Starry Sky Giant

Chapter 456: Just to move forward

Xiao Da drove the spacecraft for an hour into the windy and dangerous place, but Qin Lin and the holy prison did not catch up.

However, although the stone man was puzzled, he was loyal to his duties, obeyed Qin Lin's instructions, and continued to drive forward.

The speed of light in a vacuum is 300,000 kilometers per second, which is 18 million kilometers per minute and 1.08 billion kilometers per hour.

The spacecraft traveled at sub-light speed, and it traveled more than 1 billion kilometers in one hour.

For this hour, Xiaoying has been lying on the big chair, groggy and in a semi-comatose state.

It seemed that after a long time, and Qin Lin hadn't returned, the little guy woke up suddenly.

"Big guy, how long has it been?" Xiaoying sat up from the big chair.

Wandering looked at his watch and said with a sincere voice: "It's been an hour."

"It's been an hour?" Xiaoying was startled and suddenly stood up from the big chair. At this station, she was dizzy and fell from the chair, her head battered.

The little guy is very fragile now, almost like ordinary people.

"Stop, stop..." the little guy cried, crying and angry. At the same time, she fumbled and got up from the ground, leaning on the leg of the chair. Not only did she lose her head and lose her sight for a while because of the fall. .

The wandering wisdom is not high, but with self-knowledge, Xiaoying is smarter than him, and immediately stopped the spaceship.

"It's been an hour, Brother Xiaolin didn't come back, why are you still driving forward?" Xiaoying cried: "Brother Xiaolin snipes those people, and the fighting time is only a few minutes. He didn't come back, there must be an accident, not a battle death. Just can't turn around light years."

Xiaoying cried for a while, calming herself down.

"Don't panic." Xiaoying wiped away tears.

Before sniping the enemy, Qin Lin only left a space magic weapon, and there was only one spaceship inside to attract the enemy.

According to his plan, after sniping the enemy, he turned around and caught up with the Qin Lin.

Therefore, he had told Yoda to sail forward.

Turn around and take the route of the spaceship light years, and will soon catch up.

But one hour later, the battle was over long ago.

Qin Lin and Saint Prison had either died in battle or were captured, or they were exhausted after the war and were unable to perform the turn and turn too far away.

Turn around and go back?

Xiaoying thought for a while and found it feasible.

If Qin Lin came back alive after exhaustion, one possibility was that the Holy Prison brought him back.

The speed of the holy prison is impossible to catch up with the spaceship.

Another possibility is the death of the holy prison? Only Qin Lin escaped back? It is also extremely possible that Qin Lin's law is not strong enough to display, and he turned too far light-years away. After leaving the enemy's detection range, he slowly chased after him.

"Turn around and go back." Xiaoying said to Walker.

Wandering hesitated for a moment: "The son didn't say that, he said, don't let us look back."

Qin Lin was worried at the time that Xiaoying and Yoda turned around and came back if they were being chased down. Wasn't this a hindrance, and then ordered Yoda not to look back.

"Do you want to save Brother Xiaolin and your brother?" Xiaoying shouted with a stern face.

Walker nodded: "Yes."

"Listen to me." Xiaoying wanted to wave her fist, but couldn't.

Walking around was not enough, it seemed that he couldn't turn around, only remembering the words behind Xiaoying, to save Qin Lin and Saint Prison, he quickly turned around the spacecraft.

"Pay more attention to the front, lower the speed of the spacecraft, and be careful to bump into Brother Xiaolin and your brother who came back." Xiaoying sat back in the chair, weakened.

He drove the spacecraft back and wandered around, immediately shocked, reduced the speed of the spacecraft to 100 kilometers per second, and stared at the front.

Although it is a dark star field, there are no stars, no starlight, but it does not hinder the sight of walking, but here, the sight range is relatively small, only a few thousand miles.

Strolling and driving the spaceship back, Qin Lin and the holy prison, the holy prison stumbled, and walked forward with the blood-stained Qin Lin on his back.

The power of the laws in Qin Lin's body was empty, his body genes were severely damaged, and the repair was abnormally slow, and even regressed for a while and could not be repaired.

Falling into a coma, Qin Lin's spirit of course also became very dim, as if it was about to disappear at any time.

The saint prison body also lacks the power of the law, and the soul is dim. Although it is the fifth layer of the king, it can automatically absorb the energy of the dimensional law world, but the absorption speed is very slow.

