Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 217 Human Civilization in the Realm of Stars (Two in One)

About a week has passed since the Star Network main server contact channel appeared.

The special fleets and elite legions of the Seven Heroes Alliance Army were basically wiped out by the attack of the Eternal Battleship Formation.

The other major legions were also hit to pieces.

Now even Lilith's mechanical army is still enough to suppress the Seven Heroes Alliance, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is even crushing.

Seeing this, Qingyang didn't stay long and immediately controlled the fleet to return to the Evergreen Star Territory with the server nodes.

Evergreen Star Region, Central Star Region.

Eight huge star ring channels surround the central black hole in the distance.

The millions of kilometers of star ports built around the star ring are busy, handling a large number of star ships and various resource ships.

Most of them are mechanical warships, and there are also some construction ships and transport ships marked with the Black Dragon Empire.

As for the original major civilizations in the Evergreen Star Region, except for the Shenyun human civilization, they were all moved to the Qingxue Star Cluster.

Now in the entire Evergreen Star Territory, only the Deep Cloud Federation and some citizens of the Black Dragon Empire are active.

Qingyang plans to build this place as the alliance's initial territory in this universe, preparing to accommodate various human civilizations in different universes for cooperation and exchanges.

Therefore, after Yingsheng and the Black Dragon Empire decided to join the alliance, Qingyang allocated an area here to the Black Dragon Empire.

I have to say that the environment of this star field is indeed good, even compared with the central star field that was transformed by the Black Dragon Empire.

However, if you want to use it as the external territory of the alliance, it is still a bit short.

Qingyang breathed a sigh of relief as he watched the server nodes gradually blur into the central black hole, and then the star network with a radius of 200 million light-years spread out in an instant.

[The Star Network is giving priority to analyzing the star realm, and it is expected to gain control of it within one star sea day]

[Star Network will change some of the source data programs to a certain extent and simulate the ‘Heaven Realm’ to obtain macro-Heaven Realm authorization.

Expand the scope of the Evergreen Star Domain as much as possible, and condense stars and celestial bodies in large quantities to form Evergreen Star Clusters. The estimated range will be consistent with the coverage of the Star Network Server]

Qingyang was stunned for a moment and then reacted immediately.

Are you going to let the macroscopic world think this is a star cluster, and use your authority to quickly condense a celestial body on the scale of a star cluster? !

As expected of StarNet!

"I know, how long will it take?"

[It is expected to take two star sea years, and the star network will ensure that the average quality of the environment here continues to increase]

Qingyang nodded slightly: "Is it okay for the mechanical legion to guard here?"

[Star Network has deployed three Defender X-type defense aircraft to guard this place. If Commander Qingyang encounters danger in the realm of stars, he can apply for the deployment of this aircraft]


Although I don’t know how strong this kind of defender is, the name is not easy to hear. The names of official products of the alliance are never fancy.

Moreover, even Star Network thinks it can help it solve certain dangers.

"Understood." Qingyang nodded, his consciousness sweeping over the 20,000 star warships in the Eternal Star Space.

Without hesitation: "Confirm the direction, the realm of stars, let's go!"

With the Chosen One of the Macroscopic Heaven Realm, it is naturally not difficult to obtain the direction distance of the Constellation Domain. Perhaps this distance is extremely far away for seventh-level or even eighth-level civilizations.

However, for the Eternal Fleet, which owns the starry space, it is only a continuous journey of two or three days.

Even if dozens of buffer shields are needed along the way to ensure that the storm in the original star dome space will not pose a threat, at most four days will be enough to reach the realm of stars.

As Qingyang's order was issued, ripples immediately appeared in the surrounding space, and then the entire Eternity disappeared.

Only the bustling Starlink Starport area was left.

Mile Road Star Port.

A large space port on the outer edge of the Constellation Domain, the overall shape is like a column lying on its side, with a cross-sectional diameter of millions of kilometers.

The length reaches more than 30 million kilometers, and there are thousands and hundreds of thousands of kilometers of starry sky giant structures surrounding it.

There are many functions such as commerce, warehouse, factory maintenance and so on.

Densely marked channels connect the starport and major structures, and streams formed by countless spacecraft shuttles move rapidly among them.

As a well-known star port with tens of billions of light-years around, the daily throughput here reaches tens of millions of ships.

Even the various galaxies and planets within tens of thousands of light-years around it are very wealthy, with a strong atmosphere of commerce and adventure.

Normally, tens of thousands of creatures from different civilizations can be seen here.

Whether they are low-level or high-level civilization creatures, you can basically encounter them.

Of course, the currencies used for mutual transactions are unified currencies, energy coins issued by the two overlord civilizations and regulated by the Destruction Agreement.

It is basically composed of a tiny ray of universal spiritual energy combined with basic particles.

Even if it is just one energy coin, the energy and basic particles contained in it are enough for a surface civilization to use for a long time.

Dozens of them can be used to advance from a surface civilization to a second-level civilization, and all materials and energy will be consumed during the process!

