Starry Sky Giant

Chapter 442: Hacker war


Qin Lin's eyes were sharp, staring at Li Yuncong, and the sword of law fusion whizzed into the barrier wall composed of stone sticks and light cannons.


The d-class spacecraft can send out light cannons that can hurt ordinary kings, and with energy stored, it can even hurt ordinary saints.

However, Qin Lin's sword of law fusion had the first attack power of the saint, and it passed through and pointed directly at Li Yuncong's head.

"No!" Li Yuncong's eyes were horrified, and Qin Lin went crazy, fighting for his life.

Wandering opened his mouth, and finally said nothing.

The holy prison also secretly regretted, as if to be liberated, but couldn't be happy. Li Yuncong died, he was liberated; Qin Lin died, losing such a talented prospective master, he could not tell whether it was good or bad.

"Let's die together!" Li Yuncong's eyes were crazy. He also saw that Qin Lin didn't match the attributes of Jade Armor's Holy Artifacts. Temporary use of the magic pill could not instantly replenish the power of the law.

The law is not strong enough to urge the defensive sacred weapon, being hit by gears, Qin Lin has only one dead end.

Qin Lin smiled faintly. He seemed to be fighting Li Yuncong's life, but is that the case?

He is not that stupid, the power of the law in his body is enough for him to perform a turn light-year.


Qin Lin disappeared in place, his gear blasted into the sky, blasting into the depths of the starry sky.

"This..." Li Yuncong's eyes widened, and then he didn't know anything. Qin Lin's sword of the law of fusion swept across like the brightest rainbow light, taking everything away.

No matter is eternal, only time is eternal.

Perhaps, time does not exist, but an external manifestation of the decay process of matter.

Li Yuncong was the third layer of the void class, under the sword of the law of fusion, it turned into a rain of light, and fragments of the treasure were scattered.

"Dead?" Walker couldn't believe it. Watching the rain in the sky.

The holy prison seemed to have put down a heavy burden, and let out a deep sigh of relief.

Immediately, the stroll was relieved, but with a trace of loss.

The emperor stone clan can only follow one master in their life. This is their birth, and they have deep-rooted thoughts that cannot be changed. For example, in the Huaxia clan, children follow their father's surname. It is justified.


Abnormal changes occur suddenly, the power of countless laws of light gushes out of the void, and the world of laws of light dimensions opens.

The holy prison's eyes were excited and relieved.

After liberation, stroll and realize the law of light. Promoted to the king.

Yoda's strength has stagnated for too long, and it took more than a hundred years to advance from the hole level to the void level.

And the people of the Emperor Shi clan. The talent is no worse than the goddess and goddess.

The stroll was expressionless. He looked up at the world of dimensional laws with neither joy nor sadness in his eyes, letting go of the burden in his heart, and he finally made progress.

Although Qin Lin was very tired, his heart was happy, the entourage of the Emperor Shi clan. No fear of Shengwei's special life.

"Brother Xiaolin, no, that D-class spacecraft is going to escape." Xiaoying's eager voice came.

Qin Lin was shocked, right. Almost forgot.

Originally, his purpose was to grab this D-class spacecraft and let Xiaoying devour the level 4 intelligent life evolution inside.

"Where to run?" Qin Lin shot again, fusing the power of the law into a rope, binding the Class D spacecraft that he wanted to fly away.


The D-class spacecraft **** with ropes dragged Qin Lin away.

Qin Lin's attack power is high, but the power is not strong enough to hold it back.

"Damn, break it for me!" As Qin Lin was towed away, the sword of the law of fusion appeared, with a "ding", breaking open the space battleship.

Xiaoying hurried over in a b-class spacecraft.

"Xiaoying, go in quickly." Qin Lin couldn't hold the D-class spacecraft.

Xiaoying immediately ran out of the b-class spacecraft, jumped on the d-class spacecraft, and got in through the hole where Qin Lin broke through.

"Are you sure?" Xiaoying inside Qin Linchao asked eagerly.

Xiaoying blushed and ran to the command cabin console: "No, but I want to evolve."

Qin Lin was startled, this little guy, like him, wants money but not life.

In fact, it is precisely because of this that the intelligent life of this D-class space battleship does not end on its own, because it knows that this is also an opportunity for it.

Either Xiaoying swallowed it, or it swallowed Xiaoying.


Before Qin Lin had time to stop, Xiaoying integrated into the D-class space battleship.

"I rely on." Qin Lin sweated profusely.

At this time, the d-class spacecraft stopped moving forward. Obviously, Xiaoying and the intelligent life inside began to swallow each other.

