Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 125 A little shock to humanity (Part 1)

Wall of Hope, Wall Position.

"The 109th Regiment supports the No. 4 High Slope and assists in the defense. The 3rd Air Defense Brigade! Split three regiments to protect the high-altitude tower!"

The bearded officer in a shabby coat quickly ordered and then looked at the screen aside.

[Wall of Hope Magic Energy Reserve: 55%]

There are so many abyssal armies that Wall of Hope's magic pattern defense consumption is almost uninterrupted.

If the magic pattern fails, the blocking force field and the city wall reinforcement formation will also lose their effect. With a mere ordinary metal wall, there is no way to stop the opponent's powerful magic power!

The bearded officer pushed away the magic gun on the table and looked at the area display map of the high-altitude tower's real-time monitoring.

Densely packed energy punctuation points are continuously gathering into the city, and at a rough glance, the number is at least tens of millions!

No matter how much mana heavy artillery and gunpowder heavy artillery wreaked havoc, the endless army of monsters never diminished.

"Maintenance engineer! How long can the magic wall withstand it?"

"Eight hours! Sir, eight hours at most!"

The bearded officer raised his head and stared at the dim sky in the distance, feeling sad in his heart.

Thousands of years have passed since the invasion of the abyss. Humanity has long forgotten what the forests, grasslands, lakes and blue sky look like from the oral traditions passed down by our ancestors.

But thinking about it, it must be a happy era.

"Phew! Always pay attention to the magic energy reserve. Once it falls below 1%, immediately organize the troops to withdraw to the defensive line!"

“Forty-three million family members are right behind us!”

The sound spread along the radio throughout the entire defense line, and all the soldiers became even more crazy.


Countless soldiers stood by the city walls or on high platforms shooting, their eyes red and full of exhaustion.

Suddenly, a large number of spikes flew from behind the monster group, although they all fell due to being blocked after approaching a hundred meters from the city wall.

However, many of them still fell on the city wall after being weakened by 90% of their strength.


Blood splattered and wails rose.

One of the soldiers glanced at the missing arm and the black lines that spread rapidly along the blood vessels.

He decisively took out his identity card and a photo and handed them to his comrade who was still firing next to him.

Then he decisively picked up a lot of bombs and climbed down the city wall.


Countless monster fragments scattered.

The surrounding soldiers took it for granted and vented all their anger on the terrifying waves of monsters below.

The comrade glanced at the young girl in the photo, silently clipped the photo and ID tag together and threw them into the iron box aside.

The box, which is 50 centimeters long and 20 centimeters high, is already half filled with their blood-stained photos and ID tags.


Suddenly, there was a roar in the sky of the city where the war was scattered.

The bearded officer who was constantly filling the defense holes in various positions at the command post looked up at Gao Qiong in astonishment.

There was still a hint of disbelief in his eyes.

I saw cracks appearing in the sky like glass, and hundreds of thousands of strange energy balls hit various parts of the city.

"The sky barrier is broken! Damn it! Half of the army was immediately mobilized from the follow-up position to return to the city to support the city!" Bearded Beard shouted.

The war became more and more fierce.

Without the barrier of city walls, millions of soldiers have to face monsters one after another within the city.

Unlike the tenacious abyss monsters, humans will die as long as they are injured by monsters!

"Team 3! More than 300 abyss ghosts appeared in the four alleys of the seventh block!"

"They broke through the chariot fire net! Ah!!"


The noisy sound on the channel made the bearded officer who had experienced many battles become anxious.

Boom! Boom!

"Sir! Monster mountain ghost!"

The bearded officer just looked up and could see a six-legged ugly monster in the distance, hundreds of meters high like a hill, gradually approaching the Wall of Hope.

Under the dim light, thousands of huge, vague figures were slowly approaching as they swayed.

Suddenly, everyone felt helpless.

In the starry sky, data particles emerge.

Then the Eternal Truth Fleet appeared.

Qingyang saw a starry sky continent in the distance at his first glance.