Qin Lin's spirit and genes were seriously damaged, and there was a tendency to collapse. The speed at which his body automatically absorbed the energy of the Dimensional Law Realm was about the same as the speed of collapse, and he took a sigh of relief.

The holy prison staggered forward, although he knew that he would never catch up with the Qin Lin, but he did not give up.

He and Qin Lin didn't carry many divine pills and magic fruits, and in the previous battle, they were destroyed along with the space magic weapons.

If he can't catch up with the Qin Lin, Qin Lin may be dead in this space.

As for the holy prison, it is also possible that the body is exhausted to death because of the various sheaves of the universe that the monks don't care about at all.

1 billion kilometers away.

"No, it's too slow. It takes 100 kilometers per second to travel 360,000 kilometers in an hour." The spacecraft flew for an hour, and Xiaoying became anxious. In this case, it would only take 8.64 million kilometers a day and 86.4 million kilometers in ten days. It took more than 120 days to meet Qin Lin and the holy prison.

Of course, in Xiaoying's opinion, it is also possible that Qin Lin will catch up in the next moment.

"Big guy, how far is your limit line of sight?" Xiaoying asked.

"I won't count." Yoda said honestly.

"It's stupid." Xiaoying climbed off the chair and came to the stage, using the three-dimensional image to calculate the walking vision.

Forget it, Xiaoying found that the sight line of the stroll reached more than 4,000 kilometers, and she couldn't help but feel angry and helpless.

"Measure your reaction speed." Xiaoying strolled around to measure the reaction speed.

0.2 seconds.

"It's really dull, it takes as much as 0.2 seconds." Xiaoying was very dissatisfied.

Wandering aggrieved: "I'm injured."

Xiaoying immediately gave an instruction: "Drive to 4000 kilometers per second, and when you see someone ahead, you will immediately change your course."

Walker hurriedly drove the spacecraft to 4000 kilometers per second. Qin Lin usually didn't scold him and Saint Prison for being dull. Xiaoying would not be polite, but Jiao Didi scolded others.

"Get up and don't bump into Brother Xiaolin and your brother." Xiao Yingjiao shouted.

Yi Da immediately came to God, brotherhood, is the most important love, all love and love are imaginary, he has already experienced.

4000 kilometers per second is 240,000 kilometers per minute, and 14.4 million kilometers per hour.

345.6 million kilometers a day.

In the past three days, Xiaoying and Yoda have become more and more anxious, and have yet to see Qin Lin and Saint Prison.

The stroll was already very exhausting. For nearly three days, I couldn't hold the meeting with the gods all the time, and almost fell asleep on the bridge.

Xiaoying is weaker and has fainted several times.

When she woke up for the last time, she was shocked in a cold sweat when she saw Yoda lowered her head and did not pay attention to the front.

"Get up!" Xiaoying exclaimed and fell off the chair.

Walker shook his body and woke up, suddenly sweating.

How long have you been sleeping?

If Qin Lin collided with the holy prison during this period, no one would know.

"Huh?" He just wandered soberly, his eyes lit up, and he hurriedly pulled the vertical bar to the left, and the spacecraft suddenly deviated from the course.

"I saw it, I saw..." The spacecraft whizzed past two people floating in the starry sky. The eyes of the man who strolled into the deep became red, and tears fell in his eyes.

In that glance, he saw clearly.

Qin Lin and Saint Prison were two people, one lying in the starry sky, as if crawling on the road, exhausted.

The other person was covered with blood, lying down in the starry sky, apparently slipping from the back of the person lying on the starry sky.

The spacecraft stopped, then turned around, and landed slowly beside the two of them.

The ship door opened and Xiaoying ran out crying.

Walker also ran out, eyes flushed.

Qin Lin’s body was fragmented, and blood oozes out all the time. That’s because his body circulates between collapse and The holy prison has become a tattered stone man, one eyeball is missing, only There is a stone eye left, and a leg has also fallen half...

The stone figure burns to full vitality, just to move forward.

Xiaoying picked Qin Lin on her back, and Joo also picked up the holy prison. His tears were muddy liquid.

"They stayed and fight for us."

Xiaoying and Yoda were in tears. They both knew that Qin Lin and Saint Prison stayed behind to attack the enemy because of the two of them.

If the two of them were not injured, how could Qin Lin not get through the hurdle in his heart?

He did it for a breath.

This tone is not himself, but Xiaoying and Walker.

Xiaoying knows Qin Lin too well, he never thinks about himself, only for the people around him.

.(To be continued.)

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