Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 102 Sudden disaster! The regular army of the powerful alliance!

Qingyang asked in a deep voice: "Is it only covering the Tia Federation, or is it a large-scale indiscriminate scan?"

[Coverage: 4.33 million light years, just covering the entire Dia star field]

The local star network is quickly analyzed.

Star field level scanning?

Isn’t that a sixth-level civilization?

Qingyang was shocked in his heart and scanned millions of light years in detail at will. Except for level five civilizations that use large-scale related instruments, only level six or higher civilizations can do this.

Qingyang didn't think that a fifth-level civilization would go to such great lengths to fight over a mere Tia Federation.

So why does this unknown civilization scan the entire Dia star field?

Not only Qingyang was confused, but all fifth-level civilizations in the Dia Star Territory were also in panic and confusion at this time.

The scanning wave had no hidden meaning. It swept through the Dia star field extremely roughly, and even various instruments of tens of thousands of civilizations were easily invaded.

Even dozens of level five civilizations cannot provide effective resistance.

The central civilization databases of major civilizations only resisted for a few seconds before being exposed to this fluctuation in scanning data.

Bijie Empire, Imperial Council.

"Your Majesty! The Rutrul Dynasty asked us to urgently withdraw from the Dia Star Territory!"

The minister looked horrified and said: "And we must evacuate within five days. They said they will use the technology of the seventh-level civilization to help us transfer important planets and citizens."

The pyramid metal head made a mechanical sound for the dark golden Emperor Pidgeot, which was quite angry.

"What's the reason? Without any reason, let me, the Pidgeot Empire, withdraw from the star field where tens of millions of Pidgeots have thrived?!"

Hearing this, the minister bent even lower: "The Rutrul Dynasty said that the Dia star region was recently selected by two seventh-level civilizations and determined to be the battlefield area for the war. The first wave of troops will be dispatched in ten days. Come.

Many of the vanguard armies of level six civilizations under two advanced civilizations will arrive in the past five days.

By then, the civilization still in the Dia star field will probably be destroyed by the aftermath of the war between the two advanced civilizations.

In addition, the dynasty envoy also said that if there is no guarantee from the seventh-level civilization this time, no civilization in the Dia star field will be allowed to leave."

Emperor Bijie suddenly fell silent.

If two level seven civilizations are fighting, they will definitely not choose the battlefield near their home.

As a result, the barren star fields in the universe have become a 'paradise' for advanced civilizations to engage in battlefields.

This has almost become an unspoken rule of the Ransboot Nebula.

But it never expected that the Dia star field, which was inconspicuous among the countless star fields, would become a victim this time.


"Understood, tell Lord Rutrul that we will move into the transformation star area they have prepared."

In the end, Emperor Bijie said helplessly.

If we stay here, let alone the aftermath of the war between the two seventh-level civilizations, even their vassal sixth-level civilization can easily crush all the civilizations in the Dia Star Territory.

In the universe, weakness is the original sin.

The only difference between civilizations is their strength, and diplomacy only exists between civilizations of the same level.

They have no choice, even if entering the Lutrull Dynasty may completely enslave the Biji Empire.

In addition to the Bijie Empire, among the dozens of fifth-level civilizations, those with backers began to prepare to evacuate.

Their actions caused uneasiness among the remaining fifth-level civilizations and fourth-level civilizations.

In the end, the news that the two seventh-level civilizations were going to war in the Dia star field was leaked by someone unknown, and all the interstellar civilizations in the Dia star field fell into panic and despair.

If the news was not captured in a timely manner, it would not have spread among all civilized citizens.

Many civilizations are now estimated to have fallen into civil strife.

The sudden bad news plunged the Dia Star Territory into a state of silence that it had not experienced in a long time.

Qingyang also intercepted this information, and while speechless he couldn't help but sigh at the true cruelty of the universe.

Maybe everything was fine one second, and then a sudden disaster would strike the next second.

