Starry Sky Giant

Chapter 278: Turn against each other

The three-hundred-kilometer-high Interstellar Giant is majestic and tall, looking down at the world, overlooking the common people, swallowing mountains and rivers with anger. m

This is a space battleship combined with science and war. Like a king, the momentum is shaking. The creatures on the entire earth can feel a vast aura, suppressing the common people.

Prince Taco Star is already a void-class existence, but the body is seriously lacking the power of the law, if not, the aura will be stronger, at least a hundred times stronger than it is now.

It stands to reason that a planet as big as the earth is not enough for such a powerful person to swallow it in one bite.

It is a pity that the earth is suspected to be a **** tomb, buried with a breath of shocking nine heavens and ten earths, and the master may not be able to swallow it, let alone the prince Tuckstar of the void class.

It is also because of this aura that Prince Tucker has not been able to recover to the peak for so many years.

"What happened? Has extraterrestrial civilization come? Are the previous rainbow lights the warship of extraterrestrial civilization?"

"It's terrible, what can I do? The sea monster crisis has not been resolved before alien life will descend."

"The earth is about to end, and the God who has always abandoned us is here, Fak."

"God is coming, no, it will only eat the power of our faith, and the wolf that never shines in the light of the Lord is coming."


Everyone on Earth was shocked, and at the same time uncomfortable. To them, the breath of the Interstellar Giant was haze and poisonous gas.

"Star Giant!"

The faces of Qin Lin and the others were ugly. Void-class powerhouses had extremely powerful spirits. If they hadn't, they wouldn't be able to fight the old **** stick.

Even if you wait for someone to reach the star. In front of the Void-class powerhouse, Divine Soul was also greatly suppressed.

This is innate, a kind of instinct that the universe bestows on the monks from the bones-those with lower realms are "ruled" by those with higher realms and cannot be changed.

"Dad. What should we do? We can't beat him." Xiao Qi stood up from Qin Lin's shoulder and hugged Qin Lin's hair tightly.

The little mother, Lori, who turned into a human form, also leaned close to Xiaoqi and hugged Lori Xiaoqi's arm tightly.

I am afraid of death, and it is estimated that no one can compare to the little mother emperor.

Although the starry sky mother worm is one of the pinnacle life of the universe, it is not born to charge forward. They mainly rely on devouring mineral energy to make star warriors. Then he fought and invaded and became famous in the universe.

The two little loli are close together like this, Xiao Qi seems to be very uncomfortable, twisted his arm, and said unhappy: "Girl, why are you shaking? It made me tremble too."

Star pests known for their brutality. It seems harmless, but in fact it is very strong in his bones, but he is good at disguising. In addition, after spending a long time with Qin Lin, Xiao Qi's hostility has been worn away a lot, so sometimes it does not seem so prohibitive. On the contrary, there is a kind of elder brother elder sister demeanor.

The little mother's eyes were shining with tears. At this time, she was like a little loli, and the majesty of the mother was gone.

"I'm afraid..." The little mother seems to be afraid of Xiaoqi, but she is actually afraid of the Interstellar Giant.

When every life is afraid of helplessness, it will find a support, and the little mother emperor is no exception.

Xiao Qiyi looked contemptuous, but after seeing the tears overflowing from the eyes of the little mother emperor, she stretched out her little hand and wiped it off for the other party. Said affectionately: "It seems that you are our former comrade-in-arms...then you hold on tight. Don't be afraid, my father is still very weak, but my mother is very strong, although it is only a cave-level realm, but this Void-class iron man is not her opponent either. She can bite most of the iron in one bite."

"Really? Where is your mother?" The little mother hurriedly hugged Xiao Qi, her eyes scanned everywhere, she didn't find anyone like Xiao Qi's mother, and finally glanced at the Star Giant in panic.

"My mother is waiting for my father to be in a dangerous situation before coming out, the beauty saves the bear..." Xiao Qi said proudly.

Qin Lin has a black line. Does anyone say that to Dad?

Sure enough, it's not his own.

Opposite the Interstellar Giant, the old **** stick has a solemn expression. This is a desperate posture for the Tuck Star Giant. He will fight for the Interstellar Giant to be severely damaged again.