Although it is lagging behind the alliance coins made from basic particles, rare particles, a trace of high-dimensional energy mixed with rare energy, it is still quite valuable.

"Sir, please put it away."

Qingyang smiled and took the card from the blue-skinned fish man: "Happy cooperation."

Half a day after arriving here, the delivery fluctuations in the star dome space were judged to be macro-celestial delivery, which attracted the attention of many companies in this star port.

After all, the warships that can use the macroscopic sky realm to transport and sail must be at least the eighth-level peak civilization, and most likely even the ninth-level civilization's ships.

At the same time, through Chang Xi's data query, Qingyang also had a certain understanding of the social model and basic economy of the Star Cluster Domain.

The model was similar to what Qingyang had guessed. Except for some lost civilizations and lost empires that were "closed to the country", basically all civilizations would conduct trade activities with each other.

In addition to the two dominant civilizations, even level 10 civilizations can be seen in the huge Internet market of the Star Cluster Domain!

As for how to ensure fairness and convenient communication, the two dominant civilizations have built a huge virtual data network and transportation network in the entire star cluster.

Ensure that all civilizations can quickly move and communicate in the star cluster, and can grow rapidly in communication.

After roughly understanding the purchasing power of energy coins, Qingyang took out a huge amount of basic particle resource crystals and a large amount of technical information of level 7 civilizations in exchange for a large amount of energy coins!

A full 5 trillion!

According to the purchasing power of energy coins, the GDP of ordinary level 7 advanced civilizations in five years is estimated to be at this level.

This is because Qingyang quickly lowered the price to a certain extent, otherwise it would be higher.

There is no way, the resources generated by the central black hole of the star cluster and the technical information provided by the seven level 7 civilizations are too much.

"This is my Sokula company's black gold VIP customer certificate, please keep it." The blue fish man smiled and tapped the wrist terminal again.

Then, a screen popped up on the wristband terminal that Qingyang temporarily simulated.

[Do you want to receive the identity certificate?]

[Five trillion energy coins have been transferred to the account]

As a high-dimensional data life, Chang Xi, coupled with the local star network controlled by the main star network program, can easily create a fully compliant identity terminal.

Qingyang would naturally not refuse such interest-friendly.

The main body of Sokula Company is a level nine civilization, and many things are also very useful to Qingyang.

For example, various rare resources that can be processed by data.

After seeing off the general manager of the fish man branch, Qingyang and others got up and left the reception room, riding the star shuttle to the next destination.

[Star Cluster Explorer Association]

This is a product that is basically born in a highly social universe environment.

As expected, it was still led by the hegemony civilization, and many level ten and level nine civilizations participated, sharing certain exploration areas and dangerous places.

It is also a mercenary organization. As long as the price is enough, war can also be considered an exploration! Qingyang is not very interested in the exploration area information, but he can receive commissions from level nine or even level ten civilizations. This is what Qingyang values. Before the Star Network came, Qingyang's actions were all to gain a foothold and then conduct detailed surveys of various cutting-edge civilizations in the alien universe. Now that the Star Network main server can communicate in real time, the Gate of the Universe is also about to be completed. The development time is naturally skipped. Finding out the detailed information of these cutting-edge civilizations in the alien universe and the detailed situation of this universe is the core goal! Of course, there is also pan-human civilization. The databases of these top civilizations must have a lot of records of various civilizations in the universe! Especially for level ten civilizations, if there is a chance to query their civilization records, the probability of determining pan-human coordinates is definitely higher than encountering it yourself. It is not difficult for Qingyang to apply for an explorer certificate. It just simply demonstrates the will of a high-dimensional level. The certificate of the star cluster gold medal explorer was applied for, and the processing speed was ridiculously fast. Ignoring the requests of the branch president of the Explorers' Agreement, Qingyang and others quickly returned to the Eternal.

The basic access rights and funds of the Star Cluster Domain have been obtained, so Qingyang naturally does not want to stay any longer.

"Chang Xi, check the database of the Explorers' Association to see if there is a pan-human civilization in the Star Cluster Domain."


Glancing at the Star Cluster Wide Area Data Network, Qingyang directly chose to block the large amount of information applying for additional contact positions.

Only a few keywords were set, and as long as the keywords were not triggered, the communication would be completely blocked.

Looking at the ships coming and going around the berthing area, Qingyang was quite emotional.

It must be said that without the stability of civilization with absolute repressive power, it is basically difficult for a large-scale cosmic society to take shape.

But the Star Cluster Universe is different. It is a cosmic sociality constructed entirely by subtle habits and environments.

The premise of cosmic sociality is that countless civilizations are roughly similar in moral and value concepts. It is conceivable how difficult it is.

Coincidentally, the values ​​and morals of the Star Cluster Universe are basically the same as those of humans.

Massacres, open experiments on intelligent life, extinction, treating intelligent life as food, etc. are not allowed.

If it is too serious, it will cause public outrage and judgment from top civilizations.

Of course, if it is a war of civilizations, extinction wars between each other will not cause judgment and sanctions, but the reputation and credibility will be seriously reduced.

