Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1317: Successfully found the temple

Everyone looked at the shrunken corpse of the chaos **** in front of them, and fell into contemplation.

Although most of the memory images in the memory fragments were nothingness, the news they received was enough to make them feel astonished.

The God of God and Chaos God are the same person.

When this news spreads, I am afraid that all forces in the entire universe will be shocked by it.

At the same time, Mu Qing and others are also very curious.

Who is the opponent of Chaos God?

The corpse of the Chaos God in front of him may not be a corpse in the true sense.

After all, according to the picture in the memory fragment, at last the old emperor walked out of the body of the Chaos God, which shows that the other party has not really fallen.

In the end, the emperor didn't know where he was going, and it was very likely that he had changed his identity again and was hiding somewhere.

"There is not much specific news about the Chaos Temple, but there is a clue that the Chaos God has wandered around the Immortal Mountain for a long time. Maybe we can find the Chaos Temple in a few areas near the Immortal Mountain."

The King Hun said.

At this time, he also completely believed the news of the Desperate Party, that the Chaos Temple was indeed in the Void Wind Realm.

Although I don't know who left the rumors in the Land of Chaos, the facts are before my eyes after all.

The King of Chaos put away the shrinking corpse of the Chaos God in a storage space.

This may be just a shell of disguise, but after all, it symbolizes the **** of chaos, and the king wants to bring it back to the land of chaos.

In this regard, Mu Qing and Chen Jiusheng have no opinion.

"I'm fairly familiar with the area near Mount Immortal. I'll take you there."

Chen Jiusheng touched his chin and said.

The advantage of their Sacred Party is that after possessing the aura of dark power, they can drive out the surrounding void storms to a certain extent.

For others, wandering around Immortal Mountain is definitely an unwise decision, where white storms often appear.

But now, the biggest threat, Void Storm can be ignored.

They can completely ignore them all the way, even when they encounter a white storm!

Mu Qing smoothly searched for some heavenly materials and earth treasures that contained indestructible power, and at the same time looked at the indestructible mountain many times.

It is really big here.

Chen Jiusheng saw this and smiled: "I advise you not to have too many thoughts. This mountain foot area can come at any time and there is no danger, but once you enter the mountainside area, you will face some unknown dangers, even I can't guarantee that I can keep you."

"Naturally, I won't overpower myself."

Mu Qing shook his head.

He is still in the semi-superior realm now, and it is estimated that he does not even have the qualifications to enter the mountainside area.

But I believe it will not be too far from that day!

At this moment, while following Chen Jiusheng, Mu Qing was thinking about a question.

Now that the Emperor of Heaven is entangled by the evil gods, both of them are looking for the whereabouts of Emperor Xuangu.

At the same time, Mu Qing also has the power of Chaos Origin to hide his breath.

If oneself broke through to the supreme realm at this time, wouldn't the emperor that day be completely unaware of it?

At that time, with a more powerful self, perhaps he could give the Emperor a surprise.

"If I have time, maybe I can practice the destiny form as much as possible, which is much more powerful than the state of the starry sky demon god, plus the magical powers that use the power of air transport, you can also think about it."

Mu Qing already had some plans in his mind.

During this six months, practice as much as possible.

Cultivation in the form of destiny will definitely bring him even more powerful strength.

As for the Supreme Realm... Mu Qing is not sure yet!

In half a year, can it really cross from Semi-Supreme to Supreme?

Even Mu Qing, who had soared his realm of strength all the way, couldn't be sure, not to mention that he hadn't even condensed the supreme weapon yet.

At this time, Chen Jiusheng took the two of them away from the Mountain of Immortality and began to investigate the area near the Mountain.

These areas are actually places where void storms converge, and no one enters these places at all.

"I feel it!"

After a long time, King Hun's face was happy, he noticed that the power of Chaos in his body had changed!

Mu Qing was also slightly surprised, because his chaotic singularity also trembled a few times.

Is it possible that the Temple of Chaos and the power of Chaos can really resonate?

Chen Jiusheng was also full of joy when he saw this. The Desperate Party had been searching for the Chaos Temple for so long, and finally he was there!

Inside, it is possible that there is hidden power that can counter evil gods!

"Where?" Chen Jiusheng asked quickly.

The King Hun closed his eyes and sensed carefully, and then pointed to the place to the right of the crowd.

"In this direction!"

Suddenly, the three of them hurriedly headed towards the air.

Along the way, all the void storms they encountered were avoiding them, and soon the three of them saw an area shrouded by countless void storms.

"It should be here."

The King Hun shouted in a low voice.

Chen Jiusheng nodded and saw the strangeness.

On the way, whenever he encounters a void storm, he will take the initiative to detour and not approach the three.

Only these void storms in front of them, after the three of them approached, felt the aura of the power of darkness, but they did not dissipate, as if they were completely unaware.

This has revealed some anomalies.

"Let's go in together."

A phantom of the main road appeared behind Chen Jiusheng, with a giant dragon hovering on it, and a wave of immortal energy enveloped the three of them.

It was the first time that Mu Qing saw Chen Jiusheng's true skills, the great celestial spirit lingered, there was a huge dragon lying around, and it exuded a majestic breath.

Afterwards, Chen Jiusheng appeared in his hand with a big sword with the red pattern of Shuanglong, wrapped around the handle of the knife.

I saw him cut away with a single knife, and all the void storms in front of him were shattered, born abruptly in countless void storms, cutting out a spacious road!

These are dark storms, but in front of Chen Jiusheng, they are extremely vulnerable.

The King Hun originally wanted to make a move, after all, he was also the supreme combat power, but seeing that Chen Jiusheng had already taken action, he condensed his power back.

Chen Jiusheng took the two forward.

He also regarded King Hun as a semi-superior powerhouse, but he didn't know that King Hun's strength could actually be comparable to the supreme.

"Sure enough, here!"

Soon, the eyes of the three of them lit up, and they saw a temple filled with chaos towering in the void, surrounded by void storms.

"Strange, we should have searched for this area when the Slayer Party had also searched for it, why didn't we see it at the time?

Chen Jiusheng touched his chin, feeling curious.

"Don't worry about so much, go in first!"

The King Hun quickly left and came to the front of the Chaos Temple in a flash.

Among the three, the most excited is the King of Mixers.

Because this temple in front of me is left by the Chaos God!

He wanted to know what the Chaos God had left in it, and whether there was a secret for the Chaos creatures to break through the limit? The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1317 Successfully found the temple), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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