"The top leaders of the Tia Federation must have known about it and informed them to gather all the people and we will load them into the space warehouse."

The mountain has an internal diameter of 40,000 kilometers, and the space can be divided into multiple layers at will according to the user's will.

It has life containment and space solidification effects. When ordinary life enters it, its life activities will be frozen until it is released.

It can be called a super large life dormancy cabin.

Not to mention hundreds of billions of people, even trillions can be accommodated.

"Yes!" Chang Xi immediately started to contact.

Qingyang frowned slightly as he looked at the star map. He also saw the internal information of the Bijie Empire.

Because they want to maintain their face among the seventh-level civilization groups, neither of the two seventh-level civilizations allow unguaranteed civilizations to leave the Dia star field.

At present, the Eternal Fleet cannot ignore the warning network of the seventh-level civilization. As long as it approaches the boundary of the star field, it may be discovered immediately.

The best way is to put the Tia humans into the mountains and use the super mobility of the star fleet to find a corner.

If it doesn't work, the seventh-level civilized army will enter in ten days. If you persist for two days, the star network will cover it.

Qingyang probably figured out the plan, and the Eternal Fleet immediately headed for the nearest Tia Federation life planet.

Preventing casualties in the Tia Federation as much as possible is the most important thing for Qingyang to consider.

But Qingyang is not too worried.

The worst-case scenario is to wait for the seventh-level civilization to enter the scene and directly throw the evil god statue in the Dia star field.

How can two armies of a seventh-level civilization resist for two days?

Star Sea Human Alliance.

A medium-powerful country, the Shengyao Empire.

An exclusive dimensional world used to assemble armies.

Countless luxurious warships, at least 50,000 meters long, shining with gold and silver light, and whose terrifying spiritual energy is almost substantive, are neatly arranged in the void.

Among them are larger and more dangerous warships.

Further back, the shining battle stars are like stars all over the sky, and the light from the Starry Sky Fortress stretches into a vast ocean of stars.

There are dozens of huge shadows with a diameter of several light-days, covering the vast starry sky.

They are regular legions of powerful countries, and their strength and quality far exceed those of the alliance army composed of countless big countries.

Usually located in a deserted area to defend against various terrifying life groups, only for extremely important matters will it be temporarily transferred back to the alliance territory.

For example now.

Several figures were suspended above the starry sky, and the unique pressure of high-dimensional life breath filled the air.

"The reunification plan and the fifth action legion have been assembled. We just need to wait for the star network to cover it."

The leading senior officer nodded and calmly looked at the three-dimensional array of battleships below.

In the large nebula hundreds of billions of light years away, it is no surprise that there will be several ninth-level civilizations, and there is even a high probability that there will be the attention of high-dimensional divinities.

In addition to picking up the human civilization, the main goal of this mission is to transform the central super black hole of the large nebula into a high-dimensional waterway that can quickly lead to the alliance's territory.

In addition, it is necessary to establish a large Alliance base at the core of the Lansbut Nebula to serve as the permanent server of the Star Network.

During this period, the advanced civilization there will definitely not watch, and even the high-dimensional life and divinity hidden there will be interfered with.

If the Alliance forces were to face it, there might be some casualties.

After all, within the coverage of the Star Network, whether it is divinity, high-dimensional life, or even the fate of advanced civilization, it will be forcibly suppressed and expelled.

They will naturally try their best to stop it.

As for letting the alliance give up?

The alliance cannot give up on the large cosmic area that can nurture human civilization.

Therefore war is inevitable.

No, massacre should be inevitable.

The officer whose life essence has reached the high-dimensional human race has a pale golden light flowing in his eyes.

Full of cold evil spirit.

Brothers, it’s a bit slow to pack your luggage today. The second and third updates should be in the evening.

I have to go back to school tomorrow and take the high-speed train for seven hours. I don’t know when I will update, but at least two updates!

I will decide on a fixed update time on the 20th after arriving at school.

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