"Yes, your space battleship, a combination of science and warfare, is half a magic weapon, half a crystallization of technology. It can be regarded as a Class B space battleship. It is automatically repaired, but it is still far from complete recovery. The energy in your body is too low, and the soul will be suppressed on the earth. If you want to resist me, you can’t do it again. Come again!" The old **** stick quickly became calm and composed, and began to earnestly. Pinch the French seal.


A law monster appeared, reaching a height of hundreds of kilometers, half human and half dragon, with a body shape that resembled an old **** stick, but with six arms on its body, each arm holding a law weapon, namely a knife, a sword, an axe, a hammer, a halberd, whip.

This is a giant with complete laws of five elements, sometimes hidden into the void, sometimes emerging, like a ghost, the breath is not weaker than the interstellar giant.

"Old thief, hate me for thousands of years. I am a quasi-cosmic arrogant, and the stars have realized the golden rule to the fourth level. I am about to step into the battlefield of celestial arrogant, but I am trapped by you for a thousand years. But the law of earth is only the second level, and the law of wind is only the first level, reduced to a mortal. This hatred will not be reported, and it will be a regret for a lifetime." The roar of the Taco giant came from the interstellar giant.

At that time, Prince Taksin was only a few dozen years old. Although he was only a star, his perception of the Golden Rule reached a rare fourth level.

As for the Cosmos Tianjiao, if the law perception reaches the fifth level, it can be regarded as yes.

Born for a thousand years, if you have realized three or four laws, you are not considered a cosmic arrogant. Only when the perception of the laws reaches the fifth level can it be considered.

Because it is easy to perceive the law, and it is not easy to perceive to reach the third level, especially after that, one level becomes more difficult.

Theoretically, people of the same realm can challenge the strong without using magic weapons or secret techniques to reach the fourth level of law perception.

For example, for stars, the law perceives the fourth level, and people who can cross the realm to challenge the cave level law perceive the first level.

By analogy, when you reach the fifth level, you can defeat the hole-level law and perceive the second level, and you can kill the hole-level law and perceive the first level.

When you reach the sixth level, you can defeat the third level of the hole-level law perception, and behead the second level of the hole-level law perception.

When you reach the seventh level, you can defeat the fourth level of the hole-level law perception, and behead the third level of the hole-level law perception.

When you reach the eighth level, you can defeat the fifth level of the law of defeating the hole level, and the fourth level of understanding the law of beheading the hole level.

When you reach the ninth level, you can kill and defeat the people below the ninth level of the law of the hole level, and even the powerhouses of the third level of the law of the void.

But in the universe, the law perceives that there are fewer people on the ninth level than gods. This kind of people are already invincible, and the physical body can escape into the realm of dimensional laws, and it is difficult for gods to kill them.

The eighth floor is also rare, no more than the number of gods. The seventh floor is rare.

After the law senses the fifth level, it is several times more difficult to advance to the next level than to advance to the next level.

"The quasi-cosmic arrogant, the vast universe is like a cow. Throughout the ages, the cosmic arrogant has died and been trapped to death, and there are countless. You are nothing in front of me." The old sacred stick pointed his hand far away, and the six-armed giant strode closer to the interstellar giant.

The Interstellar Giant held a huge sword that was hundreds of miles long with its right hand, spreading its left palm, and stroking it from the body of the sword. The entire huge sword suddenly lit up, like a laser sword, extremely dazzling.

"Not only you have six arms, my Star Giant also has it, a composite space battleship, which can be transformed into a spaceship or a starry mecha, and six arms is nothing." At the same time, the six-armed giant rumbling on his body, two arms stretched out, and a weapon extended from each palm, either a sword or a sword.

"Come back!" With two arms outstretched, the giant Tucker shouted to Huang Feiyong and Xu Hui before it was finished.


Huang Feiyong and Xu Hui piloted the starry sky mechas, respectively inlaid into the side of the Interstellar Giant fuselage.

In Qin Lin's complicated eyes, the starry sky mechas of Huang Feiyong and Xu Hui began to deform and turned into the two arms of the Interstellar Giant.

After all, he became an enemy.


At this time, Qin Lin was full of resentment, just wanting to kill a big one, rushing to the starry sky mechas coming from the moon.

.(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qn) to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m.qn to read.) 9

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