Starry Sky Professional

Chapter 117 Blue Star University (Congratulations to the leader of Ziwu Chuchen)

"Blue Star..."

At this time, many tourists also came to the outside world and stared at the blue planet in the universe.

The cradle of humanity…

The origin and capital of the Blue Star Federation...

It seems that any beautiful words applied to it are not an exaggeration at all!

Of course Fang Xing also has great expectations for it.

At this time, when I looked over for the first time, I was a little stunned: "It's very similar... but it's not after all."

He shook his head and saw the densely packed battleships in orbit outside the blue planet.

And...that mechanized moon.

"Is that... Battlestar - 'Luna'?"

Song Jingang yelled: "It is said that the 'Luna' came to transform the moon. It was the first super space fortress of mankind... and even part of the body of the 'Luna' was imprisoned in it!"

Fang Xing was startled and silently recalled the information on extraterritorial evil gods that he had obtained from the Prevention and Control Bureau.

"'Moon God' and 'Taiyin' both refer to an extraterritorial evil god. He seems to have the power of feminine authority. He is an extremely powerful extraterritorial evil god that the Blue Star Federation has encountered before... But after a big battle, Humanity defeated this extraterrestrial evil god, completely crippled it, and even cut off a part of it and suppressed it permanently in the 'Moon God'..."

"Currently, the main organizations that believe in the Moon God include the 'Moon Worship Sect' and the 'Taiyin Society'... The main purpose is to destroy the moon and let the part of the 'Moon God' return to its true form... The 'Moon God''s followers are' Moon Worm Beast', 'Eye of the Moon', etc... are an extraterrestrial evil god who is very hostile to humans. "

"It sounds a bit miserable. They were all beaten and disabled!"

Fang Xing shook his head and watched the spaceship slowly approach the Luna, lining up behind each spaceship, like a long line of ants.

Finally...entered the Luna's spaceport.

"You actually stopped here?"

Fang Xing carried his suitcase and walked slowly down the bridge, his heart racing.

"Is it considered that I have trampled the evil gods from outside the realm under my feet now?"

He paid special attention to the attribute column and found nothing strange about the Gate of the Heavens.

It seems that this Gate of the Heavens is only interested in the ‘Gate of Nothingness’, an extraterritorial evil god.

"Okay, let's go through customs, then take the Earth-Moon Elevator and go directly to Blue Star."

Song Jingang seemed to have checked the guide and was very familiar with this: "By the way, boss, have you certified as a Level 1 citizen? People who are not Level 1 citizens or above are not allowed to enter Blue Star, even with a tourist visa..."

"I am a level 2 citizen."

Fang Xing spoke calmly, and Song Jingang immediately withered: "Pretend I didn't ask..."

Generally speaking, anyone who is a formal professional can be certified as a level 1 citizen.

"So, are most of the residents on Blue Star professionals?"

Fang Xing suddenly thought of something: "It is indeed the place where mankind originated... but the restrictions are a bit strict."

"If it wasn't strict, Blue Star would no longer be able to live in it..."

Song Jingang shook his head: "Ordinary foreign professionals can hardly survive in Blue Star... At most, they have to leave after traveling for a period of time, because without a Blue Star household registration, they cannot stay for a long time..."

"Blue Star Account?"

Fang Xing really didn't understand this.

"Yes, Blue Star has a household registration system here. Without a household registration, you can't buy a house... so you can only apply for a tourist visa."

Song Jingang said: "We are college entrance examination students, and the policy has been given the green light to exempt us from visas... Of course, we cannot stay for more than 30 days! But within 30 days, we will definitely have passed the school exam, and then we can obtain the Blue Star household registration through the school... This is the dream of many space professionals.”

Fang Xing followed Song Jingang, instead of queuing up to sign in, he walked towards the Diyue Elevator.

Passing through several security gates along the way, they were all let through directly.

While admiring the surrounding scenery, he asked casually: "Only Blue Star residents can buy a house, so how much is the current price in Blue Star?"

The original owner’s biggest wish was to buy a house in Blue Star.

He felt that he should resolve it if there was a chance.

Moreover, during college, I also need a private residence outside the school.

"On Blue Star, only some basic supplies can be bought and sold with Star Yuan... Everything else depends on merit and contribution. Even after reaching a certain standard, the Federation will take the initiative to give you Blue Star real estate."

Song Jingang shook his head.

Fang Xing immediately thought of his last contribution of 3,000.

