Starry Sky Professional

Chapter 39: Calming Pills (Please read on)

"Leave this place?"

Fang Xing was slightly surprised: "Is Madam going to pay enough?"

Qinglinfang City was established by Qingxuan Sect to reclaim the wilderness. It is located very deep into the wilderness and is full of dangers on all sides.

Except for Qingxuanzong's own flying boat caravan every once in a while, there is no other way to leave.

It is relatively easy for casual cultivators to come to Qinglinfang City, but if they want to leave, the ticket alone is very expensive.

"You can always get enough by selling off your property."

Shen Yuxin answered lightly, but her tone was very firm, and she had obviously already planned.

Now Cangshan Wuyi are not only doomed to fall apart, but also have greatly offended the Black Tiger Gang. From now on, they may not even dare to go out outside Fang City, and staying here will only lead to death!

The only way out is to leave!

"Here is a spiritual stone that can be used as a memorial ceremony. Madam, please don't take it too little..."

Fang Xing thought for a while and took out a low-grade spiritual stone.

" to do this?"

Shen Yuxin's eyes were even redder, and her voice was choked with sobs: "Brothers who have been sworn brothers for many years are not as good as Brother Fang, a neighbor who has only known each other for a few days. Hehe, the loyalty..."

However, she also had a delicate heart. After thanking her, she led Fang Xing to the back hall: "My husband's and I's belongings are all here. If Brother Fang likes anything, just take it away..."

Fang Xing gave the heavy gift for this reason.

He glanced at it and saw that Meng Yi and his wife's 'family property' was actually not much, just a few weapons, five secret books, and some elixirs, talismans, herbal medicines and other miscellaneous items.

"Huh? There is actually a 'Huan Xin Orchid'?"

Fang Xing pointed to the orchid that had just been picked, with a surprised tone.

"This thing is what my husband and I worked hard for. If Brother Fang wants it, take away ten spirit stones..." Shen Yuxin replied, if you have these ten spirit stones, plus your daily savings, it would be better to buy two boat tickets. Enough.

Although she and her son are not afraid of the Black Tiger Gang in the city, how can they guard against thieves for a thousand days?

Of course, it’s better to leave early.

"Ten spiritual stones? It's not expensive... I happen to want to practice martial arts, and I just need the 'Ningshen Pill'..."

Fang Xing sighed, took out ten spiritual stones, and held Huanxinlan in his hand.

A low-grade spiritual stone is only about the size of a fingernail, and a small purse can hold a lot of it.

But these ten spiritual stones are quite rare among casual cultivators.

Even Shen Yuxin couldn't help but look at Fang Xing twice, but she didn't say anything more and completed the transaction happily.

"Got it!"

After leaving Shen Yuxin's house, Fang Xing had a smile on his lips.

It seemed that he already had the orchid, and buying another one seemed redundant, but in fact it was quite different.

At least, the origin of the Huan Xin Lan in his hand was ‘cleared’.

It's not about stealing food from the Black Tiger Gang, but buying it. No matter how arrogant and domineering the Black Tiger Gang is, it's not good for him to cause trouble for this.

As for Huanxinlan, who knows how many plants Shen Yuxin sold to him?

When the mother and son left, it became even more unconfirmed.


"This guest..."

A maid with a sweet smile came to greet her, but Fang Xing ignored her: "Is Miss Xiaorui here?"

"Xiao Rui, I'll call her right away..." The maid's smile froze slightly.

After a while, Xiaorui came to Fang Xing: "Is this guest the one who asked for the Ningshen Pill last time?"

She has a good memory and actually knows Fang Xing.

"Not bad, I wonder if they are available in the store?"

Fang Xing asked.

"I'm really sorry, the Ningshen Pill is still out of stock..." Xiao Rui showed an apologetic smile.

"Oh? But I recently acquired a 'Fantasy Heart Orchid'. What if I entrust it with refining it?" He asked again.

"It's such a good opportunity for the customer to buy Huan Xin Orchid?" Xiao Rui was a little surprised, and then smiled: "If it is entrusted with the refining, there will be no problem... If the customer buys 'Huan Xin Orchid', the auxiliary materials will be prepared by our store. If If you succeed, you will get 50% of the elixir...if you fail, you don't need to pay extra spiritual stones."

Fang Xing frowned slightly, feeling that this store was a bit of a trap.

But there is no way, other private alchemists are even worse, and their skills are not very good.

"Guests, please rest assured that our alchemist's success rate in refining the Ningshen Pill has exceeded 70%..."

Seemingly sensing Fang Xing's hesitation, Xiaorui said immediately.

"That's all, that's it..."

Fang Xing took out a fantasy heart orchid and prepared to give it a try.

After all, he still had one in his hand, so he wasn't too panicked.

Even if this shop is a gangster, it still allows him to fully see the credibility of these shops in the market.

Anyway, in the future, there will always be a time of reckoning!

After wandering around the market, Fang Xing returned to his shack.

Just as he was about to open the door, he was suddenly startled, because many people suddenly came to the door of Widow Shen's house.

Each of these people looked fierce and had tiger heads embroidered on their chests. At first glance, they were members of the Black Tiger Gang.

"Where are the women and children who live here?"

The leader made an evil sound and glared at Fang Xing.

"Widow Shen's man died and she is said to be leaving Qinglinfang City with her children..."

Fang Xing trembled, as if he was scared, and sold Shen Yuxin directly.

