Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 161 Chasing the Dark Eldar, the attention of the undead

Qingyang was not surprised by attacking the Dark Eldar's base camp and chasing down the fleeing Dark Eldar fleet.

As an eighth-level peak civilization that reached the pseudo-ninth level at its peak, the traces of the Spirit Clan's past are all over the Hope World, and even certain rules and technologies are used.

At that time, if the Eldar Empire wanted to, it could completely restrict the subspace and improve the rules and environment of the Hope World to a certain extent.

It's just that because of the powerful power and the mentality of thinking they are invincible, as well as the Eldar's natural sensitivity to emotions and senses, the entire empire fell into a carnival.

In the end, this powerful desire and emotion gave the desire rules that did not have self-will at that time, some kind of evil will fuse!

Thus the god of desire was born.

The birth of the God of Desire was related to the Eldar Empire, so when his will awakened, the dark will wiped out 90% of the population of the entire Eldar Empire.

And it swallowed the souls of the dead souls of the Eldar, strengthened itself, and even indirectly swallowed the civilizational will and destiny of the Eldar Empire.

Once the surviving Eldar die, their souls will be taken away by the God of Desire and plunged into endless pain.

In addition to the Dark City, the other surviving Expedition Craftworld Eldar, Savage Eldar, etc. all have the technology to preserve the souls of their compatriots from the God of Desire.

And he maintains abstinence all year round to ensure that he will not be noticed by the god of desire.

Except for the Dark Eldar, as the Eldar with the greatest preservation power, they chose to continue their indulgence.

And faced with the God of Desire sucking their souls, they chose another method.

That is to suck the souls of other creatures and use the pain and despair of the souls of other creatures to relieve one's own pain.

This has resulted in the Dark Eldar clan becoming one of the main sources of support for the God of Desire.

Qingyang, the other demihuman, doesn't know what will happen to him. The Dark Eldar must be destroyed!

At least 90% of them must be destroyed.

The planet below the Eternal Fleet.

A certain hive city.

Thousands of war machines rushed into the luxurious and majestic upper-level hive, the national religion of the Star Torch Empire, and quickly advanced along the fleet's orbital navigation.

Finally arriving at a huge building, without hesitation, the individual dark energy cannon blasted open the door.

Then a machine quickly grabbed three men in gorgeous robes and threw them to the ground.

"Iron Man!?"

"Heresy! Inquisition! Guard!!"

Facing the panic of the three people, the war machine drew a screen.

Above are the various things the three of them did that were against the emperor's will, and there were also some extreme remarks that seemed normal.

However, as the Emperor's human will further awakened, He himself has completely regulated and restricted the behavior and speech of the state religion.

As long as they devoutly believe in the emperor's original intention, people who believe in the human race will receive this oracle.

The three people in front of them did not receive the oracle, so there is no need to say more about the ingredients.

When the evidence was laid out, the devout believers standing around suddenly showed anger, and some fanatics who had whipped themselves to prove their piety with blood.

His face looked even more gray.

They had just received the oracle from the emperor, and it turned out that the fanatical behavior they had always thought was wrong.

It turns out that they all misunderstood the will of the God Emperor, so what qualifications do they have to call themselves followers of the Emperor? !

So they followed these mysterious iron men to the National Religion, preparing to burn the erroneous books compiled by the National Religion in recent years.

Seeing that the people around him had no objections, the machine directly stretched out its light blade and beheaded the three of them.

Not far away, the officer who once stood on the city wall looked at this scene with emotion.

I thought I would never see the bright future of the empire come to light in this life, but I didn't expect it to come so quickly.

The Emperor awakens, reinforcements come, and the foolish are slain.

But what he didn't expect even more was that in addition to the imperial universe, there was such a powerful human civilization that dared to declare war on the subspace gods!

"From the human empire beyond the reach of the Star Torch."

The officer murmured, and suddenly a voice came from behind him: "Hello, please take over the supreme command of the Imperial Army in this world."

The officer was startled and looked at the extraordinary person behind him who was wearing a gorgeous and simple armor, and was a little unresponsive.

"Me? There are nearly a hundred officers with higher rank than me in this world. Why choose me?"

The Extraordinary said calmly: "Heresy, large-scale embezzlement of military expenditures, lack of talent that led to the death of a large number of soldiers, and distortion of will have all been dealt with.

Now you are one of the highest-ranking officers, and you are the supreme commander based on the overall assessment. "

"." The officer opened his mouth. Do those high-level military officials have problems?

Has the empire become so corrupt?

On the other side, the lower hive.

Millions of machines walked through it, knocking on the doors of the citizens of the empire.

Because of the Emperor's Oracle and the natural reverence for the humans of the Alliance, the citizens of the Empire did not reject it, but opened the door one after another.

But before they could ask any questions, the machine injected a potion into their bodies.

Immediately afterwards, each of them secretly injured old injuries and even memetic injuries, and they were all recovering at an extremely fast speed, and their genetic strength also began to increase significantly.

Memetic repair potion, with genetic optimization and healing effects.

The alliance distributed the production blueprints to all first-time participants.

