Starry Sky Giant

Chapter 262: Melee

Immediately, Xiao Qi's thorny tail glowed brightly, and the naked eye could see a burst of colorful energy pouring out of the butterfly girl's body, burrowing into Xiao Qi's thorny tail, and then passing into her body. M

Chi Ying and the others who came from behind were surprised when they saw this scene. Did Xiao Qi catch the starworm so easily?

Being stung by the little guy's thorny tail, the ending can be imagined.

"The Starry Sky Mother Worm itself is so weak. The so-called prestigious name relies on the worm sea tactics?" After a daze, everyone was extremely excited.

Kill the starry sky female worm and the remaining royal sea monsters, nothing to worry about.

Even the combined metal giant and the warriors made by other star worms will be buried with the death of the star worm, becoming a pile of scrap iron and corpse mountains.

"Little seven, good job, come on!"

Chi Ying and others shouted from a distance.

Fang Que was excited, and even took a bite with Gu Yuexue in his arms, laughing.

"Everyone is here." Gu Yuexue's face blushed slightly, and she twisted her hand on Fang Que's waist.

Gu Yingxue pouted her mouth, and leaned to Daning's mouth: "Come on, kiss!"

All the loli beasts also cheered together. They can create the starry sky female worms of cosmic warriors. They have been smelling it for a long time, and they are very jealous.

Especially seeing the metal giants fit together in the live broadcast made them very amazed. This kind of life is amazing and terrifying. It is indeed a powerful life type that can occupy a star field.


The butterfly girl snorted, the blood in her chest flowed back and shrank back into her body.

Xiao Qi, who has been ecstatic, immediately grimaced and opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something, but couldn't say it.

Suddenly, she turned into a human form, carved and carved, but the thorny tail on her buttocks had not disappeared, and she was still stuck in the butterfly woman's chest.

but. The energy flowing to Xiaoqi from the thorn's tail stopped. On the contrary, the energy in Xiaoqi's body poured into the thorn's tail and poured into the butterfly girl's body.

"Haha, are you still proud? Look at me..." The Butterfly Girl laughed, she was unparalleled, it seemed that this smile eclipsed the world. But. As soon as he smiled, the energy in his body turned back into the small seven thorn tail.

Xiao Qi pressed her mouth tightly, her cheeks bulged, her eyes widened.

Everyone was surprised, what happened?

Instead, everyone understood.

Xiao Qi and Butterfly Girl are both natural devourers. It's not always certain who sucks.


The energy riots from heaven and earth rushed from all directions, madly into the bodies of Xiaoqi and Butterfly Girl, and even the sea was turbulent, and waves of sea water rose into the sky and poured into the two of them.

Everyone's complexion changed.

In trouble. Both of them are desperately absorbing each other's essence, energy, and power of law, like two black holes are produced, and the distant red shadow and others feel the energy in the body is draining, and throw it towards Xiaoqi and the butterfly girl.


Chi Ying hurriedly led everyone back.

The existence of stars can destroy an ordinary planet, such as the earth.

Not to mention beings like star pests and star worms.

"Oops, they are going to work together to swallow the entire planet." Fang Que trembled, watching the endless backflow of sea water. Disappeared in the bodies of Xiaoqi and Butterfly Girl.

Everyone also opened their mouths, this is Xiao Qi's real talent for devouring.

At the same time, it is also the real magical power of the starry sky mother worm.

"What to do? They have to be stopped!" Chi Wu was anxious, and everyone was in a hurry. He didn't expect the situation to develop to this point.

"Chi Wu, where's your magic weapon? Sacrifice it out!" Chi Ying stared at the butterfly girl, and ordered Chi Wu.

Chi Wu hurriedly sacrificed the fire sword on his back. This is the magic weapon Xiao Qi snatched from the rebel flame giant. Although it is damaged, the power should not be underestimated when it is activated.

Saw Chi Wu offering a magic weapon. The Butterfly Girl stared, but she didn't dare to speak out, worried that she would lose her breath and be swallowed by the little beast again.

Today, the two are in a stalemate.


Xiaoqi has a helper, and so does the Starry Sky Mother.

A group of imperial behemoths emerged from the sea, with a total of 78 heads. Among them were mutated from the aboriginal life of the earth, flesh and blood or metal behemoths created by the starry sky mother worm.

There are even two giants that evolved for the earth.

The starry sky mother worm desperately pulled out the old bottom.

"Go!" Chi Wu chirped, the blood-red, more than forty-meter-long fire sword suddenly turned into a fire dragon and rushed towards the starry sky female insect.


