixun also disappeared, and Wu Mu also disappeared completely.

Even the Hu Jing Beast has disappeared, and even the mental power cannot sense its existence.

A Xian suddenly became anxious.

This Hu Jing beast is really cunning. Seeing that he can't fight, he plans to use someone to support him.

Li Yifeng, who was inside the Hu Jing Beast's body, still didn't know what was happening.

He is busy dismantling the mechanical organs inside Hu Jing Beast's body!

Because he found that since he couldn't do any substantial damage to it, he demolished it.

Since this guy is made up of machinery, the principle is not too far off.

So, after thinking about it for a while, Li Xianfeng turned his arm into a disassembly tool, and he is now vigorously dismantling it.

By the time he realized something was wrong, Hu Jingshou's internal organs had been torn apart.

After realizing that his internal organs were no longer functioning, Hu Jingshou became completely furious.

Its original idea was to separate these few people from those blond species, and then eat them, so that it could replenish the mental power it had just consumed.

Unexpectedly, there was their helper in the belly, which was the same mechanical body that it regarded as the same kind.

It was careless.

Hu Jingshou's tail swung around wildly, trying to beat the two men to death.

When it wanted to spread its wings and fly, it found that its wings were tied by the plant!

Only its neck, tail and limbs can move now, and it can only attack with mental power.

Most of the weapons on his body were destroyed by the one in his belly, and the remaining weapons could be fired using his mental power.

Qing Zhixun and Xixiu didn't give it a chance. Since there was already a tendency to suppress the Hu Jing Beast, they would definitely add another fire.

At this time, Qing Zhixun discovered that Xixiu's mental power was so terrifying that it was outrageous.

He asked himself why he was worse.

Hu Jing Beast also felt strong mental pressure, its mechanical head was buzzing, and its unrecovered mental power was unable to resist.

Because the other party has three powerful mental pressures, covering its entire body in a mental barrier.

Qing Zhixun and Wu Mu also released their spiritual power with all their strength after Xixiu launched, hoping that this attack would knock Hu Jingshou down.

Li Xianfeng completed the disassembly work inside its body, and at the same time installed the Hu Jing Beast's organs into his own space button.

I plan to wait until I return to the alliance and let the equipment engineers study it carefully. Maybe Jingsu's technology can be improved to several levels.

When he came out of Hu Jingshou's belly, he discovered the difference in the current environment and the powerful spiritual power in the air.

He immediately realized that this was a critical moment, and powerful spiritual power poured out to support Xixiu and Qing Zhixun.

In this way, the three people, one plant and the Hu Jing Beast were in a stalemate for six hours.

Qing Zhixun and Li Xianfeng felt that their mental power was almost exhausted.

Only Xixiu still has some strength left.

Finally, Xixiu saw that Hu Jingshou's mechanical eye had lost its luster, but it was still making its final death struggle.

Suddenly, its entire body began to melt, and the metal that made it up was melting.

Xixiu quickly pulled Qing Zhixun and Li Xianfeng away. The two of them had no strength left.

The loss of mental energy is too great.

Li Xianfeng felt that this was the most exhausted time in his life.

Even the mechanical body felt exhausted.

Qing Zhixun calmed his heartbeat and restored his mental strength using the method taught to him by his mother Jingxi.

They stopped at a distance.

I saw the Hu Jing Beast's rapidly shrinking body slowly melting into a small ball.

This scene is so weird.

The Hu Jing Beast's metal body was so big that it actually melted into a metal mass that was only a little bigger than their fist.

Xixiu, Qing Zhixun, and Li Yufeng looked at each other in confusion, not knowing what Hu Jingshou wanted to do.

But the three of them were all wary of Hu Jingshou's next move.

Alarm bells rang in Xixiu's heart.

No matter how Hu Jingshou looked like this, he looked like he was fighting with all his strength before dying, trying to gain some backing.

It suddenly melted into metal, but not all of it turned into metal, because Xixiu could still detect the fluctuations in its mental power.

This thing is still alive!

Live in the form of metal!

At this time, Ebony wrapped around Xixiu's body again and turned into her plant mecha.

Qing Zhixun opened his eyes and did not dare to blink. He was very close to Xixiu, almost touching her back, and he held Xixiu's right hand wrapped in ebony in his hand.

Li Xianfeng looked at the ball of metal and whispered: "We have to leave here immediately."

Xixiu nodded in agreement, but she knew they couldn't leave now.

"Senior, the space around us is different from normal places, so even if we want to leave, we can't." Xixiu said his guess helplessly.

Because Li Xianfeng was exhausted, he did not notice anything strange in the space he was in.

He could only start the computing system and analyze the surrounding environment, and found that it was exactly what Xixiu said.

"This thing has locked the surrounding space, and we can't get out." Li Xianfeng was surprised.

That fist-sized piece of metal was so powerful that it not only took them away from the original space, but also blocked the current space. No wonder even the Anvilians were afraid of this kind of life.

When Qing Zhixun heard Xixiu's words, his eyes were firm: "Put on all the protective clothing, mechas and heavy mechas on the outside, and wear mechas and protective mechas on the inside. It depends on whether you can escape this disaster." Our destiny."

Fortunately, he brought enough mechas.

Li Xianfeng was given several mechas, and the three of them quickly equipped them. Xixiu asked Ebony General Qing Zhixun and Li Xianfeng to be wrapped up as well.

In addition, the seeds of Ah Xian's Night Soul Grass sprouted here, which should also be able to help them withstand the energy of the explosion.

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