Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1015: Facing a siege


The monster energy in Mu Qing suddenly burst out, and a wave of terrifying power filled the surrounding space.

This is not Mu Qing's power, and the attributes and characteristics are far from the devilish energy.

Even if it is relying on stealing the sky to change the energy of these two extreme monster race corpses into its own power, it can only be controlled initially!

"Stop him!"

Tianyin suddenly let out a low voice.

He felt that he couldn't wait any longer. Mu Qing said that now that he has gained so much energy, he might actually break through to the realm of the Great Emperor.

The three of them shot immediately and headed towards Mu Qing.

The pale demon **** also broke through the barrier of the old dead tree, roaring and rushing.


Mu Qing drank abruptly, the surging energy in his body was completely vented.

The pores all over his body were gushing out the magical power.

Stealing the sky and changing the day is not a panacea.

After all, it was stolen power, and it didn't fit Mu Qing himself. It was beyond expectation that he could barely control this power.

Mu Qing was already desperately refining the magical power in his body.

This is the power of the demon race, which is different from demonic energy, immortal energy, and divine power!

He knew from the bottom of his heart that if he refined this power, it might have a certain impact on him.

But there is no choice!

Only by relying on this energy of the monster race can it reach the peak of nine tempering and reach the state of consummation.


Suddenly, Mu Qing's arm burst open.

This was not because of a strong attack, but because there was too much energy in the body and it was abruptly exploded!

But more energy is completely vented out.

A large tide of monster energy condensed into all directions.

Tianyin and Hu Yibiao's offensive was directly disintegrated by this force, coughing up blood and flying away.

Only the pale devil and curse spirit are better.

The pale demon **** just retreated a certain distance, while the curse spirit relied on the cursed flower and was not injured.

After all, Mu Qing's body had the power of an extremely strong person. Even though it was only a little bit, it was already very terrifying to their level.

"Stop him, he is actually refining this power, hitting the realm of consummation nine times!"

Tianyin wiped off the blood from the corners of his mouth and gave a low voice.

"This guy is crazy. He absorbs energy that is not his own for refining and consummates nine times. Is he looking for death?" Hu Yibiao exclaimed.

Individuals can see that the power in Mu Qing's body now doesn't belong to him at all.

And Mu Qing's move is also quite bold, refining this force that does not belong to him at all, the key force does not have any fit with him!

This is considered a success, and there will be great risks in the future, and may even face the danger of exploding and death at any time.

"It seems that we pushed him into a hurry and caused him to make such a move and cut off his own future." Hu Yibiao said.

Mu Qing is undoubtedly qualified to become a supreme arrogant, but now, not only intends to directly become an emperor, but also absorbs the energy of refining others.

This is a big taboo!

"I wish he did this. I'm really scared. Before reaching the realm of the great emperor, I have twelve principles. Even the supreme one is not so perverted in the same realm!"

Tianyin's eyes were cold, a little cold.

He will never let Mu Qing leave here alive!

"The high-level Tianting suddenly issued an order to revoke all Mu Qing's wanted warrants. There are even rumors that this is the meaning of the Emperor. If you kill Mu Qing, you may be offended by the Emperor."

At this time, the curse spirit was reminding Tianyin.

Originally there was Mu Qing's wanted order in the heavenly court, but not many strong people took action, and even the arrest order was revoked later.

This is weird. After all, Mu Qing's wanted order in the Heavenly Court at the time was the highest level, but it was suddenly revoked.

There are rumors that the cancellation of the wanted order is an order issued by the Emperor himself!

Of course, no one can confirm this rumor, even the extremely high-level ones dare not ask the emperor easily.

"That's just a rumor." Tianyin retorted. He didn't hesitate, and shouted in a low voice: "What is the existence of His Majesty the Emperor? How could it be related to a small God Emperor Tianjiao?"

To say that the Emperor of Heaven is paying attention to Mu Qing, Tianyin is the first to not believe it.

He and Hu Yibiao once again slew towards Mu Qing. At the same time, the pale demon stopped making a sound, but also rushed towards Mu Qing.

The pale demon **** ignored Tianyin and others, and even planned to join forces with them!

Upon seeing this, Shu Ling didn't say much.

She just mentioned it, and furthermore, she also believed that the Emperor of Heaven would not have a relationship with Mu Qing.


Mu Qing slashed towards the pale demon god, and the incomparable power of the monster race burst out, forming a terrible sword light, and cut off the opponent's arm!

The pale demon roared and retreated.

His arms condensed and recovered in an instant. Although there was no ancient dead tree, the recovery ability was the same as Mu Qing, and even more terrifying!


In Mu Qing's hand, a long knife shattered.

This is actually a heavenly artifact.

But he couldn't bear the monster energy in Mu Qing's body.

The energy quality of these monster races is quite high, coming from the corpses of the extreme great emperor, not a mere heaven-level artifact that can bear.

Mu Qing couldn't help it, he was very poor now, and all the artifacts on his body had been detonated by him.

Nowadays, he can only rely on heaven-level artifacts to replenish his count.

"Get out of here!"

Mu Qing turned his head with a punch, and the huge fist mark was directly branded into the void.

A terrible monster storm exploded, shattering Tianyin's sword aura.

Immediately, Mu Qing used the energy of the monster clan to condense a spear of thunder, and forcibly penetrated Hu Yibiao.

However, that Hu Yibiao was just a clone, his real body appeared on the other side, and he held a large seal to suppress Xiang Mu Qing fiercely.

Hu Yibiao is a descendant of Hu Zhe. Hu Zhe is known as the Emperor Zhentian and he is very proficient in suppression.

Mu Qing's eyes were cold, he had given up on using the artifact, the only low-level artifact left on his body would shatter as soon as the energy of the demon race was injected, and it was not as good as a physical body.

Anyway, his physical body is also equivalent to a lower emperor weapon.


Mu Qing fisted, and at the same time the old dead tree appeared in the void, and the sky forbidden bottle came out!

He was flanked back and forth at the same time.

In the front is Hu Yibiao, behind is the curse spirit!

There is also a cursed flower on the curse spirit, which is quite terrifying. It is also rooted in the void and exudes an evil force.

Mu Qing could only deal with it by offering the Heavenly Forbidden Bottle. This was his most powerful assassin.


With a loud noise, Mu Qing's arm exploded!

He condensed the energy of the monster race in the palm of his hand, and with a single blow, he repelled Hu Yibiao, but he also made his arm unable to support the power generated by the fight between the two, and it completely exploded.

Although there was severe pain, Mu Qing did not react at all.

Only a trace of fatigue appeared on his face.

When the flesh is exploded, it can be condensed in an instant, which is even more not a matter for Mu Qing, who has the power of the ancient dead tree.

But you must know that Mu Qing's soul has long been severely damaged, and his current state is actually very unoptimistic! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1015 Facing the Siege), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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