You can indeed buy a lot of good things and improve your citizen level.

"What is the contribution required to purchase a home? What is the contribution value of a federal incentive property?"

He thought for a moment and asked.

"If you want to buy it, the price will definitely be different depending on the location... but it should be at least tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands, right?"

"As for the contribution value? As long as you are a level 10 citizen, the federation will definitely reward you with real estate." Song Jingang answered.

"Level 10 citizen? At least 1 million contribution points have been obtained!"

Fang Xing made some inquiries and then gave up. He felt that he should just wait and see if he could buy a house.

"Actually, if you want to buy a house, boss, it will be relatively simple, because you will definitely be admitted to Blue Star University!"

Song Jingang said: "The credits of Blue Star University can be directly converted into contribution value, one credit is ten thousand! I heard that students of Blue Star University can save about ten credits in one academic year, which is almost enough to buy a house."

"Oh? It seems like Blue Star still welcomes real geniuses to settle here?"

Fang Xing nodded, feeling that this suited him quite well.

"However, there are too many good things in the super first-class university, which can only be exchanged for credits, and only credits can be exchanged for contribution points, but contribution points cannot be exchanged for credits... Many students don't have enough credits, so you should focus on improving yourself."

Song Jingang hesitated, but still spoke.

"Don't worry, I know the importance."

Fang Xing nodded and followed Song Jingang to the Earth-Moon Elevator.

This Earth-Moon Elevator is very large and can accommodate hundreds of people at a time.

After walking in, within a few minutes, the elevator slowly fell, and the speed became faster and faster.

Below, the scene on the blue planet kept getting bigger, bringing an unparalleled visual impact.

All the people present were professionals, and they didn't care about the impact of the space elevator at all. Instead, they leaned against the window and admired the scene.

"I heard that the Federation went to war with the Sai Yabo civilization again?"

"Yeah... It is said that they won a great victory and occupied several 'eternal crystal mines', which are the most important materials for building high-level mechas..."

"Alas, this term's chief regent is a mecha master. I always feel that he is too biased towards mecha masters. When will the martial artist stand up?"

Next to Fang Xing and Song Jingang, there were two strong men wearing tight clothes and camouflage pants, talking about the Federation's movements unscrupulously.

'It seems that the closer the residents are to the political core, the more they like keyboard politics? '

Fang Xing complained in his heart, feeling the elevator speed getting slower and slower.

Soon, the elevator reached the surface and the door opened automatically.

"Lan Xing, here I come!"

Song Jingang raised his hands: "Hahaha..."


A girl with dreadlocks and bubbles next to her rolled her eyes and pressed the watch on her hand.

A series of metal armors suddenly covered her whole body, and instantly turned into a set of blue and gold mechas full of sci-fi beauty.

The thrusters behind the mecha spewed flames and instantly soared into the sky.

"Do you feel like a country bumpkin coming to the city?"

Song Jingang stopped shouting and asked Fang Xing with a depressed face.

"A little bit."

Fang Xing smiled and nodded, walked out of the elevator and came to the outside world.

The air on Blue Star is very fresh, and there is even an indescribable feeling.

His spiritual power seems to be much more lively.

"It is said that the Blue Star Federation has spent a lot of resources to transform Blue Star, making the cosmic energy here particularly abundant, almost comparable to some cosmic secrets!"

"It seems that the rumors are true."

Fang Xing nodded, and then he and Song Jingang were stunned to see a group of people rushing over.

They quickly hid on the side of the road, and saw several huge robots with various signs hanging on their bodies, surrounded by a large number of people, who seemed to be marching.

"Oppose the Clone Corps!"

"Advocate the rights of cyborgs!"


Fang Xing took a look and asked, "What's going on?"

"I don't know either. I haven't watched the news recently." Song Jingang murmured, and then the two of them flipped through the communicator together.

When they passed the level, their communicators were authenticated.

At this time, they were connected to the network and immediately searched for many local news on Blue Star.

"Because of the recent war, the Federation's grassroots troops are somewhat insufficient, and some congressmen proposed to form a clone army!"

Song Jingang was immediately furious: "What kind of clone army of superpowers is still to be established? Bah... Either stupid or bad!"

With the Federation's technological level, it is definitely possible to clone people.

Not only a clone army, but even a top superpower clone army!

If the proposal is passed, Song Jingang may see tens of thousands of himself!

Therefore, he must be strongly opposed.

"Of course it will not be passed, unless the Federation's troops are already stretched to the limit."

