Starry Sky Professional

Chapter 200 Defeat (Subscribe)


The pure white light condensed like a huge cross.

Under the cross, the original deer-headed spirit disappeared without a trace.

" the name of the Holy Spirit!"

Wall didn't look relaxed at all on his face. He held a cross sword in one hand and a necklace around his neck in the other: "Evil... retreat!"

The surrounding darkness seemed to be hit hard and retreated slightly, but it did not disappear...

on the contrary!

The ground squirmed, and then a large number of vines burst out of the ground, wrapping around everyone like pythons.

These 'vines' are covered with barbs and have a metallic color.

What's even more terrifying is that it comes with a strong evil god pollution, which makes even extraordinary people mentally restrained and unable to resist accordingly!


Fang Xing stamped his feet, and a force penetrated into the earth along his shoes, defeating the 'evil god's aura' that was gathering under the ground.

If this evil god's aura is not defeated, those vines will only continue to grow.

He leaned against the carriage, his expression relaxed and comfortable, like a theater guest: "Come on... Wandering Knight, draw your sword for your justice!"

'Druid? Or a wizard? Mage? ’

Wall's heart moved, and he swung the cross sword in his hand to cut off the vines wrapped around him. He knew that he had made a mistake.

This foreigner is not an ordinary person!

‘That’s also true… A stranger who can wander until now and still not die must have some abilities. ’

Wall took out a bottle of holy water and smeared his eyes.

There seemed to be light seeping out from his eyes. With the help of this light, he saw through the black fog and saw the deer-headed spirit with human body and head of deer!

"I swear that I will be pious!"

"I swear, I will protect the weak!"

"I swear that I will defeat evil!"

Wall murmured the knight's motto in his mouth and pointed the cross sword blade at his palm.

The blade of this sword is very sharp, and blood will seep out just by touching it lightly.

After the blood soaked the sword blade, he jumped out like a giant bear: "Glorious Cross Slash!"

call out!

The glorious reappearance of the cross.

Only this time, there was a trace of blood in the light.

This scarlet color is not coquettish, but rather has a masculine feel.

The blood-red cross sword light struck the deer-headed spirit, causing it to continuously retreat and completely disappear into the darkness.


This sword light seemed to cut through the night at the same time, allowing light to penetrate in and reveal the original path.

"Praise the light, praise the Holy Spirit..."

When Sophia saw this scene, she couldn't help but murmured a prayer.

"Let's go!"

Wall glared: "The spirit cannot be killed... I can only force it back temporarily, but at the same time it also angered it..."

He looked at Fang Xing: "I will drive. This young druid is also a mage. Do you want to come with me?"

"Correction, I am not a druid or a mage... Strictly speaking, I am more like a knight, a wandering knight like you. But thank you for the invitation. You don't have to worry about the rest of the journey, because... I will take action !”

Fang Xing is not using golden elixir to convert his magic power, he is just a pure martial artist.

Hearing this, he smiled slightly and also got into the carriage.

Wall said nothing and whipped his riding crop.

The carriage immediately moved forward, and within a few dozen meters, an astonishing scene was seen.

On the trees on both sides of the road, corpses were strung one after another at some point.

They were arranged in a large shape, with all their limbs penetrated by tree branches, and blood flowed down along the branches.

"Oh my's those robbers who should be taken away by the dragon."

Sophia covered her mouth and looked a little pale.

"Should be taken away by a dragon...what does it mean?"

Fang Xing asked a little strangely.

"This is a proverb in the tulip collar, similar to 'damn'..." Wall shrugged: "Anyway, you are right to understand it this way... The nearest city here is Duncan City, where there is a glowing cathedral. If the deer If the leader dares to pursue it, we will unite with the priests over there and seal it under the church."

Of course, the Holy See of Glow also possesses extraordinary power.

Moreover, its promotion system is very clear, from the lowest-priced Servant of God, which means servant of God, to the 'Divine Priest' who can perceive the gods and perform divine magic...and then to the 'Bishop' who presides over church affairs in a region, and then to Most of the 'cardinals' at the center of the Holy See wear black robes, so they are called 'black archbishops'.

The person at the top of this system is naturally the ‘Pope’ of the Glorious Holy See. He is regarded as God’s spokesperson in the world and the person closest to God…

"I actually have a question in my mind... What is the relationship between the 'god' believed in by the Glorious Holy See and the 'big lord' believed in by the Sadu Cult...?"

Fang Xing spoke curiously.

In fact, he wanted to ask if the god of glory was the 'original spirit'.

But speaking of this kind of thing is offensive.

Even now, Wall seems to want to hit him: "My Lord is the only God...the rest are all false gods."

'That is to say... the believers of Glow believe that the 'Glow God' is one level higher than the 'Master' and is an existence above the original spirit? ’

Fang Xing nodded in his mind: "I heard a wizard say... the glow has passed?"

"Oh my god, what kind of blasphemy is this?" Sophia couldn't help it: "You should let the dragon capture you..."

