Starry Sky Professional

Chapter 196 New World (Additional updates, please give me monthly votes)


Actually, everything that happened at the Five Finger Peak was in Fang Xing's eyes.

For him, it was just a matter of following the trend and hitting the Qingxuan Sect.

He even knew that the effect could only last for a while, making Lu Yi slightly restrained. After that, it was hard to say whether the situation would deteriorate.

After all, occasional hitting can only treat the symptoms, not the root cause.

But by that time, he should have patted his butt and left.


A few days later.

The Five Elements Evil Cave.

Fang Xing opened his eyes and glanced at the attribute column:

[Gate of the Heavens: 100/100]

"Very good... I wonder what the world that will be opened by the master of that school this time will look like?"

He has been waiting for the Gate of the Heavens to charge for three years.

"The first time the Gate of the Heavens opened, it seemed to have its own energy, sending me to this world of cultivation..."

"The second world... I'm really looking forward to it."

Fang Xing waited for a moment, and a figure came in. It was his immortal clone.

As his mind moved, three seconds later, a silver light flashed, and the Xiuxian clone disappeared.

"Well... it's a world that looks relatively safe. At least, there's no danger as soon as you go there. It's just a little disgusting..."

After confirming with the Xiuxian clone that there was no desperate situation where one would die if he went there, Fang Xing immediately decided to go there himself.

After all, there were wars here from time to time, and the Xiuxian clone had to show up.

On the contrary, the original body had a lot of free time after being admitted to graduate school. It didn't matter if he took a leave for a month or two - because if he didn't work hard in the research group, he would lose his own evil spirit crystal.


The sky was gray and it seemed to be raining.

Fang Xing stood on the gray-black land, looking at an ancient tree in front of him.

This ancient tree was bare, without any green leaves, and was completely black with many forks, giving people the feeling of a huge deer antler.

What surprised Fang Xing even more was that there was a person pierced on this forked ancient tree!

It was a man with dark facial features, brown hair, and a bit of mixed-race characteristics.

At this time, the skin of his hands and feet were pierced by the branches of the ancient tree, and blood kept dripping along the trunk, and some had begun to turn black.

This was the reason why Fang Xing felt a little disgusted before.

Strangely, this scene looked strangely beautiful, as if he had seen a "Tree of Life"!

What surprised him even more was that his spiritual power spread and fell on the man's body, and there was a slight sense of targeting.

This feeling made Fang Xing think of the ceremony and the evil god's followers...

"It shouldn't be a lower-level servant, he is very weak... Most of them are human, but they have some characteristics of transformation into followers..."

"Because the door was opened by sacrificing the leader of an evil god sect, so I came directly to the world of an evil god?"

"Sure enough, in this kind of place, the original body is much more useful than the immortal clone."

Fang Xing looked at this scene, and his heart was filled with emotion.

He was not even sure if this was still in the main universe!

"The humans here... have a tendency to become semi-family members... They should be the product of long-term coexistence with the pollution of the evil gods?!"

"There are footprints and wheel marks on the ground... It should be not far from the human gathering place..."

Fang Xing touched his forehead and looked at the coarse linen clothes on the man.

The nano suit on his body immediately began to change, becoming a style similar to the other party.


After walking along the wheel for more than half an hour, Fang Xing saw large tracts of farmland.

The fields were planted with turnips, wheat, and crops similar to onions.

It didn't look like they were growing well. There was a small river flowing through the middle of the fields, a windmill not far away, and a mill below.

Fang Xing's Jindan domain unfolded, covering several farmers who were working.

They were short and thin, but had large muscles, which was a manifestation of destroying their physical potential.

According to Fang Xing's feeling, they would not live beyond the age of forty.

And...they also had some semi-family characteristics, which made Fang Xing feel a little uncomfortable.

Even according to the laws of the Blue Star Federation, these semi-family human species can be expelled from the ranks of "humans".

'However, these are not the most important things. '

Fang Xing's martial arts will moved suddenly. This time, unlike the past, it was not a hard impact, but a thread that penetrated into the consciousness of these farmers.

Soon, scenes from their lives were extracted...

Life scenes, language, religious culture...

"After the martial arts golden elixir, I feel that I am becoming more and more "inhuman"..."

Fang Xing sighed silently.

