Starry Sky Giant

Chapter 298: Black chain

"Can't hand it over?" The devil prince looked grim, and his roaring voice came out: "Qin Lin, don't push me, the old thief hasn't come out yet. There must be something wrong. You stars, fighting the five scum Combat power, all of them together are not my opponents. Don’t force me to kill you. It’s not good for me to kill you, but it won’t have any effect on me.”

There is no conflict of interest, and Void-class fighters will not casually deal with people with stars and below.

The universe breeds life. In a sense, all life is a simplification of the nine principles.

Indiscriminate killing of innocents and those who are not determined will greatly affect their future practice.

No matter how strong the mind is, it is said that killing evil is too heavy, there will be no hope of becoming a god.

Of course, killings between the same ranks are not counted as "killing evil" in the universe, and have little effect on cultivation. If there is an influence, it is a good influence, which increases self-confidence and gains the favor of the law.

Qin Lin smiled bitterly. After following the old **** stick for so long, he certainly knew that killing the devil prince with a star of 1.8 million would not have a bad influence on his cultivation at all.

At least there is no objective influence at all. Subjectively, it depends on the individual's xinxing and concentration.

"If you have a chance in the future, you will understand that this kind of secret technique cannot be handed over." Qin Lin said, not wanting to tell the demon prince that this is the light body's talent escape technique.

Most cultivators only know that the light body is extremely fast, and know nothing about others. Only a few people know that the light body has the secrets of the magical powers of escape.

Xu Hui in the Star Mecha looked anxious, this was a great opportunity for reconciliation, but Qin Lin refused to surrender the secret technique.

"Qin Lin. You taught me that hunting in the wild meets monsters that cannot be defeated. You must retreat from difficulties and know how to choose. Secret art is dead, and people are alive. As long as you live, everything is possible. Give the technique to the Tuck Star Giant." Xu Hui persuaded.

Fire flashed in Qin Lin's eyes, looked at Xu Hui, and said nothing.

"Qin Lin..." Xu Hui was anxious. Shouted again.

"Shut up!" Qin Lin shouted coldly, inexplicably irritable.

Inside a starry sky mecha, Huang Feiyong raised his eyebrows and sneered: "Qin Lin, Xu Hui, this is for your good, for your group. Be kind to Xu Hui, she is not your girlfriend. Ren. You scolded. You hadn't been promoted to star that day. I intercepted you, thinking about the old feelings, and kept giving you opportunities. Now it seems that you are trying to force me to go to the opposite side."

Qin Lin frowned slightly, and Huang Feiyong changed.

It's not surprising to think about it. Joining the Tuckstar camp and following the MLM organization, the brain is completely washed out, it is difficult to return to a normal life.

It can even be said that Huang Feiyong and Xu Hui are now. Just like a terrorist who was brainwashed.

"Qin Lin, your classmate is interesting to Xu Hui. I'm jealous." Chi Wu is a jealous man, knowing this very well, and said to Qin Lin.

Qin Lin was startled, and after thinking about it, it was really possible.

In high school, Huang Feiyong showed a very good impression of Xu Hui, but he was a commoner, and his background was not much better than Qin Lin. He could only look up to Xu Hui, a high-ranking girl.

Now the situation is different, Huang Feiyong already has the capital to pursue Xu Hui.

"Kill all of us, you won't get this kind of secret technique." Qin Lin struggled for peace, and said to the interstellar giant: "Where is Starbucks? I have a good impression of Starbucks. Leading in the door, I saw the vastness of the universe and the infinite future. I always have in my heart the goal of calming the Pacific Ocean and repairing the Interstellar Giant. We can actually walk together, so why bother to a place as small as the earth. In the universe, When countless strong men arrive, or they know that they are about to die, they will leave behind their own heritage and treasures. Wouldn't it be better to fight for these heritages and treasures? We can still chat and get along happily."

"The weak are not qualified to negotiate. It seems that Qin Lin, you won't shed tears and kill if you don't see the coffin!" The Interstellar Giant became impatient, full of suffocation, and the huge palms slapped Da Qiao and Daning, the distance between the two was closer. All are shrouded in giant hands.

Qin Lin's face was ugly. He was able to rescue Chi Ying just now, firstly because the Star Giant didn't try his best, and secondly, because he was not too far away from Chi Ying.

But now, the interstellar giant's firing speed was too fast, and it was once again engulfing the two of them. Even if Qin Lin struggled with his vitality and performed extremely fast, he could not save one person.

