Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 303: Please note that the Overlord Swarm is entering

Chapter 303 Please note that the Overlord Insect Swarm is entering

As everyone left the range of the Holy Tree Venerable, Tianqi came up again and asked curiously.

Gu Xue and him kept chatting, and their relationship seemed very good.

Qingyang looked thoughtfully at the three-meter-high Idealistic Tree in front of him. When he left just now, the Holy Tree Venerable used his will to baptize the Idealistic Tree.

The Star of Truth was confirmed to be fine, and even a faint wave of will fluctuations belonging to the original Idealistic Tree was born.

Obviously, the baptism of the Holy Tree Venerable allowed the Idealistic Tree to give birth to the root of will countless years in advance.

The Idealistic Tree clan is extremely rare, and it is extremely difficult for the seedlings to give birth to will. If there is no will, the Idealistic Tree will wither in the seedling stage.

The probability of the birth of will in the Idealistic Tree is so small that it is outrageous, far lower than the probability of an ordinary country giving birth to a Venerable Star Tianjiao.

Not to mention that the seedling stage of the Idealistic Tree is only more than a hundred Xinghai years, and if the root of will cannot be born during this period, it will wither.

Even the probability of the emergence of the idealistic tree seedling is very small. The probability that the branches or seeds of the idealistic tree can grow into seedlings is only slightly greater than the birth of will.

Qingyun Dao raised Xinling, or a sequence of divine idealistic trees, one of the divine branches that fell for countless years, and grew up fortunately.

Because the blue sky is of great benefit to the idealistic tree, it was entrusted to Qingyun Dao for cultivation.

There is also the factor that it is safer to stay in the alliance.

The heartland of the alliance, the capital of Kyushu.

The Broken God dare not say that he can leave safely after coming.

Just representing the conceptualized symbol of various spiritual wills of pan-humans, any one of them can block the supreme divinity of the first sequence.

Not to mention the greatness of the mainstream spiritual will of the alliance, such as the God Star and Jehovah.

Of course, before facing these existences, it is necessary to break through the defense lines of many T1 or even T0 fleets guarding the alliance.

Although it is unclear what the combat power of these levels is, according to the resource tilt of the strategic system and the support of the star network, how can the T0 fleet resist the enemies of the first sequence level?

After all, according to the public records, the total number of T0 fleets is only a dozen. In terms of the size of the alliance, the fewer the number, the more outrageous the combat power!


The fierce sacred and natural power resounded, and the concentration of the rule power contained in it even rendered the surrounding universe rule framework.

"Hurry up, Sister Xueer, the Sea of ​​Breeding is about to open!!"

Tianqi's voice made Qingyang and Guxing look at Guxue with a strange look on their faces. How could she become a sister in just a few hours?

Tianqi is older than Guxue in both realm and age, right?

Bullying someone who is inexperienced?

Facing the doubts of Qingyang and his brother, Guxue's face was slightly red, and she pretended not to see it and floated to Tianqi's side.

As the light flowed, a million-mile ocean constructed purely by the power of sacred and natural rules appeared directly above the Holy Tree Continent.

The source of the rules that constructed this ocean framework is the continent below!

The boundless sacred and natural high-dimensional power liquefied at a speed visible to the naked eye and filled the entire ocean framework.

In just a few seconds, the vast ocean formed by the interweaving of rules and high dimensions took shape directly in the basin between reality and high dimensions, and projected a vast golden light in the real dimension.

In an instant, it covered the entire territory of the Holy Tree Dynasty!

All the Holy Tree Clan who saw this scene stopped what they were doing, or woke up from their practice, and looked solemnly at the boundless golden light above the starry sky.

Visitors from other civilizations watched with curiosity and stopped what they were doing at the same time. This was a respect for the strongest civilization and the strongest guardian in the universe.

Tianqi, who was communicating with Gu Xue, also looked solemnly at the magnificent ocean.

A moment later, when the starry sky was silent.

I saw a ray of will light gathering from countless holy tree clans, and even the holy tree clans far away in other parts of the universe also had a ray of will light around them.

Rushing into the void of the universe and flowing directly to the sea of ​​holy tree breeding countless distances away!

The most magnificent light among them was naturally the holy tree venerable.

The boundless light covered the entire ocean, and countless sacred wills sank into the ocean. Then, under the blessing of civilization luck, this ocean of rules and high dimensions, the holy light was bright!

The extremely condensed light particles condensed in this ocean, and condensed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and countless complex lights appeared on its surface.

Qingyang swept over, no more, no less, exactly 100 million!

In an instant, in addition to the sacred and natural power, a special rule quietly descended, that is the power of life!

Qingyang looked at the extremely shallow power of rules at this moment, and his heart moved slightly. His understanding of the high dimension was soaring at an extremely rapid speed.

Witnessing a part of the rule framework of a universe, directly revealed in the spiritual domain, is an extremely important opportunity for high-dimensional life.

However, most of them only have significant effects for the first time, otherwise the Holy Tree Dynasty would definitely have more than 400 divinities.

Countless doubts about the use and essence of high-dimensional power have been eliminated, and Qingyang's understanding and use of time and space have soared rapidly.

When everything ended and all 100 million holy tree seeds became seedlings of about five meters, the universe framework was hidden in the gap between existence and nothingness again.

Qingyang gradually came back to his senses, and his heart was full of excitement.

Although his understanding of time and space is still superficial, it is definitely a huge improvement compared to before.

Even his own ability can greatly improve the fleet!

As for how to improve, it takes an actual battle to see it. After all, Qingyang himself is also speculating on this.

He once again took out the space-time practice manual given by the Star of Truth. Different from the previous incomprehensible ones, Qingyang entered the high-dimensional space-time realm of a high star.

Some clues can already be seen from it, and even the efficiency of analyzing the experience has increased tenfold.

"That's right. I didn't expect that facing the framework of the universe would have such benefits. If you find an opportunity, you must go to the first time and space of the universe!"

It gathers the concept of space and time of the great universe and the origin of all rules, and belongs to the highest space and time dimension of the six core foundations of the regular framework of the great universe.

The first time and space is absolutely of great help to Him!

As for how to get in, I believe the alliance must have a way in this regard.

After all, the Alliance can insert a 'pipe' in to extract the source of idealism and all high-end time and space resources. If you don't believe it, you can't let people in.

The alliance only lacks resources at two levels, the first is basic resources, and the second is top resources at the barren level.

The demand for the former is ridiculous due to the size of the alliance. Although there is no shortage, there is not much surplus.

The latter is really difficult to accumulate.

As for the rules of the universe and the resources at the high-dimensional level, they are really rich.

Although the size is large, it is just that. The alliance has hundreds of universes, six highest dimensions and various collections of dimensional worlds.

The amount of inventory is extremely terrifying, and it takes a long time to consume resources at the high-dimensional and divine levels, and the consumption rate is not proportional to the regeneration rate.

As a result, there are now extremely rich resources and treasures at the high-dimensional level and the rule level.

If it is not processed into star weapons, source data will be consumed.

In addition, the Star Network is currently in a critical period and cannot have too much load, so the total number of high-quality Star Weapons can be increased by another 25%.

It will be another huge improvement for the league.


Suddenly, mysterious fluctuations swept across, and Qingyang's thoughts were forcibly interrupted.

A bad feeling arose in my heart.

"What's wrong?"

[The crystal wall of the universe is cracking on a large scale]

[The framework of the rules of the universe is shallowly obscured by the power of the void]

[Please note that the Overlord Swarm is entering]

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