Starry Sky Giant

Chapter 295: Chi Wu and Xu Hui

"Boom!" "Boom!"

The flame robot and the flame giant attacked and killed each other with their giant swords. m

They are just like arrows that are released.

Suddenly, the two giants of the law turned into countless **** of flames, and plunged into the sea one after another.


The law attack in the melee combat ended, the two fire swords were cut into one, a string of sparks flew out, the air seemed to be ignited, rumbling and exploding, a wave of heat impacted in all directions, and the sea instantly evaporated countless seawater. The water mist evaporates, like a heavy fog.

Chi Wujiao yelled, and urged the fire sword with all his strength. The fire sword's light burst into the sky, and all the mist disappeared instantly under the impact of the sword light.

Xu Hui quickly retreated with a huge sword in his hand, and the voice heard: "I don't want to fight you, your magic weapon is half damaged. Although my mecha and weapon are half magic weapon and half technology, my combat power is higher than you."

Chi Wu was taken aback, and the owner of this starry sky mecha was not an alien life, but an earth life, or Xu Hui.

Of course, the relationship between Xu Hui and Qin Lin, Chi Wu is very clear.

If it weren't for the instructor's instructions, if it wasn't for Qin Lin's transformation into a giant, who would be Qin Lin's true girlfriend is not certain.

"So it was you!" After a moment of stunned, Chi Wu stared at Xu Hui angrily: "It's a loss to Qin Lin that he still misses you. When he was seriously injured and fell into a coma, it was you, but not my girlfriend. Do you know that? Knowing how sad you are when you enter the Tuck Star camp, he has been so sad that he stays away from home, hiding in no one’s corner and crying. After we turned into giants. He thought that he would never have any intersection with you in the future, so he often mentioned it to me. You are the number one. A girl who treats him well, without you, can’t improve his physical fitness. She might have lost her life in a wild hunt. He also said that when the earth’s turmoil settles down, he will find you and give you a choice. Do you want to walk the same path with us. Guard the earth together, and enter the vast starry sky together..."

The starry sky mecha across from Chi Wu trembled: "Don't say it..."

In fact, how could Qin Lin dare to pretend to Xu Hui in front of several women, and how could he not stand in front of them... This is Chi Wu's emotional card to win.

The two women stopped fighting here, but the world broke apart in other places.

Xiaoqi turned into the body, with a long thorn tail like a magic whip. Pumping up the sky.

Her four claws attacked and killed a starry sky mecha, and the thorny tail was not idle, and the other starry sky mecha was exhausted, and it rolled around, almost without fighting back.

The little fairy is not good at fighting, and barely holds the two star mechas.

"Kill kill kill. I didn't get into the university that Fuda students dreamed of, but now, I am no weaker than anyone at Fuda." Huang Feiyong controls the starry sky mecha and fights with Daning.

Although he is not a legal physique, he is driving a Star Mecha. The combat power is higher than Daning.

"Are you a senior high school classmate?" Daning looked solemn.

"Yes, you are on the wrong team. You will plunge yourself and the earth into the Jedi. Only by following us can you have a way to survive. The earth is a tomb of the gods. If you don't leave early, you will all be just a pile of nourishment for this tomb in the future. The age of myth. The western angels and the eastern heaven were used as nourishment and the entire army was wiped out. Do you want to repeat the mistakes of history?" Huang Feiyong's body shook, and the runes on the fuselage seemed to come alive, turning into giant beasts. , With bare hands, culled Xiang Daning.

Daning snorted coldly: "The demon words confuse the crowd. I only believe what I see. The Taksin don't treat us people on earth as humans at all."

With that said, Daning held an iron sword, instilled the power of the law, and killed the Star Mecha.

He has no magic weapon and no secret technique, so he can only attack and kill in close quarters.

Siruo also has no magic weapon, but it can borrow the power of the sun, and the power of the sun will drop from space and transform into an army of giants.

"Fuck it!"

The battle against Siruo was a starry mecha piloted by a green star. The giant army of Siruo was not powerful alone, but its victory was large in number, and it was inexhaustible to kill.

The red shadow is a body of water. On the earth, especially on the sea, this is her domain.

The first level of perception of the law of water, she has consolidated, and has been practicing for more than half a month. The manipulation of water is like a fish in the water. The power cannot be doubled, but it has also increased a lot.

