Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 170 The Familiar Ancient Star Warrior Returns to Kyushu

[Confirmation Template—The Broken God]

[Talents are digitized and adaptability is perfect]

[Talent - Shattered Divine Machine (Zunxing)]

[Basic bonus: 100% spiritual energy is converted into high-dimensionality - the power of breaking]

[Wanhua mecha (basic): standard mecha mode, attack, defense, agility, special attack, special defense +1000% strength]

[Broken God Machine (Active): Awakening Mecha Mode, based on standard Mecha mode strength, all attributes × 2

During this period, you will have the ability to mobilize a certain power of order (Broken God’s Choice), and the intensity of mobilizing the power of order will increase as your body’s strength increases]

【Broken God's Choice——】

[Passive 1: The will and mental strength will be guarded by the Broken Brand. Unless the influencer's power exceeds the God of Broken, the guard cannot be broken]

[Passive 2: The power of fragmentation will never be exhausted, and mecha weapons do not need to be charged]

[Passive 3: Absorb the power of mechanical rules or order rules and grow rapidly]

[The Fall of the Broken God (Active): Summons the projection of the Broken God to descend. After using it, a hundred star sea years need to be buffered, and the user will sleep for five star sea years, and the broken machine loses 5%]

[Mecha restrictions: No restrictions in standard mode, the shield and armor value return to zero, the body dissipates, and the body will be transferred back to the original anchor point (can be set by yourself)]

[Awakening restrictions: Accumulate the power of awakening, accumulate twenty time units to use one time unit, and the power of awakening will be burned during the awakening]

Tian Ling immediately showed the awakened talent data to Qingyang.

Shatter the divine machine!

Or the star talent? !

Qingyang suddenly looked surprised, but suddenly his heart trembled when he thought of something.

Could it be that Star Network wants Tian Ling to usurp the authority of the Supreme Order Dimension?

After all, the intentions of the Alliance and Star Network were revealed in front of Qingyang not long ago, and he couldn't help but think about it.

Qingyang shook his head to expel the chaotic thoughts from his mind, and looked at Tian Ling cautiously: "The talent of Shattered God's Advent is absolutely not allowed to be used unless the situation is extremely critical!"

Although it is not a price for a powerful individual to sleep for five years after using it, the loss of the broken machine is a problem.

"Yes." Tian Ling nodded to express her understanding.

Then Tian Ling stretched out a hand out of curiosity, and saw an illusory sphere shining with dark green light appearing in front of her.

Floating in the sky above Tian Ling's palm.

If you look carefully, you can find countless tiny illusory bronze gears, slowly rotating, and unpredictable aura flowing through them.

It's more like a beating mechanical heart than a sphere!

The core of the Wanhua mecha tactical system, the heart of Wanhua!

"Try the Broken God Machine again if you have the chance. We will leave here soon." Qingyang smiled and led Tian Ling out of the medical area.

"Everyone is waiting for you in the control room."


Stan base world.

The space was turbulent, and the Eternity appeared in a huge preparation base. Qingyang came here to receive the surprise and customized star weapons given to him by Feng Xiao.

Following the instructions, Qingyang quickly parked the Eternal at a dock.

Two Xingwu are stored here.

Qingyang couldn't wait to look at the long-awaited custom-made star weapon first. After all, this was a top-quality star weapon that could greatly increase the lower limit of the fleet's firepower!

[Xingwu: Unnamed (Armed Core)]

[Quality: Gold (customized)]

[Basic effect: Fleet guns and secondary guns will be forcibly converted into penetrating types, with an additional 50% penetrating damage]

[Additional effect 1 (passive): Naval guns and secondary guns will be added with 10% annihilation high-dimensional attack characteristics]

[Additional effect two (passive): The naval gun can switch to a shield charging cannon, which releases charging beams to speed up recovery efficiency]

"The alliance's high-end customization has never disappointed anyone!" A scene suddenly appeared in Qingyang's mind.

Star destroyer cannons and fearless light spears continuously hit the enemy, and the densely packed charged beams make the joint shield unable to move under the enemy's attack.

Just thinking about it makes me feel powerless for the enemy.

However, the enemies you will face after T5 are equally impressive. The shield can only intercept frontal damage. Many special attacks and damage require armored star weapons or the strength of the ship's hull, which requires force to resist.

According to the information collected by Qingyang, the joint shield of the T4 fleet in the deserted battlefield is rarely broken, but the destruction of the T4 star battleship is not a rare phenomenon.

In any war, the star fleet participating in the war will suffer losses.

In many cases, the shield cannot completely intercept high-dimensional attacks, even if the shield has 100% high-dimensional characteristics.

There is always a big difference between high-dimensional features and high-dimensional features.

Having said that, these two functions are really suitable for the Eternal Truth Fleet. When encountering a large number of enemies with certain threats, switch the attack mode.

The naval gun has 10% annihilation high-dimensional damage, and its suppressive power far exceeds the ordinary 10% high-dimensional attack characteristics.

Annihilation is the standard high-dimensional killing weapon that the Alliance considers to be most focused on attack.

If you encounter a small but extremely powerful enemy, you can directly switch to the charging cannon mode, which greatly improves the Eternal Fleet's high-level battlefield survivability.

In any case, the basic agreement of the Eternal Agreement is shield and defense!

In addition, the Wall of God Star is the strongest star weapon in the Eternal Fleet now, Qingyang feels that the importance of the rechargeable cannon mode even exceeds the additional effect one!

