Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 65 The Rampage of the Stellar Red Ball (please follow up)

A storm of particles surges on the surface of the star's red ball, and extremely manic emotions materialize, interfering with a wide range of void energy.

Consciousness swept around, and the star's red ball's will was slightly rippled.

He is a seven-star high-dimensional life. If it is a complete T4 starry sky fleet, just tens of thousands of force field ships cannot stop Him after burning the high-dimensional origin!

If it weren't for the fact that burning the source of higher-dimensional life would greatly affect him, he would have run away long ago.

What to do with the billions of children?

It is just a foraging body that has been separated from the body. If you abandon it, you will abandon it.

Looking at the situation now, there is no room for him to hesitate. The Alliance humans obviously want to kill them all, and even sent a high-dimensional force field ship with the intention of capturing him and sending him to the research institute.

This is what the Alliance does most frequently in the late Fourth Era.

Hunting for high-dimensional life and even divinity everywhere, with the intention of improving high-end technology and alliance strategic systems.


Continuous overclocking sounds echoed in the void.

A certain T5 commander was a little confused: "The language expression of high-dimensional life?"

“What was He trying to say?”

"I don't know. I'm still far away from a single high-dimensional star, so I can't understand what it means."

"No translator?"

"High-dimensional translators are too expensive. Why do you need that thing? High-dimensional existence is neutral and our allies can transmit sounds with their minds. Those who can't transmit sounds are from the enemy camp!"

The red ball of the star shook for a while. Seeing that the alliance had no intention of peace talks, and the force field circles of tens of thousands of force field ships were gradually compressed and solidified, they finally made up their minds to fight to the death.

Big universe.

The endless red ball that was entangled with hundreds of star fleets in the entire battlefield trembled at the same time, and then disintegrated at an extremely rapid speed.

Finally, it turned into a sea of ​​red particles, which rushed towards the void crack very quickly.

The speed is as fast as teleportation, and the entire red ball in the universe almost disappears in just one breath.

Qingyang withdrew his mental power and drank a sip of spiritual potion: "What's wrong?"

Chang Xi's entity appeared: "There is a high probability that the most powerful high-dimensional life behind him encountered a situation and was forced to refine his own kind."

Alliance T4 Star Fleet intervened?

It only takes half a day to make the powerful high-dimensional beings fight for their lives. Either more than a dozen T5 fleets besiege them or the power of the T4 fleets intervenes.

Qingyang was a little curious. There were very few combat videos of T5 and above star fleets circulating on the star network.

I don’t know if it’s because he’s not at a high level, or if he’s in danger after watching those combat videos.

"I really want to see the battle scene between the T4 fleet and higher-dimensional life. The scene must be exciting."

Qingyang has recently read through the information about Gao Dimension and is quite familiar with it.

The total number of high-dimensional beings ranges from one star to nine stars, and above this is high-dimensional divinity. A very few high-dimensional life nine-stars even possess divinity.

As for being able to forcibly tear open the void barrier directly in the space blockade area, at least the Seven-Star High Dimension can do it.

After all, for high-dimensional beings, this is not much simpler than directly annihilating galaxies tens of thousands of light years away.

Amon, the strongest among the Xel'Naga, is only a two-star high-dimensional creature and can be solved with just a few force field battle stars.

It has to be said that high-dimensional life is indeed a master of idealism, and its combat effectiveness is truly terrifying.

One person alone can contend with an entire advanced civilization.

Suddenly, a faint red light suddenly appeared in the warning area that had been completely calm.


The weird cracking sound echoed in everyone's mind.

The next moment, huge cracks suddenly appeared in Qingyang's field of vision, and endless black and purple mist leaked out of them.

Within it, you can vaguely see countless bizarre crystalline substances and endless black and purple mist, mixed with traces of gray gas.

Just by looking at it, Qingyang's mental strength became slightly uneasy.

Is that void?

【Please note! Fleets below T5 immediately leave the star map marked area! 】

Qingyang's expression changed slightly, and the Eternal Fleet immediately jumped away.

