Starry Sky Professional

Chapter 165 Growth (Subscription Request)

"That is..."

Huyan Qiushui was shocked to see a scarlet sun rising from the pitch-black pyramid!

There was a little white light in the center of this scarlet sun, emitting a breathtaking heat.

Just seeing it seemed to make people's spirits begin to burn, bringing pollution and extreme pain...

"It's another family!"

"Damn... Did the Puppet God Spider also control a lower-level family?"

"A human-shaped family?"

Although I don't know why this Puppet God Spider has hidden the strongest puppet and has not used it until now.

But many students have already shown a trace of despair on their faces.


The white-gold sword energy flashed and the bodies of the Blue Sea team members who followed Xin Ruogui were immediately torn into pieces.

"So strong, which race's followers are these? Why haven't I seen them in the atlas?"

"There are too many followers of the evil gods outside the domain, and some of them are even fallen humans... and many of them like to crossbreed and reproduce offspring. Even the top evil god scholars may not be able to distinguish the bloodline of each follower."

"This kind of heat and burning pollution... Could it be a 'burning offspring'? But I've never heard of a burning offspring in human form... Maybe it's a hybrid!"

Looking at the scarlet sun approaching, everyone's face was full of despair.

The current cultivation level of Xiuxian's clone is a lower-level follower, and he is in charge of his own flying sword, and his moves are extremely sharp.

He can kill the Owl God Spider alone, and now he is disguised as a follower and appears here, which brings only despair!


The ground suddenly cracked, and Fang Xing's original body rushed out from it, with a hint of gold on his three fingers, rushing straight to the Owl God Spider!

In the sky, a round of strong light burst out, as if there was another sun.

It's Gu Jiantong!

In the face of danger, he and Fang Xing made the most correct choice - to kill the Ou Shen Spider!

If the Xiuxian clone is a puppet of the Ou Shen Spider, once the Ou Shen Spider dies, there will be no threat.

Because the puppets of the Ou Shen Spider are made of corpses!

Once the operator dies, it can only turn back into a corpse!


The Ou Shen Spider, which has long been at the end of its strength, can't help but let out a shrill howl in the face of the strangulation from heaven and earth.

"If you don't want to die, stop the burning offspring!"

The remaining students howled and made their own most correct choices. With the will of martial arts, they stimulated their almost exhausted blood and qi and killed the Xiuxian clone.


A flash of light and shadow!

Under the joint efforts of Fang Xing and Gu Jiantong, the Ou Shen Spider let out a last howl, and its huge head flew directly up.

"Haha... You are indeed my eternal rival! I think the same as you."

Gu Jiantong slowly retracted his right hand, his eyes full of fighting spirit: "Now I am also on the field, I will fight you another day when I finish comprehending the Ten Thousand Spirits Atlas!"

"What's the point of saying this now?"

Fang Xing looked at his immortal clone with a face full of 'worry', only to see that the terrifying aura of the immortal clone disappeared instantly, his face turned dark blue, like a zombie, falling from mid-air, like the setting sun falling to the ground.

The terrifying flames lingering around him burst out, burning the guy who wanted to take advantage of him and screaming.

'Humph, you even want to take advantage of me...'

Fang Xing snorted in his heart.

With the means of immortal cultivators, it is very easy to disguise as a zombie.

After discovering that the lower-level family is the Puppet God Spider, the immortal clone had an idea and pretended to be dead with the 'corpse transformation talisman', making it seem like a puppet controlled by the Puppet God Spider.

After the death of the spider, the world was shattered, and the terrible void storm immediately blew up.

"Finally... it's over."

When Song Jingang saw this scene, his eyes went dark and he fell down.


Metal Castle.

Space Warehouse.

"Haha, I survived..."

"Woo woo woo... dead, all dead..."

"Get out of the way, there are seriously injured people here, need rescue..."

A silver light flashed, and a group of blood-stained teenagers emerged, and the scene was in chaos.

After the door opened, a group of nurses and doctors rushed in, obviously well prepared.

Fang Xing glanced at it and was secretly shocked: "More than a hundred people went, but only dozens came back... This mortality rate, is it a major accident?"

He looked at Wu Tie and found that he was standing in the mission hall, his face was gloomy as water. Obviously, this mission had heavy casualties and was going to be killed.

But at this time, he still remained calm: "Your combat merits will be issued after the report review, and everyone can get a month's vacation..."

Multi-person missions, and they are not often together in the team, it is a hassle to distribute combat merits.

Moreover, Wu Tie really wants to know what happened in the secret world war.

Three days later.

In the dormitory.

Fang Xing is watching the summary of this mission.

“Sure enough…Is it defined as the Burning Offspring?”

He read a few pages and found that according to the analysis, the ‘Burning Offspring’ should have been a corpse that originally existed in the secret world.

It’s just that the puppet spider, which was at the upper servant level before, couldn’t use it.

After it was promoted to a lower family, it was used immediately, but it will take some time to restore the power of the ‘Burning Offspring’, and it will appear at the end.

