Starry Sky Professional

Chapter 104: Relics (Congratulations to Alliance Leader Ye Xun)

Spring passes and autumn comes.

A semester passed quietly in the blink of an eye.

Fang Xing looked at the scenery outside the window and couldn't help but sigh.

Because he was worried about the Master Jiedan over there, he couldn't go hunting unscrupulously... In addition, his food intake increased greatly, and the spiritual rice and monster meat could not be replenished in time, so his martial arts training speed had slowed down in the past few months.

But even so, it is definitely an increase that is unimaginable for ordinary federal geniuses.

He stretched out his right hand and saw that its skin was as crystal clear as topaz, its five fingers were extremely long and slender, and there was no trace of old skin. It was almost unbelievable that this was the palm of a warrior.

At this moment, my mind moved, and a dragon's roar could be faintly heard in the void.

There is a dragon's power centered on him, spreading to the surroundings, forming a majestic 'prototype of the domain'!

If someone is standing here, they may even be in a trance, thinking that they have seen the faint claws of Yunlong...

"Sure enough, after the Great Dragon Stake was halfway through the master level, I understood the prototype of the domain..."

Fang Xing thought to himself.

The fifth level of martial arts requires spirit to influence matter, and the interior scene becomes an exterior scene!

The spirit directly affects the material, and it needs the spiritual power in the Niwan Palace to be filled and completed, and it will naturally overflow.

The interior scene becomes the exterior scene through the field!

Since ancient times, the first step of understanding the prototype of the domain has stumped many warriors.

But for Fang Xing, after raising the dragon stake to more than 200, he naturally understood the prototype of the dragon realm.

"This progress can be considered normal... After all, that yellow-browed boy understood the prototype of the field of light during the Hundred Stars Joint Examination. With his own photochemical powers, he can even fly... Why the hell can't I fly yet? ”

Of course, Fang Xing also knew that Gu Jian Tong was extremely talented, and because he had awakened top powers, he was uniquely positioned to develop the field of light.

As long as I show my proficiency health bar, I can be unique in any field!

The difference is the difference between a scholar and a scientific master.

There is no doubt that the boy with yellow eyebrows is the one who is partial to science!

After thinking about it, Fang Xing took out his cell phone and called Lan Fei: "Lan Fei... I am going to concentrate on practicing for a while during the winter vacation. You go buy a batch of new year gifts and give them to me one by one... Principal Lu Guangming, Teacher Xia Long , classmate Gu Yun, you have to visit them one by one on my behalf..."


On the opposite side, Lan Fei immediately agreed and went to work.

Fang Xing chuckled lightly and came to the retreat room.

With a flash of silver light, the figure disappeared...

The world of immortality.

A figure walked through the wild jungle.

Several wolf-shaped monsters seemed to have noticed the figure and just wanted to take action.


A prototype of the realm enveloped the area, and a dragon shape faintly emerged from the void.


Those monster wolves seemed to sense some huge danger coming, and immediately ran away with their tails between their legs.

"The prototype of the to apply it? It's still not possible to condense the dragon shape into a solid body...but it seems that it is not a big problem to scare people with one palm and one dragon..."

Fang Xing thought silently while finding the ancient tree he had marked.

His hands were like the sharpest shovels, and he began to dig the soil quickly, and soon he dug a three-meter deep pit.


A crisp metallic sound came out.

He grabbed it with his right hand and a silver-white metal box was lifted out.

After entering the password, the box automatically opens and a screen appears.

On the screen is the monitoring log for this period of time!

With the arrival of Master Jie Dan, Fang Xing naturally had to be more careful, but he could not give up the advantage of his Heavenly Eyes.

Therefore, although a large number of drone puppets have been recovered, they are still deployed in several key locations.

For example, Qinglinfang City, Wuscorpion Valley, and the area near the underground camp.

This time I learned my lesson and did not go close to the reconnaissance, but just monitored the movements on a daily basis several miles away.

Moreover, each puppet has a special monitoring box, which is buried far away from the underground camp to ensure that no one will follow the clues to find you.

At this time, on the screen, as the picture continued to fast forward, everything in the Five Scorpions Valley was clearly visible.

"Sure enough... since that discovery, Master Jiedan entered the Five Scorpions Valley... and the results were obtained three days later..."

Fang Xing murmured and stared at the surveillance video with all his concentration.

Due to the distance, he could only see two streams of light flying out of the Five Scorpions Valley, entangled with each other...

"Is this...internal strife?"

Fang Xing was a little surprised, but not too surprised: "There were originally three streams of light, but now there are two? Is the secret realm so dangerous...that even the Lianhe Dan monks were buried in it?"


The entanglement of the two streams of light seemed to attract the attention of the third-order monster beast, and a strange beast roar emerged from the distance.


It's an overwhelming black shadow...

There was a human figure flashing through the two streams of light, thousands of spells were like a torrent, and a strange flying hairpin magic weapon suddenly turned into a phoenix burning with divine fire, and hit the overwhelming black shadow...

A pitch-black sharp claw suddenly appeared and grabbed the divine fire phoenix.

Three jet-black streams of light flashed past, causing the pill-forming monk who controlled the flying hairpin magic weapon to appear in a panic. He turned out to be the Supreme Elder of Qingxuan Sect!

