Starry Sky Giant

Chapter 289: Have an extra daughter

Earth, Jura. M.

After ten days of cultivating almost endlessly, Qin Lin and Si Ruo finally practiced all the first nine layers of the Divine Body Secret Art.

Since then, their physique can be said to be the first in the universe at the emperor level. Even if the life of the cosmos peak bloodline is in the emperor level, the cosmic arrogant, the physique is not as good as them.

If you get the second part of the Divine Body Secret Technique, that is, the tenth to the eighteenth layer, and the cultivation is successful, you will not be able to find anyone with a stronger physique than them in the star level, unless there are other gods who have created something better than those created by the gods. There is also a powerful body refining secret technique.

The Emperor rank first, then, among the stars, the physiques of the two of them are considered middle-to-high.

For example, the few green star people on the moon, although they are stars, their physique has been transformed by the force of law, but they are not as strong as Qin Lin and Siruo's current physique.

In these ten days, Qin Lin's Giant Legion's strength has been improved again.

Daning was promoted to the star, and the ancient family Shuangxue was also promoted to the star. The loli beasts of the Isla God Realm were not bad, and they were promoted one after another.

There is the merit of the old **** stick, except that he cannot use the power of the dark law, the other eight law powers can be used, and they have been demonstrated one by one, so that everyone and the beasts can observe and feel.

Regrettably, the old **** stick was worried that the interstellar giant came down from the moon and was brewing a big plan with the magic vine, so he could not waste more energy, so he only demonstrated it once.

The old **** stick has realized eight laws: metal, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder and lightning, and light. Each of the insights has reached the fourth level or higher. If it is often demonstrated to the people and the beasts, maybe some people or The beast will comprehend the second layer, and its combat power will increase by 0.3 times.

If the strength value of a monk who has just been promoted to the star, the first level of law perception, no secrets, and no magic weapon is regarded as 1, then the power value of the second level of the law perception is 1.3; the law perception third For people at level 1, the value of combat power is 1.6; for people who perceive the law of the fourth level, the value of combat power is 1.9; for people who perceive the law of level 5, the value of combat power is 2.2...

The star has just been promoted to the hole level, and the combat power value can be regarded as 2. Therefore, there is a star rule to perceive the fourth level, and the 1.9 combat power value challenges the combat power value of 2.

The fifth level of perception of the star law, with a combat power value of 2.2, can naturally kill people with a hole-level combat power value of 2.

Of course, there are no absolutes in the world, and it depends on the soldiers' secret arts, magic weapons, and equipment.

Qin Lin and Si Ruo were very tired after completing the first nine levels of Divine Body Secret Art.

This is a kind of torture to the body and the soul, fortunately, the two are already in the star realm, and the first nine levels of the body secret technique are prepared for the emperor.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for the two of them to finish the last six levels in one go in ten days.

As soon as the two left the customs, Chi Ying and Chi Wu appeared in front of them.

The goblin winks like silk, and hasn't touched Qin Lin for many days.

Chi Wu also has beautiful eyes, and now Qin Lin looks stronger.

Xiao Qi and the little fairy took turns guarding Qin Lin and Si Ruo for ten days. Seeing Qin Lin He Si Ruo's success, Chi Ying and Chi Wu also came over and hurried away.

The two children couldn't stand their loneliness a long time ago, so they ran to play.

"Qin Lin, come to my place to rest." Chi Wu took Qin Lin's arm, and as Qin Lin's real girlfriend, she had the priority to enjoy it.

Of course, she still doesn't know anything.

Thinking is more exhausted, and I don't have the energy to think about the bad things.

The fairies are different. They are energetic and developed by Qin Lin. They eat the marrow and know the taste, and they are more interested in the mess than they think.

However, the fairy Bisiruo will be considerate, at least not before to destroy Qin Lin, let him shoot seven nights.

But now, knowing that Qin Lin was not worried about the depletion of solar energy and could absorb light energy infinitely, she had a wrong idea.

Qin Lin regards the sun as a perpetual machine, she can use Qin Lin as a perpetual machine.

"If you have enough fun with Chi Wu, come and find me, I have a reward." The fairy said to Qin Lin.

Qin Lin didn't know the bad thoughts in the fairy's belly, his eyes lit up: "Okay!"

So, Qin Lin, who had been playing with Chi Wu enough, was sadly reminded.

One shot after another, endless.

"Miss Sister, no, let me go." After twenty shots, Qin Lin could only lie down.

Even if he was lying down, the fairy would not let him go, using his hands, mouth, and holes together, and the essence was absorbed by her wave after wave.

