Starry Sky Professional

Chapter 97: Master of Dragon Elephant Kung Fu (Congratulations to leader adrianfufu)

Chapter 97 Master of Dragon Elephant Kung Fu (congratulations to leader adrian_fufu)

Ten days later.

Fang Xing was immersed in the pleasure of martial arts training and the rapid progress of the attribute panel, and he couldn't extricate himself.

The existence of the attribute panel allows him to reap rewards for his hard work. It is simply another version of the God's reward system.

Even the matter of Eagle Star was almost forgotten by him...

Anyway, he originally chose Devil's Canyon because of its chaotic magnetic field, which could ban most technological supplies.

Naturally, there is no monitoring or anything like that, not even the satellite eye can see...

Then I find a place to travel by myself, and when I show up again after the summer vacation, I will say that I have been in seclusion, and no one can find any clues.


At this time, he transformed into a dragon elephant, with a faint golden light emitting from his whole body.

On the attribute panel, the column representing the Dragon Elephant Skill has reached the level of [Dragon Elephant Skill: 199/200 (Mastery)].

"We are still a little short of being promoted to the master level... The Dragon Elephant Skill is the basis of the power of the Great Vajra Prajna. If the body is not strong, it is simply difficult to withstand the huge burst of force..."

"Now, ordinary boiling blood has no effect on breaking through the bottleneck?"

He looked at the empty bottles of boiling blood next to him and couldn't help but shake his head: "Fortunately, I was prepared..."

He was promoted to level 2 citizen and even spent his meritorious service to buy a tube of 'Kunpeng Blood', which almost exhausted his rewards.

But if it can be used until now, it’s not a loss!

Fang Xing opened the silver-white metal box and took out the blue tube of Kunpeng's blood.

After opening the test tube, he poured it directly into his chest.

In the instruction manual of the silver-white metal box, the usage and taboos of Kunpeng's blood have already been recorded.

This body refining spirit blood is not for drinking, it can only be applied on the body, otherwise it will be easily poisoned.


Kunpeng's blue blood with a little starlight fell on Fang Xing's skin, making a corrosive sound.

Even the Dragon Scale Weevil Armor, which has reached the third stage of the Great Dragon Elephant Technique, is still difficult to resist!

Fang Xing felt the severe pain in his chest, and his face was not surprised but happy: "Sure enough... only this level of destruction can stimulate another breakthrough in the Dragon Elephant Skill!"

He watched Kunpeng's blood seep into his skin quickly, even along his chest and all over his limbs.

A feeling of coolness and heat coexisted all over the body.

In a daze, Fang Xing seemed to see a giant beast that was as big as a mountain range and was traveling in the universe!

'The adult 'Cosmic Whale' is a Leviathan-level creature, with a size comparable to a planet...'

'This cosmic whale is comparable to a mountain range, and is obviously a juvenile among juveniles...'

‘That’s the case, does any blood tube have this effect? ’

Fang Xing couldn't help but feel a little greedy in his heart.

If he could, he would love to bathe in Kunpeng's blood every day. The progress of the Dragon Elephant Skill would be as good as riding a rocket!

But unfortunately, he spent most of his contribution and could only buy one tube.

The lack of federal resources is evident!


Stimulated by the 'Kunpeng Blood', he used his mental power to look inside himself, and immediately saw that his original perfect body of jade skin, black flesh, willow tendons and steel bones was still evolving and getting stronger...

More power pours out of the limbs and bones!

As his strength increased, a terrifying thought suddenly appeared in his mind.

Huge, terrifying...

It was as if the whale of the universe had penetrated into Fang Xing's sea of ​​consciousness!

‘What’s going on? Does using Kunpeng blood still have such side effects? ’

Fang Xing thought of the instruction manual he had read before: ‘Does this have a certain mental impact? It's simply terrifying... Could it be that the Federation controls the sale of Kunpeng's blood because it's too dangerous to take? ’

He felt that his spirit was being washed away by a terrifying giant, and he might become mentally ill if he was not careful.

At this time, Fang Xing's mind was running rapidly, and he came up with a coping strategy in an instant.

"The Great Sun Tathagata Curse!"

He meditated on the great sun, and a scarlet sun suddenly jumped out of the sea of ​​consciousness!

Compared with this scarlet sun, that mountainous cosmic whale is simply a speck of dust!

Even an adult body, a cosmic whale as huge as a planet, what does it matter when facing a star?

There seemed to be a mournful cry in Fang Xing's ears, and then the 'cosmic whale' was melted by the brilliance of the sun.

He suddenly opened his eyes and saw that his skin was as crystal clear as topaz, with light golden lines even appearing on it.

When he restrained his Dragon Elephant Skill, these golden lines quickly dissipated.

"Have I... achieved a breakthrough in the Dragon Elephant Skill?"

