Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 215 Plot·Region of Stars

When Qingyang heard this extremely familiar mechanical sound, he didn't react for a short while.

It wasn't until a few seconds later that he was slightly surprised and said: "Star Network?"

[Yes, Commander Qingyang, based on the technical information of Desolation Gate you provided, the alliance has reverse-optimized some of the technologies in the experiment.

For example, StarNet narrative positioning technology, main server desert connection technology, etc.

It ensures that the Star Network can communicate in real time with a small number of star fleets in the outer universe. In addition, the main server diffusion mechanism of the Star Network has also been upgraded]

[At present, the coverage efficiency and scope of the large universe star network have been increased several times, and non-complete star networks can also be temporarily laid in different universes through relevant settings]

Qingyang suddenly realized: "Currently we can only communicate, right? It is possible to install incomplete main server equipment in different universes. It is still in the experimental stage?"

[Yes, this experimental model will be delivered through the experimental Universal Gate in thirty minutes]

[Alliance University scholars have optimized the Gate of Desolation technology. This navigation technology can reach any coordinate position in just ten days]

Qingyang nodded to the confused Yingsheng and quickly returned to the Eternal control room.

"So the alliance can already send troops on a large scale and enter from anywhere in the universe?" Qingyang asked with some expectation.

[It’s not possible yet. We can only open pathways in the outer areas of the universe. The densely packed interior of the universe will be countered.]

[In addition, the star network has completed the collection of star cluster and universe information collected by Commander Qingyang in the recent period]

[The macroscopic world is extremely important, and Commander Qingyang who obtains some of its information will receive a reward]

[The Black Dragon Empire also asked Commander Qingyang to continue to be in charge. During this period, Star Network will provide detection, scanning and database services]

Qingyang was helpless. According to these words, only the Eternal Fleet could operate in a different universe in a short period of time.

However, StarNet's own database and exploration services can already provide convenience to the Eternal Fleet to a great extent.

"Can Zhou Jin, the chosen person of the Macroscopic Realm that I found in this star cluster universe, awaken his talent?" Qingyang suddenly thought of Zhou Jin and asked immediately.

[It and the entire civilization need to be sent back to the big universe to complete the integration of ethnic concepts. At present, the gate of the universe is not yet complete and needs to wait]

Qingyang chatted with Xingwang for a while and basically understood the current situation.

The mechanical program of the local star network is replaced by the main server program of the star network. You can directly connect to the main server to obtain respective information and suggestions.

And can quickly transfer information to and from the alliance, without any other help.

As for the experimental model of the incomplete master server node device, its range is limited and can only cover a few hundred million light years.

The help is not great. At most, various things will be much more convenient within the coverage area, and the power of the Star Network cannot be reached.

The biggest role is to allow the analysis capabilities of the main server of the Star Network to penetrate into the regular space and other levels of different universes to quickly complete the analysis of this universe.

Conveniently dispatched troops can instantly regain combat effectiveness without adapting to the abnormal law framework.

After the analysis is completed, the Star Network will have certain regular space intervention power, and the range can provide various powerful amplification effects.

Only after the Gate of the World is completely completed and after the other universe has occupied a considerable part of the authority.

The full power of the Star Network can be displayed in a different universe.

In short, there is no need for Qingyang to think about substantial large-scale combat assistance within half a year. Small-scale support, material and technical assistance are no problem.

After sorting out the intelligence content brought by the Star Network, Qingyang briefly spoke to the core crew members.

Hearing that the will of the Star Network Master would once again be with the Eternal Fleet, everyone looked surprised.

Although it cannot provide frontal combat power, the sense of security that the Star Network's will brings to the alliance's humans cannot be erased!

What's more, they can contact the alliance directly!

The happiest one among them is Belya, who basically brought over all the analysis calculations and scientific research auxiliary functions of the Star Network main server.

The blessing for scientific research giants is more than ten times!

Even the research on the abnormal terminal can be accelerated.