Countless sea water surged into the sky, submerging opponents.

This is not ordinary water, but the power of the law of water, forming a field, suppressing the starry sky mecha.

The realm formed, Chi Ying stepped into it, and approached, the iron sword in his hand clanging on the opponent's body.

It is a pity that the quality of the weapons in her hand is too low, otherwise, the opponent can't stop her at all.

Fang Que is a gold body and has no magic weapon, but the weapon is injected with the power of the golden law, and the attack power is greatly increased.

Fang Que's defense was weak, and he didn't dare to attack at will, resulting in a stalemate in the battle between the two sides, and no one could do anything about it.

The battle between Da Qiao and her opponent was quite frightening at first, because she was completely downwind, with a few wounds on her body, and with the help of the rain sculpture, she slowly gained the advantage.

From then on, Da Qiao began to force the opponent, because she found that although the opponent's fighting style was sharp, it seemed to follow certain rules and laws.

"The mecha of intelligent life control!" Da Qiao also understood some knowledge of the starry mecha, and quickly understood.

Intelligent life is good at calculations, speaking too much according to data, but it is a big flaw, opponents can easily see the attack methods and methods of the Star Mecha they control.

The human heart is fickle, and will randomly make different attack and defense actions.

The Gu Family Shuangxue group, at first, it was very difficult to deal with the starry sky mecha, and it was full of dangers. Later, it gradually adapted to it.

Most of the fifteen star mechas were driven by intelligent life.

Not many people come from Green Star.

Qin Lin still looked at the battlefield carefully while working hard to recover.

Before the war, he was not optimistic. But now, he found that the facts were not so bad.

The combat power of everyone is not low, and the combat power of Star Mecha is also overestimated by him.

Also, the starry sky mechas are also divided into grades, and the quality of these starry sky mechas is too low.

"The starry sky mecha driven by intelligent life, good, very good." Qin Lin stared at some starry sky mechas, and he could also see that most of the starry sky mechas were driven by intelligent life.

Qin Lin's chest flashed, and a light quietly sank into the ground.

The war broke out for a few minutes, but the old **** stick did not appear.

The devil prince is a little angry, he has been on guard, but this old immortal just won't come out.

"Old thief, are you scared?" The demon prince roared angrily: "Shrink your head tortoise, come out!"

The old **** stick was indifferent and did not appear.

"I know you have a problem. I don’t have enough energy. I have been working hard to recover. I’m also trying to recover. Everyone is competing for a faster recovery. Can’t you recover this time? Don’t dare to come out. Don’t worry, I’m on the moon. The above just swallowed some rocks, it was difficult to digest, and did not recover much, you don't need to be afraid, come out." The devil prince showed weakness and lured the old **** stick out.

The old **** stick still disappeared without a trace.

The devil prince was a little anxious. The people he brought were compared with Qin Lin's Giant Legion. There was a gap, and they were now completely at a disadvantage.

Although it seems that there will not be any major problems, but it will be defeated for a long time.

He can't wait anymore.

"You won't come out, are you?" The Devil Prince looked at the battlefield, and then at Qin Lin, who hadn't played.

Qin Lin's heart shuddered, and the devil prince was about to get ready to do it.

Who will you do it for?

Not only Qin Lin is speculating, but the devil prince is also thinking.

To deal with the starry sky female insect, catch it directly?

But if you make a move, you have to disperse your energy, and this distracted energy must not be less, or else you won't be able to catch the starry sky female worm with gifted magical powers.

And at this time, if the old **** stick appeared behind him, it would be a bad thing.

Do you deal with Qin Lin?

Qin Lin's position in the eyes of the old **** stick, the devil prince is not sure.

If he shoots and kills Qin Lin, the old **** stick ignores him and attacks him directly from the side, he is also very passive.

The devil prince was hesitant about how to shoot and whom to shoot for.

"It doesn't matter, it's this!" The demon prince decided to take action after his own camp was defeated.

The Interstellar Giant suddenly grew bigger, and quickly pulled from a kilometer high to a hundred thousand meters high, protruding a giant hand.

Seeing this scene, the people before the live broadcast were completely shocked.

"Damn it."

"Grass, isn't it true?"

"Isn't this a mecha, can the mecha grow and shrink like this?"

.(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qn) to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m.qn to read.) 9

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