Starry Sky Giant

Chapter 259: Battlefield changes

It’s not uncommon for the imperial warriors made by the star worm to transform at will, from the form of a beast to a human form. They can even transform into the form of a bird. M

After being surprised, Qin Lin thought of the starry sky female worm information he had received from the old **** stick, and he didn't rush.

With the cosmic armor in his body and more than 900,000 stamina, he is an imperial warrior who is not afraid of starry sky female insects.

With a "puff", Qin Lin pulled out the metal from the sword and covered it on two fists. Without the huge sword of the metal, it was useless. He naturally discarded it and fell into the sea. middle.

No matter how sharp the sword is, it is useless to deal with the metal giant.

Of course, a sword that can easily chop a metal giant into several segments is still very useful.

Unfortunately, Qin Lin didn't have such a weapon.

"What? God of War lost his sword, what's the matter?"

"Yeah, why doesn't the God of War use a sword?"




People were surprised to see this scene.

"Who is the God of War? He planned that way, we can't figure it out."

"That is, what are you afraid of, there is a God of War, no matter how many imperial beasts come, it will be no use."

"Bless the Baqi God, Ba Ga, God of War, kill them!"


Qin Lin, who lost his war sword, looked even more vigorous and mighty. Indeed, the use of weapons has never been his strong point. Going bare-handed and shirtless is his strong point.

The metal giant has no ears or even eyes, only a bald head, all made of fine gold, with a bright metallic luster. No trace of energy overflows.

They don't look terrible, but they are really close. But he could feel the power of destroying the world hidden in his body, which was very terrifying.

Before the metal behemoth was completely transformed, Qin Lin rushed forward.

Waiting for them to transform successfully, that's what fools can do.


There was a deafening metal crash, and Qin Lin hit a metal giant's head with a fist, sparks splashing everywhere.

A dent immediately appeared on the head of the metal giant, and the pit was full of cracks.

but. Almost in the blink of an eye, the pit and the spider-like cracks were intact, and the metal giant seemed to be unharmed.


"too frightening!"

People exclaimed and opened their mouths wide.

"Did the big brothers and the cultivators save the New Orleans war fortress?"

On Jura Island, Daning, Fang Que and others gathered together, looking up.

Mid-air. There is a huge video, which is a live broadcast of the battlefield of the New Orleans War Fortress.

The global live broadcast, they can also see it if they have optical brains.

"Those iron bumps must be delicious." Xiao Qi sucked her fingers and looked at the picture on the screen eagerly.

"The instructor is also so powerful, one person withstands a few peak emperor-level behemoths."

"Don't make a fuss. Take a good look." The goblin shouted.

Of course Chi Wu, Fairy and other women are also watching, not only them, but the loli beasts are also not closed, sitting around, their eyes shining. This kind of technology, this kind of battle. They find it very fresh and exciting, and they want to go there in person.

Two days ago, after Qin Lin reprimanded Siruo, the two sides reached an agreement, Da Qiao stayed, Qin Lin replaced him and went to New Orleans with Si Ruo.

After all, the Rain Sculpture was carrying two people, and the actions were unchanged, and they could not directly cross the Pacific Ocean. Worried about being caught by the starry sky mother bug, they had to make a big bend. After two days of rest and recuperation, they finally started fighting at the New Orleans War Fortress. Arrived.

Because there is no guarantee that the sea monster army will attack the New Orleans War Fortress, only Qin Lin, Si Ruo, and Yu Diao rushed together.

Xiao Qi is the strongest combat power in Qin Lin's camp, but she can't leave. Once she leaves, everyone has to follow.

The island giant family is eagerly watching, and the starry sky female worm in the depths of the Pacific is also always on guard against Xiaoqi.

If there is no Xiaoqi, Qin Lin's camp will definitely be defeated by both the giant family and the starworm.


The rain eagle swooped down again, like an eagle hitting the sky, fiercely, and his claws grabbed an emperor-level behemoth.

The captured raptor-like emperor-level behemoth roared in horror, and the fur and flesh on its back spun off automatically, exposing its bones and crashing into the sea.

"Coward!" Yu Diao was surprised, looking down, muttering, very dissatisfied.

Carrying Qin Lin and Si Ruo all the way, the rain carving was very exhausting, and Si Ruo let her hover above, looking for a chance to fight against the emperor-level monsters fighting the top mecha group. The four magic behemoths are all handed over to Si Ruo.