"Da Ning!"

Gu Ying's snowflakes turned pale, her face pale.

The giant hand of the Interstellar Giant drew the power of the law, and the hand was not pressed down, the wind and the cloud would meet, lightning and thunder, the sea within a radius of a radius was crushed, the huge waves turned to the sky, and the big Qiao and Daning underneath were like flat boats on the sea of ​​anger, The wind and rain are precarious, involuntary.

"Fight!" Qin Lin shouted, "Jigitte!"

Immediately, the sound of the iron chain resounded, and a huge black iron chain flew out from the sea, like a black dragon, shining with cold light, and the power of law permeated.


The demon prince’s angry roar came from the Star Giant: "Traitor, **** traitor!"

The black iron chain snaked upwards, freezing the space, and instantly wrapped around the giant hand of the Interstellar Giant.


The metal trembling sound was unusually harsh. After wrapping around the giant hand of the Interstellar Giant, the black iron chain seemed to come alive. The black light flourished, and it continued to meander along the arm of the Interstellar Giant, blinking and entangled the Interstellar Giant. The fuselage.

The Interstellar Giant seemed to be ignited, and the tri-color light burst out, breaking through the clouds.

Suddenly, the satellite live broadcast screen was blank, and there was nothing to see.

"Did the live broadcast break?"

"Damn, how can the live broadcast break at the critical moment of the counterattack?"

"No, it's not a live broadcast interruption, but the light in the battlefield is too strong to see."

Countless people cursed, they did not hear the cry of the God of War, but they saw his gestures and saw an iron chain flying out of the sea, entangled with the most powerful enemy in the alien camp.


The roar of the demon prince came out. This iron chain has the function of absorbing the power of the law. Once he invokes the law rune on his body or the power of the law in his body, it will be absorbed by the iron chain.

Qin Lin opened his mouth wide.

This black iron chain, like the power of the dark law, was not driven by him.

He didn't even know where the iron chain came from.

"The scum of Tuckstar, take your life!"

After the black iron chain that was several hundred thousand meters long entangled the Interstellar Giant, the other end of the black iron chain was completely exposed in the sea.

A 5,000-meter-tall giant appeared while clutching one end of the iron chain. His eyes were red, murderous, his black hair danced wildly, his grief and anger reached the extreme. With a roar, the black light on the black iron chain became even worse, quickly devouring the interstellar giant. energy.

"This is……"

"Where is the giant?"

Everyone was taken aback, especially Qin Lin.

However, Qin Lin knew this long-faced giant.

It was Li Liang, the former leader of the rebels.

Li Liang is still alive!

Qin Lin once heard the second child of the giant family say that Li Liang was imprisoned.

On the day of the three-way chaos, the giant family was almost wiped out, and Qin Lin didn't care much about Li Liang's life and death.

Unexpectedly, Li Liang appeared today and brought a magic weapon that even the Star Giant was afraid of.

"Traitor, you traitor, use my magic weapon to lock you against me!" The demon prince roared.

"Shit to betray your mother!" Li Liang urged the black iron chain with all his strength, and two lines of blood and tears shed in his eyes: "My brother, they are all dead, I am the only one left, oh..."

Chi Ying had never seen Li Liang before, but they all reacted to what he said.

"He is Li Liang, the leader of the rebel army!"

"It's ridiculous, the master and servant turned their backs."

In Qin Lin's Giant Legion, some people felt sympathy for Li Liang, while others looked on and thought it was retribution.

Qin Lin is a little strange The giant family that participated in the battle that day was wiped out. Just now from the devil prince, he learned that Li Liang was locked by this terrifying black chain.

So, how did Li Liang break free?

"That's it!" Suddenly, Qin Lin suddenly realized that the helper the old **** stick said should be Li Liang.

As for Li Liang's ability to escape, it should have been released by the old **** stick.


The black iron chain soared into the sky and swelled rapidly, as if inflated. Li Liang roared and twitched the iron chain, trying to throw the Interstellar Giant into flight.

"What can the star magic weapon do to me? It will saturate and explode if it absorbs the power of the law to a certain extent. Even if it explodes, it won't hurt me." The demon prince's cold voice came from the Star Giant. At the same time, StarCraft The fuselage of the Giant was rapidly expanding and rising.

.(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qn) to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m.qn to read.) 9

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