Fang Xing murmured and looked at the attribute column:

[Dragon Elephant Skill: 1/400 (Master)]

"I am a master of the Dragon Elephant Technique... It means that I already have the second level of body training. Even high-grade magic weapons cannot break defense... This is the body of the second level of physical training! It is comparable to a monk in the foundation building stage!"

A smile appeared on the corner of Fang Xing's mouth.

To put it bluntly, even the talented and courageous martial arts masters in the Federation may not be able to reach such a level of Dragon Elephant Skill when they are in the fourth realm!

"Dragon-elephant artistic conception!"

Not only that, Fang Xing put his five fingers together, and there was a faint dragon-elephant roar in the Niwan Palace. He actually received another baptism of artistic conception, making his spiritual power even more powerful!

"Every time you comprehend an artistic conception, the courageous martial artist will become stronger!"

"This is not something that can be accumulated by resources. Judging from my previous experience in using it, Kunpeng's blood has a powerful spiritual impact, which is difficult for ordinary courageous realm martial artists to digest..."

He looked at the properties panel again:

[Big Dragon Stake: 155/400 (Master)]

[Fuhu Stake: 64/400 (Master)]

"The martial arts in front of the two dragon and tiger artistic conceptions have also been improved, which is very good."

Fang Xing was very satisfied with this.

Now that the dragon stake has reached this point, almost every bit of increase in proficiency will give him a little insight into the 'Dragon Domain'.

Presumably, when the proficiency level reaches 200 or even 300, you will have mastered the prototype of the field.

It is estimated that when the next stage is reached, the prototype of the domain can be transformed into a real domain, and the key to promotion to a martial artist in the field can be grasped, which is the key to breaking through to the fifth level of martial arts!

Of course, mastering the field and the dragon-tiger golden elixir require the dragon-tiger artistic conception, which is just a major premise.

Mastering the power of a domain does not necessarily mean you will immediately become a martial artist in the field.

But if you don’t master the power of the field, you will definitely not be able to become an outdoor scene!

"The fifth stage of proficiency should allow me to reach the pinnacle, and even stand on the same level as the creator... I can delete and modify martial arts at will... The fields are just beginners..."

"When the fifth stage is completed, the Great Dragon Stake and the Fuhu Stake will surely be combined into one, creating the strongest dragon-tiger artistic conception and even the dragon-tiger realm... laying the solid foundation for the attack on the dragon-tiger golden elixir."

Fang Xing continued to read everything, and when he got to the last Great Sun Tathagata Mantra, he felt a little headache again.

This 'extraordinary weapon' is actually very powerful.

Even at the entry level, it can defeat the mental remnants of Leviathan-level creatures in the sea of ​​consciousness.

To be honest, it is at least an S-level martial arts, or even a martial arts beyond S-level!

However... the origin was really unclear, which made him not even think about it.

"According to the experience of the Blue Star Federation, the stronger the martial arts conception, the better it can fight against the evil gods outside the territory... Therefore, I need to keep my martial arts will overwhelming. Even if this martial arts has some troubles, it should be difficult to affect me... …”

After inspecting his martial arts progress, Fang Xing clenched his fists again, feeling the huge increase in strength again, and couldn't help but be very satisfied with the Dragon Elephant Kung Fu: "After this improvement, I am no longer afraid even if I fight against Foundation Establishment head-on... …”

The advantage of having a strong body is that it has a high error tolerance rate!

Coupled with the huge power provided by the Dragon Elephant Technique and the increased combat power of the Great Vajra Prajna Power, Fang Xing is confident that he will be able to fight against the second-level monsters and foundation-building monks in this world!

Phew! ! !

Suddenly, there was a scream that penetrated the sky and broke through the clouds!

A golden light emerged and landed on Fangshi, revealing a terrifying second-order demon bird!

It was the golden-feathered vulture demon bird from before!

While it was looking forward, its beak was like a golden stream of light, and it picked up a Qingfeng wolf and chewed it down in twos and twos.

Then, its vulture-like head turned, a dazzling light flashed in its eyes, and it suddenly focused on the small courtyard where Fang Xing lived!

"Huh? Did you find me?"

Fang Xing was startled, and then complained: "This broken spirit talisman is really useless... No, all high-level demon birds seem to have some innate spiritual eye skills, especially falcons..."

"This second-level demon bird can definitely see through the cover of some ordinary talismans and formations... unless it is a second-level protection, but how can I have it?"


There was a trace of scarlet in the eyes of the golden-feathered vulture. Its two claws moved quickly, and its huge body directly smashed the houses on the road.

With Fang Xing's eyesight, he could even see drops of saliva flowing out along the demon bird's beak.

‘Is addiction to cannibalism? After all, cultivators are rich in spiritual energy, their meat is fresh and tender, and warriors are chewy...'

When Fang Xing saw this second-level demon bird coming directly towards him, a sneer appeared on his face.