Perhaps this is the power of a higher civilization level. The higher the level, the simpler some complex things are. This kind of memetic level repair potion is very cheap to make.

Even Qingyang's resource reserves alone can produce it at will.

Of course, the technology is very complex.

Even with detailed technical information, Eternal Fleet's research team still couldn't understand it in a short time.

In addition to the steady progress of their respective basic matters, the alliance's subsequent transport fleet also arrived.

The size of the empire's territory is far larger than that of ordinary seventh-level civilizations. The territory plates are not completely connected. There may be territories of other civilizations mixed between the planets and worlds.

Therefore, in order to ensure the safety of the citizens of the Star Torch Empire, the Alliance will build hundreds of large ring worlds in the central star field to house the humans of the Star Torch Empire.

It is also convenient for subsequent national education and star torch national quality improvement.

It is also convenient for firing map cannons.

As long as there are no signs of human beings, planets, stars and other celestial bodies can be exploded or directly swallowed and decomposed.

The alliance with basic particle reshaping technology can artificially produce planets, stars, and even small worlds. Planets and other things are not considered precious resources.

Qingyang quickly completed the handover with the captain of the transport fleet and immediately gathered the Eternal Fleet.

Suddenly, Qingyang noticed that the space warrior named Stu Tai did not go to the central star field with the transport fleet.

Suddenly she looked at him curiously.

Stu Tai's face was determined: "I am an imperial warrior, the great God Emperor, let me follow you to fight!"

Not only Stu Tai, there are dozens of elite space warriors whose strength is no less than that of the members of the Beyonder team, who are also under the imperial oracle.

In other words, all powerful warriors have received the oracle's instructions and will fight with the nearest alliance fleet.

Qingyang immediately smiled and said: "That's perfect."

Immediately, Stu Tai, Gu Xing and others were all taken into the Eternity.

Opening the star map, Qingyang selected the coordinates and said directly: "Prepare the data delivery, the target is the Seventh Dynasty of the Undead!"

Data delivery?

Similar to Warp Navigation and the Eldar Webway?

Stutai's heart moved. Knowing the distance between the territory of the Seventh Dynasty, he immediately made preparations to sail for several months.

Then a strange fluctuation flashed around.

A starry sky suddenly appeared around him.

[Has arrived at the coordinate area]

Stu Tai, who was just about to close his eyes and rest his mind, was slightly startled. How many seconds had it been? Crossed such a long distance in an instant? !

As expected of the God-Emperor’s trusted ally, his technology is many times more advanced than those of the Mechanicus.

Thinking about it, Stu Tai cheered up and looked around seriously.

He already knew about this mission, to hunt down a fleet of Dark Eldar. Those guys were not easy to deal with.

Moreover, this is still the realm of the undead, which is more troublesome than the Dark Eldar.

Qingyang looked at the star map, and then released the aircraft carrier, star destroyer and mother ship placed in the star.

As for the Chichen ship, until its main firepower reaches 100,000 index, it is not suitable as a battleship against level 7 or 8 civilizations.

What's more, the undead were once more than just ordinary eighth-level civilizations.

According to the data, this special omnic civilization was once a powerful technological civilization.

In order to pursue absolute eternity, the will and soul of the whole people were transformed into data core wills, and a large number of 'graves' similar to data servers were set up.

As long as the tomb is not destroyed, the Necron Omnic will not die.

Because this omnic civilization was actively transformed from normal civilization, there is far more than one central unit such as the omnic core, and there are at least hundreds of them!

They are the only remaining ‘life’ of the original technological civilization with emotional will.

Others have been assimilated by cold data over the long years and completely reduced to machines.

Obviously they have not mastered high-dimensional data technology.

"The Star of Truth shows the specific coordinates of the Dark Eldar fleet!"


Looking at the picture, Qingyang suddenly frowned. Is this fleet sailing quickly in the channel space?


Qing Yang was just about to give the order to catch up, but he saw hundreds of huge red dots suddenly appearing on the star map.

The screen unfolded, and more than six hundred black-green crescent-shaped battleships appeared around the Eternal Fleet, completely surrounding the Eternal Fleet.

The fleet of crescent battleships, which is 50 to 60 kilometers long, approaches the area where the Eternal Fleet is located with obvious hostility. The powerful energy level index is basically around 120,000.

In terms of attack energy level, it's 120,000.

"Necromancer. Are you trying to stop me with such a small number of battleships?"

At present, the core areas and important military areas of the seven dynasties of the undead are, without exception, dragged into a state of war by a large number of star fleets and alliance legions.

Even if the Necrons have a large number of war machines and warships, they cannot send too many fleets to block the Eternal Fleet now.

Five hundred spear-killing ships and five hundred aircraft carriers launched long-range light spear strikes at the same time.

The violent rain of light spears destroyed one third of the undead warships neatly!

Quickly defeating the Necromancer fleet formation, Qingyang directly controlled the Eternal Fleet and sent it away, continuing to pursue the Dark Eldar fleet.

The military mission is the most important thing at the moment.

As everyone knows, Qingyang's move caused a nearby undead fleet to prepare to support the front line.

Quietly changed course.

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