Starry Sky Giant

Chapter 293: Fight alien creatures again

Hearing that he handed over the little mother emperor, he would be able to avoid an earth crisis, buy time for everyone, and prepare for the next wave of life in the universe, and everyone was a little moved. m

Anyway, everyone didn't have much friendship with the little fairy. She was an enemy of Qin Lin's camp before, and it was normal for everyone to have this kind of psychology.

"I do not go!"

The little fairy could feel the atmosphere, a little flustered, and tightly grasped Xiao Qi's little hand.

In the memory of inheritance, most of the enslaved starry sky female worms have not achieved high achievements, and even ended badly.

For example, if the little fairy enters the Tuck Star Giant Clan, the opponent of the Tuck Star Giant Clan will assassinate and kill her at all costs.

Even if the assassination was unsuccessful, the starry sky female worms who ate the immortal worms, lacked training, and became the overlord, it was almost impossible to make further progress.

Which monk does not aspire to climb to the Great Britain? As long as there is a glimmer of hope, no one will be content with others.

The little fairy also wanted to attack the position of God, and didn't want to be controlled by others.

Their type of life, natural travellers, are suitable for cruising in the endless starry sky, devouring all kinds of meteorites and barren planets to enhance their strength and create star warriors.

"Little fairy, don't worry, I won't let you go," Xiao Qi promised, patting her chest.

Hearing what Xiao Qi said, the little fairy's heart was let go.

However, Xiao Qi quickly said again: "But I can't stop the bad guys alone. It depends on the decisions of my father and young mothers."

The little fairy was anxious again, and hurriedly said: "Thirty-three days, no. Thirty-three, three hundred and thirty-three days, mythical girl, you must help me beg my father and little mothers. I don't want to go with the bad guys. Wait. When I am promoted to the cave level, I will leave the earth and enter the vast starry sky to travel. I won't bother you anymore..."

"Huh?" Xiao Qi was upset, and threw away Little Fairy's hand: "We worked hard to protect you. You left as soon as you were promoted to the Dong level. Do you still treat me as your sister, and do you treat my father and Xiao Mom’s eyes? You want us to protect you. You must first put me at ease, and put my dad and little moms at ease. Whoever says nothing, reports San Chunhui, have you never been to school or self-taught? Do you know what is the most terrifying thing in this universe? It is uneducated! Hooligans are not terrible, but horrible are educated hooligans. You have to follow me and be a literate hooligan..."

Everyone has a black line. Who taught this kid?

Thinking of this, everyone turned their eyes to Qin Lin.

"Fortunately, it's not his own person." Qin Lin left a trace of divine consciousness to pay attention to this. Hearing Xiao Qi's words, he secretly wiped sweat from the bottom of his heart. Besides, this child is a boy in every way. It's not like a girl.

"Then I won't leave after I get promoted to the cave level, and I will be with everyone." The little fairy said aggrievedly.

Xiao Qi nodded in satisfaction: "That's right, like a woman, don't let the eyebrows be shaved."

Behind the Interstellar Giant, inside a starry sky mech. Xu Hui's body was embedded in the fuselage, her eyes kept on Qin Lin in the back.

There are generally two types of Star Mecha. One is the cabin type. Mecha fighters control the starry sky mecha in the cockpit. The other is Xu Hui’s type of mecha. For example, wearing a thick armor, the torso, hands, and feet are separated. Corresponding to these body parts of the mecha.

The second type of mecha is more commonly used, and it feels more realistic to control, and its combat power can be maximized.

How can I forget the beginning, a smile, every word and deed, have deeply imprinted the heart of the other party.

Not all girls' membranes can represent their hearts, and Xu Hui has also given her heart to Qin Lin without giving the membranes to Qin Lin.

When he was around, she felt sweet and used to it.

When he left, she felt that he was like a part of her body. Without him, she would be incomplete and incomplete.

"Have you decided?" The demon prince was impatient. After he was promoted to the void rank, his perception told him that staying on the earth is very dangerous.

In his eyes, the earth became more and more like a tomb of gods, the deeper the cultivation base, the more horrified the pores felt.

Chi Ying and the others didn't know how to make decisions. Qin Lin would usually decide major events, and they all looked at Qin Lin.

Qin Lin was also very embarrassed, the old **** stick could not make a move, and none of them could stop the Interstellar Giant.