Breastfeeding while beating, a vicious tactic.

Very suitable for special fleets that mainly rely on high-destructive armaments.

Qingyang quickly determined Xingwu's name: "Name it, the core of the cycle."

[Confirmation completed, equipped to fleet]

Only then did Qingyang look at the mysterious surprise that Feng Xiao had given him. It was a Xingwu main gun that looked like Yuan Sha's main gun but was even more mysterious.

[Xingwu: Yuansha main gun (unique Xingwu)]

[Quality: Purple Gold (suppressed, T4 unlocked)]

[Basic: 30w attack energy level, additional high-dimensional cracking characteristics (100%)]

[Shen Po Yuan Sha (Passive): Facing existences with darkness, chaos or related to them, actual damage +1000%]

[Returning Crack (Active): beyond visual range strike, consumes 1000w star points, additional star power attack characteristics, requires ten minutes of buffering after use]

[Basic energy storage: 120s]

[Evaluation: The ancient primitive star weapon is stained with the blood of the dark gods, and its attributes are currently in a suppressed state (convenient for T6 and T5 use)]

Qingyang felt something was wrong when he first saw it, but he immediately realized it after watching it.

That legendary commander from the Fourth Age, is he referring to his brother? !

Although it has long been speculated that brother Feng Xiao and his father should be the kind of 'seniors' who have lived for a long time and have even been reincarnated many times.

But when the facts were before his eyes, Qingyang still felt a little disillusioned.

It doesn’t matter if you are a time traveler yourself, but everyone in your family is also a time traveler? ?

The technology of time travel and reincarnation seems to be quite common in the league.

Qingyang stared at the Yuansha main gun for a moment, then silently replaced the original Yuansha main gun and pressed it on the broken formation, and the main body of the Yuansha main gun was pressed on the flagship.

The Formation Breaker is a special main attack ship. Its Formation Breaking and Wild Attack effect can lead the Star Destroyer fleet to quickly cut through the battlefield. It needs to take the lead in the charge, not to mention the two main cannons.

The five main guns and star weapons are all normal.

The Eternal is the flagship and the flagship of the special fleet, so it is perfect for serving as the strongest fort.

Qingyang completed the replacement of the two Xingwu without any plans to stay any longer: "Leave the dimensional world and return to the main universe!"

Alliance territory.

The Eternal Fleet, which had just returned, quickly sailed towards the territory of the Kyushu Republic along a high-dimensional waterway.

Going to the desolate area is of great importance. You need to make some preparations in the Kyushu Republic and learn some more confidential desolate information.

On the way, Qingyang opened the virtual network, which is the lowest level of the Star Network and is open to all members of the alliance, and read it with a relaxed mood.

Qingyang subconsciously clicked on the alliance's latest country consultation page. Some of the top 100 most popular consultations could not help but arouse Qingyang's surprise.

# A new member of the Alliance’s Supreme Council has emerged as an elite member of the British Seat: Star Luo Empire #

# A human country that once did not belong to the alliance. The first country to add new compatriots in more than 140,000 years. The secret of the Luo Star Empire is revealed #

# The Hanxing Federation announced: The Star Luo Empire will become a new support target of the Stars’ Brilliant Project. Will the alliance give birth to a new great power? #

# Strong group will, the relationship between Luo Xing Empire and Qingyang Tianjiao #

Qingyang raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect that the Luo Star Empire would be the first to pass the alliance's teaching stage and assessment?

The speed is much faster than officials expected. Even including the acceleration of the small-dimensional world, the learning time of Luo Star Empire is only two to three hundred years.

Are levels of belonging and common sense up to scratch so quickly?

Of course, if the standard is met, it will take some time for the Luo Star Empire to enter the big universe as a whole. After all, the replacement of the foundation of the technology tree is the most time-consuming.

Recalling the calm Emperor Kassel, Qingyang sighed with emotion: "Kassel should still be the ruler now, right?"

Qingyang suddenly noticed some information related to Luo Xing Empire and clicked on it out of curiosity.

Entertainment page.

# Shocked, the eldest princess of Luoxing Empire and Qingyang Tianjiao. #

# The story that Qingyang Tianjiao has to tell, comes from the admiration of the eldest princess of the empire #


? ? ?

Qingyang sat up, where did this group of people get this news?

Spreading false consultations in the alliance will be restricted by the virtual network!

Although it is not on the popularity list, it is still read a lot because of Qingyang's reputation.

Qingyang quickly understood the situation.

It turned out that it was Liya, the princess of the Star Luo Empire, who had awakened the talent of the Purple Gold Adjutant and joined a top commander academy in the alliance.

He accidentally talked about himself and clearly expressed his love and yearning for the Eternal Fleet.

"No matter what era this entertainment group is in, its sources are always so pervasive.

Truth, what level is Liya’s awakened talent? "Qingyang was speechless at first, then asked curiously.

[Purple Gold Talent]

Qingyang was quite surprised: "Zijin? A Zijin adjutant was born just after joining the alliance?"

In that case, we really need to seriously consider Liya joining the Eternal Fleet. The Purple Gold Adjutant can provide a lot of help to the fleet.

At this moment, the star map prompt sounded.

[Attention: Arrived at Kyushu Republic and Demonic Sea International Waterway Hub]

[Entering Jinling·Qinhuai District Direct High-Dimensional Channel]

[Specific location: Qinhong Street Chichen Technology Group]

[Legal Person: Qingyundao]


Chapter 2 is currently being written, and there is also a summary at the end of the volume

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