Starry Sky Professional

Chapter 154: Yuan embryo and external elixir (asking for monthly ticket)

"Passed down by Old Man Zi Zi..."The Great Zi Zai Black Gold Sword Code"?"

"Sure enough, it's another skill!"

"It would be helpful to give the immortal clone some insights."

Fang Xing's spirit has already condensed into the Vajra Relic, which is impervious to all evil.

It was very easy to digest this information and summarize a technique!

"This technique was actually passed down by the ancestor of the Tianjian Sect's founding sect... It's really extraordinary. Could this sword be Old Man Zi Zi's sword?"

He looked at the ancient sword in his hand.

This sword has long been covered with dust, its light is dim, and the hilt is decorated with the mouth of a strange beast.

"At least it's a fourth-level treasure... But forget it, just take it and inherit it. It doesn't seem good to take the treasure away with it..."

"My score in the ideological and moral class is quite high..."

Fang Xing curled his lips.

At this time, Jianxin Peak roared, and countless restrictions began to collapse...

This is the golden elixir sword cultivator from the outside world who has begun to break the restrictions and is about to break the rules and come to Jianxin Peak forcibly!

"Let's go!"

Fang Xing performed an ancient ritual towards the many swords with fiery eyes in the sky, and then with a flash of silver light, his figure disappeared...

"What?! Gone?"

A sword light fell to the ground. Kong Fengge looked at the place where Fang Xing disappeared, with a look of disbelief on his face: "Escape Talisman? No... Even the fourth-level Sky Escape Talisman can't break through the sect's air restriction! Could it be... ...Fifth level talisman?"

"Perhaps it is the fourth-level escape talisman... But we forcibly closed the restriction on Jianxin Peak, which caused a flaw in the sect's formation and gave that person a chance... If all of this was planned, then what was that person's plan just now? , It’s really scary.”

The white-haired swordsman glanced around and said calmly.

"Fortunately, Grandmaster's flying sword has not been lost..."

Kong Fengge couldn't help but nodded when he saw the ancient sword still stuck in the rock wall.

"That person... is really strange. Could it be that he is a powerful person who just comes here to have fun? Is he just kidding me?"

A group of Jindan monks tried hard to figure it out, but they still couldn't figure it out.

"That's it, let's repair the restriction again. This matter... is suppressed for the time being. No leakage is allowed. I will send a message to the Supreme Elder and let the Supreme Elder make a decision."

Broken Sword Master Kong Fengge finally made the decision.

"Then...where are these mortals?"

The white-haired swordsman waved his hand, and a burst of magic captured several mortals who were still kneeling at the foot of the mountain.

They were considered to have suffered an unforeseen disaster. They originally just wanted to stay and impress the Tianjian Sect with their perseverance, but they encountered something like this that was rare in a thousand years.

The emerald green color flashed in Kong Fengge's eyes, as if he had used some kind of soul-searching power, and saw an ordinary-looking young man approaching, with a figure as electric as lightning, and began to climb Jianxin Peak.

He thought for a while and said: "Let's temporarily hide behind the door wall as a registered disciple... After all, we are not demons, and we can't kill with one sword... Anyway, if we fail the test in the future and the sword breaks and everyone dies, we may still resent today. I'll wait for the decision."

"I will obey the Sect Master's sword decree."

A group of Jie Dan elders had no objections and the matter was settled as such.

Those mortal teenagers came back from their trance, with expressions of ecstasy on their faces. Some of them immediately burst into tears: "I can join the world's best immortal sect and start cultivating as an immortal?!"

main universe.

Blue Star University, dormitory.

There was a flash of silver light, and Fang Xing's figure emerged.

"Sure enough, as planned before, Heavenly Sword True Monarch is not in the sect. Even if he is, Jianxin Peak's Exclusion Formation Pill, let alone Nascent Soul..."

"At least, you can give me a chance to teleport..."

"Everything went well in the end, but the price paid was that the Great Sun Tathagata Mantra increased a little more..."

Looking at the proficiency of the Great Sun Tathagata Mantra in the attribute column rising to 70, he sighed helplessly.

But in order to gain a lot of swordsmanship insights, this price is well worth it.

Fang Xing chose a comfortable position and began to slowly comprehend the "Great Freedom Mysterious Gold Sword Code".

He originally just wanted to take advantage of the Sword Heart Peak's infusion of the realm of swordsmanship.

I didn't expect that after seeing the sword's heart and sword's will become powerful, I would gain so much.

Of course, this has little impact on Tianjian Sect.

After all, he didn't take away the fourth-level spiritual sword, he just took a inheritance.

The so-called preciousness of knowledge will not be devalued by continuous learning.

Although I have no spiritual roots and cannot practice, there are not many problems if I understand this technique.

"This "Great Freedom Mysterious Gold Sword Code" is of a very high level and is a top-level technique. It can even be practiced to the realm of divine transformation!"

"In the foundation building stage, you need to condense 365 drops of liquid mana to complete the foundation building... It is indeed higher than the "Ziwei Sword Code"."

"The various magical powers and secret techniques are even more astonishing..."

"The most important thing is to practice the art of sword embryo."

"The Great Freedom Black Gold Sword Code" is an orthodox sword cultivation method. Naturally, you need to refine a natal flying sword or sword pill at the beginning.

According to the sword canon, the best materials are 'Nine Heavens Black Iron' and 'Purple Green Divine Iron'.

If that doesn't work, 'Taiyi Yuanjin' and 'Tianxuan Star Sand' can also be used.

But it is obvious that according to Fang Xing's previous inquiries about Deacon Xue, these sword-making materials are simply rare in the world and have disappeared for countless years.