"It would be smart to leave. Let's go!"

This group of Black Tiger Gang members seemed to have questioned other neighbors a long time ago. At this time, they were completely confirmed and left in annoyance.

"Sure enough, if one member of the gang kills another, there is basically nothing wrong..."

Fang Xing closed the door and shook his head.

Now that we are not strong enough, we naturally need to be patient.

When he can crush this place in the future, he can do whatever he wants. This is also his martial art!

Although Xia Long also talked about the spirit of martial arts, such as the weak punching the stronger, Fang Xing was not very cold about it.

His martial arts is just to get stronger, protect himself, and then do what he can when he has the ability to protect himself.

"Practice boxing, practice boxing!"

Fang Xing stewed a pot full of spiritual rice for himself and started practicing the dragon stake again.

In the middle of the night, a knock on the door suddenly came.

"Huh? Who is it again?"

He was a little impatient, so he leaned into the crack of the door and took a look, and couldn't help but be startled.

After thinking about it, he opened the door.

As the fragrance passed by, a woman with peach cheeks, almond-shaped eyes, curved eyebrows, and a charming look walked in.

She carries the temperament of a mature woman, like a plump and sweet peach, and is exactly the second of the Five Meanings of Cangshan - Hua Feiyue.

"Flower, fellow Taoist Hua, we meet again."

Fang Xing and Hua Feiyue only met once, so he acted very coldly: "What's the matter?"

"Brother Fang, I just came to see the fifth sister. I didn't expect that the fifth sister has left. You really are a sensible person..."

Hua Feiyue's breath was slightly unstable, and it was obvious that she had not fully recovered from her injuries.

"Miss Shen didn't go into details. She just said that Brother Meng had an accident when he was collecting medicine. She is orphaned and widowed. I don't know how Cangshan Wuyi will arrange it..."

Fang Xing rambled on and talked about some things Shen Yuxin had to do today.

"Leave? That's fine...Cangshan Wuyi, from now on Qinglinfang City will no longer have this name!"

Hua Feiyue showed a bitter smile, and then glanced at Fang Xing with bright eyes: "Brother Fang is upright and brave. My sister appreciates it very much. If you have free time in the future, you can come and sit at No. 66 B..."

She bowed Yingying and withdrew the money.

However, Fang Xing's face became a little weird: "It's impossible for this woman to fall in love with me after meeting her twice... She has a personal relationship with Shen Yuxin, and she's here to test me again? Or... is she really ready to wash her hands in a golden basin, not to use the sword? The one who licked blood survived? But how can a warrior in Fangshi survive if he doesn’t do this?”

Originally it was very dangerous for people to pick herbs, but now the beasts are flooding in and the situation is ten times more difficult!

This is especially true for warriors who have no savings.

'I heard that many pretty female warriors, after their daily work, have to do half-closed jobs to make up for their families...'

Fang Xing touched his chin, thoughtfully.

Three days later.

"Is this the 'Ningshen Pill'?"

Fang Xing picked up a jade bottle and poured out a pill.

This elixir is green all over, but it has a strange spicy aura.

He waited for two days and then went to Qingdanfang. Fortunately, the other party did not miss the appointment and told him that the alchemy was successful and he had made four bottles of elixir in total.

According to the original agreement, he was given two bottles.

"Actually... who knows what the true elixir-making rate of that alchemist is? But being able to give elixirs is already a good reputation. You can't expect too much... Who makes the bottom line of this world too flexible?"

Fang Xing shook his head, ready to try the effect of the hard-won 'Ningshen Pill'.

He sat cross-legged, with no waves in the ancient well in his heart, and tried to enter a meditative state again.

Immediately, he silently visualized the artistic conception of 'a knife in hand, leaving no trace of ghosts or ghosts'.

In an instant, a large number of ripples appeared in his originally clear inner lake. All the originally clear lake water turned into black, and endless thoughts emerged in the form of faces of joy, anger, sorrow and joy...

'Just meditating is so troublesome... How can it be terrifying if it is a real inner demon? ’

Fang Xing sighed in his heart, and quickly swallowed a 'Ningshen Pill' in his hand.

As the spicy taste spread between his mouth and tongue, he suddenly felt clear and clear.

Many distracting thoughts that originally surfaced were suppressed in an instant.

He even felt like he could 'see' every part of his body, seeing tendons, bones, internal organs... even the most minute details!

‘Could it be that...this is the ‘spiritual consciousness’ of immortal cultivators? ’

In this state of 'absolute control', Fang Xing successfully subdued his mind and overcame the first difficulty of getting started with the 'Ghost Sword', and then began to hypnotize himself, making his spirit gradually become 'ghost-like'!

This kind of hypnosis is not a simple hypnosis, but a real change in one's own mental characteristics.

It even unleashes the huge potential that is deeply buried in the physical body!

"With the knife in hand, you can slay ghosts, slay gods, and fight ghosts and gods... with just a thought!"

With a thought in Fang Xing's mind, a hundred-forged steel knife fell into his hand. He suddenly jumped up and struck out with the knife: "Slay ghosts!"


It’s like a virtual room generating electricity!

Suddenly there was an inch of bright sword light in the void!

"The true energy is released and turned into sword light!"

Fang Xing put away his sword and stood up, his eyes bright: "Of course this is not my promotion to innate, but it is that I have finally mastered the 'Ghost Sword' and gained innate combat power!"

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