Starry Sky Giant

Chapter 300: Bombing

"Asshole, what's the matter? Our Star Mecha is back!"

Before the Green Stars recovered from the grief of a teammate's death, he saw his smart starry sky mech cut down another teammate unexpectedly, and roared angrily.

"Kill! The other party's smart starry sky mech has been successfully invaded by Jijit." Qin Lin took the lead and rushed to the starry sky mech driven by the Green Star.

As early as the beginning of the battle, Qin Lin asked Gilgit to invade the green star man’s intelligent life-control starry sky mecha.

Until Li Liang appeared, the opponent had fallen into a starry sky mecha, because Qin Lin had ordered everyone to stay alive.

The starry sky mecha controlled by the opponent's intelligent life is not high in combat power, indicating that the opponent's intelligent life is not strong, and Qin Lin decided to let Gigitte invade.

After being "initiated" by the old **** stick, Jijit was many times stronger than before. As soon as he climbed into the starry sky mecha of intelligent life control, he immediately controlled the opponent, and the program was successfully tampered with.

Before, everyone was a little unclear, so why did you drag the battle without destroying the Star Mecha group?

Now everyone finally understands.

Like Xiaoqi and Little Fairy, they really have to work hard, it is not a big problem to kill two star mechas.

There is also thinking, one person can deal with a starry sky mecha, she who can borrow the power of the sun, wants to kill the other party, it is easy.


The giants yelled, and the counterattack began!

The enemy’s smart starry sky mechas were mostly, and they were all controlled. With the addition of Qin Lin and others, the group's strength doubled. Within a minute, another artificially controlled starry sky mecha crashed.

"Prince Tuckstar, we can't hold on anymore, you have to come and rescue us. Or shall we withdraw?"

The Green Stars asked the Demon Prince for instructions, very angry.

The demon prince wanted to vomit blood. It didn't matter if the Star Giant was stolen. He just wasted countless amounts of energy into the black iron chain. He really lost his wife and lost his soldiers.

"Haha, blow me up!"

Li Liang laughed wildly and urged the black iron chain to attack, but unfortunately, he felt like he was holding a big mountain, unable to do what he wanted. Unable to attack the demon prince.

After swiping a few times, he finally gave up.

He couldn't control the black chain that was about to run out of control.

The black iron chain was poured into the law too much power, and it would explode at any time.


The devil prince's scalp was numb, and he felt it too, and the black iron chain expanded and contracted. The power of the law of terror rages, even if he can't be drawn. Sweeping past. It also made him tremble.

Suddenly, a more terrifying scene came.

The black iron chain shrouded the sky with black light, suddenly contracted, then suddenly expanded and exploded.

With a "boom", the entire earth trembled.

The chains exploded, the power of the black law. The power of the red law, the power of the white law, the power of the turquoise law...the sky was overwhelmed, and the sea instantly evaporated more than ten nautical miles. Exposed bare seamounts.

A violent air current blew everyone up, and the rumbling sound spread for nine days, and half of the earth could hear it. Of course, the speed of sound transmission was not fast, only about 340 meters per second. People have not heard it yet, just feel There was an earthquake, the house shook, and it was unstable.

In the center of the explosion, the Demon Prince's armor was shattered, blood dripping, and his head was scattered.

The void-class warrior was bombed by the cave-class magic weapon, and it was absolutely uncomfortable, not to mention the demon prince who had been in trouble with his body and soul.


Qin Lin was lifted up by the blast, and soon stabilized. A bare hand protruded from the void and grabbed a starry sky mecha.

This starry sky mech is not a green star man’s artificially controlled mech, but an intelligent starry sky mech.

Before the huge bare hand caught it, the smart starry mech that was successfully invaded by Gigitte began to deform in the sound of clang.

Within a moment, the five-hundred-meter-high starry sky mecha turned into a thousand-meter-long giant sword, gleaming.


The bare hand came, grabbed the giant sword, and immediately, the entire world was a world of light. The giant hand and the giant sword merged into one, blazing light, slashing towards the demon prince.

Combination of virtual and real!


The demon prince roared, before he recovered from the vertigo that was blown out by the chains, he saw a giant hand holding a huge sword slashing.


The lightsaber exploded, the giant hand disappeared, and the devil prince staggered, spouting a mouthful of blood, and the armor on his body was shattered more severely, and his clothes were not covered.

"Come again!"

Qin Lin also vomited a mouthful of blood, his face was pale, his state was originally not good, and he was far from recovering.

