Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1315: Memory pieces

When he saw the huge chaotic corpse in front of him, the king's body trembled and was horrified.

The four words of supreme realm blurted out!

Mu Qing was also slightly surprised.

He understands the meaning of the king.

The corpse of this chaotic creature in front of him was really in the supreme realm during his lifetime.

After breaking the limit of ordinary chaotic creatures, breaking through to the supreme realm, his body size also reached one hundred thousand feet.

"In the land of chaos, is there anyone else who has broken the limit?"

Mu Qing couldn't help but look at King Hun.

The King Hun shook his head, still with an unbelievable expression, looking at the corpse of the chaotic creature in front of him.

"There is no one else. In the entire Chaos Land, only the Chaos God has broken through the limit!"

Chen Jiusheng on the side was a little confused, and Mu Qing and King Hun also had a dreamlike feeling.

It's incredible!

Even Mu Qing couldn't believe it for a while.

It means...Is this huge corpse of a chaotic creature in front of you a chaos god?

The rumors are extremely mysterious, and it is even possible that the Chaos God, who is another identity of the old emperor, has just fallen in the foot area of ​​the Immortal Mountain?

"Something is wrong, this corpse should have fallen for many years. Why hasn't there been any news before?"

The king frowned.

"It was only discovered some time ago, and there was no corpse here at the beginning."

"I speculate that either someone put the corpse here suddenly, or the corpse was originally hidden somewhere in the mountainside or top area, and it fell down some time ago."

Chen Jiusheng analyzed.

In the beginning, there was indeed no corpse of this chaotic creature.

But in Immortal Mountain, this place is very mysterious, and some unusual things are not special.

King Hun still had difficulty concealing his excitement.

The Chaos God, who had been circulating in the land of Chaos for not knowing how many years, appeared in front of him.

And it turned into a corpse!

"How? Any clues?"

Chen Jiusheng asked that he was most concerned about whether King Hun could find some clues on the corpse and use this to find the Chaos Temple.

The King Hun did not reply, but strode forward and touched the corpse.

I saw a wave of chaotic power gushing out of his body, intending to cover the entire corpse.

But it can be clearly seen that King Hun is a little struggling, and some sweat is already emerging on his forehead.

"Mu Qing, come and help me!"

The King Hun suddenly shouted.

Mu Qing hurriedly stepped forward, "What do I need to do?"

"Just instill the power of Chaos into my body."

The King Hun gave a low cry.

Upon seeing this, Mu Qing sat cross-legged behind King Hun while urging the chaotic singularity.

Suddenly, the power of chaos poured into the body of King Hun like a river.

The king was shocked.

He knew that Mu Qing had a chaotic singularity. Although he was not a chaotic creature, he also possessed authentic chaotic power.

But he didn't expect that Mu Qing could burst out such a powerful force of Chaos, not at all under those ancient Chaos creatures in the Land of Chaos.

With such a powerful boost, the Chaos King immediately consumed a large amount of Chaos power, condensing into chaotic runes and imprinting on the corpse in front of him.

The originally huge body of one hundred thousand feet actually began to shrink at an astonishing speed.

But this consumption is also abnormally terrifying.

Mu Qing frowned, and in a short period of time, he actually consumed the power of the chaotic singularity.

As a last resort, Mu Qing used the power of the only remaining Chaos Origin.

"this is?!"

The king who had received this strength suddenly shrank his pupils.

Although the quantity is small, the quality completely surpasses the ordinary power of chaos!

"It's the origin of chaos!"

Suddenly, King Hun's heart was shaken.

As a creature of chaos, how could he not recognize this power.

The power of chaos is itself derived from the origin of the chaotic universe.

In other words, Mu Qing's chaotic light is the advanced energy of the power of chaos!

Although this power is small, it is of great help to the King of Chaos. He immediately split this power into tens of thousands, and then combined with his own chaotic power to condense new chaotic runes.

These chaotic runes were imprinted on the corpse of the suspected chaotic god.

After about half an hour, the corpse shrank to a height of five meters.

At this time, white lights emerged from the corpse.

"This is a fragment of memory."

"There are many memory fragments excavated, and the three of us are responsible for some of them."

The King Hun immediately let out a low cry, and at the same time he controlled the power of Chaos, and evenly divided the hundreds of white lights in front of him in front of Mu Qing, Chen Jiusheng and himself.

Chen Jiusheng's eyes condensed, and he nodded to indicate that he understood.

There were only a few fragments of memory that they had excavated from this corpse at the time.

But fortunately, these few memory fragments contain the news that the Chaos Temple is in the Void Wind Realm.

But now, the King of Chaos obviously used the special means of being a chaotic creature to forcibly dig out all the memory fragments retained in the corpse.

But the strength of this corpse during his lifetime was good, and these memory fragments were not digestible by ordinary people.

If there is too much contact, it will cause confusion in one's memory and even impair the reason.

Divide these memory fragments in front of you into three parts and absorb and digest each other, which is the best choice.

Mu Qing reached out and took the initiative to contact these memory fragments, and a white light suddenly enveloped Mu Qing's eyes.

Soon, countless pictures of light and shadow flickered in front of Mu Qing's eyes, and among them, the body of this suspected chaotic **** corpse appeared many times, walking in the world of virtual wind.

Although there are many memory fragments, there are not many memory fragments with substantive information.

Even the content of many memory fragments is completely nothing.

Afterwards, Mu Qing saw that the chaotic creature resisted a series of void storms, but was unharmed.

The next moment, an even more startling scene appeared.

A large white storm was crushed to pieces by the chaotic creatures!

This strength has definitely reached the supreme, maybe it is really a chaos god!

Then there was a fault in the memory segment, and after a void, another scene appeared.

The chaotic creatures held a temple in their hands and threw it away. In the end, the temple was swallowed by layers of void storms.

Mu Qing was shocked when he saw this, could it be said that this is really the God of Chaos? And was the Chaos Temple just thrown away somewhere in the Void Wind Realm?

At this time, Mu Qing also realized that the memory fragments he saw now were exactly the part of the memory discovered by the Annihilation Party.

Among them, the memory fragments about the specific location have been damaged and turned into nothingness, so it is not known where the chaotic creature was the chaos temple that was lost in the Void Wind Realm.

Subsequently, the memory picture that Mu Qing saw fell into nothingness again. The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1315 Memory Fragment), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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