Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 105 Star Network takes action himself, exaggerated rewards

Qingyang heard the last prompt from Star Network.

His eyes suddenly lit up, Xingwang wanted to do it himself?

Different from Qingyang's expectant and excited mood at this moment, the evil god was stiff at this moment, and the surrounding aura was much suppressed.

As high-dimensional beings in the evil and chaotic camp, no life knows the power of the Star Sea Human Alliance and the Star Network better than they do.

Especially the Star Network can deal a real death blow to them.

Damn it!

The terrifying high-dimensional power exploded, and the evil god wanted to forcefully tear apart the dimensional barriers and escape, but suddenly found that the dimensional barriers had all been replaced by some extremely powerful original power.

Not even He can tear it apart.

"Star Network!! Source data!!"

Why is this so!

Star Network uses source data, even divinity is doomed, so why deal with him!

Suddenly, the evil god stopped trembling.

I saw that the body of the evil god and the surrounding decaying power quickly turned into illusory data.

Then these data quickly faded and eventually disappeared.

[Provisional digitization of universe blocks]

[The basic dimensional framework of the universe block is being temporarily digitized]

[Formatting all current source data contents of this universe frame]


As the cold mechanical sound echoed, the evil god's body became more and more illusory.

In the end, he completely disappeared into the universe, and at the same time, the impressions of this evil god in the minds of all living beings disappeared simultaneously.

Only Qingyang and others who are related to Star Network still remember that an evil god was wiped out by Star Network using simple and crude methods.

It feels as simple as one person controlling the computer and formatting to erase a piece of data.

Direct and simple, yet full of unspeakable shock.

Qingyang opened his mouth wide and looked at Gu Xing and others who were also shocked: "You have no objection to the will of the universe?"

Gu Xing and others were also filled with shock and pride as members of the Alliance people.

Look, who else dares to interfere at will with the basic dimensional framework of the universe?

Qingyang suddenly reacted and looked doubtfully at the many battle star fortresses of the Alliance Army that continued to enter.

It seems like this is the Alliance Army, right?

Where is the fifth action legion of the Unification Plan that I just mentioned?

Qingyang looked around curiously. As a member of the Guiyi Project, he might have to deal with them in the future.

The core territory of the Ransboot Nebula.

The three are infinitely close to the ninth-level civilization, and are only one step away from breaking through the civilized territory of regular technology.

Suddenly, countless golden and silver rays of light filled the starry sky that was hundreds of millions of light years away, and the brilliant brilliance even eclipsed countless stars.

Looking at the golden and silver brilliance and the sacred galaxy appearing above the starry sky, the citizens of the three eighth-level peak civilizations raised their heads one after another.

Many genetically and individually powerful beings even rushed out of the planet, floating above the starry sky and looking up.

His eyes were full of surprise and uncertainty.

"What it is?"

"Could it be a cosmic illusion? A certain galaxy is reflected back to us?"

"No, those billions of stars look so familiar."

"Damn it! That's not a galaxy! That's a battle star group and a star fortress group!!!"

"Enemy attack."


Countless harsh overclocking sounds echoed in the minds of all beings hundreds of millions of light years away. Like a cosmic rainstorm, spears of light swooped down from thousands of light years above toward three planets and celestial bodies with peak level eight civilizations!

In an instant, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered.

The bright spear of light tore through the planet's shield like a piece of paper, directly penetrating planet after planet, instantly turning the cities on or inside them into ashes.

The terrifying light spear can even turn suddenly after penetrating a planet and blast towards other planets.

The spears of light were like torrential rain pouring onto the important areas of the three peak level eight civilizations. Whether they were planets, stars or wormholes, all celestial bodies transformed by the three peak level eight civilizations were destroyed.

It even includes its parent star and some large spaces built between dimensions.

The fleet and battle star army of the eighth-level peak civilization were destroyed in place before they could resist.

The fifth legion, the core super flagship team.