His brain can now quickly extract some useful information and... learn it in an instant.

In other words, he has learned a new language from another world.

Of course, he doesn't know the words yet... because these farmers are illiterate!

Fang Xing kept moving forward and came to a village.

Short and dilapidated... Most of them were made of thatch and wooden boards, and there were even caves.

The only intact brick and stone houses should belong to the local landlord, Master Bai.

Master Bai did not have a "title" and was just an ordinary landlord. Of course, in this remote area, he was definitely a big shot.

And the best house in this village is not the residence of Master Bai, but a... church?

This church seems to have just experienced a war. The ground is very messy, and the windows and doors have traces of hacking and breaking.

A huge stone tablet with a broken inscription is laid in front of the church, as if it is deliberately trampled.

Looking closely, it seems to be the stone tablet that originally stood on the church, with the emblem of the sun and the moon on it.

In the church, there seems to be something inexplicable and terrifying, opening its bloody mouth, wanting to choose someone to devour...

Outside the village, Fang Xing touched his forehead and smiled bitterly: "This place is absolutely amazing... It is polluted by evil gods everywhere. It is really hard to live without converting into a half-follower..."

He walked into the village and immediately felt a series of scrutinizing or hostile eyes.


A high-pitched voice sounded, followed by a woman holding her child, rushing into the house quickly and slamming the door.

"I... am not that scary, am I?"

Fang Xing walked towards the church step by step.

Just when he was halfway there, a burly white man with a red nose stopped him. He had wine-red curly hair and half-exposed chest, which was covered with thick chest hair, just like a gorilla.

"Stranger... where are you from?" He looked Fang Xing up and down, revealing a malicious smile.

"From where I should come from!"

Fang Xing smiled.

Obviously, his Zen-filled words did not arouse the slightest interest of this gangster or thug, but instead felt provoked.

The white man spit a mouthful of thick phlegm on the ground, and his voice became ferocious: "Stranger... you have set foot on the land of Master Bayi, and you should pay the 'blood tax' to Master Bayi!"

"Pay tax?"

Fang Xing nodded: "How much?"

After experiencing the operation of collecting spirit stones for entering the fairy city, Fang Xing is quite used to this aspect.

"Blood tax doesn't want your money, only your blood... and flesh!"

The strong man looked a little crazy: "One eye, one ear, and a bowl of blood..."

He was obviously not trying to scare people, but took out a dark red dagger, ready to really "collect taxes".

Not only that, judging from the filth left in the groove of the dagger, it was obviously not the first time he did this.

"Sorry, I just lied to you. Even if I pay, I don't have money..."

Fang Xing suddenly smiled.

Then, he flicked his finger lightly, and the dagger broke from it, and then kicked the strong man in the chest.


Amid the piercing sound of bone cracking, the strong man flew backwards and hit a mud wall.

If Fang Xing hadn't held back, he would have immediately become a corpse.

"You collect blood tax, what's the point of collecting it?"

Fang Xing came to the seriously injured strong man and knew that his internal organs had been pierced by his ribs and he was slowly dying.

His spiritual power directly suppressed the opponent's resistance, creating a hypnotic effect.

"Sadu wizard..."

The white man's eyes were dull, and a trace of fear appeared on his face: "Sadu wizard killed the church servant, hung him on the tree, and dedicated him to the natural spirit - the deer-headed spirit! He calmed the anger of the deer-headed spirit... Master Bayi chose to convert to Saduism... Sadu wizard needs ten ears, ten eyes, and a pot of blood to sacrifice the 'spirit' he believes in..."

"Church servant?"

Fang Xing understood that it was the unlucky guy who was hung on the tree with his limbs pierced.

He no longer paid attention to the thug and turned to the church.

According to the information he received, the wizard of the 'Sadu religion' should live in the church.

Amid the thugs' wailing and screaming, the village fell into a strange silence, and no family went out to check.

Fang Xing stood in front of the broken stone tablet and saw the figure in the church.

It was a strange humanoid with slightly dark skin, tattoos all over his body and face, and silver rings piercing his lips and nose.

"A wizard of the Sadu Cult?!"

Fang Xing said.

"How dare you be so rude?"

The dark-skinned wizard of the Sadu Cult was boiling in a big pot.

