Starry Sky Professional

Chapter 189: Kindness and force (asking for monthly votes)

"Even if it is the weakest of the partial divisions, the commander must at least have the strength to form an elixir... The elders and deacons of the sect's inner and outer halls must accompany me to the main battlefield. Therefore, it is extremely dangerous to bring at most one fake elixir."

Fu Hongyi looked at the group of true disciples, and her eyes fell on Fang Xing.

"Disciple is willing to go to the Five Elements Sect!"

Fang Xing did his part and said.

"Okay, it's settled like this, Lu Yi is at your disposal!"

Fu Hongyi nodded and made a decision immediately.

Seeing that it was Fang Xing coming out, Yu Jianzi, who was still eager to give it a try, suddenly fell silent.

His own family knew about his own affairs. Although he had stronger foundation-building powers and had mastered sword skills, he could only save his life in front of fake alchemy monks.

It is absolutely impossible to kill the fake elixir real person with one sword.

When you meet a real alchemy monk, you have to kneel down!

In sword cultivation, the sword comes first.

Fang Xing is very powerful and well-known, so he will naturally feel dissatisfied when he stands up.

As for why he chose the Five Elements Sect, he naturally had some selfish motives.

Because Fang Xing read the information and found that the Five Elements Sect has a large-scale 'Five Elements Evil Acupoint', which can extract several 'Five Elements Evil Acupoints' every year and provide them for monks who practice the Five Elements Kung Fu to build foundations. It is the most famous place in the Five Sects and Ten Kingdoms. One of the several evil points.

‘After the Golden Pill of Martial Arts, the requirements for the attributes of evil spirits are not high, as long as they are evil spirits... But the ‘five elements of evil spirits’ are righteous and peaceful, and the five elements are generated from yin and yang, which is the safest way. ’

In other words, Fang Xing is determined to get this 'Five Elements Evil Point'!

After a while, a large number of monks flew out of Ten Thousand Beast Mountain and divided into three groups.

In the largest wave, spiritual ships filled the sky, formations were faintly visible, heading towards the Musha Sect.

The second largest group was led by a sword cultivator in green clothes and attacked the Tianba Gate directly.

Fang Xing's side had the smallest number of people, with only a thousand monks, most of whom were from Zheng Guo.

As a Zheng Guo monk, they are accustomed to his reputation, so they can force him to do so.

"Uncle Master gave me five spiritual ships, but I can fit them all in... let's go!"

Fang Xing looked back at the gate of Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain and opened his mouth to give instructions.


Master Lu Yi seemed to have become his big butler, and went down to assign people to board the spaceship one by one.

Fu Hongyi assigned Master Lu Yi to Fang Xing not because she wanted to trick him.

But Fang Xing's subordinates are mostly Zheng Guo monks. After the disappearance of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect, the Qingxuan Sect is the boss. With the help of Master Lu Yi, he can suppress the largest group of Qingxuan Sect monks.

It will be easy to deal with next.

'Sure enough... the biggest shortcoming of the sword cultivator sect is that there are too few people... The Tianjian Sect is better, at least it has established an outer hall. ’

'Otherwise, with the hundreds of swords in the inner sect, now that the troops have been divided, even the people guarding the Ten Thousand Swords Returning Sect Formation will not be found...'

Sword cultivators are extremely talented, and excellent disciples are hard to find.

Fang Xing sighed in his heart and immediately ordered: "Let's set off!"

The five pot-bellied spirit ships had spiritual lights flashing on their hulls, flags fluttering, and they headed south together.

Many monks stood on the deck, some were excited, some were confused, and some were afraid...

‘After this battle, I wonder how many of the more than a thousand monks will survive? ’

Fang Xing made secret calculations in his mind.

'The total number of monks assigned to me is one thousand and twenty-seven...including one fake elixir, forty-eight foundation-building monks, and the rest are for Qi training. ’

'The 'Five Elements Sword Formation' that they have been practicing for a period of time can only be regarded as a barely proficient 'half-way soldier'. By gathering the power of the battle formation, Lu Yi can probably be upgraded from a fake elixir to a real person. ...Or temporarily let me have the magic power of the mid-stage pill formation...'

‘Strictly speaking…it’s still trash! Far inferior to the several array-breaking treasures supported by the sect. ’

He glanced at the deck, then turned to the cabin: "Lu Yi... come here!"

Master Lu Yi didn't know why, but his face turned red, and he looked like a slightly angry little girl.

But after hesitating for a while, he still followed him into the cabin that he owned alone as the general.

Seeing this, although the other monks did not dare to say anything, they looked at each other with a somewhat ambiguous atmosphere.

On the deck, within the Qingxuanzong camp.

Han Qingyun and Meng Zijin looked at each other in confusion: "Although Master Su has already mentioned it, after actually seeing it, it's still a little... unbelievable."

"That person turned out to be an old friend from Zengfang City..."

Han Qingyun murmured, and then shook his head: "He is just an elder who has an old relationship with us. Even Elder Su doesn't show any pretense, so what shame do we have? Now that the war is imminent, it is still most important to think about how to save our own lives..."


Meng Zijin sighed. He knew without thinking that he definitely had no face at all in front of the famous general of Zheng State.

To Fang Xing, Han Qingyun was a subordinate of his previous subordinate, so it didn't matter much in the first place.

What's more, these two people later joined other people.

Although... now he joins Su Ye under his command, it really doesn't matter.

Meng Zijin is even more ridiculous. He was just the son of a neighbor who lived in a temporary residence at the time and made a deal with his mother.