"The glory never fades..."

Wall shook his head. As a wandering knight, after leaving the Holy See Knights, he met more people and was no longer as mindless and fanatical as before. He would draw his sword when he heard even the slightest offensive words.

What's more, now the deer-headed spirit can attack at any time, and the person next to him doesn't know the depth.

Of course you can't add a new enemy.

As for what I said before about taking action or not?

Just listen!

Just when the deer-headed spirit was forced to retreat.

Inside the manor.

On the altar, two lines of tears of blood suddenly shed from the originally dark eyes of the deer head.

"Damn...why did a Radiant Knight suddenly appear?!"

The old face of Wizard Menbasa became extremely ferocious: "Everyone in the Glow Holy See... should die! Come here!"

He shouted in a deep voice, and the gatekeeper from outside came in, his eyes all white.

"Go... prepare enough sacrifices!"

Menbasa gave an order, and the gatekeeper immediately walked out. Not long after, several screams came from the manor.

Soon, he walked into the secret room holding a tray.

On the tray, there was a human head. The skull was opened and two branches were inserted. Blood flowed from the facial features of the human face.

"Deer-headed spirit...please accept my sacrifice..."

Wizard Menbasa began to dance strangely again, his body began to twist in a way that violated mechanics, and his face began to distort, as if it had turned into another face.


A purple-black tongue sprang out like a snake and quickly penetrated into the elk's head.

The eyes of the great wizard Menbasa turned white, and his body began to twitch violently, as if his soul had left his body...


On the carriage, Fang Xing suddenly smiled.


After a while, Wall belatedly pulled out the cross sword. When he saw the light on the sword, he looked at Fang Xing with some surprise.

The surrounding roads became hazy at some point, and a layer of mist continued to spread.

From the forest on the roadside, the deer-headed spirit walked out again.

"Now it is certain that this natural spirit must be driven by humans..."

Fang Xing stood up and stretched casually.


Following his movements, there seemed to be a furnace rising up all around.

A large amount of white mist evaporated, and even the darkness was dispersed, revealing the true form of the deer-headed spirit shrouded in the mist.

It was a spirit with a deer head and human body, with animal skins around its waist, and two large horns growing on its elk-like head.

These two large fan-shaped horns are almost larger than its body.

At this time, there was a human head among the antlers.

This man's head is extremely old, and his hair is like a rope, connected with many forked antlers, making him hang like a spider spinning a web between the antlers.

"It's poisonous witchcraft... a wizard is cursing us!"

Wall's expression changed.

"It's for me."

Fang Xing is now certain.

He had seen this old face in the wizard's memory.

The other party should be called Menbasa, the great wizard of the Poison Cult.

"It's a pity... that only one person was attracted?"

Fang Xing sighed, and a bit of golden light appeared on himself, and then turned into a golden sun.

Under the golden sun, countless dark vines instantly turned into torches!

Not only that, the golden flame even enveloped the deer-headed spirit.


The human head on the head of the deer-headed spirit screamed, and the old voice of Menbasa came out: "This...whose spirit's power is this? Foreigner...don't think you have won..."

"If I don't kill you, how can I count as a winner?"

Fang Xing jumped lightly and walked from the carriage to the deer-headed spirit.

His spiritual power was far-reaching, and it seemed that along the connection between the old head, he saw a manor, the old wizard, and the altar with blood flowing out...


Fang Xing gently pointed his finger at the forehead of the old man's head.

His martial arts will was highly condensed, like a spear, following the mysterious connection in his spirit, and came to the manor.


A scream suddenly came from the secret room.

"Great wizard!?"

The gatekeeper came in immediately and saw the great wizard's body lying on the ground, with a bloody hole in his forehead.

"The great wizard is dead?"

The gatekeeper's expression was a bit strange. First it was disbelief, and then there was a hint of ferocity and ecstasy: "Haha... you old guy is finally dead, I... I can become the new great wizard!"

It's a pity that he was happy too early.

Menbasa's corpse suddenly shed a layer of its mask, and then, a purple-black tongue suddenly sprang out and penetrated into the gatekeeper's mouth.

The janitor immediately fell to the ground, his body twitching continuously.

After a few seconds, he got up again and touched his face: "Who is that person? Actually... actually..."

Recalling that finger just now, a look of disbelief appeared on Menbasa's face.

Because in the memory, that figure seemed to come to life, came to him again, and held out that finger!

"No...can't think...can't remember..."


The captured gatekeeper looked extremely panicked, but could not stop his thoughts.



A bloody hole also appeared on his forehead, and he turned into a corpse and fell to the ground.

This time, no purple-black tongue appeared.

On the contrary, as time passed, a layer of corrosive darkness gradually enveloped the entire manor, and a human figure wearing a mask, with only the upper body and painted chest, emerged and began to wander around the manor, killing people indiscriminately.

This is after Menbasa's death, the spirit in his body lost its restraints and began to cause trouble...

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