‘It’s completely nonsense…’

He curled his lips secretly, but the previous report he made was just a random deletion of his own experience.

Even the top think tanks can only speculate on what happened from these reports, and then go further and further off the mark.

Anyway, that secret battlefield has been destroyed, and all clues have disappeared.

"It will definitely be settled in the end..."

"Moreover, the heavy casualties this time were partly due to the commander's improper command... Well, that's still very objective."

After reading the report, Fang Xing walked out of the dormitory and suddenly sighed.

The 'cicada' Gu Jiantong has found his own path and been promoted to location.

If his guess is correct, the autumn wind will begin.


He looked up at the stars in the universe, feeling a little cold for no reason.

If something goes wrong this time, it won't be a small fight like the Secret World War.

"The key thing about Xin Ruogui's actions this time is that I confirmed that someone behind the scenes must be targeting me... Just think of it as Wei Shentong. Even if it is wrong, it is wrong... I should prepare to frame him or take the opportunity to assassinate him."

Although he and his clones could not defeat the King Kong Realm together, there were many powerful talismans and secret treasures in the world of immortality.

Of course, even if he, the true swordsman, wanted to come into contact with this kind of thing, it would be very difficult for him.

But you can give it a try.

This kind of thing targeting a Vajra-level martial arts master with the support of a faction behind him must not leave a single clue.

Therefore, Fang Xing never thought about purchasing any assassination weapons on the black market of the main universe. This was obviously to send clues to his door.

'Assassination is a bit difficult, so I'd better just frame it up...'

'What a pity...after all, you still have to cut off the enemy's head with your own hands to achieve hearty revenge. ’

‘Forget it, there may be another chance in the future! ’

He walked out of the military camp, preparing to use his vacation to investigate the big liar.

At this moment, Fang Xing saw a gorilla walking out of the military camp.

"Xiao Song!"

He waved.

"It's you..."

Song Jingang's eyes were dim and he had deep black bags under his eyes. His whole person had an air of being decadent, lying flat... and not caring about anything.

‘You used to call me boss, but now your wings are strong! ’

Fang Xing couldn't help but clenched his fists and suddenly understood: "Are you... feeling traumatized?"

Previously, Song Jingang, as the team's MT, blocked a fatal blow for Dark Star, and his own defense was also broken, and he was even injected with pollution and toxins.

The physical injuries were easily treated, but there still seemed to be some lingering effects.

This is the psychological injury.

Just like Xia Long, he seems fine on the surface, but is actually very difficult to deal with.

Even the strength is weakened as a result.

"It's okay. The minor psychological trauma will not affect my body at all... I am planning to drop out of school and go to work at the Public Security Bureau in my hometown... With my current strength, I can stay around until I die..."

Song Jingang seemed to have no ambition at all.

‘Don’t say this to me, tell your parents and your investors, and see if they beat the shit out of you! ’

Fang Xing secretly rolled his eyes: "By the way, don't you have the opportunity to redeem the treatment in the Yuanhai-level treatment cabin?"

"I am only a first-class university, and there is no redemption option for credits..."

Song Jingang glanced at Fang Xing: "My military achievements are good, but I'm still a little bit behind...Forget it, I don't care anymore, it's good to retire like this...I will go back and find a woman to get married, have a few children, and spend the rest of my life." That’s it…”

'Actually, I feel like this is pretty good, at least it's safe...'

Fang Xing complained in his heart.

But after thinking about Song Jingang's previous performance, I decided to give this little brother a hand.

"Let's go...I'll take you to the doctor!"

Compared with academic credits or even military merit, seeing a doctor naturally costs the least, although that doctor is a bit unreliable...

"See a doctor?"

Song Jingang instinctively resisted.

"Let's go or I'll beat you up!"

Fang Xing lifted Song Jingang up as if lifting a chicken.

He felt that Song Jingang's instinctive resistance had weakened a lot, like a salted fish lying flat.

Fang Xing walked to the Diyue Elevator and sent another message to Gu Yun.

When Fang Xing and Song Jingang stepped out of the elevator, they saw a suspended car parked on the side of the road.

The much more mature Gu Yun opened the car door and showed a bright smile: "Senior, I'm here to pick you up!"

"Not bad, we even have a hover car."

Fang Xing nodded.

On Blue Star, the hover car is nothing, only if you can get the traffic order is it powerful.

"They're all from the bureau, I'm borrowing them temporarily..."

Gu Yun smiled playfully, which was in sharp contrast to the Sanwu little lolita in Fang Xing's impression.

‘Private use of the bus? That's okay...'

Fang Xing took Song Jingang into the hovercar and reported the address: "Go to Qingshan Mental Hospital!"


Gu Yun didn't ask any more questions, even she was somewhat familiar with this mental hospital.

After all, the Prevention and Control Bureau is inseparable from evil god pollution, and many seniors in the Belief Theory Department are frequent visitors to major mental hospitals.

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