Starry Sky Giant

Chapter 270: Star invincible

Qin Lin was promoted to a star, with a hideous starry sky mecha, standing without a word, expressionless, holding a sword, and confronting him without a trace of fear. m

"Sword of Law, Condensation!"

The Star Mecha was not in a hurry, but Qin Lin was anxious and couldn't continue to delay time. Looking up at the sky, the scorching sun was in the sky, and with a loud shout, the divine power drew the light of the sun.

Suddenly, countless lights gathered at an astonishing speed. In the blink of an eye, a lightsaber took shape and fell into Qin Lin's hands.

Qin Lin was taken aback. He didn't expect that the sword of the law of light could be condensed so easily. His spirit hadn't consumed much power yet.

This star seems to be a magic weapon, and this magic weapon is inextricably related to him.

"Light body, sun...After the stars, on the earth, even in the solar system, I am an invincible existence among the stars..." Qin Lin suddenly remembered what the old **** stick had said, and suddenly realized.

In the vicinity of the star, the light body can fully use the light emitted by the star.

The star itself is a light body.

There is a close relationship between light bodies.

There are stars behind you continuously supplying energy, and the light bodies in the stars are not invincible in the same realm or what? At least within the star and hole levels, that's it.

Fighting and fighting among the strong is like a gunfight.

One camp has limited bullets, while the other camp has a steady supply of bullets.

The former can only be crushed and beaten by the latter.

The sword of law, even if the casting craftsmanship of the caster is not very good, the material is not inferior to the general magic weapon.

It's just that the magic weapon can last, and the sword of the law needs to be maintained by divine power in order to exist for a long time.

At the same time, Qin Lin also discovered that the light body has another advantage-the body can automatically absorb the power of the law in the dimensional law world.

Although the speed is slow, it is definitely the envy of countless practitioners.

Ordinary practitioners can only absorb the energy of the universe and then transform it into the power of law.

Heaven and earth energy. Just like the most basic units of numbers, letters, and symbols; the power of the law is a combination of lines of codes of numbers, letters, symbols, etc.; mystery is a combination of lines of code to form a function.

There are nine levels of law perception, and now Qin Lin is at the first level. If he is not a light body, law perception needs to reach the third level. Only by reaching the fourth level can the divine power draw the power of the law of the dimension law into the body, and reduce the pain of searching for the power of the law of energy conversion. Only when the body reaches the fifth level can the body begin to absorb the law of the dimension automatically. force.

However, as a light body, just promoted to star. Although Qin Lin's law perception is the first level, his body can reach the fifth level of ordinary people's law of light perception, and he can travel for a long time in the void.

This is another enviable advantage of Law Constitution.


Qin Lin drank softly, the sword of the law in his hand flew out, slashed towards the starry sky mecha, the light was immense, and the voice of clank came out. The nine-handed sword flew out from the mother sword, forming a sword array with one star and nine sons.

There are countless kinds of secrets in the inheritance of God, and this is just one of them.

Originally, Qin Lin, who had just been promoted to the star, did not have a deep understanding of the law, and the power of the law in his body was not much, so it was very difficult to use this set of secret techniques.

But now. With the energy of stars, it is not difficult to perform this set of swordsmanship.

Without Qin Lin's control too much, once this set of swordsmanship is released, the power of the sun is automatically blessed, and the power is doubled.

Facing this swordsmanship, the Star Mecha was expressionless and his arms shook. The sword is at the forefront, the ancient supreme is now, there are various swordsmanship evolved, and there are martial arts with bare hands. Even some birds and ancient beasts do nothing, spread their wings directly or rush towards the lightsaber.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"...

One star and nine children attacked with the gods, and the swords exploded one after another, and the gods were not immune. They exploded in the splendor, and the various air currents formed a colorful vast ocean.

The sound of ocean waves washing the coast came from it, long and beautiful, and quickly went away, and the ocean of energy formed quickly disappeared.


In the splendor, the mother sword is still dazzling, hitting the giant sword of the starry sky mecha, making the sound of golden Ge.

The Star Mecha stepped on the turbulent sea, banging back.

The lightsaber flew back to Qin Lin's hands again, the light dimmed a lot.

However, as soon as he returned to his hands, it was like a lion awakening, with a radiant glow and a sword aura above the sky.

"The engraved law runes on the mecha and the giant sword are quite profound. It seems that the engraver's law is not superficial, and it can actually compete with my one-star nine swordsmanship." Qin Lin was slightly surprised, his law perception It's not deep, but the swordsmanship is not bad, and it is like a machine gun. It fires bullets without hesitation, but the opponent easily resists it.

The highest realm of One-Star Nine-Zone Swordsmanship is to send ten thousand swords together, but now Qin Lin cannot support so many swords.