"The commander has been found. There are about sixteen civilizations, all of which are pan-human civilizations.

The weakest is a surface civilization, the strongest is an eighth-level peak civilization, and the rest are third-level to sixth-level civilizations.

Fifteen of these civilizations have contacts and diplomatic relations, and they get along well. The basic treaty of the star cluster does not allow interference with surface civilizations, so surface humans have not joined."

Qingyang's face was slightly happy. He didn't expect there were sixteen!

You must know that the way to judge pan-human civilizations is that these civilizations have evolved independently from single cells to completion without being interfered with.

In other words, there have been fifteen civilization miracles in the star cluster hundreds of miles away.

——Highly similar intelligent life has evolved in different places!

"I didn't expect that one of them is still an eighth-level peak civilization. This at least ensures that the pan-human civilization will not be too bad in the realm of stars."

Even in the realm of stars, the eighth-level civilization ranks high!

Not to mention the hegemonic civilization that is indifferent to worldly affairs, there are only six or seven level ten civilizations in the Constellation Domain.

There are only more than twenty level nine civilizations, and eight level civilizations are equally rare, with only more than two hundred.

Even if we include civilizations in the entire alien universe, the number will only increase by about a quarter at most.

It’s enough to show how rare an eighth-level civilization is.

Placed in the vast realm of stars, due to the three-dimensional structure, there may not be an eighth-level civilization even within trillions of light-years!

After thinking for a moment, Qingyang asked curiously: "What is the name of that eighth-level peak civilization? Do you have the specific coordinates?"

Chang Xi blinked and said with a smile: "The detailed coordinates of the Tianming Empire are open to the public."

"Tianming is quite close to the name culture of Kyushu." Qingyang said with a smile.

Then the Eternal quickly took off and entered the starry space again and flew straight towards its destination.

Qingyang didn't plan to go directly to the top officials of the Tianming Empire for a showdown this time, but planned to see it from a citizen's perspective.

When the construction of the perfect Gate of the World is completed, it will not be too late to let the alliance officials talk to them directly.

"The Light of the Origin is a sub-human race?" Qingyang suddenly asked in surprise as he noticed the attributes and appearance of the Light of the Origin.

These focus on behavior, moral values, appearance and other data, and are analysis reports made by some boring entertainment companies in Xingqun.

As a hegemonic civilization, if you analyze their various things, as long as they are not suspected of being insulting, they will basically attract all kinds of attention and heat.

So there is no shortage of this data analysis.

After thinking about it, Qingyang gave up his plan to find the Light of the Origin.

Although the overlord civilization also exists in the Star Sea region, and the number seems to be quite large, its power is still undeniable.

The T5 fleet is somewhat unqualified as a lobbyist and diplomat.

While Qingyang was thinking, Chang Xi suddenly said in his ear: "Commander, the Tianming Empire has arrived.

For the sake of stability, it is recommended to enter it through the border starport outside its territory. "

Qingyang immediately came to his senses: "Well, we are all compatriots, let's follow their procedures."

Then, the Eternity, which had a dreamy image and exuded a layer of starry sea light, suddenly appeared in the border star port.

The Eternity, which deliberately emitted a variety of rare high-dimensional energy fluctuations, immediately attracted the attention of countless ships around it.

Tianming First International Star Port.

Just the main body of the star port is hundreds of millions of kilometers in diameter, directly using dozens of medium-sized stars as light sources.

A large number of businesses, warehouses and other huge structures are like stars, scattered around for several light years.

As the largest trading port of the eighth-level peak civilization, the prosperity here is much better than the star port seen in Qingyang!

The dense flow of ships moves quickly through hundreds of large ultra-high-speed sky network channels, traveling to and from a large number of advanced civilizations and large public star ports.

You can even see some official trading ships of the ninth-level civilization!

"Commander, there is also a gap in the eighth-level peak civilization. Many technologies of the Tianming Empire have reached the ninth-level standard, but all key technologies are still at the eighth-level stage."

Chang Xi relied on the advantage of high-dimensional data life to quickly scan a large number of surrounding ship databases.

Then explained.

"It's really good. One of the few human civilizations is doing well." Qingyang looked around curiously.

The last empire that did well was the Suoyang Empire, which was already in a state of semi-destruction.

Noticing that there was an exclusive channel for the Explorers Association, the Eternal immediately sailed into it.

Security inspection giant.

The intelligence that was quickly reviewing the security information suddenly paused, and then displayed a panel in front of the person in charge.

"Key mark? Let me take a look."

[Type: Explorer]

[Scale: Fleet]

[Race: Human (unknown civilization, does not belong to any human civilization in the constellation domain)]

[Record the average strength of battleships: Level 8 Peak Civilization·Elite Battleship]

[Commander life record status: Youth]

[Commander Strength Record Status: Divine Realm]

These are the contents that Qingyang reports for certification and allows security information inspection of each star port.

The person in charge, who originally didn't care much, gradually widened his eyes, full of surprise and shock.

"Quick! Report to the Imperial Capital!"

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