Starry Sky Professional

Chapter 27 Black Market (Please recommend)

"I toast you a glass..."

Liu Wei picked up the soda cup again: "We biochemical people have a hard life, just like weeds in the cracks, we have to fight for a little sunshine and rain... After today, I will focus on preparing for the college entrance examination. From now on, we are not friends, but competitors."

"Well, toast to the opponent!"

Fang Xing also raised his glass, but he was a little surprised.

Liu Wei, this kid, actually wanted to cut off ties with him.

'Friendship between men...'

He was silent for a while.

Liu Wei walked quickly, as if this party was just a final farewell to the past.

In the end, only Fang Xing was left, and he ate all the barbecue: 'This is quite expensive, can't waste it...'

He went home as usual, and his expression became a little solemn until he closed the door: 'Liu Wei...'

Originally, it was just some speculation, but judging from today's situation, this best friend of the original owner might really be involved with some forces.

But judging from the fact that the other party took the initiative to cut off ties with him, his character is not bad.

As for the competition on the ring? That shouldn't be a friendship, it's not a life-and-death fight...

'If I have the ability, I'll help... Unfortunately, I can't even protect myself now...'

Fang Xing sighed and fell asleep.


The next day.

Fang Xing carried a shoulder bag and got on the maglev train.

The range of the Eagle Star is very large!

99.99% of the places have achieved traffic and network coverage, only some areas with chaotic magnetic fields, or broken walls, or a wilderness, have become the wounds of planetary civilization.

And the black market is in these places!

"Outside Maple Leaf City, there is a city ruin... It originated from an attack by the evil god's followers, which made the original city half-ruined, and even left a lot of dangerous pollution and radiation..."

"Although the Federation can clean it up, it costs more than building a new city, and the gains outweigh the losses. In the end, a new Maple Leaf City was built, and the original 'old city' gradually became deserted, becoming a paradise for scavengers and people without identity, and eventually derived a black market..."

"If you think about it in a darker way, the high-level officials of the Eagle Star deliberately left these 'creations of civilization', could it be that they deliberately created soil for the black market?"

Fang Xing thought to himself while holding the bracelet.

"Dear passengers, the train has arrived at the terminal, please sit tight and hold on, and get off in an orderly manner..."

After an unknown amount of time, the suspension train arrived at the terminal.

Fang Xing got off the train and found that this was already the edge of Maple Leaf City.

He got off the train and walked, his speed gradually increased, and then avoided various surveillance probes and went into the streets and alleys.

For this trip to the black market, he had already left all his electronic equipment at home.

As he walked through the darkness, the flesh and veins on his face throbbed, and he immediately changed his appearance and put on a black mask.

When he came out of the alley, Fang Xing had changed his clothes and turned into a weird man wearing a leather jacket, a peaked cap and a black mask, and he went into the junction of the new city and the old city.


The old city was out of maintenance, and there were broken walls and ruins everywhere.

A breeze blew, raising a few wisps of dust.

The road was in tatters. There was originally a commercial street on both sides, but now most of the signs were broken.


Fang Xing stepped down and stepped on the poster of an outdated actress. The sound startled several hyenas in the shadows.

Looking closely, I found that these hyenas were different from ordinary dogs. Some had two heads, some had four eyes and eight legs...

"Deformed creatures..."

Fang Xing recalled the relevant information in his mind.

This was due to the mixture of evil god pollution and radiation, which caused the nearby creatures to mutate, leaving behind deformed offspring.

Although it is far from the standard of a lower servant, it may have some strange abilities.

The three-headed hyena in the lead roared a few times, as if it felt that Fang Xing was not easy to mess with, or it had already eaten its fill, so it turned around and left with a few hyenas.

Fang Xing walked through the commercial street and came to a residential area. Looking at the buildings that had collapsed, he walked around and found a convenience store.

In the ruins, a convenience store that was barely still in business was eye-catching.

[Ding! ]

When he walked into the door of the convenience store, a green light flashed and a mechanical sound was made.

"Very good, very clean, I don't have any positioning and communication tools on me."

Behind the counter of the convenience store, a round-faced young man smiled.

He was wearing a convenience store uniform, his hair was half brown, and he was holding a comic book from an ancient era.

At this time, he was slowly putting down the comic book in his hand: "Guest, welcome to the 'Jieyou Convenience Store', what do you need to buy?"

"First, a communication device."

Fang Xing scanned the row of communication devices on the counter and nodded.

The communication equipment in the black market are naturally anonymous accounts, or other people's numbers, which are safer to contact.

"No problem, what do you want to pay with?"

The young man picked up a black watch and said with a smile: "Ten thousand star yuan, only cash or equivalent transactions are accepted."

"It's really a robbery, no, how can robbery be profitable in the black market?"