If after this war, they can stand in front of him with their military exploits, maybe he will still be interested in investing.

If you accidentally die in battle, you are dead...

He thought lightly in his heart, and then looked at the real Lu Yi opposite him.

Using this woman to command Qingxuanzong, and then using Qingxuanzong to supervise other Zhengguo monks, that's basically it.

Because Qingxuan Sect is a sect! The stragglers cannot defeat the organized legions!

‘I’ll try to win over the Black Sky Watcher again later, and there shouldn’t be much problem in commanding it...’

A thought flashed through Fang Xing's mind, and he glanced at the peach-faced Master Lu Yi: "Do you know...why I called you in?"

"I don't know..." Master Lu Yi felt a little sad and angry. Did she still need to take the initiative for such a thing?

"Well, as the supreme elder of Qingxuan Sect, you should be familiar with the Five Elements Sect. Please tell me the information."

Fang Xing coughed.

"Just...discussing the war situation?" Master Lu Yi couldn't tell whether he was happy or disappointed, but after all, he was Master Fake Dan. He quickly collected his mind and said: "The Five Elements Sect is good at various Five Elements spells...the current Supreme Being The elder calls himself the 'Five Elements Patriarch'... This Five Elements Patriarch is an honorary title, held by the Supreme Elders of the Five Elements Sect in the past. It is said that the 'Five Elements Patriarch' who founded the Five Elements Sect has an earth-shattering cultivation level, and is only half a step away from... He can condense the Nascent Soul... and also cultivate a powerful divine light, which can break through the five elements of magic, and gain a great reputation..."

Fang Xing listened very carefully.

Although he is always arrogant when drawing his sword, he will not look down on each of his opponents to avoid capsizing.

"Fortunately, according to the information, the Five Elements Ancestor who is in the middle stage of the Dan Formation has been invited to go to Musha Sect. The Five Elements Sect should be headed by 'Zhenren Huo Yu'. This is also a Dan Formation monk. He should be in the early stage of the Dan Formation now. The magic weapon to become famous is the 'Hunyuan Bowl'..."

When it was a matter of life and death, Lu Yi was very dedicated, and even revealed Qingxuan Sect's hidden secret in the Five Elements Sect.

It's a pity that the secret disciple of Qingxuan Sect has been doing well. He is still struggling in the outer sect and is of no use at all.

'These cultivators...all have dirty hearts...'

After Fang Xing heard this, he only had one thought in his mind.

Qingxuanzong dared to send spies to the five sects and ten kingdoms, and he would definitely try to insert spies into Tianjian Sect.

This is not for a sneak attack, but just to obtain some general information for self-protection in the future.

But if the trend of strength and weakness is reversed, it will be difficult to say.

‘The Ten Thousand Beasts Sect must have similar arrangements...but I cut through the mess quickly without any reason at all, and avoided a lot of trouble. ’

Fang Xing praised himself in his heart and said a few words of encouragement: "I intend to leave the Five Elements Sword Formation to you, don't let me down..."

Although this battle formation can increase mana, it is too troublesome to move around and loses the flexibility of sword cultivation.

He also looked down upon the increased mana, so he could only give it to Lu Yi.

A hint of surprise flashed across Lu Yi's face, and he quickly said a few words of humility.

"There is no need to be modest. You are the only one here who has fake alchemy. If I don't give it to you, how can I build the foundation of the Black Sky Monastery?"

Fang Xing shook his head: "You have to accumulate more merits in this battle. After the war, I can make the decision and reward you with a magic weapon."

The fake alchemy monk has no hope of improving his realm, and the only way to increase his strength is with foreign objects.

A magic weapon is very suitable.

Fang Xing even thought of the 'Flying Phoenix Hairpin' that had been eating ashes in the storage bag. It was a relic of the previous Supreme Elder of Qingxuan Sect.

The two sides are of the same origin. Whether they major in martial arts or refining magic weapons, the restrictions are quite different, and they can exert 90% of the power of the magic weapon.

‘I just don’t know what Lu Yi’s expression will be then? But even if she thought I was the one who killed the previous Supreme Elder, she could only greet me with a smile! ’

‘Furthermore, I gave the reward privately, and according to the rules, Lu Yi’s battle achievements must be given to me... I have to redeem them, so that I can get more good things. This is a win-win situation! ’

"You go out and call the Black Sky Watching Prison in."

Fang Xing waved his hand and dismissed Master Lu Yi. Not long after, he saw a skinny old Taoist again.

The old Taoist came in and bowed before him: "Heitian looks at Wu Xuan and has seen the general!"

"Well, you have completed your foundation building, and you have a chance to get a glimpse of the Dan Realm. You can't miss it..."

As usual, Fang Xing said a few words of kindness and power, and finally made a promise: "In the Five Elements Sect, there might be some spirit creature that forms an elixir. You have to work hard. After all, Black Sky Temple is an elixir-forming force, and there must be one." Only when monk Jie Dan is in charge can we be considered safe."

Wu Xuan was so excited on the spot that he couldn't control himself.

However, this old Taoist priest is an old man, I don’t know if he is pretending or really.

But Fang Xing doesn't care, as long as the other party can stabilize the Black Sky Temple monk and don't make any mistakes.

After wooing the two major factions in this way, let the disciples of the two factions monitor the casual cultivators.

By placing Tianjian Sect disciples in several key positions, Fang Xing could barely control these thousand people.

A few days later.

The flying boat passed through the vast mountains and truly entered the chaotic land of Five Sects and Ten Kingdoms.

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