"It doesn't matter, you can replenish the energy of more than 20 hairs in the sun for about an hour. I am such a beautiful and beautiful woman. You can take advantage of everything. You are still not a man. Wouldn't it be better for me?" I couldn't resist it anymore. I mostly did it. After enjoying it anyway, her goal now was to steal Qin Lin's essence and absorb it.

After fifty shots, the goblin lay down contentedly and waved his hand: "The amount is too small, you can go."

Qin Lin, who was dying, received an amnesty, and immediately came vigorously, rustling out of the goblin's cave and rolling down the mountain.

"Little Qi, come and save Dad." Qin Lin wanted to cry without tears.

Little Qi and Little Fairy on the beach were playing the Great Wall, and when Qin Lin asked for help, they looked at them suspiciously.

The aliens haven't come, why did Qin Lin call for help?

However, the two children saw Qin Lin's pale face and ran over immediately.

"Quickly, carry me away as far as possible. Go outside the island, no, go to Zawwa Island." Qin Lin hurriedly told the two children.

Because Siruo should have rested.

Xiao Qi is notoriously filial, so he hurriedly asked the little fairy to help, and he lifted Qin Lin, and disappeared in a slip of smoke.

"Hey, the elder brother is innocent again and has a fight with Xiaoqi and the others." Fang Que just left the customs and walked out of the cave and saw this scene.

On the island of Juwa.

Lie said in the sky, ten thousand beams of light hung down, covering Qin Lin.

The energy in the body is empty, and he urgently needs energy supplement.

Fortunately, this is the earth, in the solar system. Otherwise, he can't recover in ten and a half days by absorbing the energy of the heavens and the earth.

"Thirty-three Heavenly Profound Girl, what happened to Qin Lin?" The little fairy asked Xiao Qi next to her.

Xiao Qi curled her lips: "Little fairy, you can't call my dad directly, you have to call my dad your dad."

The little fairy pursed her mouth: "I only have a mother and no father. Our Starry Sky Mother does not have a father."

Indeed, the starry sky female worms reproduce life with a single surname and do not need a male surname to complete it.

"Don't you want to have a father who loves you?" Xiao Qi asked.

The little fairy was taken aback, her eyes widened, as if she was seduced by this temptation.

"It seems so. It's not bad to have a dad. We can never grow up and never worry about so many things." After thinking about it, the little fairy was a little in favor of Xiao Qi's ideas.

"That's good." Xiao Qi propped his chin and looked at Qin Lin: "From now on, you will follow me as my father, and then there will be many little mothers spoiling us one by one, how wonderful."

The little fairy nodded repeatedly, breaking her fingers: "Well, I count how many little mothers we have, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven..."

"Seven?" Xiao Qi was stunned, and hurriedly took off the little fairy's little hand: "You are wrong, my mother is one, called Mama Ling, Mama Chiwu is one, Mama Wu, and Mama Ying, Mama Si , Mom Qiao... There are six now. Yuexue and Yingxue are not, they are sisters."

"Why are Yuexue and Yingxue not mothers, but sisters?" the little fairy asked.

Xiao Qi tilted his head and replied: "Because my father only gave Mama Wu, Mama Ying, Mama Si, Mama Qiao, and the one who was given the injection by Daddy is our little mother."

"Injection?" The little fairy was puzzled.

"You are a child, don't understand, anyway, just listen to me." Xiao Qi Nai said with a voice.

Xingkong female worms are breeding creatures with the surname Shan.

"What are you two talking about? I don't need you here anymore. Hurry up and practice. You are not allowed to wander around all day." After absorbing more than two hours of light energy, Qin Lin finally recovered.

"Dad, I found you a daughter." Xiao Qi was very happy to see that Qin Lin was normal, and hurriedly urged the little fairy next to him and said, "Little fairy, call him father."

Qin Lin has a black line. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"Dad...Dad." The little fairy is weak.

Qin Lin has more black lines all over his head.

"While playing!" After holding back for a long time, Qin Lin could only hold back such a sentence.

Following Xiao Qi, the little fairy didn't know when Xiao Qi was sold.

Seeing that Qin Lin was unhappy, the two little girls hurried away.

"Thirty-three Heavenly Profound Girl, it is the mother who was given the injection by my father. Will my dad also give my mother an injection in the future?" As the two girls left, the little fairy's immature voice came.

"It should be a shot. My mother can't get out in the second world, and hasn't been shot yet by my dad, so I will have to get shot in the future."

"Then dad won't give us injections, otherwise I have to call your mother? You have to call me mother too?"

.(To be continued.) q

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