Fang Xing glanced casually and saw a primary nano protective suit on the shelf.

Here, it is priced at 100,000!

Obviously, an ordinary nano protective suit is not worth so much money, but after removing the manufacturer's backhand, it is worth this price!

"Will you accept the gold?"

Fang Xing took out a piece of gold nugget the size of a fist from the shoulder bag behind him: "Evaluate the price, and put the extra money into the new account..."


The convenience store owner took the gold and did some testing: "The purity is not high... The net weight of the gold inside is 2,340 grams, and the gold price is 176 stars per gram, so it is 411,840 stars."

"The handling fee is 20%, and after deducting another 10,000 star yuan, the remaining 319,472 star yuan has been credited to the communication device account!"

Taking the communication device, Fang Xing added the store owner's contact information and went to the back of the convenience store.

Here, there is actually a dilapidated street.

Although it looks desolate, there are occasionally a few figures walking among the ruins, each exuding an aura that is not easy to mess with.

'This feeling is somewhat similar to those casual cultivators in Qinglinfang City...'

Fang Xing looked at it and felt a sense of familiarity.

Naturally, he exchanged these golds for spiritual sand in Xiuxianfang City, which can be said to be extremely easy.

If it were the other way around, it would be a little difficult to exchange a large sum of gold for spiritual stones, and the price might even be severely reduced.

"Weapons, potions, killer guilds, entertainment venues..."

He walked around a bit and had to admit that the shops here were quite complete.

"With more than three hundred thousand stars, I can be considered a rich man."

With a hint of excitement, Fang Xing walked into a gun shop.

The owner of this shop is a strong man who is not easy to mess with at first sight. He wears exoskeleton armor and has at least four realms of strength.

When he saw Fang Xing come in, he ignored him and just wiped the barrel of the gun in his hand.

Fang Xing glanced at it casually and saw the Xunlong brand laser gun that he had wanted so much.

Under the silver-white gun body, there is a small label:

['Xunlong' class laser gun, second-hand, 90% new, can target people, 2,000,000 stars]

"Two million?"

Fang Xing's pupils shrank, and then he looked at the other firearms and found that this laser gun was actually one of the cheapest firearms in the store.

"Sorry to bother you..."

He took a few steps back and walked out of the store.

"You're careless, the things in this black market are really dark, more than 300,000 stars, just sprinkle water..."

While thinking this, Fang Xing walked into another shop.

Half an hour later.

He walked into a half-collapsed ruins based on the guidance he bought with stars.

Within the ruins, there was only a wooden table, and a woman with her head and face covered, only her palms exposed, was sitting behind the counter.

Fang Xing glanced at it and found that there were dense green tattoos on the woman's palm.

'The energy here is not very good, giving people a sense of danger...'

He muttered to himself, walked up to the woman, pulled out a chair and sat down.


The old wooden chair let out an overwhelmed cry, but the tattooed woman opposite suddenly smiled: "Does the customer come to our store to find some solutions?"

"Yes, I want to launder money!"

Fang Xing said solemnly.

He didn't want to lose his identity as the biochemical man Fang Xing, so he couldn't go too far.

But he didn't want to suppress his martial arts progress, so when the second year of high school started, he would definitely need an explanation.

Without a source of income and without the support of a large amount of nutrient solution, how could it be possible to achieve such rapid progress?

Therefore, it is necessary to launder black money into legitimate income and then purchase a batch of nutrient solution through formal channels!

"How big is it?"

The tattooed woman's eyes lit up.

"Hundreds of thousands..."

"This is a small amount of money..." The tattooed woman immediately sat back, looking a little bored: "Turn left at the door and go to the casino to gamble a few times. You will be charged 30% of the handling fee..."

“Can’t pass the casino!”

Fang Xing was speechless. He was still underage, so this path obviously didn't work.

"With this little money, it's obviously too much to open a company and do some sales..." The tattooed woman smiled: "It's just a small customer after all."

She thought for a while and answered: "We have acquired a gambling company that will allow you to win a small prize. A bonus of hundreds of thousands is not eye-catching at all. As long as you pay your taxes properly, the federation will not care at all..."

"This is possible."

Fang Xing touched his chin.

The Blue Star Federation prohibits gambling by minors, but it is much more relaxed about lotteries.

Moreover, the little money I have is indeed not even small shrimps, and basically no one will take it seriously.

"Just do it."

He felt relieved.

At least in this way, you can make rapid progress in your second and third years of high school, and it won't seem abrupt.

Even if there is a thunderstorm in the future, as long as you are admitted to college, certified as a 'professional', and become a privileged class, this trivial matter will not matter at all.

"Very good, 50% handling fee!"

The tattooed woman smiled, revealing her dark teeth, which made Fang Xing suddenly feel a pain in his heart, almost bleeding: 'What a trap! ’

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