The first administrative star cluster, the central commercial star district.

The huge star port ships are constantly flowing.

As a star gate glowed with luster, the Eternal sailed out of it.

Qingyang looked at the brilliant and shining giant stars. Countless planets and thousands of giant structures of various types illuminated the surrounding starry sky brightly.

"Zhao Zunhai and I went to the auction, Chang Xi directly entered the commercial network to purchase rare resources, and we will talk about it after the communication with the Tianming Empire government.

Others take a vacation, and Eternal Fleet reimburses the expenses. Qingyang said calmly.

Immediately, the Eternal quickly entered the core range of the commercial star area, and after parking the Eternal, Qingyang led a group of people toward a building suspended in the air, like a huge Rubik's cube.

That is the most famous auction house in the Tianming Empire, with government background and the support of several top business groups in the constellation.

It is enough to accommodate billions of people to conduct auction activities at the same time. Some of the goods contained in each auction seem to be extremely precious even for an eighth-level peak civilization.

The entire commercial star district can be so prosperous, and many of the factors are due to this auction house!

High-end, large-scale, and frequent auctions have great power to gather business activities, especially in the interstellar period.

Outside the huge Rubik's Cube building is a commercial city that spans millions of kilometers, built around this auction house that looks extremely 'tiny' in comparison.

"There are still fifteen minutes until the auction, go in directly." Qingyang looked at the time, and then walked into it with Zhao Zunhai and others.

Just after crossing the gate, Qingyang and others automatically appeared in a luxurious area.

The area covers approximately several square kilometers. The huge luxury sofa suspended in the air, the suspended platform for high-end drinks, and the surrounding entertainment, ecological and information areas all show where this place is.

A standard auction room designed to accommodate only one group of guests.

Qingyang and others were not surprised either. They each found a sofa and sat down to wait for the auction to begin.

Space expansion technology is very common among eighth-level civilizations.

"In addition to the statue of the god, there should be many other useful items in the auctions held by the eighth-level peak civilization and several major ninth-level business groups."

Zhao Zunhai flipped through the information panel for this auction, his eyes full of interest.

In addition to Zhao Zunhai who was looking for exotic collectibles, Gu Xue who followed was also interested in the shopping auction and curiously looked at what items were on offer.

Qingyang and Chang Xi quickly browsed the resource wholesale market.

It has to be said that for an eighth-level peak civilization, there are quite a few channels for purchasing rare resources.

If it is a seventh-level civilization or an ordinary eighth-level civilization, there will be no rare information on the market, and it will basically be for personal use.

And this is the original resource required for the data resources of the T5 Star Battleship, if it is the kind of raw resource that can be used to manufacture the T4 Star Battleship.

Even among the eighth-level peak civilization, it is probably still at the strategic control level.

Either it contains special high-dimensional energy, or it has powerful and rare characteristics.

Qingyang looked at Zhao Zunhai: "How many energy coins can I buy for that statue?"

"According to calculations, it can be purchased with less than 800 billion energy coins at most." Zhao Zunhai briefly looked at the accepted price and replied.

Qingyang nodded slightly: "Leave 1.5 trillion energy coins and use the rest to purchase rare resources."

One hundred and fifty billion, if given to a low-level civilization, could probably buy a full set of technology trees from level two to peak level six civilizations, complete with detailed tutorials and improved derivative technologies.

But there is only enough for two or three slightly better lots.

There is no way around it. The interest fluctuations caused by any commercial activities among high-level civilizations are enough to cause tens of thousands of low-level civilizations to undergo drastic changes.

Perhaps this is an intuitive manifestation of the gap between civilizations.

Thinking of those in the information, if you obtain an energy coin, a surface civilization with a technological explosion will appear.

Qingyang smiled and shook his head. The universe is also a big society, and civilization can also be regarded as an individual life on a macro scale.

If you look at it this way, you can understand many things.