The other party obviously regarded him as a soft persimmon.


For this second-level monster bird, he is not a soft persimmon, but a reserve of food!

"Just in time, I also want to see the strength of the second-level monster."

There was a flash of green light in Fang Xing's hand, and the second-level Qinghong Sword had fallen into his hand. His figure turned into afterimages, his toes touched the wall, and he headed towards the second-level demon bird.

As he got closer, he could feel the aura of the demonic bird and the thick aura on the golden feathers.

For ordinary cultivators, even the defense of the second-order monster beast itself can make it difficult for them to break through the defense.

Seeing the 'little one' coming to the door, the golden-feathered vulture didn't have any doubts at all, and its beak dropped directly.

Its beak is extremely hard, definitely comparable to a second-level spiritual weapon.

And he moves like the wind, with incredible speed, just like a martial arts master, stabbing with a sword!

Fang Xing doubled up and dodged the thrust, a cold light flashing in his eyes.


In the void, the artistic conception of the dragon and the artistic conception of the crouching tiger emerged. The dragon's roar and the tiger's roar turned into the terrifying martial arts will, rushing into the golden-feathered vulture's sea of ​​consciousness, slowing down the movement of this second-level demon bird for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, the muscles on his body swelled, and pale golden lines appeared, as if he was wearing a layer of gold-lined jade armor.

——Master level Dragon Elephant Kung Fu!


Fang Xing held the sword in both hands, and a golden light flashed in his eyes.

——The power of Vajra Prajna is doubled!

Unparalleled power was poured into the Qinghong Sword, a second-level spiritual weapon, causing a terrifying sword light several feet long to erupt from the second-level sword!


The green sword glow was like a rainbow, the cold light was cold, and with an indescribable sharpness, it slashed heavily on the neck of the golden-feathered vulture.


On the surface of those golden feathers, the originally bright spiritual light intertwined with countless sword energies suddenly became dim.

The second-level spiritual weapon tore through the golden feathers, cut open the vulture-like neck, and penetrated deep into the flesh and bones...

Fang Xing tried his best and finally cut off the neck directly. Like a golden meteor, Fang Xing quickly hit the building behind the strange bird, splattering countless dust and masonry fragments.


The vulture-like head of the golden-feathered strange bird fell directly to the ground, and a large amount of blood poured out from the neck.

It rushed forward a few more steps before the huge body fell heavily to the ground.

Until this moment, it still had the terrifying demonic energy that had not erupted, so it must have died unwillingly.

After all, it never imagined that a little kid who usually looked very cowardly and had even eaten a lot could unleash such a terrifying attack.

If it had been prepared in advance, it would have been able to block this sword with the demonic energy erupting from its feathers!

Even if it faced a formidable enemy, it would have already flown high and continuously sprayed wind blades and demonic energy in the sky to bombard it. Even if it was defeated, it could still escape with its flying speed. There was no way it would die here!

But none of this happened... because of one carelessness, he died immediately, and there was no chance of a comeback!

"Sure enough, when a Blue Star warrior faces a foundation-building monk or a second-level monster, it is best to determine the outcome with one strike. After one strike, either you die or I run away..."

Fang Xing stood up, patted the dust on his body, looked at the body of the golden-feathered vulture, and a hint of joy appeared on his face: "This second-level monster is full of treasures..."

This demonic bird is definitely much more powerful than that Qingyan Ox, and it is at least a second-level mid-level demonic beast.

The nutrition of its flesh and blood must be higher than that of Qingyan cattle. What makes Fang Xing regretful is that Su Ye has left long ago and no one is here to refine the 'boiling blood' for him.

"And these feathers, they look extraordinary at first glance..."

He took a few steps forward and stroked the golden bird feathers, feeling that each one was as heavy and hard as steel.

Not only that, on the tail of this demon bird, there are several natal feathers that are more than one meter long and look like gold. They are definitely the best materials for making second-level spiritual weapons!

"It's a pity that we don't know where its lair is... Otherwise, there must be some kind of treasure near the lair of a monster of this level."

Fang Xing sighed and began to peel off the feathers and cut the flesh of the demonic bird.

The surrounding monsters were intimidated by the pressure of this monster bird and seemed to be frightened by the previous battle. They did not dare to appear at this time, which saved Fang Xing a lot of trouble.


While cutting the meat, Fang Xing got into the monster bird's belly, searched around, and unexpectedly caught a strange golden ball.

This round ball is the size of a lychee, is made of pure gold, and is very heavy.

"Could this be...a demon pill?"

Fang Xing couldn't help but think deeply as he recalled the last time Su Ye and other monks surrounded and killed Qingyan Niu.

Some talented second-level monsters have ‘demon elixirs’ in their bodies.

This second-level demon elixir seems to be the main material for refining the 'Foundation Establishment elixir', which is enough to make even the monks with perfect Qi skills fight for it!

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