Fang Xing shook his head: "Cloning is not just an ethical issue, the biggest one is the potential danger, especially superpower clones!"

The Federation's consciousness infusion technology is not yet mature, and it is easy to be exploited.

What's more terrifying is... superpowers are suspected to be related to a certain extraterritorial evil god.

If the genes of top superpowers are collected, tens of thousands of superpowers can be cloned.

It is hard to say who this superpower army will be loyal to in the end.

Maybe a certain foreign evil god will have an extra follower!

"Yes... the only thing that humans can do to fight against evil gods is the will of martial arts. Clones have no will of martial arts, and they will definitely be polluted or harvested in batches..."

Song Jingang clenched his fists: "Only human individuals with free will like us are the hope for the future!"

In this regard, biochemical people are the same as natural people.

After the consciousness infusion of clones, the upper limit is basically locked.

But natural people and biochemical people retain many possibilities for the future.

This possibility is the most precious.

Whether in martial arts, scientific research, or mecha!

"The development of the Federation's martial arts has only reached the level of martial gods... Although the martial gods are powerful, they are ultimately unable to resist the foreign evil gods... More pioneers are needed to explore the realm above the martial gods!"

Fang Xing smiled and said.

"You actually have such ambitions?"

Song Jingang looked at Fang Xing in surprise, and even forgot to call him "big brother".

In his impression, Fang Xing was certainly very good, and the fact that he was almost certain to be admitted to the top-notch Blue Star University was proof of that!

But even in this college entrance examination, he only ranked seventh.

Many outstanding graduates of Blue Star University are not yet Martial Saints or Martial Gods!

For example, the ‘Little Martial Saint’ Wei Shentong is already the most outstanding martial arts alumnus of Blue Star University in the past ten years.

Fang Xing has not even enrolled yet, but he has already begun to look forward to the realm above the Martial God!

What kind of ambition is this?

Song Jingang was a little excited for a while, and wanted to shout out some slogans.

But above the Martial God, he would only dream of it!

After graduation, he would be very satisfied to be like Wei Shentong.

Of course, Wei Shentong has been demoted by the Federation since the incident in the last Director Examination, and his future is much bleak.

But even such Wei Shentong is still the goal that Song Jingang wants to catch up with with all his strength!

After the parade passed, Fang Xing clapped his hands: "Okay, so far, the first thing we have to do is to find a small hotel to stay in, and then check the official website of Blue Star University to see when the school exam will be held..."


A few days later.

Ocean Administrative District. This was originally the largest ocean on Blue Star. After transformation, many floating cities were built to accommodate the increasing population.

Blue Star University is located in the center of the Ocean Administrative Region, and it is the largest floating city.

"Is this... Blue Star University?"

Fang Xing got off the floating car and looked at the gate of Blue Star University.

The gate of Blue Star University looks ordinary, with white stone columns on both sides and a statue of two teenagers, a man and a woman, holding a planet in their palms in the middle.

The admission score of this super first-class university came out yesterday, which is 1950 points.

The good news is that even with the extra points from super powers, Song Jingang is still far from the mark, so he doesn't have to cry in the toilet.

The bad news is that he can't accompany Fang Xing to the school entrance examination, but has to go directly to the Blue Star Public Security University.

[Ding! You have entered the monitoring area of ​​the omniscient brain... Level 2 citizen Fang Xing, biochemical number WYX18829649... Your application has been approved, and you have obtained temporary access to Blue Star University! 】

Fang Xing walked into the school gate, and a mechanical sound suddenly sounded in the communicator, which made his expression change slightly: "Is it the area monitored by the omniscient brain? The alert level is really high..."

According to the map given by the omniscient brain, he came to a gymnasium and saw many students, who seemed to be here to take the school entrance examination.

Suddenly, Fang Xing glanced at a boy with golden eyebrows and couldn't help laughing: "Yellow-browed boy, you are here too!"

"I told you, this is gold! Rich gold!"

Gu Jiantong crossed his arms with disdain on his face: "I didn't like you last time, and I will beat you up if I have the chance this time."

"Same as before..."

Fang Xing looked at Gu Jiantong and found that there were several people standing next to him.

Zhong Yuxiu, Qi Lingzhen... In addition, there was a black-robed young man with long blood-red hair, who looked very lonely.

"Hello, Li Wei, Zhong, and Qi!"

He leaned over and asked curiously: "How many points did Gu Jiantong get in the college entrance examination? I was too lazy to check before..."

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