Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 981 -The Legend of God’s Domain

When Xixiu was in a daze, the humanoid figure formed by the light points spoke, still speaking in Anweil ​​language that Xixiu could understand: "Hey, this human woman is awake."

These light spots did not dissipate immediately when they were discovered, but moved forward and actually passed through the protective barrier set up by Qing Zhixun.

Seeing this, Xixiu frowned tightly, feeling scared.

Fortunately, these lights were not malicious, otherwise they would have died long ago.

Xixiu spoke cautiously, also in Anweil: "Who are you?"

Since these lights speak the language of Anvil, they must still be within the scope of the alliance.

It's just that the communication signal was blocked by something here, so she and Qing Zhixun have been unable to contact the alliance.

While Xixiu was asking questions, Qing Zhixun was also awakened.

He suddenly pulled out his weapon and stood in front of Xixiu, looking at the figure warily.

"What is it?" Qing Zhixun asked Xixiu.

Xixiu shook his head: "I noticed their approach and woke up just as I asked you."

When Qing Zhixun heard that Xixiu's words were in the plural, he squinted at the creatures with the same shape as them in front of him and found that they had no entity.

Light is just a phenomenon.

Xixiu obviously discovered this as well.

The light spots began to chatter: "Does it matter who we are? We didn't even ask you."

They are the masters here. These two fell in by themselves. They just came to check out the situation. They will never admit that they are curious about humans!

Qing Zhixun was speechless.

It was obvious that he and Xixiu had entered someone else's territory. These guys were considered friendly by not attacking them.

The light spots didn't plan to stay here anymore. Seeing that it was daytime again, it was time to go back and sleep.

Before Xixiu and the two of them could recover, these light spots dispersed with a "whoosh" and disappeared into the air.

The two of them were stunned.

Qing Zhixun said with some difficulty: "What on earth are these guys? Why do they look so weird?"

Xixiu shook his head: "Maybe this star field is too vast and there are creatures we don't know about."

Qing Zhixun: "Their energy is very powerful. Even if they are not in human form, just a point of light can kill someone."

Xixiu didn't use his mental power to test these light spots just now, but he also knew that since these guys can exist in the form of light, they must be very powerful guys.

They didn't seem to be malicious at the moment, so the two lay down again, planning to continue resting.

Let’s talk tomorrow.

Taking good care of your body is the most important thing.

For more than ten days and nights, the light did not appear again.

The two of them couldn't see the shadows of the light spots at all during the day. Qing Zhixun also went to the bottom of the lake to look for them, but couldn't find them.

This left the two of them confused.

Xixiu opened his file package containing animals and plants, "The information I collected is complete, and there is no record of this kind of creature."

There is no such creature as a light spot in the inheritance that Qing Zhixun received from Jingxi.

But they are still within the scope of the alliance, what creatures will not be recorded?

Qing Zhixun approached Xixiu and looked at the information she collected: "It's really strange. With Min En's ability, how could he not record the creatures that appeared."

Xixiu guessed: "Perhaps this kind of creature has never appeared in the alliance?"

Qing Zhixun thought it was impossible: "How can they understand Anweil's language if they haven't appeared before?"

This makes no sense at all.

Xixiu thought for a while and said, "Is it possible that Anweil's language originated from them?"

Qing Zhixun thought deeply about Xixiu's words, and suddenly thought of a forbidden place.

This place is only known to the ancient races. This place is mentioned in the legends of Belka, Moda, Mourun, and Anvil.

Qing Zhixun looked at Xixiu with admiration and admiration on his face: "You are indeed possessed by a koi carp."

His words were very confusing. Xixiu looked at herself up and down. When did she have the title of Koi?

"Where is this?" She was puzzled.

Qing Zhixun: "Think deeper and think in the most mysterious place."

After saying that, Qing Zhixun went to fiddle with his communicator. These guys blocked the signal so thoroughly, they must not want them to leave.

As for the reason, maybe I have been lonely for too long and want to find someone to talk to?

After Qing Zhixun's prompting, Xixiu thought about the most incredible place. The more she thought about it, the more surprised she became. She said loudly: "It's not what I thought it was, is it?"

Qing Zhixun stopped what he was doing: "What are you thinking about?"

Xixiu pointed to the sky: "That's it. The secrets I heard in the Origin Land, in the words we used to say, are from heaven."

Qing Zhixun nodded. Ever since he pierced the window paper, it became much easier for the two of them to communicate.

Xixiu knew the origin of Anvil. When she was in the land of origin, those consciousness babies told her many secrets.

One of them is a forbidden place, which is called the divine domain by the Anweir people.

The Anvil people are a branch from the Divine Realm, but since the Anvil people separated, they have never returned to that place.

Thinking of this, Xixiu felt that she wouldn't have such good luck, right?

But except for this place, there is no place in the entire Jingsu Alliance that fits the current environment.

Only these light spots have such a powerful power that they can directly shield the entire Jingsu City.

After thinking about this, Xixiu suddenly felt a big headache. If these light spots didn't let them go, they would probably have to stay here for the rest of their lives!

Seeing that the communicator was still a snowflake, Qing Zhixun asked Xixiu: "The passage from the divine realm to the alliance is closed. Have those consciousness babies told you the method?"

There must be a method, but whether it can be successful or not is a matter of course.

Xixiu shook his head: "They don't have this knowledge in their memory."

Very sad and melancholy.

In the past ten days, no matter day or night, these guys have not appeared again.

At night, the light will still appear, but the light seems to have lost its life in an instant.

Just light.

There is no agility in life.

"You said they haven't appeared for so many days because they were scared by us?" Xixiu propped up her chin and adjusted the Sixi in her hand.

Due to the impact of the explosion, there was a slight problem with Sixi's system. The language could only be restored to normal after restarting, and several parts needed to be replaced.

Qing Zhixun was speechless: "Will such a powerful being be frightened by the two of us?"

Xixiu thought about it for a while.

Here, they are equivalent to the Creator, and they are the scum.

In the blink of an eye, the two of them had been camping by the lake for more than two months, and the light spot never appeared again since that night.

Xixiu's body has recovered, and the two of them plan to go to the forest to check out the terrain and see if there are any fresh ingredients.

After two months of taking nutritional supplements, both of them were tired of it.

Forest food should be plentiful, and this applies everywhere.

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