Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 174 The Palace of Truth!

Back in the residential area, Qingyang couldn't wait to unfold his talents and hurriedly read through the first three agreements.

Thoughtfully: "Has the advanced immortal hull turned into a junior eternal hull?"

It was determined that the other agreements only had certain changes in the basic increase and overlay range, and then the eyes turned to the fifth agreement that had not yet been signed.

"Confirm the signing of the fifth agreement!"

[Confirmation completed, signing]

[Signature completed]

[Protocol 5: Miraculous Cycle (max) Special]

[Basic characteristics: Every time the fleet improves by one level, all attributes of the fleet will permanently increase by 5%]

[Core Features: When the commander is reincarnated and the fleet rings are superimposed, it is equivalent to directly superimposing five rings]

[Ring superposition: For each additional ring, any star battleship that has been digitized will have all attributes +20% on the original basis, and will have an additional talent bar]

[Note: Since the Eternal Agreement talent is special and has reached the Zun Star, no new additional talent will be generated each time the ring is superimposed.

Instead, a blank high-dimensional template will appear. You can configure the high-dimensional template attributes yourself. The template will improve as the fleet improves, and you will enjoy the subsequent superimposed increases]

[Attachment: The range of basic characteristics includes the level that is re-upgraded after reincarnation, and the attributes that were previously improved after reincarnation will not disappear]

Qingyang's eyes widened slightly. I have to say that this fifth agreement is really strong, super strong!

If it falls into the hands of a powerful commander, the effect of the fifth agreement is even comparable to the combined value of the previous three agreements.

When the alliance's high-end powerhouses see no hope of promotion in the short term, the only way to continue to increase their upper limit of strength is through ring stacking.

Not only can they find and test new directions, but they can also greatly increase the fleet's foundation.

Every time the rings are superimposed, a fleet of the same size and state can completely defeat the state before the ring superposition, so it can be seen how terrifying the ring superposition is.

The fifth agreement directly increases the amplification intensity of a ring stack by as much as five times!

Even the effect of that basic characteristic only reaches T4, which is comparable to a ring superposition each time, and can be improved instantly within a lifetime!

But here comes the problem, I definitely won’t be able to use ring superposition in a short time.

Of course, even so, Protocol 5 is still scary.

[The current fleet has reached T5 level]

[Basic characteristics take effect: fleet’s all attribute strength +15%]

It is comparable to a comprehensive superposition of purple and gold commander talents! !

Qingyang closed the panel with satisfaction. Although the core features were unusable, the basic features alone were worth the price.

Qingyang, who was just about to get up and leave, thought of something and glanced at another personal attribute.

[Due to the blessing of mysterious power, the T4 commander’s mental threshold function is opened in advance]

[Endless cycle: reaching the T4 spiritual threshold, the commander can carry memories and talents for reincarnation, and can choose to be reincarnated as a spirit body or reincarnated]

[High-dimensional will: The interference and pollution originating from the rule level will completely disappear, the soul will become high-dimensional, and the life level will gradually improve on its own until it reaches the high-dimensional life level]

Not surprisingly, the first function is related to ring superposition and reincarnation.

High-dimensional will belongs to a stronger feedback of fleet power?

I think the time it takes to reach a high-dimensional level won't be too short, but it won't be too long either.

Qingyang was in a good mood, and his eyes suddenly focused on the opportunity to enter the Palace of Truth on the Star of Truth panel.

Speaking of which, because I had to wake up Tian Ling, I was in a hurry, and the opportunity to enter the Palace of Truth, which was available at T6, was never used.

It takes 10,000 truth points to enter the Palace of Truth. How is it different from the Extraordinary Palace of the Alliance?

Thinking of this, Qingyang asked: "How long does it take to enter and exit the Palace of Truth?"

[One second to the outside world]

replied the Star of Truth.

One second

"Open the Palace of Truth!"


In an instant, before Qingyang could react, extremely intense white light instantly completely covered Qingyang.

Consciousness quickly returned, and what Qingyang saw was an endless expanse of brilliance, brilliance and brilliance in every sense of the word.

In the boundless space, there are huge irregular bright crystal flows everywhere, either strange rocks and mountains, flowers, trees, or mirrored oceans.

Countless bright colored crystals are like liquids and mist, warm and invisible.

Can't tell what color it is.

It seems like a brilliant crystal sea that contains all the colors in the world, exuding a soft brilliance.

Qingyang was standing on the surface of a bright ocean like a mirror.

Looking down with curiosity, Qingyang seemed to see a vast starry sky in a trance, in which a civilization was developing at an extremely fast speed.

Surface - interstellar - faster than light speed - destruction.

And all the knowledge, history, will, culture, cognition and other mysterious things created by this civilization have formed tens of thousands of bubbles.

Floating in this bright ocean.

Qingyang curiously poked a bubble. It didn't break, but a huge amount of information instantly poured into Qingyang's mind.

That is the basic knowledge of this civilization’s material science, as well as the memories of all scientists in this civilization’s material science, all the emotions in life, and the understanding of all things.

The mental threshold operation quickly became jerky.

Qingyang quickly organized the information and stored it in blocks, deleted a large amount of irrelevant information in his mind, and then returned to normal.

Qingyang looked around thoughtfully without touching the bubbles again.


Qingyang stepped out, and the bright ocean beneath his feet was only an insignificant part of this boundless space, but it contained countless information about all civilizations.

If tens of thousands of bubbles represent a civilization, then how many civilizations do the bubbles that make up this ocean represent?

"Star of Truth?"

【Excuse me】

The sound of the Star of Truth was not the previous mechanical sound, but an extremely grand and ethereal, threadless sound that sounded from all directions at the same time.

"Is this the Palace of Truth?"


"Is this related to the big universe?"

[Yes, not many]

Qingyang nodded slightly and looked around: "Then what benefits can I get from here?"

[The Endless Palace contains the truth of infinite civilizations and even high-dimensional river basins. Collaborators can find a truth involving rules. If it is recognized, they can obtain a high-dimensional template]

[Can only be obtained once per entry]

[In addition, collaborators can teleport here]

Qingyang suddenly realized it, glanced at the countless bubbles at his feet, and left immediately without hesitation.

Then he appeared in a lotus-like brilliance.

Countless flower-like crystals sway around, each one containing everything of a civilization.

Qingyang looked at them one by one, and without staying any longer, he teleported away directly.

After teleporting countless times, Qingyang finally stopped in the midst of a huge ring of brilliance.

Looking at the fist-sized sphere of light in front of him, Qingyang looked incomprehensible.

The truths in the ball of light in front of me were all created by human civilization, and based on the history of civilization that Qingyang has roughly seen.

This human civilization existed even before the Alliance was born!

The most important thing is the level of human civilization!

Level nine civilization—Explorer!

Qingyang stared intently, without much hesitation, he directly stretched out his hand and pointed at the brightest particle of light in the light ball.

[Please note that the truth transformed into the will of a ninth-level civilization is not easy to obtain]

Chapter 2: I'm working hard, I have to deal with some school matters recently, and I'm going to have an internship soon.

Hesitant to sign the contract given by the school

I will look for an opportunity to update next month and add more updates for the leader of the Walker Alliance!

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