As soon as Chi Wu's magic weapon flew out and slashed towards the butterfly girl, a giant metal beast leaped from the sea, and its body rattled in mid-air. In the shock of everyone, the giant metal beast quickly turned into a human form, protruding out A big hand, shining with divine light, patted towards the fire dragon.


The fire dragon turned into its body and returned to Chi Wu's hands.

The blue metal giant was standing in the air, a big hole was broken in his palm, but there was no trace of blood, and it was slowly repairing automatically.

So powerful!

Although Chi Wu hadn't realized the law yet, the energy of the fire body also triggered the non-extinguishing runes carved on the fire sword. Even if it was only a few, it was not the ordinary Emperor-level can deal with it.

This blue giant was only slightly injured.


The red shadow crashed into the sea, and the pseudo-dhamma came out of his body.

At the same time, the two huge swords that Chi Ying crossed on his back flew out and fell into the hands of the pseudo-faxiang.

She grabbed her back and pulled out another handle.

Daning and others also fell one after another, Qiang Qiang drew out the weapons on his back, each of them flees out with awe-inspiring murderous aura.

Although there are many giant beasts on the sea monster side, there are very few at the peak of the emperor rank, and the number is not as good as on the Chi Ying side.

boom! boom! boom! ...

The melee broke out, and brilliant lights bloomed, accompanied by yingying flesh and blood.

The imperial behemoth with a stamina of less than half a million is not enough to see in front of Chi Ying.

Almost all the people and all the loli beasts are at the peak of the imperial rank, their physical stamina has reached the limit of the imperial rank, and their combat power is amazing.

Especially, they still have weapons, but the sea monster has no weapons.

Only the two giants with weapons and the few giant metal beasts can stop Chi Ying and them.

The metal behemoth does not use weapons, and is full of weapons, capable of offensive and defensive.

"Quick battle and quick decision!" Chi Ying lingers around the water dragon, which evolved from sea water. As a body of water, she controls water like a fish in the water.

A water dragon with a diameter of several meters and a length of several tens of meters hovered around her, waiting for the opportunity to be culled.

The group attack is ineffective to her, because most of the behemoths besieging her are imperial ranks with lower combat power, and even water dragons can attack and kill them.

"Bronze beast? It is also a kind of gold. How do I feel that I can control it?" Fang Que's opponent is a giant metal beast whose body is indestructible. The shallow scars will recombine after a short while.

Fang Que had only the Tuck Star War Armor, without the Universe War Armor, his divine power was more than 800,000, but only 100,000 mutated, which caused his attack power to be far inferior to Qin Lin, unable to severely damage the metal behemoth.

However, as a gold body, he is inexplicably close to metal, and he always feels that he can control a metal behemoth.

He naturally didn't know that this was a sign that the golden body had realized the golden law.

The five elements, light, and dark physique, most of them realize their corresponding laws before the soul reaches infinitely close to one million, otherwise, it will not be called the five elements or light and dark physique.

The existence of gods and souls cultivated against the sky, and one or two laws were immediately realized. For example, **** children and goddesses are born to be a law of constitution, and one law is obtained as soon as they are born.

However, it is not surprising that this kind of heavenly arrogant is born in the mother's body.

Why is there an ancient godland, the battlefield of Tianjiao?

In the final analysis, there is no **** who retreats from self-defense and cultivates painstakingly.

Observe the battle, you can get inspiration from it and achieve yourself.

If you don’t read ten thousand books, why is there a **** in writing?

How can you know the size of the world if you can't travel thousands of miles?

"Fafafa, Fa is everywhere, but now it's so close to me!" Fang Que's eyes lit up, as if he was enlightened. He saw the golden rule, but he couldn't catch it because he was going to fight now.

"The reincarnation of life..." A head of imperial sea monsters The majestic vitality was permeated and quickly disappeared, and the big Joe who was in it was thoughtful. With a wooden physique, she is very easy to perceive the law of the wood with the current realm of spirits and souls, and when such an excellent environment for understanding appears again, the law of the wood is faintly grasped by her.


Divine power urges the runes on the fire sword to control the fire sword to fight against the metal giants, bursting out a string of sparks, Chi Wu's understanding of the runes deepens, and indirectly sees the law of fire, and may come to the body of the law of fire at any time.


A peak duel, a great harvest for the practitioners, the red shadow and others of the law physique, there are faint signs of breakthrough.

Suddenly, a fiery red whip was drawn from the sky, and the flames blazed into the sky. On it, ancient birds were jumping, lifelike, such as Qingluan, Suzaku, phoenix, etc., sweeping across Xiaoqi and Butterfly Girl, as if they were trying to get them Both are caught in one go.

.(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qn) to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m.qn to read.) 9

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