She looked at the sudden appearance of an ink-colored dragon in front of her, with a look of horror on her face. Just as she was about to use some secret technique, a man covered in tattoos behind her roared, and the tattoos on her fists instantly came to life and turned into A two-headed strange snake more than ten meters long bit into her back...

"Wonderful! Really wonderful!"

Fang Xing didn't feel much about the thrilling battles between the real people who formed the pills, after all, they were separated by the screen.

And, it was also a few months ago.

But being able to safely watch the life-and-death fight between Master Jiedan and the third-order monster beast is enough to applaud.

He looked at the surveillance video and deduced a rough idea: "Three pill-forming monks explored the secret realm, one fell into the secret realm, and the other two came out and started fighting among themselves... As a result, the magic power fluctuation of the pill-forming level attracted a three-dimensional The Jiaolong...these two alchemy monks were actually doing tricks on each other when they were resisting the monsters..."

Fang Xing continued to look and saw the old woman with white hair and childish face scream in agony as she was bitten by the dragon. The aura dissipated from her body and countless pieces of flesh and bone dripped from between the dragon's teeth.

Seeing this scene, the rough man looked very frightened. He kept chanting incantations, and suddenly one of his arms exploded. His whole body turned into a streak of blood, and he fled at an alarming speed...

"What secret method of self-mutilation was used...and escaped?"

Fang Xing adjusted the viewing angle again and connected to other drones.

Sure enough, at a similar moment, the surveillance camera lurking outside Qinglinfang City saw a bloody stream of light streaking across the sky. Without any intention of staying in the city, it suddenly went away. Not long after, a dark dragon followed. Later...

"It's finally over... During the subsequent monitoring, no other alchemy monks were seen arriving..."

Fang Xing let out a sigh of relief.

Of the three great alchemy masters, one fell directly into the secret realm, one died at the mouth of a monster, and only one escaped with serious injuries.

The mortality rate for locals playing a copy is too high!

He couldn't help but secretly give himself a thumbs up. It was indeed the most correct decision to explore the secret realm without getting mad for a moment!

"But... now you can go pick up ocean drops nearby?"

Fang Xing touched his chin and looked through the surveillance camera carefully. When he came to the scene where the Supreme Elder of Qingxuan Sect was attacked by surprise, he was thoughtful.

The pill-forming monk was naturally dead, but the flying hairpin magic weapon lost its owner's control and let out a mournful cry as it fell to the ground.

The rough guy who followed was too busy running for his life to pick it up!

As for the third-level dragon, it seemed that he was not interested in it and went directly to hunt down the rough man...

"In other words... there is a third-level magic weapon waiting for me to pick it up?"

Fang Xing's eyes lit up.

First-level magic weapon, second-level spiritual weapon, and third-level magic weapon!

The magic weapon is used by Master Jiedan. Its creation requires third-level materials and is of high value.

It can be said that even a fragment the size of a grain of rice may be more valuable than the Qinghong Sword on your body!

"The key is that it's been so long, and we're not in a secret realm... there's not much danger."

"It should be okay to pick it up casually, right?"

"If all the storage bags of that pill-forming monk were dropped nearby, it would be a huge profit..."

A few days later.

"Fuck... I'm so stupid, really..."

Fang Xing pressed his temples, feeling a sharp pain in his Niwan Palace.

He has arrived below the place where the battle took place.

But if a hairpin falls from the sky, how big is the area below?

Anyway, he felt like he was looking for a needle in a haystack.

If it weren't for his spiritual powers and the help of drones, Fang Xing would almost lose his confidence.

Even so, after an intense search, he only felt a splitting headache.

"Sure enough, although the martial arts master's spiritual power is stronger than spiritual consciousness and can be released...but it is not spiritual consciousness after all, it is a bit too forced..."

If he didn't know that the third-level magic weapon must be extraordinary and have strong fluctuations, Fang Xing might not even look for it.

But although I don’t know how many spiritual stones a complete magic weapon is worth, it is definitely an astronomical figure!

Even if you can't use it now, it will be good to put it up for auction in the future.

Fang Xing was patient and prepared to take a break and continue working hard.

"The remains of Master Jiedan were scattered on the ground, and most of them were found and eaten by monsters... Unfortunately, I still want to give Master Jiedan a physical examination. Even if it is just a blood test, it would be good..."

He sighed, and suddenly his expression changed: "Monster? Monster!"


Just when Fang Xing thought of something, traces of a second-level monster were discovered in a drone!

It was a five-meter-tall golden-haired demon ape with four arms!

It stood upright, with two protruding snow-white canine teeth, but its eyes were extremely agile, with a hint of cunning.


Suddenly, a black shadow flashed, and a big golden-haired hand grabbed the drone.

The last thing Fang Xing saw was the other party's ugly face and the scarlet mouth dripping with saliva.


There were snowflakes on the screen, and he stood up with emotion, and the green rainbow sword on his waist made a clear sword cry.

"I just wanted to try my hand at killing a second-level monster... not to mention..."

Fang Xing's figure flashed and immediately headed towards the direction of the four-armed ape.

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