Starry Sky Professional

Chapter 156 Discovery (Subscription Request)

Time flies.

In the blink of an eye, another year has passed.

This year, Fang Xing lived an extremely leisurely life.

His original body at Blue Star University did not encounter any difficulties, and even firmly occupied the first place in the battle list.

I don’t know if it was because Wei Shentong found out about his messy exchanges, and then thought that he was whimsical and self-destructive, so his attention was reduced.

As for the clone, he received a lot of support from the Tianjian Sect, and practiced in Jinyuan Peak with all his heart, preparing to sacrifice his natal spirit sword and external pill, and change his skills by the way.

"Time flies so fast. I'm 23 years old now..."

"When the fifth year starts, I should go for internship, right? Wei Shentong might be waiting for this day..."

Fang Xing glanced at the attribute bar:

[Fifth Realm: Exterior (211/400)]

[Dragon Tiger Posture: 422/800 (Grandmaster)]


"The progress in realm is also not small. After half of Dragon Tiger Posture, I will surely reach perfection in two or three years. The secret technique of condensing evil spirit and refining Gang and Shaoyin evil spirit are all ready... With the help of the Chamber of Commerce and the Outer Hall of the Tianjian Sect, it is not difficult to collect the sun's true Gang... Before graduating from college, I will be able to refine a golden elixir, and it's not an ordinary golden elixir."

"At that time, I will be directly recommended to graduate school..."

Fang Xing closed his eyes and silently watched the cultivation of the immortal world clone, thinking.

In fact, after practicing Dragon Tiger Posture for half of the time and the power of the domain continued to increase, he found something different.

When he was in the world of immortal cultivation, his original body could also vaguely sense the spiritual energy in the void!

"The power of the domain is originally a kind of 'control' of the surrounding space..."

"And, I have an immortal cultivation clone, and I already know what kind of substance the spiritual energy is..."

"With these two conditions, it is normal to be able to roughly sense the spiritual energy... When the power of the domain is developed to the peak, it is possible to clearly sense the spiritual energy... If the golden elixir domain is achieved, it may be possible to forcibly capture the spiritual energy with spiritual power and refine it into the body... Even if there is no spiritual root!"

When the martial arts strength is strong enough, this can be done!

Of course, forcibly capturing the spiritual energy into the body, the efficiency of cultivation is definitely not comparable to that of spiritual roots.

But the shackles of Blue Star warriors who cannot cultivate mana are completely gone.

And, when the realm is more advanced in the future, it may be a little different.

This is the dawn of the road to 'immortal martial arts'!

"My future realm above the martial god may fall on the immortal martial arts..."

Fang Xing is certainly not a short-sighted person.

Even if you choose martial arts, you will not be content to be just a martial god for your whole life.

"Is this the three thousand great ways, different paths lead to the same destination?"

Fang Xing closed his eyes and began to practice silently.


Soon, the summer vacation passed in a flash, and it was time for the fifth year of school to start.

Fang Xing contacted a group of friends and received greetings from Xia Long and Lu Guangming.

Obviously, they all knew the dangers of internships in the fifth year.

The federal military service system is a guarantee of war and it is difficult to escape.

Even college students, when they are in the fifth year of internship, most of them will be arranged to experience the battlefield.

[Ding! You have a new email! ]

At this time, Fang Xing suddenly received an email.

"Have you arranged the internship in the fifth year?"

He clicked it casually: "It is indeed in the imaginary space battlefield. I have to fight in the secret world... I still have to tell Pan Xiong later. Hmm? The location of the battlefield, where is it?"

Fang Xing turned into a stream of light, flew out of the dormitory directly, and found Pan Xiong.

Pan Xiong still looked like a little boy with red lips and white teeth. When he saw Fang Xing's internship information, he smiled immediately: "How is it? How do you feel?"

"What is coming will come."

Fang Xing's expression was very calm.

With the golden finger, he has a way out even in the secret world! This was verified as early as the last time the Hundred Stars Joint Examination.

This is the greatest confidence.

"Very good, after you join the military camp, the Federation will definitely grant you a military rank... Then you can directly obtain military merits. There are still many good things on the Federation's merit list, and there are also treasures that speed up the cultivation of outdoor warriors."

Pan Xiong smiled: "Although Blue Star University has the best gravity room and other supporting facilities, as well as martial arts secret medicines... but some special treasures in the army are also very good."

He is very optimistic about Fang Xing and doesn't mind giving a few pointers: "Also, remember... you are an intern, not a real soldier. Before accepting a mission, you have the right to regret... But once you accept a mission and enter the secret world battlefield, it is the military law. If you don't obey orders and retreat before the battle... you will die!"

Pan Xiong has been teaching for many years and has seen countless geniuses.

I know that some geniuses are gifted and even invincible in the ring battle, but they perform poorly on the real battlefield.

Now with the development of virtual reality space by the Federation, the situation may be better, but this situation still exists.

After all, the lander knows that he will never die in the virtual space.

