Starry Sky Giant

Chapter 498: Sunshine boy

Even though Kun Feng had a thousand words in his heart, he couldn't say anything at this moment, what a cruel and ruthless woman.


Has she found a place soaring into the sky?

Or, she was pretending to be cold and ruthless about the sinful life before, but now she is rekindling her old feelings. In order to be with this man again, she had to cut off the current Taoist companion?

People of the same Protoss, this goddess also succeeded.

Outside the battlefield, in a certain area of ​​the universe, within a vast mainland gods.

A jade crystal held by Kunfeng's incarnation fell to the ground and cried.

There is a secret technique that allows a person to practice an incarnation.

The deity goes out and wanders, as long as it is not killed by a spike and does not even know how to die, the incarnation will have the opportunity to record its own experience and inform the people of the tribe.

However, there was no record of any information in the jade crystal that fell to the ground in the hands of Kunfeng's incarnation.

He actually had time to record, but he didn't.

The person who killed him was a goddess of the same race. What is the use of leaving a message? Who dares to kill him in the future? Who can stand up and avenge him?

With a laugh at himself, Kun Feng's incarnation slowly dissipated and turned into fly ash.

He is very young, very talented, strong-willed, stable in Taoism, sanctified for thousands of years, and a generation of arrogance.

Because the talent is extremely strong within the clan, she is matched with the goddess who has returned from overseas experience to become Taoists.

Lonely, bitter cold, difficult cultivation, all suffering, he thought that the future was bright, and he didn't want this to be on a path of no return.

"My tribe, my dear ones..."

Before the soul completely dissipated, countless thoughts flashed in Kun Feng's mind.

At the moment before dying, the rules of the universe seemed to be sympathetic to the child, allowing time to pause for a short period of time, and with a single thought, it seemed to be able to look back on the journey of a lifetime.

Bit by bit, fall in my heart.

Many emotions converged into the sea, turned into a drop of water, and condensed into a drop of tears.

original. No matter how strong, no matter how cold, no matter how ruthless people are, there will be tears. There will also be a soft side.

Everyone stared at Shen Qian in a daze. All this happened too suddenly.

Kun Feng took the first shot to kill Qin Lin, after Liu Xing and the four of them took a step slower, the magic weapon had just been tightened, and the thought had just arisen.

Shen Qian killed everyone by surprise, although it was only aimed at Kun Feng, but it also surprised Hou Liuxing and others.

A good couple of Taoists suddenly turned their eyes back, which is too surprising.

In the end what happened?

Hou Liuxing and others had some doubts. Did Shen Qian change her mind and want to reconcile with the sinful life before killing Kunfeng?

At this time, the guilty student had fully awakened, and went away muddled. Qingming Mingming will come.

He saw the look in the eyes of Kun Feng's soul before he completely dissipated, and he seemed to hear the sigh in Kun Feng's heart.

"It turns out that I was so lucky." Sinsheng woke up from decadence and despair, feeling grateful while his heart was lingering.

What can I miss for this class of women?

"I'm going, weird girl." Qin Lin also hung a cold knife. It's chilly.

What is the matter with the husband-killing testimony?

"Our grievances are over, I don't want to do anything with you, let's go. I want to protect this young man." At this moment, Shen Qian suddenly spoke. Pointing to Qin Lin and said lightly to Hou Liuxing and others.

His face was cold and his eyebrows were like swords. Although he was not murderous, he still seemed to palpitations.

Later Liu Xing and others looked at the sinner.

Although Guisheng's combat power is not the strongest in their team, its support ability is unparalleled. No one can replace it.

They can act safely in the battlefield as long as they don't rush in randomly.

And all of this depends on sin to give birth to one person.

In the battlefield, the crisis does not all come from space fighters, but also from battlefield creatures.

In some areas, ordinary people can only see certain crises with the naked eye, while sinners have divine eyes and can see illusions clearly and see hidden battlefield creatures.

Entering Yue Xiahai, a teammate died, mainly because the guilty was in a bad state at the time and failed to give a timely warning, which was regarded as killing the teammate.

Sinsheng looked at Shen Qian with complicated eyes, unforgettable, and confused.

Forget your former lover at once. No matter how ruthless you are, you can't do it unless you can get rid of the memories of the past.

Sin Sheng believes that Shen Qian did not forget him overnight.

"You are not a member of the four gods of the starry sky, and have never heard that the four gods of the starry sky have allies, why do you want to protect him?" The beautiful woman is very upset. At this time, the four of them can completely hunt Sanqian, let alone state Qin Lin is very bad.

However, the woman Shen Qian had a big tone.

Not only was he conceited that the four of them had nothing to do with her, but they also couldn't help Qin Lin who she protected.

Hou Liuxing and Xian Techuang were also very dissatisfied. They finally caught a prey and gave up like this?

This may be an opportunity to get out of the battlefield alive, and give up or give up. No one wants to agree.

Qin Lin wondered. He didn't know Shen Qian. He also heard from the beautiful woman just now. Shen Qian is neither a member of the Four God Races nor an ally of the Four God Races, but why should she protect herself?

For countless years, the four star tribes have almost become public enemies in the battlefield. At the moment when they gather in the center of the final battlefield, more than 80% of the soldiers will choose to attack them.

Although at that time, even if the killing was rewarded, it had no effect, because it was about to be teleported away from the battlefield, but human nature liked to join in the fun and go hand in hand.

Since the people of the four gods in the starry sky are so unpopular, why does Shen Qian still protect herself?

Is it because he is a god's domain?

Qin Lin thought for a while, and immediately put aside the idea.

Don't be funny, in the battlefield, no matter how great you gain, you can't go out alive, everything is useless.

"Sinner." Hou Liu Xing looked at the sinner and asked his opinion again.

Sinsheng has returned to normal, but there is still a trace of melancholy in his eyes.

The Moon Xiahai is quiet, like a mirror, while the moon is hanging in the sky. I don't know if there is an illusion or whether the bright moon is real, because no one can go up.

"Let's go, from now on, the sea and the sky will be brighter." After a long silence, Sin Sheng smiled suddenly, his smile full of sunshine, making Hou Liuxing and others feel like a spring breeze.

"Okay!" Hou Liuxing laughed. Without hesitation, the sunny boy is back. Like a thousand years ago, the boy is full of optimism about the future. No matter what kind of difficulties he encounters, he will smile slightly. right.

The beautiful woman and Xian Tc Akira also smiled relievedly, and the teammates who shared the same life and death were open, and it was more important than anything else.

The future is still long, more than 900 years, even if it is difficult to find other fighters to hunt, you can also team up to the restricted area to hunt down the native overlord creatures on the battlefield.

"Hey, let's go!" Hou Liu Xing put his arms around the shoulders of the sinful life, vigorously.

Sinsheng grinned, his teeth were white, and his smile was sunny.

"That's right this time, haha..."

"I will call you back to Zile from now on. The previous years are no longer. Haha, Zile..."

"Zi Le."


After Liu Xing and others gradually moved away, laughter faintly came.


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