Little guy, don't be okay, Qin Lin is in a hurry, but there is no way.

This can only depend on Xiaoying herself, he can't help.

When Qin Lin dragged the two spaceships back, he had already been promoted to the king, and he was standing with the holy prison, looking at him, the things in his eyes were indescribable.

"Holy Prison, these years, I'm sorry, it made you suffer with me. It has been more than two hundred years since my birth, and I am still a king." He glanced at Qin Lin and strolled towards the holy prison, his eyes full of apologetics. .

The Holy Prison shook his head: "We are brothers, we were born together, and we walked out of Jingshan together, don't say this, you have suffered a lot, more than I have suffered, and even greater."

There was a trace of pain in Yoda's eyes, yes, everything was a scam, and when he woke up late, he killed the woman who lied to him.

"Then, congratulations on finding a good master. Without a master, people like us are not very intelligent, can't live long, can't walk far." Yoda suddenly smiled.

The holy prison also smiled, years of depression, now he is freed.

God's domain people, but a different kind of the universe, in this world, the number of such people is much rarer than that of gods.

Moreover, looking at the scene where Qin Lin was hiding the gear just now, it was obvious that he was still a light and dark one.

Such a master, Holy Prison is also very satisfied.

Qin Lin drooped his head, worried about Xiaoying, and casually said to the holy prison: "Should we fight any more? If you are convinced, you decide to follow me?"

The Holy Prison shook his head quickly, and said respectfully and holy: "The Holy Prison pays homage to the master."

Subsequently, the holy prison swears: "I swear to the holy prison that there is only one master in this life, who will never leave, take the lead, and be willing to block all dangers for the master..."

The holy prison took an oath, and said it for a few minutes.

Qin Lin listened carefully, this was a natural oath made by the Emperor Shi clan.

Their souls are inherently simple and upright, and they are not suitable for traversing the stars and the sea alone. They need a guide, that is, the master.

In the words of the earth, they are born with three souls, seven souls, one soul and one soul. Only when they become gods can they find their true self.

And in this process, without a good master, they would not be able to take that step.

"Holy Prison is a name I chose myself, please give me a name." After taking the oath, the holy prison respectfully said to Qin Lin.

Qin Lin touched his chin: "Holy Prison is also a good name, not like the one that Yoda. So there is no need to change it. I can't think of another name for the time being."

"Everything is determined by the master." Sheng Prison respectfully said, this is a conviction in the heart, he restrained Sheng Wei, but Qin Lin completely restrained him.

Xiaoying is in an unknown state now, and Qin Lin is not in the mood to care about or ask about the holy prison, so the three of them can only sit in space and wait for the result.

And at the moment in the D-class space battleship.

Xiaoying is fighting fiercely with number six.

This is a battle for hegemony similar to the Matrix. You come and go, the firewall is turned on, the virus is implanted, and the two sides interact with each other on offense and defense. This is a war without gunpowder.

Both sides are looking for loopholes in the other side and breaking into the other side's server.

Xiaoying's intelligence is obviously weaker, completely at a disadvantage, and it can be described as losing ground.

However, her biggest advantage is that she can retreat at any time, even because she has a soul, she poses a soul formation at a critical moment, confuses Number Six, and then waits for an opportunity to counterattack.

As long as it is a program, even if the firewall is tight and cannot penetrate, there will be feedback, otherwise, the intelligence will be invincible.

Xiaoying is pervasive, collecting feedback information and looking for flaws.

On the other hand, No. 6 always breaks into Xiaoying’s soul formation, either without gaining anything, or getting the wrong prompt No. 6 is very anxious, for fear of falling into a real trap and self-destructive loopholes.

Xiaoying is even more dangerous. Her spirit is not strong, creating a soul formation, and being attacked by Number Six will cause considerable damage to her own spirit.

It took three days and three nights, and the result finally came out.

When Xiaoying's divine power was about to run out, she successfully invaded the No. 6 chip and swallowed it.

"Xiaoying." Seeing Xiaoying coming out of the D-class space battleship, Qin Lin looked surprised, and finally put down the stone in his heart.

For these three days and three nights, he knew that the 6th had already sent a message to the Li family, so he had long allowed the holy prison to drive the b-class spacecraft and drag the d-class spacecraft away from the place where he was fighting.

"Brother Xiaolin, I am very tired and need to rest. You can drive our c-class spacecraft by yourself first. The Li family has sent someone to chase you. You can no longer use their spacecraft, otherwise you will be easily positioned." Xiaoyingyi When he came out, he fell tired in Qin Lin's arms.

.(To be continued...)

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