In the pot was a pool of dark red liquid, which kept boiling and bubbling.

Along with the boiling blood-red soup, there were also human organs such as eyeballs and ears...

He stopped his movements and stood up.

His posture was strange and stiff, as if he was no longer a living person, but a stiff corpse.

There was even a stench of corpse on his body.

In Fang Xing's feeling, it was like a 'living dead'!

Not only that, under Fang Xing's spiritual power induction, the Sadu wizard seemed to have a translucent human figure on his back, like some kind of back spirit.

'Is this... some special lower-level servant? In the form of a spirit body, coexisting with humans? ’

A guess emerged in Fang Xing’s mind.

“Mortal… How dare you look at a great Sadu wizard straight in the eye?”

The Sadu wizard was furious, and suddenly grabbed a handful of black sand from his arms and sprinkled it on Fang Xing.

At the same time, he muttered to himself, as if chanting an ancient spell:

“I curse you! I curse you to be bitten by a poisonous snake on your wrist, I curse you to be stung by a bee in the eye, and your body will be eaten by a beetle…”

In Fang Xing’s eyes, the sand suddenly turned into a poisonous snake, a poisonous bee…

Not only that, but it also carries a strange oppression. Even a warrior of the third level of unpolished jade may not be able to resist it. He will be entangled by poisonous snakes and stung by bees as the spell says!

"This... witchcraft?"

"No... This is the first time I have seen a human being who can use the pollution of evil gods like this!"

Fang Xing touched his forehead, and a scorching sun-like martial arts will rose to the sky.

Those poisonous snakes and bees instantly turned into flying smoke and disappeared...

"What other moves do you have... Use them all and let's see."

Fang Xing hooked his finger at the Sadu wizard.


The Sadu wizard's face was full of disbelief: "I sacrificed a pair of children to be able to carry the 'natural spirit' wizard... How could I lose to an ordinary person?!"

He tore open his robe, revealing his skinny body and strange and complex tattoos all over his body.

At this moment, the tattoos were wriggling like insects, making the transparent and illusory 'spirit behind' almost merge with the wizard:

"Wind! I call the wind! Blow away my enemies! Blow away my enemies' flesh and blood! Blow out my enemies' souls!"

A gust of wind emerged from the church. No, in Fang Xing's perception, the black wind was not air flow at all, but the terrible pollution of the evil god!

A human face even emerged from the pollution and came to eat him!

"These are the things that warriors of my generation are least afraid of!"

Fang Xing sighed, and with some disappointment, he put his five fingers together and turned them into a fist.

The martial arts will attached to it, allowing him to easily punch through the black wind, and the fist force did not decrease for ten steps, landing on the shaman's forehead, knocking him unconscious.

"Woo woo!"

Something happened that made Fang Xing's eyebrows jump.

The 'wind' that was originally dispersed by his martial arts will reunited in the next moment and turned into a transparent and illusory human figure.

‘It’ crawled out of the back of the Sadu wizard, crawling on all fours like an animal, and suddenly jumped to the edge of the cauldron, seemingly sucking the ‘offering’.

The cauldron quickly decayed, rusting, the flames extinguished, and a smell of corruption and stench emanated from the cauldron...

“This... even if it is a lower-level family, it will die if I punch it... This back spirit is at most a lower-level servant, but it has the characteristic of ‘immortality’? This world is really interesting...”

Fang Xing looked at the unconscious Sadu wizard.

He found that after the back spirit sucked the offering, it returned to his back and stopped being restless.

‘Before, this back spirit had the intention to attack the Sadu wizard... but was bound by the tattoo? ’

‘This is my spiritual observation... If it were an ordinary villager, he would probably only hear the wind and see the iron pot suddenly decay... and then be scared to death, thinking that it was some evil spirit that was causing trouble - from the result, it seems to be correct. ’

Fang Xing nodded, the purple-veined golden pill turned, his temperament changed, and a trace of magic power emerged.

He reached out his hand, grabbed the head of the Sadu wizard, and activated the "God-killing Soul-Searching Technique"!

The previous martial arts will could only search the souls of ordinary people, and this was the inspiration and skills obtained from this spell.

But to deal with the real "supernatural", it is still necessary to transform the magic power and use the soul-searching spell of the immortal world!

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