Chang Xi made a simple calculation and said in surprise: "Based on the price fluctuation calculation of more than 600 rare resources, the resources that can be purchased by 350 billion can allow the Eternal Fleet to expand by another 5,000 ships!"

Qingyang's expression lit up: "Oh?"

Is the technical information of a seventh-level civilization so valuable?

If you know that this thing is in StarNet's database, you can grab a lot of it!

Even using an advanced optical brain matrix from the alliance to deduce a set of seven-level technology from scratch would only take a few days.

"Selling level seven technical data won't last long. It's okay if it appears occasionally. If it is dumped on a large scale, it may attract the attention of the Destruction Agreement." Qingyang finally gave up this plan.

If the actions of the Destruction Agreement are regarded as the order of the universe, then the occasional technology sales can be regarded as the luck of other civilizations, and the Destruction Agreement can be ignored.

Large-scale sales will undoubtedly undermine the civilization in the universe, and destroying the agreement will inevitably cause trouble for the traffickers.

Normal circumstances are fine, but in the face of destruction and some powerful enemies, the fusion of actual civilization's luck and illusory combat power results in conceptual loopholes.

Enough to make this civilization irreversible.

The Suoyang Empire was destroyed because of a loophole in luck. Of course, it was not because it was trying to spur growth, but because it suffered too much military power in a short period of time.

Qingyang said thoughtfully: "If the technology is not good, then let's use physical objects. Let's use the alliance's technology library to see if there are products that are high-quality and low-priced enough to crush the material alloy market in the Constellation Realm.

It is best to sell products among the eighth-level civilization! "

As long as my alloy material is as strong as top-notch materials, the batch price is 25% less than normal top-notch materials.

Make money just thinking about it.

As for destroying the market, this is not our own universe and society. If we destroy it, we will destroy it. Besides, it is just a market of an eighth-level civilization. How strong can the enemy be.

“It’s true that the technology developed by an eighth-level civilization in the Xinghai area was exchanged for other technologies through technology exchange and alliances.

Meet your requirements. "After a moment, Chang Xi replied.

There are many civilizations in the Star Sea area and alliances that exchange various technologies. As long as the technology of the trading civilization is not too high and it is not considered to be encouraging, the universe will not bother to care.

"Use star points to buy it and let Lilith produce it."


[Dear guests, the auction is about to begin]

Qingyang and others immediately stopped talking and looked through the virtual simulation image at the huge display stand in the center.

[The first auction item·Planet Gaia No. 500 years of residence

Starting price: 100 billion energy coins]

Gaia planet

Qingyang was slightly surprised. The Gaia planet was a major feature of this alien universe, similar to a living planet with abundant high-dimensional energy or pure spiritual energy.

Having an environment that can comprehensively transform and sublimate life is of certain benefit even to an eighth- or ninth-level civilization!

The most important thing is that this kind of planet has a concept-like ability - adapting to civilization!

That’s right, it’s not that life adapts to the environment, but that the environment adapts to life.

For example, if a large amount of pollution occurs in the development of civilization, the planet Gaia will quickly evolve the resources to devour the growth of these pollutions.

And these resources are of great help to the development of civilization.

Even if a creature has a genetic defect in some aspect, as long as the planet Gaia has been inhabited for hundreds of years, it will be able to evolve substances that can make up for this defect.

If a civilization were born on such a planet, it might not even take five hundred years to develop from primitive civilization to interstellar civilization!

Of course, Qingyang is not interested in this.

I'm just surprised that this kind of living planet is naturally very rare.

Many of the Alliance's planet transformation technologies can transform ecological stars that surpass the planet Gaia the day after tomorrow.

According to the alliance's life week level classification, Gaia's planet is considered a B-level life planet at best.

[The second auction item·Macroscopic Heaven Realm·Star God Remains (Trunk)

Starting price: 50 billion energy coins]

Zhao Zunhai suddenly spoke: "According to the data, the Star God is a naturally high-dimensional life. If the body is complete, the museum should be able to mobilize its former power."

Hearing this Qingyang did not hesitate.

【One hundred billion】

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