"However, just because that side of the world of cultivating immortals is no longer there, it doesn't mean that there is no such thing in the main universe..."

Fang Xing immediately decided to dig through the treasure trove of Blue Star University.

You can even ask for help from other friends, such as Song Jingang, Zhong Yuxiu and others...


He continued to read on, and his eyes lit up.

The various sword-making methods of the Tianjian Sect mostly came from the "Great Freedom Black Gold Sword Classic", so many sword classics on sword-making are far less exquisite than this one.

At the end of various sword-making techniques, there is actually a special sword-making method!

"The art of Yuan not seek precious materials, first make a sword embryo, and make sure to make the mind and spirit match. In the future, you can cut off the opponent's flying sword and absorb the essence and sword energy from the opponent's flying sword, so as to continuously improve the flying sword grade..."

"This annotation...comes from the 'Free Old Man', he couldn't find the four great divine irons...In the end, he used a large amount of Gengjin to first make a natal flying sword, through continuous sword fighting, cutting off the enemy's flying sword, and absorbing various rare materials, and finally even upgraded that 'Free Sword' to the peak of Lingbao, half a step away from becoming a fifth-level flying sword..."

"If it really doesn't work, I can only choose this method."

Fang Xing continued to comprehend.

After all, learning this sword canon here is equivalent to learning it with his clone.

"This sword canon also talks about the four realms of swordsmanship, and even has some accompanying secret techniques that can assist in practicing sword energy and sword intent... It's really amazing. This auxiliary technique of the 'Sword Condensation Technique' can be practiced by the clone first."

"And this sword escape technique is said to be unparalleled in the world... Is it true that the fame of the Heavenly Sword Sect's escape technique started from this?"

Fang Xing didn't quite understand the Yuanying and Huashen parts of the subsequent sword canon, so he didn't need to read them at this time.

He mainly focused on the foundation of the Qi training period and the foundation building part, so that he could smoothly transform the skills after obtaining the sword embryo.

In addition, the description of the formation of the elixir is also very valuable.

After all, the sword cultivator condenses the sword elixir! It is necessary to merge one's own golden elixir with the natal flying sword into one, which is somewhat similar to refining tools, and some of the methods of refining elixirs.

"Hmm? This?"

Fang Xing's eyes moved, and suddenly saw a secret technique.

"A secret technique that can assist in forming a golden elixir? The technique of external elixir?"

He hurriedly read it carefully, and his eyes became brighter and brighter.

You know, a sword cultivator needs to merge his own flying sword with his own golden elixir, which is equivalent to taking one more step than other cultivators when forming a golden elixir, which is naturally more difficult.

The three levels of forming a golden elixir also require high mana.

The ancient sword cultivators further elaborated on the means of sword elixir and fake elixir, and thought out a "external elixir technique", which is to refine an "external elixir" by refining the means of refining instruments.

"This external pill is different from the fake pill realm. It is just a magic weapon or a quasi-magic weapon... If a cultivator in the early stage of foundation building refines it, he can at least get the magic power of the fake pill... If it is refined in the late stage of foundation building or the perfect foundation building, it may be comparable to the real pill!"

"There is a spiritual imprint on the external pill. After using it, it cannot be used by others. It is equivalent to a special magic weapon..."

"When forming the pill, if you already have the magic power of forming the pill... Naturally, you can save a lot of effort, and then spend more time on condensing the sword pill... The magic power of forming the pill can also speed up the fusion of the golden pill and the flying sword... It's really wonderful!"

This external pill technique can not only quickly enhance strength, but also increase the probability of forming the pill. It is a wonderful method.

If it is spread out, I don’t know how sensational it will be in the world of immortal cultivation!

Of course, the only disadvantage is that it requires a lot of materials.

"The original method of refining the outer pill was to directly transform the inner pill of a third-level demon king, but later it was discovered that the demon king's inner pill was unruly and contaminated by demonic energy, so it was gradually abandoned..."

"The mainstream method is to make it with gold and iron materials... and at the same time, it is refined with various evil spirits."

"This is a method that can quickly make the immortal clone stronger, you can pay attention to it..."

With this thought, Fang Xing immediately began to check the treasure house of Blue Star University.

The items in the treasure house are naturally very rare and all-encompassing.

He looked at it, circled a few suspicious items, and made a phone call: "Hello... Song Jingang?"

"Boss, it's me!"

Song Jingang's voice came out immediately.

"Please make a file package of the resources that your university can get. I want to see it. If you like it, please help me exchange it... Don't worry, when the time comes, you can see what you want to get in the treasure house of Blue Star University, and I will exchange it with you." Fang Xing said.

"Really? Boss... wait for me, right away." Song Jingang jumped three feet high.

This is the treasure house of Blue Star University!

There are so many good things inside.

"I always feel that this guy is of no use..."

Fang Xing thought about it and dialed another contact number.


In a secret place in the universe.

A planet that seems to be made entirely of machinery is running slowly.

This is the 'Holy Armor University', with an entire mechanical planet as the university headquarters.

The entire planet is like a beehive with strict division of labor, composed of countless fully automatic mechanized factories.

In some huge factories, there are huge mechas that stand tall and upright being assembled.

Zhong Yuxiu looked at the huge mecha in front of her and nodded: "It cost so much, and my father bought the eternal crystal... My meditation method has finally broken through and can be perfectly synchronized with the mecha...When this 'Princess' is built, I will be more proficient, and King Kong may not be able to beat me...It's a pity that I can't go to the secret battlefield to install it. Most of them go to the secret battlefield for internship. I, a mecha master, can only go to the main universe battlefield..."

Just then, she saw an incoming call, and her eyes suddenly lit up: "Student Fang, are you looking for me?"

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