Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 294 The coming name is confirmed as Yiluo! (Down)

Chapter 294 Arrival·Name confirmed·Iroh! (Down)

With a thought, Qingyang directly released a star ring channel that had been built long ago. At the same time, he also released a huge ring of star ring ports!

As the Luqi spacecraft was approaching everyone, dozens of general-level officers looked solemnly, looking at the increasingly larger and magnificent ship with serious expressions, feeling uneasy in their hearts.

It is extremely difficult for a fifth-level civilization to come into contact with an advanced civilization. It is not easy to just watch or listen to its speech from a distance, let alone understand it in detail.

Therefore, they basically hear about various things about advanced civilizations, and no one knows the attitude of advanced civilizations towards middle and low-level civilizations.

It's just that the advanced civilization fleet appeared in front of them, and there was no hostile action. In any case, the higher-ups present must express goodwill and risk getting closer to ask the reason.

Suddenly, as the spacecraft carrying dozens of general-level officers approached, a violent light swayed out, and then a huge multi-ring structure appeared in everyone's eyes.

In the center of multiple huge rings is a silver-white ball with a diameter of tens of thousands of kilometers. The extremely rich power of high-dimensional space radiates out, smoothing the turbulent starry sky around it.

Without waiting for anyone to react, a light bubble appeared from the star ring channel, and then the star port structure in the light bubble rapidly expanded, eventually turning into a large planet-level floating island structure.

Countless precision mechanical units operate on it.

The technological content it possesses is far beyond what a fifth-level civilization can understand.

[Please go to the civilized spaceship and go to the designated star port]

Looking at the two behemoths that appeared within seconds, the leading lieutenant general was stunned for a few breaths before reacting quickly.

Control the 10,000-meter spaceship and sail to the huge floating island star port without hesitation.

Incomparably powerful space technology, mysterious attack methods, and a sense of oppression originating from the essence of life and soul.

Although they don't understand advanced civilizations, they can guarantee that the fleet in front of them is powerful even in advanced civilizations!

Qingyang looked at the projections of Li Xiang and Cage: "Presumably the Guiyi Legion should have a team dedicated to negotiating with this kind of meta-human civilization, right?"

Cage nodded slightly: "The negotiation team has already set off. Do you need to listen?"

"No need, quickly handle the matter with the Lukki Civilization. I will ask Lilith to assist the Lukki Civilization in relocating to the Stara Nebula."

Most of the starry sky in Stara Nebula is still a primitive area, and the resource density and environment are definitely much better than here.

The main reason is that things in this star cluster are too complicated. It is comparable to an insect swarm from a pseudo-eighth level civilization and an expeditionary legion from an eighth-level elementary omnic civilization, plus the local civilization.

Qingyang and others are not afraid, but there is really no need to waste time here. In terms of resources, there are many black holes in the center of the Starra Nebula and star clusters.

In terms of meaning, only Lukki is meaningful.

"No time to waste, Jaffe, the four of you will wait here while I continue to search for large celestial body areas through the template."

Different from exploration and adventure, Qingyang and others naturally have to maximize their efficiency when carrying out tasks this time.

After a quick chat, Qingyang directly put all the battleships into the Eternal.

The boundless star dome template is activated instantly!

In the next month, Qingyang searched for two large nebulae and a super star cluster. Although he did not find metahumans again, his gains were not small.

The advance team of the Unified Legion has completed many tasks.

Qingyang has now determined the location of the central celestial body region in the universe, as well as the name of the strongest pan-human civilization in the universe.

Saint Yin River Universe·Saint Cause Starry Area·The third-ranked tenth-level peak spiritual technology civilization among the forty-three tenth-level civilizations, the Yiluo Human Federation!

The strength is so strong that it even vaguely touches the threshold of the overlord's civilization.

Even the overlord civilization has as many as six!

Among them, the news that surprised Qingyang the most was the Shengyin River Universe. The most powerful civilization actually has the level of the overlord's peak civilization, and it is also a civilization composed of plant life!

No wonder it was able to persist for so long against a swarm of overlord-level insects.

In addition to many level 10 civilizations fighting desperately, the strength of the overlord's medium civilization is probably also closely related to the speed and tenacity of the plant civilization's violent troops.

It only took a month to almost figure it out, thanks to the garrison of a ninth-level civilization in the star cluster in a super star cluster.

Through the Endless Explorer, Qingyang has collected almost all the high-end combat power in this universe.

These include that the universe is divided into two cosmic crystal walls, actively dividing a battlefield, and that its rule level division is similar to that of the large universe, with several mysterious rule domains.

The Alliance does not need to know the specific information. After all, no matter how much you play, the civilization level is still there, and there is no way that something could happen that could threaten the Gate of the World.

Not to mention that with the outbreak of the war with the Zerg, the major top civilizations no longer hide their secrets, and many detailed information is also clear to this ninth-level civilization.

A starry sky.

A huge and brilliant crystal ship appeared, and then the huge star ring channel quietly unfolded.

After a moment, four starships with the same huge appearance but different appearance appeared from the star ring channel.

"Brother Qingyang, the Gate of the Universe still needs ten star seas and suns to connect to this universe. After loading, our five T5 fleets will go to the muddy waters of the Saint Cause Starry Area."

Li Xiang was a little hesitant. Although most of the insect swarms were intercepted at the periphery of the universe, there were still many powerful insect swarm branches that rushed into the Shengyin River universe.

Among them, except for the insect swarms in major super star clusters, large nebulae, and even groups composed of multiple super stars, basically half of the insect swarms that enter the universe are concentrated in starry areas!

A lush star field with a diameter of four to five thousand star seas!

The probability of encountering a swarm of insects is even much higher than the probability of encountering an advanced civilization. It is a real 'insect plague'.

Many of them are multi-large insect swarm alliances or even giant insect swarms. Any one of them can severely damage the T5 Star Fleet, and even they cannot compete against the giant insect swarm.

Qingyang smiled calmly: "It doesn't matter, the Eternal Truth Fleet's detection range is extremely wide, and this time it is mainly to go to the Yiluo civilization to see the world, and not to take risks."

Hearing this, Li Xiang and others, who had already heard the rumors about Qingyang, were slightly unconvinced: "Are you sure?"


After retracting the star ring channel, Qingyang and the five people directly entered the super-light speed navigation mode and quickly sailed towards the destination marked by Qingyang.

The place where the original star dome space is separated is only 200 million light years away from a frontier star field of Yiluo Civilization, and can be reached quickly by jumping on a curved surface.

Time passed quickly, and for about ten minutes, the star map prompts echoed in the control room, reminding everyone that they were about to arrive at the target area.

"Prepare to exit FTL mode."


Five huge warships all escaped from the bizarre and twisted space, and the blurry starry sky around them quickly solidified.

Qingyang and others' vision recovered immediately, and their mental power spread overwhelmingly.

The five people were stunned for a moment.

Less than ten thousand miles in front of the five battleships, two vertical pupils comparable to planets noticed the arrival of the five people and stared at the five 'tiny' starships.

Unconcealable cruelty and indifference permeated the consciousness of Qingyang and others, trying to invade everyone.

At the same moment, the alarm of the detection matrix echoed.

[Please note: A very large insect swarm signal has been detected]


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