Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1306: Avenue of Stars

The power of the starry sky swept across the body, and Mu Qing's power was sublimated at this moment.

Subsequently, all the power of the starry sky poured into the starry singularity.


There was a loud noise, and Mu Qing suddenly burst into unimaginable power, even in this absolutely dark world, there was a bright light.

The stars are shining, and the Avenue of Stars hangs down like a Milky Way.

Tongtian Avenue, escaping the ancient and vast atmosphere, impacted to the surroundings.

Stars in the sky have emerged in this windless dark world!

At this time, Mu Qing felt that his strength had increased to an astonishing degree. This was the improvement brought to him by the Avenue of Stars!

A supreme avenue that is about to be perfect, with an increase of 90%!

Outside Shimen, Chen Jiusheng also looked incredible.

His pupils shrank violently, and he looked at the windless dark world in Shimen in disbelief.

The special realm inside was accidentally discovered by the Holy Master of Wind King and him. The two of them also gained certain benefits when they entered it, and as long as they use the power of darkness to temper their bodies, they no longer have to fear the void storm in the Void Wind Realm .

It is precisely by virtue of this that Chen Jiusheng can enter the Immortal Mountain from time to time, perhaps a large number of immortal treasures.

Thanks to this, the Cultivation Resources of the Slaying Saint Party are several times richer than the ordinary supreme power!

However, even when Chen Jiusheng entered the Windless Dark World, there was no way to make light inside.

The power of darkness will annihilate everything, even if it is the Supreme, it is impossible to condense a group of luminous power in the windless dark world.

But at this moment, Chen Jiusheng saw Mu Qing's figure.

He saw the vast starry sky behind Mu Qing, and the starry sky avenue that runs through countless stars like a galaxy!

"not good!"

Suddenly, Chen Jiusheng came back to his senses at this time, because Shimen was about to close.

Regardless of whether he would disturb Mu Qing's practice or not, he immediately yelled: "Mu Qing! The Windless Dark World is about to close, come back quickly!"

Being trapped in the Windless Dark Realm is not a trivial matter. Every time the Windless Dark Realm is opened, it takes three years.

Without this restriction, if Mu Qing wanted to stay there for a while, Chen Jiusheng wouldn't mind.

The Sacred Party's resources are still very sufficient. The resources consumed to open the stone gate are not a big deal. The problem is that the stone gate cannot be opened for a long time. This is not something Chen Jiusheng can control!

Mu Qing heard the sound, his eyes opened and closed, and the stars came out like a divine sword.

The avenue of stars behind him turned into a starry sky map.

This is what the big props will look like after they are transformed!

Mu Qing put away the avenue, all the surrounding anomalies disappeared, and then stepped through the air, rushing out of Shimen at the fastest speed.


Shimen slowly closed.

Chen Jiusheng breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that Mu Qing was going very smoothly in the process of condensing the Supreme Dao and reaching the semi-sovereign power. Hearing his words, he came out immediately.

"Congratulations, I want to see that your current strength is much stronger than before, right?"

Chen Jiu looked at Mu Qing with a profound sense of business, and he was surprised that Mu Qing's avenue had just appeared.

Although he only took a look, Chen Jiusheng can be sure that Mu Qing's Supreme Avenue seems to be more powerful than his!

"The Avenue of Stars, this is an incredible and supreme avenue. I didn't expect you to be able to condense this avenue."

"In the past, when I was in the heaven, there have also been several Supremes who possessed the Avenue of Stars. They are all contemporary geniuses, possessing power beyond imagination."

While Chen Jiusheng sighed, there was even a hint of envy.

Chen Jiusheng naturally knew Mu Qing's Avenue of Stars.

He was once the lord of the Celestial Palace, and he had a wide range of knowledge!

In the Heavenly Court at that time, there were many Tianjiao condensing the Avenue of Stars, and everyone was amazing and brilliant.

Chen Jiusheng was very surprised. He didn't expect that Mu Qing was also practicing on the Avenue of Stars, and to a certain extent, it seemed that Mu Qing's Avenue of Stars was even more powerful than those of the Supreme Heavenly Pride of Heaven.

This made him have to sigh that the existences that can be cultivated into the starry sky are indeed god-defying figures at the level of evildoers.

Mu Qing smiled slightly, and did not explain too much.

Obviously, Chen Jiusheng didn't know the Heavenly Emperor's Starry Sky Supreme Plan.

He didn't have any doubts or curiosity about Mu Qing's cultivation of the Avenue of Stars.

The entire universe is so big, and it is not uncommon to have several cultivating the same kind of avenue at the same time.

Such as Killing Supreme and Killing the Great.

If Slaughter the Great Emperor's own power breaks through the Supreme, even if it has been chasing the Slaughter Avenue, it may become the Slaughter Avenue.

Gathering the Supreme Way, the power you chase is a factor, but the most important factor is uncontrollable.

Before fully condensing the Supreme Dao, it is almost impossible to know in advance what kind of power one's Dao is.

Otherwise, the astrological emperor would not have been stuck in this state for so long.

"According to the conditions stated earlier, you must bring a chaos creature over and help us find the chaos temple before I will go to help you fight the evil gods together."

Chen Jiusheng talked about business at this time.

He changed his conversation, "However, according to the news that I found out by the eyeliner of the Desperate Party, the evil gods and the heavens were confronted. They discovered the power of the origin of the chaotic universe, but the power of the origin was taken away, so Always searching the whereabouts of that person."

"During the period, the Emperor of Heaven and the evil gods fought several times, but they were all just tests and didn't fight seriously."

Chen Jiusheng looked at Mu Qing and said with a chuckle: "Therefore, we are not in a hurry to fight the evil gods together."

"Of course, as long as you bring a chaotic creature over, I can always get out of my way to the Hunyuan Realm with you to fight against the evil gods."

Mu Qing nodded, "So the best!"

He didn't have to let Chen Jiu go to Hunyuan Realm before his death.

After all, the attention of evil gods is still on the original power of the chaotic universe.

Mu Qing didn't know how much time he could delay the evil god, but the specific time needed to be determined by Emperor Xuangu's ability.

If Emperor Xuangu keeps hiding, the longer he hides, the longer he delays.

At present, the only thing Mu Qing can be sure of is that no matter which side of the emperor is the emperor or the evil god, after the two of them get the power of the chaotic universe, they will discover the problem in about a month, and realize that it is only a small part of the power. Not true origin.

"It would be great if the Emperor of Heaven and the Evil God were both defeated."

Mu Qing sighed in his heart, this was the scene he wanted to see most.

Injuries of this level will not be good for recovery without spending decades or hundreds of years.

But whether it is the emperor or the evil god, they are more cautious than he thought. It is clear that the temptation of the origin of the chaotic universe is right in front of them. The two just kept searching and did not really fight each other. The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1306 Avenue of Stars), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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