If it were in the depths of the starry sky, controlling the mother sword to carry the nine sons would have already made Qin Lin very strenuous.

Now it was only with the help of the power of the sun, or the magic weapon in the depths of the sun, that he could easily display it.

"Come on again, let me see how much energy you have to urge the runes on the Motive Armor and the Great Sword." The lightsaber in Qin Lin's hand flew out again, like an electric flint, in mid-air, and the nine-handed sword flew out of the mother sword again. , Surround the mother sword.

The golden light transpired from the starry sky mecha body, spurring the runes with all its strength, holding the sword in both hands, the giant sword suddenly flickered, and a giant with a silver mask on his face jumped out and stood on the giant sword.

Suddenly, an aura of eternal vicissitudes of life returned from the ancient times, and the silver giant looked over the world, stunning the world.

The son and mother swords buzzed and trembled, seemed to be shocked, but also seemed to generate fear.

But in fact, the son-mother sword is not spiritual, how can it be afraid?

This is how Qin Lin's soul has been impacted.

The chopsticks are shaking, not that it will shake, but that the hand holding it is shaking.


Qin Lin shouted, shocked. At the same time, in the Lingtai, the God's Inheritance Orb suspended above Qin Lin's soul, flicked slightly, and the divine light shed, Qin Lin's heart was calm, and he was no longer afraid of the power of the ancient gods.

The magic weapon of spirit defense!

In the universe, the strong with high realm can kill the strong with low realm by spirit attack.

Therefore, the magic weapon of spirit defense is very precious to those of low realm.

Unexpectedly, the rune of this starry sky mecha contained a spirit attack.

It's a pity that this level of spirit attack is too weak, even without the protection of the inheritance beads, the spirit attack of the Star Mecha will not threaten Qin Lin's spirit, at most it will affect it.

clang! clang! clang! ...

The silver giant appeared to be resurrected, fighting with the sword, and slashing nine times.

However, the silver giant has obviously fallen, and even if he was once a god, it is difficult for him to come back to the world and give orders to all directions.

After fighting with Jiuzi Sword, the silver giant turned into a phantom and dissipated in the world.


The mother sword hit the giant sword of the Star Mecha again, bursting out a dazzling ball of light.

"Boom boom boom..." The starry sky mecha retreated again, the light on the body dimmed a little, and the giant sword completely lost its luster, revealing its body.

On the sword body, a simple rune pattern appears, there are giants, birds, and beasts...


Qin Lin hurriedly continued to fight fiercely with the remote control lightsaber and the starry sky mecha.

The brilliant light, the brilliant fire, the world has changed greatly, and the starry sky mecha is completely at a disadvantage.


After the seven or eight swords, the giant sword in the Starry Sky Mecha's hand made a crisp sound, the giant sword couldn't bear it, and the sword body cracked.

"Stop it for me!"

Qin Lin shouted again, approaching the Starry Sky Mecha, one star and nine sons, ten swords flew together, the nine swords spelled out the ancient supreme god, and the last sword finally cut the Starry Sky Mecha's great sword.

With very little divine power and infinite power of laws, the fangs of the starry sky mecha were eliminated. Qin Lin's momentum was like a rainbow, holding a lightsaber, and the movie serpentine technique unfolded.


There is the power of law in the body, the divine power can refine the energy of the heaven and the earth into the power of the law, Qin Lin's current movie serpentine technique is used at a speed no less than the supernatural power of the light body talent escape technique at the emperor level, and he arrives in the starry mech in the blink of an eye. before.


Qin Lin personally came, the power of the lightsaber soared, the power doubled, and with a "boom", it slashed on the starry sky mecha.

The starry sky mecha was full of light, golden light sprayed, very dazzling, and the thing was bound to decline. After the explosion, the starry sky mecha's body dimmed.

Qin Lin only wanted to rush to the Pacific battlefield as soon as possible.

Suddenly, the Star Mecha turned around, very humane, knowing that it could not stop Qin Lin, and did not desperately start to escape

"Want to run?" Qin Lin's lightsaber flew out, ten swords out again.

The Star Mecha never looked back, and was determined to run away.

boom! boom! boom! ...

Ten swords were fired in a row, slashing on the back of the starry sky mecha, all the barbs behind him were broken, and cracks appeared in the fuselage.


The Star Mecha took advantage of its strength to flee quickly.

Qin Lin wanted to catch up, but the starry sky mecha fleeed in the opposite direction of the Pacific battlefield, so he had to stop.

"Everyone hold on, I am coming!"

Without hesitation, Qin Lin rushed to the Taiping battlefield.

.(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qn) to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m.qn to read.) 9

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