Suddenly, a large colorful and dreamy particle cloud appeared in the center of the Black Dragon Empire base.

The speechless Weiya immediately attracted Yingsheng's attention. The strong sense of closeness made him a little confused, and he subconsciously looked at the Eternal.

When he saw Qingyang's figure appearing outside the ship and quickly approaching the cloud, Yingsheng breathed a sigh of relief.

The feeling of closeness is the feeling of closeness, and the terrifying sense of oppression contained in it also makes Yingsheng somewhat suffocated and wary.

Since they are friendly forces, it will be fine.

Ying Sheng thought for a while and followed up: "Little friend Qingyang, is this support from a higher civilization?"

"Yes, that's right. There will be a will to talk to you directly later." Qingyang nodded slightly to Yingsheng.

Originally, I was thinking about how to arrange the Black Dragon Empire. Now that the Star Network Master Service is online, let the Star Network Will program talk to him.

I believe that the existence of Star Network Will, which combines human conceptual will, is more convincing for victory.

As the dreamy huge clouds gradually dissipated, a sphere with a diameter of one hundred kilometers appeared on the spot, its smooth surface reflecting the starry sky.

[Whether to activate the server node]

The node can be moved, and even if it is activated here, it can be moved back to the Evergreen Star Territory. Qingyang decisively agreed.

In an instant, the supreme perception that only humans can perceive suddenly arrived!

It is a kind of closeness and sublimity originating from the soul and concept!

Yingsheng, who had reached the divine realm, was speechless at the moment, because he could feel that the connection between the macroscopic realm and him was suppressed!

Some of the original restrictions and effects of the macroscopic realm on the God's Choice have also been temporarily blocked.

What kind of existence is this that can actually interfere with the connection that suppresses the macroscopic world? !


Suddenly, an ethereal mechanical voice echoed in Yingsheng's mind, without waiting for Yingsheng's response.

Countless basic information and various materials about the alliance form a huge torrent of information pouring into the consciousness of winning.

As a high-dimensional being, there is no burden to bear this kind of indoctrination.

Seeing Ying Sheng fall into silence, with a hint of shock on his expression from time to time, Qingyang smiled slightly.

Then he looked at everyone: "The plan has changed. We will use disposable conventional weapons and various fleet skills to speed up the end of this war that has no suspense.

We need to find the center of this universe, where the realm of stars is, as soon as possible! "

Now that the main will of the Star Network has arrived and has complete Star Network data analysis capabilities, the Domain of Star Clusters has a lot to do.

Naturally, there is no need to collect intelligence and information bit by bit.

Lilith and the Starry Lieutenant who were on other battlefields responded at the same time, and various active skills began to be used continuously.

Even Gu Xue's Law of the Universe is directly activated.

The marching speed of the two waves of armies suddenly increased, directly penetrating the defense lines of two seventh-level advanced civilizations.

They forcibly entered the core territory of the two civilizations and launched massacres and artillery attacks on planets inhabited by a large elite population.

Empty the planet, destroy the stars, and destroy the foundation and space for life to exist.

In the opinion of the alliance, this is an efficient means of combat.

Suffering such a violent attack, the two civilizations immediately called back all their armies to prepare for defense.

Other civilizations were silent for a few hours, and finally decided to send legions to assist in the battle.

But it is a pity that the Eternal Fleet, which decided to go all out to quickly deal with them, is not something they can resist at all.

Terrifying powerful skills such as Kapa's Spear penetrated the legions of all major civilizations.

The double star battleships separated from the fraud gift box further encircled and destroyed the last remaining special fleets of the coalition.

Neutron bombs soared in various important areas, and countless meme viruses and data viruses were dropped one by one.

The original legion wars and civilized battles have completely turned into complete killings and clearing out lives.

Faced with the memetic virus that even eighth-level civilizations need to be prepared for, and the starry sky fleet's attack that can shatter dimensions, several major civilizations woke up.

It turns out that from beginning to end, they were not opponents on the same level.

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