Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 169 Shattered God’s Choice, Wanhua Mecha

After hanging up the communication, Qingyang let out a sigh of relief.

Although I didn't get any shocking key information, I was satisfied with the information that the T5 fleet commander basically knew.

The explorer's satisfaction at a hint of the unknown and mystery.

But the top priority is to improve strength and awaken Tian Ling.

And if it’s just the T6 fleet, would it be too hasty to head to a deserted area?

Qingyang thought of Feng Xiao's warning and immediately hesitated. Should he be promoted to the T5 fleet in a short time?

What should you do if you are indecisive?

"Star of Truth, do you have any suggestions?"

Of course, I used the Star of Truth suggestion function that I had not used for a long time. Originally, in order to ensure my independent thinking, Qingyang never used it after the first few times when I came out.

Now is the time!

[During the short period when the T6 fleet is promoted to T5, four battleships can be used to build a dreadnought with materials and star points. The reason is that four battleships can serve as a high-dimensional core.

The production of new warships in the T5 fleet requires a high-dimensional core

It can be obtained through a series of methods such as industrial equipment, extracting dimensional world barriers or world cores, killing high-dimensional life forms (killing one to get more than one), decomposing creations with large amounts of high-dimensional energy, etc.

In contrast, digitized T6 battleships are easier to obtain, so there is a behavior of accumulating the number of battleships.

I don’t recommend that collaborators waste time, but please consider considering the overall youth league rankings]

Qingyang applied for ten mechanical rule contaminants from the alliance and asked curiously: "Don't recommend it?"

[Truth points can replace the high-dimensional core, and the effect is stronger (the foundation is more stable)

Conversion ratio——1:1

As the strength of collaborators increases, there will be more ways to obtain bounty tasks and achievements, so there is no need to worry about the source.]

Qingyang, who was busy, paused his hands slightly and his expression gradually became stiff.

The first moment was not a surprise, but a reminder of the past.

'Spend one hundred truth points and open a dimensional world screening for me.'

'Spend 1,500 truth points and give me a random dose of truth knowledge.'


"Only seventy-five truth points, so few."

Qingyang took a deep breath and looked at his remaining truth points.

Six thousand four hundred and twenty-five! !

How much did you spend?

Wait, how much does it cost to resurrect Tian Ling?

Five thousand? !

This means that I have one thousand four hundred and twenty-five left.

Qingyang only felt a surge of energy and blood, although Qingyang had not used the truth points a few times because of a premonition.

Even so, Qingyang felt pain in his heart.

These are dreadnoughts. Just by the name, they are powerful basic battleships that can crush T6 Star Destroyers! !

Qingyang finally suppressed his floating emotions and looked at the star weapons that were settled by the alliance. It must be a unified settlement. In short, this star weapon is not suitable for the eternal fleet.

Because the gold-grade star weapon customized by Qingyang is the core of the weapon, and the customized star weapons of the Youth League have the characteristics of growth.

As the customization became more suitable, Qingyang decided to auction off this gold-grade star weapon to expand the fleet.

The starting price of 200 million star points was conveniently listed on the star network. Only then did Qingyang look at the star battleship that had been completed under the acceleration of the dock.

There are a total of nine thousand warships, which is only one thousand short of full strength. After leaving the world of hope and assimilating several dimensional worlds below one million light years, the full strength should be achieved.

According to the time, the blueprints of the Chichen ship that I gave to my father should also start to be sold, so there shouldn’t be any difference in money, right?

In short, Qingyang plans to build as many Chichen ships as he can in a short period of time.

By the way, I'm trying to find a way to get Chichen's follow-up fearless master drawings from the Star of Truth.

While Qingyang was planning, ten crystal boxes suddenly appeared on the floating platform of the dock, containing ten strange retro machines.

Most of them feature an ancient plasma hand cannon.

Qingyang suddenly smiled, put away the contamination of the Ten Rules, and immediately sent it to the Eternity.

At the moment, Tian Ling's recovery is the most important, everything else is just a cloud!

He quickly rushed to the Simiao Medical Area. Because Qingyang had a temporary holiday not long ago, there were not many people on the Eternal at the moment, and they were basically traveling around the world.

Counting the five mechanical rule contaminants that had been collected, Qingyang opened the ten crystal boxes.

Looking at Tian Ling suspended in mid-air in front of her, wearing a blue silk dress, like a porcelain doll.

Qingyang said directly in his heart: "Star of truth, repair the broken machine!"

[Five thousand truth points have been deducted]

In an instant, countless threads that Qingyang could not see but could sense, quickly pulled away the aura of rules from the fifteen mechanical rules contamination.

Then he merged into Tian Ling's will.

The Broken Machine, which was completely transformed and sublimated by the Broken God, was decomposed in the blink of an eye in front of the Star of Truth, and the fractured regular patterns on the various will parts of the Broken Machine continued to improve.