For the little fairy, is it worth it to bury most of the people here, or even all of them?

"Dad..." Suddenly, the little fairy looked at Qin Lin with begging eyes.

Qin Lin's heart trembled, and the sound of his father made his nose sore.

A little girl who was only a few months old, how could she refuse to ask him for help like this?

"Mama Si!" The little fairy asked Siruo for help again. Everyone didn't care what she said, she couldn't resist the Interstellar Giant, and she could be taken away by a few encounters.

"Little fairy can't go!"

It has always been like a female robot, only looking at the data to speak, not looking at the human thoughts, and then spoke.

Chi Ying was a little surprised. Not only she, but everyone was also surprised. Originally thought, in Qin Lin's camp, the first person who would agree to hand over the little fairy was thoughtful, but she was the first one. Refused to hand over the little fairy.

"Then don't pay it." Qin Lin didn't make a decision, but everyone had already seen that the fairy agreed to keep the little fairy.

Most of the two eldest sisters had spoken, and Qin Lin also acquiesced that everyone had nothing to say, and they were ready to fight.

Qin Lin postponed his recovery, and commanded Si Ruo and the others: "Instructor, Miss Sister, Chi Wu, Da Qiao, Daning, Fang Que, each of you six will share a starry sky mecha, and you have the ability to kill your opponent as soon as possible."

Then, he turned to Xiao Qi and Little Fairy: "Little Seven, Little Fairy, you two will share two battles and make a quick battle."

In the end, Qin Lin spoke to the four stars in the Lori and Little Fairy camps of the ancient family Shuangxue and Isla God Realm. A set of Yuexue and Yingxue, a set of Xiaobai, Jingjing and Azuo, a set of Xiaohong and Caicai, a set of No. 1 and No. 21, a set of Little Fairy’s star warrior, and the rain sculpture as a mobile Staff, support everyone as appropriate."

Qin Lin allocated the fifteen star mechas from the Demon Prince's camp in this way.

As for the Interstellar Giant, Qin Lin was sure that it would not be easily shot, it was guarding against the old magic stick, waiting for the old magic stick to appear.

In fact, the old **** stick will no longer appear.

Qin Lin's plan is to let everyone kill the fifteen star mechas as soon as possible, how many times they can kill, and then concentrate their efforts against the interstellar giant.

Of course, the risk is very high. Once the starry sky mech group suffers serious casualties, the Interstellar Giant will definitely take action, and will not wait for the appearance of the old **** stick.

As soon as the Interstellar Giant shot, Xiao Qi and Little Fairy couldn't stop it.

Perhaps only with the addition of Qin Lin and Si Ruo, who can borrow the power of the sun, can he barely block it.

However, Qin Lin's current combat power is less than one or two, and even the opponent's weakest star mecha can't stop it.

"Kill! Kill me! Kill all!"

Seeing the posture of Qin Lin's camp, the demon prince became angry, and suddenly, fifteen star-sky mechas next to him came out.

The movement of Qin Lin's camp was even faster. Before the opponent could take a shot, the firepower was fully activated. The power of various laws was overwhelming. The power of the sun turned into a lightsaber, and the surging water of the ocean turned into a war knife. The force is condensed and turned into a spear...

There are also various giant beasts rushing, rumbling across the sky, straight to the fifteen starry sky mechas whose fuselages are beginning to glow.

boom! boom! boom! ...

The war is on the verge, the world is in chaos, the gunpowder is full of smoke, and the brilliance is overflowing.

Human military satellites noticed this scene and zoomed in one after another, each one was dumbfounded.

As early as the previous war, human military satellites have already begun to pay attention to this sea area.

Seeing the star mecha and giants again, the officers were all shocked.

Most people know that alien life has already descended on the earth, but the earth has their patron saint.

The patron saint is silently supporting the entire human race.

"Live footage, we can no longer leave the heroes in obscurity. They are the patron saints of our humanity, and their merits should not be forgotten in a corner that no one knows." The generals with the highest ranks, some made their own decisions. Broadcast these images to your country.

As soon as the live broadcast came out, the whole world was in turmoil. Within a minute, countries that have not been broadcast live, and saw some countries broadcast live, so they rushed to live broadcast.

Suddenly, scenes of this war appeared on TV all over the world, with magnificent waves and thousands of miles of waves.

.(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qn) to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m.qn to read.) 9

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