That’s right, a disc-shaped starry sky continent with a diameter of 20 million kilometers!

"The traces of manufacturing are obvious. It should be a continent made by civilization."

Looking at the Starry Sky Continent wrapped in a dim color, Qingyang guessed.

"Star of Truth."

【Yaroper Civilization Arena】

[Description: A civilization arena created by a sixth-level advanced civilization that calls itself the Abyss. It captures a large number of surface civilizations and cultivates them, and eventually starts a 'disaster' at a certain period.

To observe the reactions and countermeasures of respective types of civilizations in disasters and to complete the relevant database]

[Currently, the experimental round has been carried out: the fifth round (started 1100 years ago)]


Qingyang picked up a cup of tea and said with a smile, "You're really good at playing."

"I remember that the Alliance directly observes countless star seas and native civilizations in dimensional worlds and will not interfere. Their data will not be accurate."

Belya disagreed.

Suddenly, Qingyang, who was drinking tea, paused and the smile on his face faded.

The teacup in his hand was suddenly shaken into particles by a powerful force.

"What's wrong?" Gu Xue looked over immediately.

Qingyang said calmly: "There are human civilization reactions on the continent below, which are divided into different city-state models and scattered in various areas."

Everyone's expressions suddenly became serious, and Gu Xing and others were filled with evil spirits.

[Metahuman reaction detected]

[The Eternal Truth Fleet can 100% handle the danger the target is in]

[After the Eternal Truth Fleet clears out enemy units, the Alliance will send engineering troops to arrive]


Handle it yourself?

Oh yes, he is the exploratory combat unit of the Guiyi Project. If he doesn't handle it, who will.

After the report, Qingyang, who had become accustomed to watching the excitement, almost didn't react.

Then he immediately said seriously: "Pan-human civilization is too scattered to bombard the ground.

Immediately release the industrial machinery planet, decompose the surrounding rock planets to create a land machinery army, and perform targeted rescue!

Guxing, with all the fleet combat troops, is fully responsible for this matter, and will give you another twenty Chichen battleships. "


Gu Xing immediately took the order and left.

In a moment, twenty Chichen ships and a huge mechanical planet broke away from the fleet and sailed towards the distant starry sky continent.

Including devouring rocky planets and converting them into basic particles, and then manufacturing hundreds of millions of second-level war machines, it is estimated that it will take one hour.

The alliance's industry is not about production lines and mechanical assembly, but about the simultaneous realization and shaping of all components and structures on a particle basis.

The small and medium-sized machinery production space of the Industrial Machinery Star has maximum power that can instantly construct hundreds of millions of surface war machines at the same time!

This is also the reason why the number of armies of many advanced civilizations is not even as large as that of intermediate civilizations.

They only focus on quality. If they really want to mass-produce cannon fodder and low-level units, they can expand it ten thousand times in minutes.

Qingyang looked at the star map: "This dimensional world is 240,000 light-years in diameter and has only one level six civilization, the Abyss."

"Chang Xi, is it difficult to write a piece of data that causes confusion in the central intelligence of a level-6 civilization and circumvents restrictive procedures?"

Chang Xi smiled and said: "I can analyze and adjust the mechanical virus to achieve this effect."

Qingyang suddenly smiled: "Then I'll leave it to you, Chang Xi."

"Fleet! Target the civilized territory of the 'Abyss'! Navigating in dark space!"

The Eternal Fleet, which had just arrived, disappeared again.

In the control room, Qingyang's mental power swept through dozens of large anti-matter bombs and force field bombs in the warehouse, disintegrating the virus.

Showed a smile.

Is it difficult for the Eternal Fleet to destroy a level six civilization?

Not difficult?

In terms of frontal combat power, the Eternal Fleet cannot compete with the main force of the sixth-level advanced civilization.


No frontal combat power is needed. To dismantle a sixth-level advanced civilization, you only need a little.

Little human shock.

Will resume normal updates tomorrow~

The updates haven't been very good these past two days. I'm really sorry. The students are really helpless. Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

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