Finally a complete restoration was completed.

After completing the final assembly and expelling the spiritual imprint of the Broken God, the Star of Truth dissipated countless invisible threads.

"How about it?"

Qingyang looked very much like a family member in his previous life who was waiting for a relative's surgery and saw the doctor come out.

[Repair completed, will wake up soon]

As soon as the Star of Truth finished speaking, the solidification cabin in front sensed the fluctuation of life activity and opened the hatch and the life solidification force field on its own.

Tian Ling slowly fell towards Qingyang.

The latter hurriedly reached out and hugged Princess Tianling into his arms.

Looking at Tian Ling in his arms, whose face was extremely delicate but still looked a little immature after countless years, Qingyang's recent irritable mood finally calmed down.

Suddenly, Tian Ling in Qingyang's arms slowly opened her eyes.

The emerald green in her beautiful eyes reflected Qingyang's face. After being stunned for a few seconds, Tian Ling couldn't help but reveal a stiff but bright smile.


At the same moment, the rules of a certain place were revealed, and there was a mysterious place filled with illusory bronze gears as huge as galaxies.

The supreme will that had not moved for billions of years suddenly showed a slight ripple, and then a slightly surprised and interested gaze fell on the world of hope.

At that moment, except for the humans of the Star Torch Empire and the humans of the Alliance, all the lives in the Hope World were praying and sleeping.

At the same time, I dreamed of a mysterious scene.

Thousands of light-years across the darkness, the wall of the universe composed of endless illusory bronze gears rotates faintly.

The biggest reaction was from the four dark gods who were in the core battlefield. One of them had the most magnificent momentum. The boundless crimson light around them flashed the will of the endless battlefield scene, and they suddenly paused.

That is a much more terrifying personal pressure than the two powerful human divinities in front of me!

The high-dimensional watcher with the number twelve engraved on his mask also frowned: "Is that the gaze of the Broken God himself?"

Who is He looking at?

As one of the most powerful supreme gods among the order gods, the Broken God has always played a neutral role. He has stayed in the supreme order dimension since the late Fourth Age.

He once teamed up with the Alliance to deal with an arrogant dark god who disrupted the rules of the universe.

He is one of the incarnations of order in the universe, the innate divinity of the universe!

Of course, unlike the will of the universe which has no subjective consciousness, the Broken God has its own consciousness.

But soon, a hidden consciousness arose in the minds of the gods.

Twelve and the commander-in-chief were stunned for a moment, then looked strange.

The Broken God, who can be called the manifestation of the order of the universe and one of the most important figures in the dimension of supreme order, actually has a chosen one in the real dimension?

This is the first time I've seen him.

The Broken God Religion spread all over the corners of the universe seems to be restless.

And he seems to be human

"Don't think too much, the battle is not over yet."

Immediately, the boundless sacred ocean and the crimson light collided together again. This was due to the confrontation and erosion of authority!


Tianling floated out of Qingyang's arms. Before she could speak, a complex dark blue divine pattern suddenly appeared on her forehead.

The whole shape was like a long and narrow rhombus, only the size of a fingernail but containing millions of lines of different thicknesses. Qingyang was shocked in his heart.

[No need to worry about collaborators, the target has been chosen by the Broken God as a favored one, of course it can also be called a chosen one]

God's choice? !

Broken God's Choice? !

Qingyang, who knew a little information about the Broken God, was shocked.

He has also read the information about the Broken God. Logically speaking, he should not pay attention to 'weak' beings like Tian Ling.

[According to the records of the Star of Truth, the target is the only reality carrier that can recover completely after enduring the fall of the Broken God and completely integrate the Broken Machine]


Qingyang was a little worried: "Are you sure this is a good thing?"

[It is certain that everything the divinity of order does is a derivative of order, and the gaze is only of interest and will not interfere]

[Compared with the benefits obtained, in the words of the collaborators, it is just blood money]

Qingyang felt relieved and prepared to take Tian Ling to the control room.

[Commander Qingyang, Tianling already has all the training conditions for the Wanhua mecha system. Please let her accept the awakening of the tactical system]

Not only Qingyang, the same panel also appeared in front of Tianling.

As long as Tianling agrees, Qingyang's opinion is useless.

Tianling looked at Qingyang.

"Wanhua Mecha, the alliance's tactical system?" Qingyang's eyes flickered, and he handed the relevant information to Tian Ling.

The alliance's tactical system is no weaker than the Star Fleet in terms of upper limit and strength, but its scope is too small and the conditions are too high, and the conditions for awakening are too harsh.

Therefore, most alliance elites and ordinary countries do not know the existence of the tactical system, and even some people from major countries do not know it.

Tian Ling understood the general information and immediately decided: "I accept."

[Confirm the decision of the parties concerned and are awakening]

[The Wanhua Mecha talent is loading.]

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