Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1006: Crazy move

It can be seen that the parasitic demon's body was wrapped in light and returned to its original shape in the blink of an eye.

It was fierce, roaring and rushing.

Had it not been for the Devouring Demon carried by Mu Qing, the speed would not be as fast as the Parasitic Demon, and would have been killed by the town long ago.


Mu Qing yelled, his face changed slightly when he saw the current state of the parasitic demon.

The soul of the other party has not suffered much trauma!

It's just a bit of an impact!

In other words, the four high-ranking emperor-level fairy swords, plus the most adept Death Knife, all blew themselves up, and they only exploded the parasitic demon's body.

The opponent's injury is not serious!

There is almost a conclusion now, the power generated after the detonation of the upper emperor weapon reaches the extreme level, but it is obviously unable to threaten the extreme peak.

This was caused by the parasitic demon's carelessness. Even if Mu Qing had ten high-ranking emperor artifacts to detonate, he might not be able to injure the parasitic demon.

Unless...there is an extreme imperial weapon to detonate!

Of course, this kind of imperial weapon does not say that Mu Qing does not have, even if there is, the energy aftermath from the explosion can blow Mu Qing himself to death.

Even if the upper emperor weapon detonated, it still relied on the speed of Devouring Demon to carry Mu Qing, otherwise he would be seriously injured if he didn't die.

Perhaps it can be avoided by relying on black hole transmission.

But at this time, Mu Qing didn't have time to use the black hole teleportation ability, and he had to recover his physical body at all times.

Otherwise, the source of the soul is exposed, and if the parasitic demon is struck by a small amount of power, it will really be killed!

"Boy! The upper emperor weapon is useless, explode some extreme emperor weapons!" The Devourer roared, it was almost dead.

Can't hold it anymore!

The Devourer is now using some original powers, consuming its soul source at all times.

If it continues, I am afraid there is a risk of falling!

"It's useless to escape here. Is there a way to tear the barrier? Let's escape outside the barrier!" Mu Qing yelled quickly.

Outside the enchantment, there are cosmic powerhouses of the Holy Spirit, and there should also be people from the three-way supreme forces. As long as they flee outside, even the parasitic demons can't help them.

"You are embarrassing me." The Devourer hesitated.

"Don't talk nonsense, just say can you tear the barrier?"

Mu Qing shouted in a low voice.

He didn't return hope to the Devouring Demon, but listening to the other party's tone, he seemed to have the ability to break the barrier?

"Okay! I **** did it this time, remember, you must take me alive!"

The Devourer seemed to have some kind of decision.

The death enchantment condensed by the evil gods is indeed very powerful, the space inside is almost endless, and it will never fly to the head.

The Devourers in the enchantment are not without means to break the enchantment, they just don't bother to pay the price to break through.

"Hurry up, I'm going to play a big one this time." A crazy look flashed in Mu Qing's eyes.

He took out a white jade bottle from the black hole space.

Above, it is covered with dense lines of magic energy.

Forbidden bottle!

This is a supreme device!

The supreme weapon of the emperor once!

In particular, relying on the huge indestructible power, this old heavenly emperor's supreme implement has restored one percent of its power, and contains a supreme-level Dao!

Originally, Mu Qing believed that the supreme existence of the supreme weapon was already beyond the scope of the detonation secret technique.

Who would have thought that Mu Qing just tried casually and it succeeded!

This detonation secret technique can really work on the supreme weapon.

And when Mu Qing took out the Sky Forbidden Bottle, Devouring Demon felt terrified. This breath was too familiar. Back then, they felt it from the hands of the Demon Ancestor and from the opponents of the Demon Ancestor how many times!

The breath of the supreme device!

"Why do you have such things? This is a supreme device!"

The Devourer really didn't expect that a supreme weapon would appear in Mu Qing's hands!

Before, it was indeed because Mu Qing was a little special. After all, the other party was carrying devil blood, which the Demon Ancestor had never possessed.

But after all, Mu Qing was only the pinnacle of the **** emperor, and the Devourer was very surprised to have some upper emperor artifacts on him.

But now, Mu Qing even directly took out a supreme weapon!

"Wait... this supreme weapon..." The Devourer was horrified.

It felt that the supreme tool in Mu Qing's hand was a bit familiar!

Then, Devourer immediately understood Mu Qing's thoughts.

"Fuck it, slow down!"

"You're such a **** lunatic!"

He wants to detonate the supreme weapon!

I have seen the Devouring Demon scene so many times, but at this moment, I was shocked by Mu Qing's thoughts!

With the existence of this level of supreme weapon, Mu Qing is going to detonate it!

Such scenes have never been seen in countless years.

"You are absolutely crazy, and we will be blown to death by the aftermath of energy together!" The Devourer roared.

It directly dissipated the essence of the soul, turned into a rich and terrible power, formed a big mouth of blood in the air, and directly bit down!


The space is shattered, but a closer look reveals that the other side of the space is not nothingness, but another piece of heaven and earth!

There is the death barrier outside.

The Devourer was completely frightened.

Not being scared by the parasitic demon, but by Mu Qing, the emperor!

The idea of ​​detonating the supreme device is too horrible.

But the Devourer desperately tore open the death barrier directly.

The price paid for this is extremely high, it is directly burning its soul source, turning it into power to tear the death barrier.

But it had no choice. It sensed that Mu Qing was going to detonate this supreme weapon. If he didn't tear the death barrier and escaped, he would undoubtedly be killed by the aftermath of energy!


The parasitic demon naturally saw the sky forbidden bottle in Mu Qing's hand. It saw the madness in Mu Qing's eyes, cursed inwardly, turned around and ran away!

This scene stunned the ruthless palace, heaven and others in the distance.

The few Zi Jinyuan were also dumbfounded.

They all thought that Mu Qing was going to die, and the power of the parasitic demon could not be resisted by them at all!

However, at the critical moment, Mu Qing didn't know what he had done, and made the Parasitic Demon turned around and ran away, as if he had seen a monster.

Because the distance is too far, even if everyone is comparable to the lower emperor's strength, you can't see what's happening over there.

They only knew that the parasitic demon chose to escape.

"Run! It doesn't dare to come close." Mu Qing yelled, holding the Sky Forbidden Bottle in his hand.

He didn't explode the Sky Forbidden Bottle the first time, this supreme weapon in his hands was a threat to the parasitic demon!

The parasitic demon may not be afraid of the detonation of the upper emperor weapon, or even the extreme emperor weapon, but detonating the supreme weapon is even enough to erase everything in this death enchantment!

Parasitic demons are naturally scared.

The Devourer kept silent, tearing apart the death barrier.

Mu Qing controlled the ancient dead tree, and its branches spread out from the void, also helping.


At this moment, the sky was red and flames lingered.

A big scarlet bird rushed, it was a scarlet demon!

The parasitic demon controls the red demon and wants to kill Mu Qing! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this (Chapter 1006 Crazy Act), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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