However, I didn’t dare to enter the dark space. As an alien basin with the same name as the void, God knows if high-dimensional life can appear at will.

In short, in the territory of the Great Universe Alliance, at least there is no need to worry about being obliterated by powerful high-dimensional beings coming in person.

"Wouldn't it be good to evacuate like this?" Tian Ling tilted her head and looked at Qingyang.

Recently, she has gradually regained some of her memories. Before she volunteered to become an experimental subject, the territory of Tianxun Civilization was invaded by many high-dimensional beings.

The strongest one among them was Gao Xing Gao Wei. Faced with their invasion, the entire Tianqi civilization, whether men, women, old or young, and whether their equipment was decommissioned or advanced, tried their best to stop them.

Because the goal of these high-dimensional beings is the mother star of the Tianqi civilization, the holy land that carries the destiny and heritage of civilization!

Even if the Tianqi civilization could escape from its home star and continue the destiny accumulated by the civilization for hundreds of millions of years, they could not.

Many planets have even moved onto the path of higher-dimensional beings in an attempt to resist them.

The more advanced the civilization, the more unified it is, precisely because of the destiny and heritage carried by the mother planet, which is a yearning that transcends bloodline and preferences.

Therefore, when the mother star is threatened, the Tianqi civilization completely goes into a frenzy, even though most of them have only seen the mother star from a distance in stories and images.

Qingyang saw Tian Ling's thoughts and said with a smile: "This is not about escaping, but to make room for certain beings.

Although it is a bit strange for me to say this with my level of strength, it is a fact. It is just a high-dimensional life and is nothing to worry about.

Even high-dimensional divinity would not dare to act wild here.

Because this is the territory of the Star Sea Human Alliance! "

It is undeniable that the former alliance also had extremely dark and difficult years, but who in this vast universe dares to look down on the Human Alliance?

As early as the Fourth Era, there has been no successful invasion by high dimensions in the Alliance.

Basically, the intruders were stopped and executed shortly after the incident.

Including the one behind the Eternal Fleet.

The star red ball that swallowed all the red balls expanded again, and invisible arrogance burned from its body!

At this moment, He completely transformed into a spiritual sun!

"Fleet! Suppress it immediately!"

"Disperse immediately, prepare for over-the-horizon cluster strikes, suppress with light spears!!"

"The Fearless Light Spear is preparing to focus fire on the core of the target, and the ships under the battleship will teleport away!"


Seven or eight T5 fleet commanders responded at the same time. Tens of thousands of star battleships left the battlefield, leaving only the strongest battleships in each major fleet.

"This is the military's T4 Tianhe Fleet, captain of the seventh detachment! All commanders, listen to my orders!"

Tens of thousands of force field ships changed their suppression mode and quickly dispersed.

When the mode is switched, the original pentagonal battleship gradually turns into a prismatic shape, and the battleship's energy circuit is obviously inclined to attack.

The military commander turned on the channel and looked serious.

"Dreadnought flank suppression! Star battle stars alternately block the target's advance from the front!"

Immediately, thousands of hundreds of kilometers-level starry sky dreadnoughts swept towards both sides of the red ball, and at the same time, a series of dreadnought light spear strikes hit the red ball across several light minutes.

Dozens of starry sky battle stars whose energy level far exceeds that of the God of Huntsman battle star or even the starry sky fortress formed a square shape and blocked the front of the red ball.

One-third of the force field ships are interspersed around the battle star, and they cooperate with the shield of the star battle ship to forcibly push up a basic force wall.

In an instant, terrifying firepower slanted out from these battle stars, and the dazzling brilliance dispersed the surrounding void energy for several light years.

The military commander looked seriously: "The starry sky battleship formation formed three rounds, alternating maximum firepower saturation shots!

The Star Destroyer formation was one light-year away from the battlefield, locked on the core of the target, and carried out a beyond-visual-range strike! "

There will be more on the shelves next week for me to think about.

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