But now is a good time to get into trouble, not to be missed.

The Void Level is too powerful to allow the Demon Prince to slow down, otherwise, even if everyone joins hands, they can't stop it.

Another Smart Star Mecha deformed and turned into a war knife.

The bare hand appeared again, with a "clang" sound, merged with the sword, with a shocking momentum, and slashed towards the demon prince.

"Give me a hand!" Si Ruo Jiao yelled, sticking out his bare hands.

Immediately, another star mecha turned into a giant sword and fell into the bare palm.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

Two ear-splitting explosions sounded one after another, and the devil prince staggered, spouting several mouthfuls of blood, his body was dim, and parts of his battle armor were broken.

Everyone was shocked. The powerful demon prince was bombarded by cave-level magic weapons, and was bombarded by three star mechas one after another, and he still stands still.

"Turn around the target!"

Chi Ying commanded everyone, all kinds of weapons and the power of the law blasted out, the target is the demon prince.

Suddenly, the entire world was enveloped by the power of the law, all kinds of light flew, the law giant sword, the law war knife, the law behemoth, the law giant...all rushed towards the demon prince.

The Green Stars and Huang Feiyong opened their mouths, should they escape now or should they continue to attack Qin Lin's Giant Legion?

"Let's go!" After hesitating, the Green Star decided to withdraw. Just now, if Qin Lin's Giant Legion had targeted them, more than half of them would have fallen.

Stay with the green hills, and don’t worry about not having firewood.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! ...

The Green Star rushed into space and left the earth, no longer caring about the life and death of the demon prince.

"You cowards!" Huang Feiyong cursed, staying away from the battlefield and did not withdraw.

After moving away, Huang Feiyong shouted to Xu Hui who was still standing in the battlefield: "Xu Hui, come here!"

Xu Hui looked at Qin Lin's side, then looked at the demon prince who was overwhelmed by the power of the law, and hesitated.

"This father's first love, come here!"

Xiao Qi and the little fairy were lazy, stopped bombing the devil prince, both opened their mouths, and their huge devouring power locked Xu Hui's starry sky mecha.

Xu Hui was shocked, and the mecha could not help but flew towards the two little girls.

"The two swords are invincible, and the world is invincible." After Xu Hui was pulled in front of him, Xiao Qi's thorn tail flung out, entangled Xu Hui's starry sky mecha, making her unable to move.

"A lot of energy was wasted, little fairy, you can absorb some too." Xiao Qi said to the little fairy while devouring the energy of the mecha.

"This may be Mother Xu, are we doing this right?" the little fairy asked.

Xiao Qi thought for a while and said, "It should be correct."

At this moment, Chi Ying beside the two little girls shouted: "If you succeed, don't be lazy and continue to attack!"

The two little girls immediately handed Xu Hui to Da Qiao and continued to bombard the devil prince wildly.

The demon prince now has a wrong move and loses all the games.

"Xu Hui, I'll save you!"

Xu Hui was arrested, Huang Feiyong was furious, and rushed up in the starry sky mecha.

The little fairy turned her head and looked at Xiao Qi: "The bad guy has come up, do you want to run away?"

Xiao Qi turned to look at Chi Ying: "Mom Ying, can this person be killed?"

Chi Ying hesitated for a moment, and shook his head: "Don't kill, he used to be a good friend of your father, save him for his life."

"Don't kill, fight!" Xiao Qi immediately said to the little fairy, while throwing out a long thorny tail.

The little fairy hurriedly followed, her tentacles on her forehead grew longer, pulling out like a whip.

boom! boom!

How could Huang Feiyong's starry mecha block Xiaoqi and Little Fairy's was hit continuously, and the fuselage almost shattered and flew upside down dozens of nautical miles.

Xu Hui probably won't be in danger of life in the hands of Qin Lin's giant army.

Thinking of this, Huang Feiyong didn't dare to come forward again, lest he lose his life.

After a burst of indiscriminate bombing, everyone in Qin Lin's giant army was exhausted and stopped the bombing.

The strongest attacks were shot out, the devil prince was still alive, or safe, everyone could only admit his fate, and stared at the center of the battlefield where the light of the law was still scurrying.

After a short while, the light dissipated, and a huge figure appeared, and the armor was scattered and bloody.

"Not down yet!"

The expressions of Qin Lin and the others changed. So many people attacked together, and all the Smart Star Mechas were also blasted out, and the Demon Prince hadn't been blasted down yet.

.(To be continued...)

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