Qin Lin and Si Ruo shared the pressure on the magic behemoth and the metal behemoth, and the top mecha group was not small.

The imperial sea monster that came was too powerful, no one with less than 300,000 stamina.

The starry sky mother worm was born, the imperial warrior created it, and the decisive battle between humans and sea monsters kicked off.

Both parties will no longer reserve.

The metal of Yuan Youjianbei scattered in the sea was all taken away by Qin Lin, thinking that there was no cosmic armor to increase combat power. Otherwise, dealing with these four magic behemoths, she will be much easier.

However, even if there is no cosmic battle armor, as a light body, she has first-rate speed and the physical strength of the emperor-level peak. The four magical behemoths are just the behemoths of the emperor-level peak. There is nothing to do with her, and even damage occurs one after another. .

If thinking has the secret technique cultivation, the incarnation combat power is equivalent to another self, and the emperor-level behemoth does not have any secret techniques, it will only simply control the energy of the heavens and the earth or its own energy. Although the physical strength is high, the combat power is not strong.

The live broadcast is not just for a certain place on the battlefield, but has as many as a dozen images. The most interesting thing is naturally the battle between Qin Lin, Si Ruo and Yu Diao.

Among these three pictures, Qin Lin's battle is the one with the highest attention.

The battle on Qin Lin's side is not gorgeous, but it is very brave, fists to the flesh, this kind of battle is the most anticipated.

clang! clang! clang! ...

Although there were many metal giants, they were not very intelligent. Qin Lin caught one of them, his fists were falling like raindrops, and the heavy metal cried out.

This metal giant's body was about to split, and his body was covered with scars, as if there was endless light hidden in his body. After the body cracked, rays of light shot out like golden blood.

This metal giant is not very intelligent, but there are some who keep evasive and want to evacuate.

Qin Lin chased him, kicking a metal giant next to him, jumped up, and landed on the shoulder of another metal giant. With his legs clamped, the metal giant's neck was clamped.


In midair, Qin Lin twisted his legs, lifted the metal giant upside down, and slammed on another metal giant.


After landing, Qin Lin blasted a metal giant back with another punch, and continued to rush towards the metal giant who was covered in cracks.


Qin Lin was determined to look for a metal giant to attack.

Metal giants have the ability to heal themselves, but they are not immortal.

Even if it is the immortal beings that evolved from the metal of Luyou Kebei, their immortal bodies are not really immortal, their energy is exhausted, and they can no longer be reorganized.

Qin Lin didn't have time to use the mysterious hand, so he could only choose to explode the metal giant and let its energy leak.

The more energy leaked, the lower its combat power will become.

"Okay, success!"

After blasting and killing a metal giant, after a few minutes, Qin Lin shifted his target.

This metal giant has lost too much energy, and his combat power no longer poses a threat to Qin Lin.


Sure enough, Qin Lin didn't respond to the metal giant who had lost too much energy, letting his fist fall on his body without frowning.

"Metal behemoths, no, they are metal giants. They are so powerful, they also have weaknesses. I also wonder why the **** of war has always looked for one to fight."

"Yeah, the metal giant is terrible, just like the liquid metal super-intelligent robot in the Terminator. Look, the metal giant who has been attacked by the **** of war has healed again. Fortunately, its combat power has been reduced. ."

No one was amazed at the horror of the metal giant, and fortunately Qin Lin was here.

Otherwise, the loss of the New Orleans War Fortress is doomed.

No top mech can injure metal giants, let alone kill them.

Even the current God of War failed to kill them at once, using tactics to fight against each other.


Qin Lin staggered, he would lose for a long time, and the same was true for a long offense. A metal giant roared and slammed a punch on his back. He almost vomited blood, and his blood was churning.

Before the live broadcast, Chi Wu held onto her sister's hand.

"Sister, Qin Lin will be fine, right? We should have been with a few people at that time, just Qin Lin, the instructor, and Yu Diao, who were in a bad situation." Chi Wu's face was full of worry, a little regretful.

Chi Ying also squeezed her sister's hand, her eyes firmly said: "No, no, this guy's life is very hard, we still have a lot of things to do, how can he have trouble."

Having said that, the palms of the fairy's hands are also full of sweat, and her beautiful eyes are staring at the screen.

Suddenly, the people before the live broadcast exclaimed and lost their color.

The Chi Ying and others, who had been staring at the live broadcast all the time, saw a scene in the screen, and their expressions also changed.

On the battlefield, something changed!

.(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qn) to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m.qn to read.) 9

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