But on the battlefield, they are always facing death, with great mental pressure, and they are always facing the mental pollution of the evil god's followers. If they are not careful, they will collapse...

If Fang Xing does not perform well on the battlefield, then no matter how good his talent is, it will not be worth investing in.

What the Federation needs is a warrior who can really fight against the upper followers and the son of God, or even a fierce man who can rush to the body of the evil god outside the domain!

If the actual combat is not good, the warrior will be completely useless!

"I understand."

Fang Xing nodded solemnly.

A few days later.

He sorted out his equipment, carried a backpack, took out a magic weapon-level ghost-head knife and brought it to the Earth-Moon Elevator.

After swiping the card and waiting silently, the elevator rose quickly and sent them to the Moon Goddess.

[Ding! Intern Fang Xing, please follow the instructions and go to the Z225 military camp in the imaginary space! ]

The reminder of the omniscient brain sounded instantly.

It is like the steward of the entire federation, managing everything on the blue planet in detail.

"A military camp in the imaginary battlefield is actually on the Moon Goddess?"

Fang Xing was a little surprised, but still followed the map and came to a barracks on the Moon Goddess.

At this time, there were some fifth-year interns like him, gathering here in twos and threes.

‘The imaginary space is a space that overlaps with the real world but is completely unrelated... The power of the extraterritorial evil god can bypass the defense line of the Blue Star Federation and send the family directly into the heart of the Federation...’

‘If you want to block it, you must also enter the imaginary space and send soldiers to break the secret realms one by one, that is, the space bubble! ’

‘Therefore, it doesn’t matter where the military camp is set up. After locking the secret realm, it will be "teleported" to the battlefield. ’

‘But in order to block it smoothly, the military camps organized by the imaginary space must be spread all over the Blue Star Federation. Am I arranged nearby? ’

When Fang Xing walked into the military camp, a sense of danger suddenly emerged in his heart.

‘The omniscient brain must have granted me temporary authority, otherwise ordinary people who broke in here might have been shot dead...’

Fang Xing looked around and saw a large number of silver-white high-rise buildings, like a crowded beehive.

On a huge square, there was a light curtain with light blue characters that kept rolling and changing:

"Military Merit List, No. 1 - Tenglong Squad!"

Fang Xing took a few glances and knew it was something like a ranking list, and immediately lost interest.

This kind of ranking, reputation, etc., are just illusions, used to fool ghosts and stimulate the passionate young people to fight desperately.

It was extremely difficult to get him excited.

'But the military merit exchange list at the back is quite interesting...'

Fang Xing looked at the exchange list and found that in addition to many martial arts secret medicines, there were also all kinds of strange things.

"A villa in Jiangnan District, covering an area of ​​782 square meters, a total area of ​​3590 square meters, and the price: 100 military merits! It seems quite cheap..."

He was studying, and the omniscient brain had sent a bunch of discipline rules and internship specifications.

The most important thing was a reminder:

[You have entered the Z225 military camp, and you have been awarded the rank of reserve second lieutenant! 】

"Second lieutenant? Although it's a reserve, I can be promoted immediately when I actually serve in the army..."

Fang Xing's eyes lit up: "My high school classmates started as low-ranking privates. Many of them are still low-ranking privates after retirement. A few are only middle-ranking privates, and even high-ranking privates are rare..."

He looked at the detailed description and found that "martial arts masters" and "Blue Star University interns" have military rank bonuses.

After several accumulations, this is the result.

"Boss, here!"

On the square, a gorilla with lush hair and an old look, who looks like an instructor, is waving excitedly.

"Xiao Song..."

Fang Xing saw Song Jingang and immediately walked over to say hello.

After so many years, Song Jingang finally managed to break through the exterior scene, and with the help of university resources, he developed his "Jingang body" ability to a certain level.

With such strength, he is not a weakling among the interns.

Of course, in Fang Xing's opinion, the Vajra Body ability is just so-so. When developed to the peak, it is almost the level of his 'Dragon Elephant Vajra Indestructible Magical Power'.

"I knew it, Boss, you must be here too."

Song Jingang said: "I have inquired about it. Our group of interns will first have military training for a month, and then we will really go to the battlefield... We are encouraged to form teams and cooperate with each other."

He was a little excited and a little nervous.

"Oh? What is the specific process?"

Fang Xing asked.

"The senior officials of the federal military will capture the secret world intelligence in the imaginary space and issue it in the form of tasks... Once you accept the task, you need to enter the 'space warehouse' immediately and teleport to the locked secret world... We are definitely the first line of defense. If we fail, there will be regular troops from other barracks to form the second line of defense... But by that time, we will basically be wiped out..."

Song Jingang's face was a little pale: "Interns must accept a task once a month, or give up and go back to school to accept punishment..."

Battlefield internship is a preferential treatment for college students, allowing them to adapt to the cruelty of the battlefield in advance.

But no matter what era, deserters will definitely be severely punished!

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