Several officers frowned and looked down.

“There’s not even a nebula this big and a level nine civilization?”

"Since there is no group will of the ninth-level civilization, the powerful gods will probably not pay attention to this place, so what are we here to do? Bully this group of civilizations that have no rules and power?"

"Their defense is completely useless in front of the Annihilation Light Spear. They are not a threat."

"That's all, the most important thing is to transform the central super black hole. Then we can quickly travel back and forth and explore the surrounding large nebulae and star clusters. Maybe there are still undiscovered human civilizations."

Several people were talking, and one of them suddenly changed the subject.

"It seems that we have a new member of the unified army?"

"The T7 fleet has not received such new recruits in hundreds of thousands of years."

"Yes, I remember that my fleet has a useless golden star weapon. I will give it to him when the time comes."

"I remember that he still used your company's Huiyue Ship. How about it? Do you have any ideas?"

"Then just five finished T7 Yaori aircraft carriers and a drawing, as well as company membership with a 50% discount."


The humans of the Tia Federation returned to their homeland, but as soon as they appeared, they were shocked by the starry sky fortresses filling the sky.

Creations comparable to stars and planets are scattered throughout the Dia star field, and many of them surround the Dia Federation.

If it weren't for the powerful Alliance force field technology, the gravity of any battle star could tear these planets apart.

Looking at the special battleship that was transforming the Tia Federation planet, Qingyang was filled with emotion.

There are so many things going on in just fifteen days.

Fortunately, the mission was completed.

Next is what the Alliance Army will be busy with.

Transform the planet and subtly and quickly increase the genetic strength of the Dia people.

Optimize your will, learn the alliance's common sense and various technological knowledge, and upgrade your technology to level five civilization.

It will take at least five to six hundred years to complete.

"Hello, Commander Qingyang, I am the Quartermaster of the Alliance Army." A steady voice came from behind Qingyang.

Qingyang's eyes lit up, compensation and rewards are coming?

Sure enough, as soon as Qingyang turned around, he saw an alliance officer with a panel unfolded in front of him.

Qingyang was dazzled by the large amount of resource replenishment and other rewards.

[Choose T7 battleships x 50]

[Red Star Martial × 1]

[Purple Star Crystal × 5, Red Star Crystal × 1]

【Star Point×1000w】

【War merit×200w】


In addition to physical resources, there are also a large number of resources used to manufacture Huiyue ships.

Qingyang estimated that if he normally relied on the Star Point and the Star of Truth to enter the dimensional world this year and participate in various tasks.

Why does it feel like there's still a bit of a loss after including the Star of Truth reward?

After all, during this period of the Star of Truth bounty, there is a complete chance that the T7 master version of the Chichen battleship will be refreshed!


And a reimbursement plan?

Qingyang suddenly discovered that there was another unread message and clicked on it.

[Data shows that Commander Qingyang owns the T8 master blueprint. Due to the time spent within a year, Star Network will use certain high-dimensional data to upgrade the blueprint to T7 level as compensation]

Qingyang's eyes suddenly widened and he was stunned.

"Is this okay?"

If his parents were not still alive, he would consider himself the biological son of Xingwang.

"There are also rewards that the Alliance Army has not yet distributed in the Star Luo Empire, as well as a personal gift from a powerful commander."

The quartermaster's tone suddenly paused slightly, and then said: "Now it is a private gift from four powerful commanders."


Qingyang's mind was full of questions, why would someone give him something?

But thinking about it, it’s just a symbolic gift given casually because of my high potential, and it doesn’t matter if I accept it.

"What are they?" Qingyang picked up the drink and asked curiously.

The quartermaster's expression was a little strange: "Here is the list of private gifts."

Qingyang glanced casually.


You can tell me what side plots the league wants to see, and it can be fine-tuned without affecting the framework and main plot.

I have just started to set the detailed outline. I haven’t finalized it yet. Once it is set, it cannot be changed (copied from the book review)

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