Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1013: Pale Demon


Thunder rolls.

Above Mu Qing's head, the Tribulation of the Heart Demon is about to be brewing!

"His Cheng Di Lei Jie is a bit weird, should we retreat?" Hu Yibiao frowned.

Tianyin nodded.

Cheng Di Lei Jie is not joking, especially a strong man like Mu Qing.

When they enter Mu Qing's Thunder Tribulation, they will only receive unnecessary attacks. It is better to avoid and retreat from the sidelines, and wait until the Thunder Tribulation consumes Mu Qing almost to make a move!

Tianyin sneered, he didn't think Mu Qing could bear this Chengdi Thunder Tribulation.

To them, ordinary thunder robbery is nothing, but what they are facing now is not ordinary thunder robbery!

The thunder calamity that was tempered once or twice can be easily crushed by anyone present.

But the thunder tribulation of eight tempering and nine tempering is not the ordinary difficulty.

"He hasn't completed nine times of tempering, and even if we don't even need to make a move, he will fall under the thunder of Chengdi!"

Hu Yibiao gave a low voice.

Tianyin, Shuling, and Hu Yibiao, the three of them gathered strength around Mu Qing to prevent Mu Qing from escaping.

In particular, the curse spirits offered cursed flowers, and evil power enveloped them all around.

Mu Qing raised his head.

Not only him, Tianyin and others, and Devouring Demon also looked at that Thunder Tribulation.

It's dark all over!

Escape gave out an unclear breath!

Jieyun was very calm, without the slightest power of thunder and lightning.

"That's Chengdi Thunder Tribulation?" Hu Yibiao was puzzled.

"It's a bit weird." Tianyin frowned.

Then, their pupils shrank slightly.

I saw the dark Jieyun suddenly heard a dull thunder, but no thunder appeared.

The originally calm black robbery cloud began to violently surging, accompanied by the dull thunder, showing a whirlpool shape.

At the center of the whirlpool, a powerful breath rushed out.

It was a dark shadow, fuzzy at first, but then weird whispers came out, containing killing intent, hatred, resentment, etc.!

The black shadow's face gradually became clear.

It's exactly the same as Mu Qing!

"The other me..." Mu Qingmeiyu condensed.

The opponent was completely shrouded in black clouds and mist, and his breath soared wildly, reaching the point of ten tempering in a short period of time!


Everyone in Tianyin was dumbfounded.

They can be sure that this is Chengdi Leijie, but why is it like this?

"Do you want to make a move?" Hu Yibiao worried about the accident.

Tianyin shook his head, and said in a deep voice, "I will look at it again for now."

"who are you?"

Mu Qing whispered.

He also didn't understand why his Chengdi Leijie was like this.

There is no thunder tribulation coming, but a self tempered ten times?

Mu Qing, the heart demon shrouded in black clouds and mist, gave a faint smile, "I am you..."

In the distance, Devourer sighed in his heart.

Under normal circumstances, the strength of the inner demon is equivalent to that of the demon repair.

But Mu Qing's heart demon was one level higher than Mu Qing.

Ten times tempered demons!

The Devourer probably guessed that it was mostly because Mu Qing had relatively extreme negative emotions in his heart before, which caused the power of the inner demon to increase!

This is even more difficult to deal with.

What I should have faced was the heart demon who had been tempered to Consummation nine times, but now he was faced with the Demon that had been tempered to Consummation ten times!

This gap is too big!

"What the **** are you!" Mu Qing said coldly.

He looked at it secretly, feeling that the other himself in front of him was completely a combination of negative emotions, very similar to the demons.

"It's just... my Chengdi Thunder Tribulation, why does a heart demon appear?"

Mu Qing was puzzled, this situation was far beyond his expectations.

But anyway, at least the Tianyin trio were deterred.

Mu Qing guessed that the guy in front of him might be condensed with his own negative emotions.

"It has something to do with me being occupied by the remnant soul of the evil god? Or is it something to do with the devilish qi in my body?" In his heart, he guessed the reason for the abnormal change in his Chengdi Leijie.

"Tianyin, these three people will definitely come to disrupt and take the opportunity to kill me, but at the same time I have to face this guy like the inner demon..."

Mu Qing took a deep breath, no matter what, let's go through the current difficulties first.

He didn't rashly lead Chengdi Leijie.

But with certainty.

The key is that if the normal Emperor Chengdi Leijie rushed in, they would also be attacked by the thunder robbery.

But now that Lei Jie has a problem, maybe the three of Tianyin will come over, and there will be no impact at all.

"I am your soul, and you are my physical body. Now is the moment when we merge together."

The voice of the heart demon Mu Qing was faint and chilling.

"Let's talk nonsense, die for me!"

Mu Qing snorted, and suddenly started, the power of the twelve demon gods merged, and the thunder spear in his hand penetrated the void and threw it towards the opponent.

"A physical body should not have two souls. You are a superfluous soul, occupying my physical body. Now it is time for me to take my physical body back."

The demon Mu Qingshen was babbling, and his tone was full of resentment and irritability.

His eyes were red, and he directly reached out and grabbed the thunder spear thrown by Mu Qing.


The terrible power of thunder was crushed!

Behind the heart demon Mu Qing, the void was distorted, and twelve demon gods emerged, stepping into his body, and the power of the twelve demon gods gathered together!


A powerful breath storm swept away.

Far beyond Mu Qing's momentum!

This heart demon Mu Qing also possesses twelve principles, and his realm is even higher than Mu Qing.

The heart demon Mu Qing began to laugh wildly, and his aura became more and more terrifying.

"Here has taken over my body, and I want to get my body back."

"You don't even understand the most basic way of ten thousand demons, you are not qualified to occupy my physical body!"

The heart demon Mu Qing roared, he was shrouded in black clouds, turning from pitch black to pale!

His entire body seemed to be transformed into a powerful demon, with a single horn on his head, wearing metal armor, his hands turned into claws, a pair of eyes exposed from the steel mask, very strange, his pupils were **** vortexes!

Except for those pupils that show **** vortex, everything else is pale!

"Fuse the twelve demon gods to make yourself a stronger demon god?"

Mu Qing was a little surprised. He didn't expect the inner demon to have such changes!

In the application of the Rule of Ten Thousand Demons, it seems that the heart demon Mu Qing is better!

"Return my body to me!"

The pale demon roared, and the sound echoed, making people confused and confused.

Mu Qing felt a terrible storm exploding in his head, and it was so painful that it was almost impossible to think about what he should do next.


The speed of the pale demon **** was also terrifying, and he took the opportunity to instantly appear behind Mu Qing. His body was huge, and a fingertip of his claw penetrated Mu Qing's chest.

A large amount of blood burst out, Mu Qing's eyes were clear, he gritted his teeth and took out a dozen imperial artifacts, which suddenly detonated!


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